Preventing pay issues: Timing matters
With close to 100,000 requests submitted every month for pay adjustments such as actings, new hires, terminations, and transfers between departments, problems arise. Many of these requests are processed automatically when submitted in advance and on time. However, late submissions require time-consuming and complex manual processing by a compensation advisor. This results in processing delays and a growing backlog of unprocessed pay requests.
The key phrase to remember with Phoenix is: timing matters.
Watch the video to learn more about how new pay issues can be prevented.
Transcript: Preventing pay issues: Timing matters
(Upbeat instrumental background music fades in. A young, short-haired man in a blue checkered shirt begins speaking to the camera.)
The Phoenix pay system has caused frustrating and challenging pay issues for employees across the country.
(Music continues in background.)
Compensation experts are working hard to address existing pay problems.
Now this situation isn’t your fault, but you can help prevent new pay problems from happening.
(The scene dissolves to an animated graphical representation of the Phoenix Pay System over a blue map of Canada. Animated pay requests enter the system on the left, and are visually processed successfully through the system to the right. Narration continues.)
Generally, about 300,000 employees receive their regular, bi-weekly pay with few issues.
Problems arise when requests are submitted for pay adjustments, such as actings.
Many of these pay requests are processed automatically when they are submitted on time. However, those submitted late result in processing delays.
(As he says “Generally, about 300,000 employees receive their regular, bi-weekly pay with few issues,” the animated words 300,000 Employees appear in the upper right corner. As he says “many of these pay requests…,” the animated words are replaced with Processed automatically when submitted on time. As he says “However, those submitted late result in processing delays,” the animated words are replaced with Processing delays when submitted late.
A Caution! logo appears in the pay system graphic, and we see animated pay request delays piling up at the bottom of the screen.)
For example, it’s very common for acting paperwork to be submitted after an acting has started making it difficult to process. As a result, employees may have to wait months to get their acting pay.
(Our narrator returns and continues speaking to the camera. He is now on the left side of the screen. A graphic representation of a monthly calendar appears on the right side of the screen. As he speaks, animated pages of the calendar tear off and disappear.)
When acting information is entered into Phoenix before an acting starts, employees will receive their acting pay on the next available pay.
(Narration and animated calendar continue.)
The key phrase to remember with Phoenix is: timing matters. You can help prevent new pay issues by taking three simple actions:
(The calendar disappears, and our narrator moves to the centre of the screen. As he says “Timing matters”, he spreads his hands apart and the animated words TIMING MATTERS appear in capital letters across his chest. The animated words quickly drop and disappear.)
First, learn how to use Phoenix. Public service pay is complex, and using Phoenix can be challenging. Understanding how to use Phoenix will help prevent new pay issues. Take the online training today.
(Our narrator moves to the left side of the screen. As he says “First, learn how to use Phoenix,” an animated graphic of a laptop computer appears on the right side of the screen. The laptop reads: Learn how to use Phoenix and Take the online training today.)
Second, plan ahead: Phoenix works better when pay requests are entered on time. Submitting requests for actings or term renewals before they happen will help in providing quick, trouble-free payments. Overtime added within six months is completely automated and will appear on your next pay.
(The laptop drops and is replaced by the animated words PLAN AHEAD over an animated graphic of an alarm clock with turning hour and second hands. As he says “Submitting requests for actings…,” the clock is replaced by the animated laptop which reads REQUEST SUBMITTED along with an animated checkmark. As he says “Overtime added…,” the animated laptop is replaced by 6 animated monthly calendars.)
And finally, approve quickly. Managers should approve their employees pay requests as soon as they are submitted. Get into a regular routine of checking for requests awaiting approvals and submit completed hiring paperwork for students and new employees as soon as possible. This will help get your employees paid as quickly as possible.
(As he says “and finally, approve quickly…,” the 6 animated monthly calendars are replaced by the animated words APPROVE QUICKLY. As he says “pay requests,” the animated words PAY REQUEST appear in a box. As our narrator points to the box and says “as soon as they are submitted,” the box changes into a check mark. As he says “Get into a regular routine of checking for requests awaiting approvals,” he points and the animated words Check for requests awaiting approval appear. As he says “and submit completed hiring paperwork for students and new employees as soon as possible,” he points and the animated words Submit hiring paperwork as soon as possible appear. Our narrator says “This will help get your employees paid as quickly as possible.”)
(Fade to white.)
(The animated words Visit for more information appear on screen.)
(Public Services and Procurement Canada logo appears.)
(Government of Canada logo appears.)
(Background music fades.)
(Fade to black.)
Actions to take to prevent pay issues
Submit Phoenix pay requests on time to help avoid lengthy processing waits
By submitting Phoenix pay requests early, you help employees get paid on time and accurately. Plan ahead so that requests are submitted in time for the Pay Centre to process them.
Remember to submit:
- requests for actings or term renewals before they happen
- overtime within 6 months of when it was performed
Watch the video to learn why it is important to submit your requests early.
Transcript: Plan ahead
Start of clip.
(Upbeat instrumental background music fades in. A young, short-haired man in a blue checkered shirt begins speaking to the camera.)
The Phoenix pay system has caused frustrating and challenging pay issues for employees across the country.
(Music continues in background.)
Compensation experts are working hard to address existing pay problems.
Now this situation isn’t your fault, but you can help prevent new pay problems from happening.
Plan ahead: Phoenix works better when pay requests are entered on time. Submitting requests for actings or term renewals before they happen will help in providing quick, trouble-free payments. Overtime added within six months is completely automated and will appear on your next pay.
(The animated words PLAN AHEAD appear over an animated graphic of an alarm clock with turning hour and second hands. As he says “Submitting requests for actings…,” the clock is replaced by the animated laptop which reads REQUEST SUBMITTED along with an animated checkmark. As he says “Overtime added…,” the animated laptop is replaced by 6 animated monthly calendars.)
(Fade to white.)
(The animated words Visit for more information appear on screen.)
(Public Services and Procurement Canada logo appears.)
(Government of Canada logo appears.)
(Background music fades.)
(Fade to black.)
End of clip.
Approve employee pay requests as soon as possible to ensure employees get paid quickly
Approving requests in a timely manner is a vital step to ensure employees get paid as quickly as possible. It’s important that managers get into the habit of checking requests regularly to make sure that employee requests are approved as soon as they are submitted. These types of requests include:
- overtime
- leave
- student and regular hiring paperwork
Watch the video to learn why managers should approve requests as quickly as possible.
Transcript: Approve quickly
Start of clip.
(Upbeat instrumental background music fades in. A young, short-haired man in a blue checkered shirt begins speaking to the camera.)
The Phoenix pay system has caused frustrating and challenging pay issues for employees across the country.
(Music continues in background.)
Compensation experts are working hard to address existing pay problems.
Now this situation isn’t your fault, but you can help prevent new pay problems from happening.
Approve quickly. Managers should approve their employees pay requests as soon as they are submitted. Get into a regular routine of checking for requests awaiting approvals and submit completed hiring paperwork for students and new employees as soon as possible. This will help get your employees paid as quickly as possible.
(As he says “Approve quickly…,” the animated words APPROVE QUICKLY appear on the right. As he says “pay requests,” the animated words PAY REQUEST appear in a box. As our narrator points to the box and says “as soon as they are submitted,” the box changes into a check mark. As he says “Get into a regular routine of checking for requests awaiting approvals,” he points and the animated words Check for requests awaiting approval appear. As he says “and submit completed hiring paperwork for students and new employees as soon as possible,” he points and the animated words Submit hiring paperwork as soon as possible appear. Our narrator says “This will help get your employees paid as quickly as possible.”)
(Fade to white.)
(The animated words Visit for more information appear on screen.)
(Public Services and Procurement Canada logo appears.)
(Government of Canada logo appears.)
(Background music fades.)
(Fade to black.)
End of clip.
Take the training to familiarize yourself with how the pay system works
As part of efforts to address pay issues and support employees, Phoenix training is available.
Watch the video to find out why it is important to take the Phoenix training.
Transcript: Learn to use Phoenix
Start of clip.
(Upbeat instrumental background music fades in. A young, short-haired man in a blue checkered shirt begins speaking to the camera.)
The Phoenix pay system has caused frustrating and challenging pay issues for employees across the country.
(Music continues in background.)
Compensation experts are working hard to address existing pay problems. Now this situation isn’t your fault, but you can help prevent new pay problems from happening.Learn how to use Phoenix. Public service pay is complex, and using Phoenix can be challenging. Understanding how to use Phoenix will help prevent new pay issues. Take the online training today.
(Our narrator moves to the left side of the screen. As he says “Learn how to use Phoenix,” an animated graphic of a laptop computer appears on the right side of the screen. The laptop reads: Learn how to use Phoenix and Take the online training today.)
(Fade to white.)
(The animated words Visit for more information appear on screen.)
(Public Services and Procurement Canada logo appears.)
(Government of Canada logo appears.)
(Background music fades.)
(Fade to black.)
End of clip.
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