If you are having pay issues

Actions to take and resources to consult, including how to address missing pay and tax-related issues.

Services and information

Report a problem with your pay

What to do if you are not getting paid or getting paid incorrectly

Request an emergency salary advance or priority payment

What you can do if you haven't been paid or are missing pay

Overpayments and options to repay them

How overpayments may affect your taxes


Flexible recovery options

Flexible repayment of overpayments, emergency salary advances and priority payments received by employees

Claims for expenses and financial losses related to Phoenix

Different processes to compensate employees who have been impacted financially by Phoenix


Pay issues

If you find yourself without pay on payday, what should you do? Watch the video: What to do if you’re experiencing pay issues (1.5 minutes)

Transcript: Pay issues

Start of video

[Music plays]

(Text on screen: Public Services and Procurement Canada)

[Shot of Tamara a client contact centre agent.]

(Text on screen: Tamara - Client Contact Centre Agent, Public Services and Procurement.)

Payday should be seamless. If you find yourself without pay on payday, what should you do? My name is Tamara. I’m an agent at the Client Contact Centre and I’m here to help you.

[Animation of cell phone being held by a hand and a list of dollar signs with placeholder information appears followed by a question mark with zero-dollar value.]

[Animation of an employee sitting at his desk looking at his cell phone and frustrated.]

[Animation of three coloured ribbons appear, with Step 1, Step 2 and Step 3 written on them.]

(Text on screen: Step 1, Step 2 and Step 3.)

We understand that this situation is stressful and frustrating. If you are currently a public servant and have not been paid, take these steps to address your pay issue in a timely manner.

[Shot of Tamara.]

First, inform your manager who can help you identify if your issue is related to a pay transaction or a Human Resources matter.

[Animation of two employees facing each other and talking.]

[Animation a client contact centre agent sitting at a desk with a phone headset on.]

Your manager can then assist you with next steps. You may also contact the Client Contact Centre. Agents are available to respond to your questions, and help you resolve your pay issue.

(Text on screen: 1‑855‑686‑4729.)

[Shot of Tamara.]

[Animation a client contact centre agent sitting at a desk with a phone headset on, followed by a Government of Canada Building, followed by a circle with a Canada Flag and mini organizational chart inside]

If your issue can’t be resolved at the Client Contact Centre and requires further investigation, our agents will refer your enquiry to the Pay Centre.

If your department or agency is not served by the Pay Centre, the Client Contact Centre will refer your enquiry to your departmental compensation unit.

[Shot of Tamara.]

Whether or not your department is served by the Pay Centre, you may be eligible for an Emergency Salary Advance. Please speak with your manager who will guide you through the Emergency Salary Advance request process.

If you have any questions or would like to follow up with any enquires, call us at the Client Contact Centre.

(Text on screen: 1‑855‑686‑4729.)

[Music stops]

(Text on screen: Check us out: facebook.com/PSPC.SPAC, instagram.com/pspc_spac, twitter.com/pspc_spac, youtube.com/PWGSCanada)

(Public Services and Procurement Canada signature)

(Canada Wordmark)

End of video


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