The Progress Report on the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy (FSDS)

The Federal Sustainable Development Act, passed in June 2008, requires, among other things, the tabling of a government-wide Federal Sustainable Development Strategy (FSDS) and a report on the progress of the federal government in implementing the FSDS at least once every three years.

Submitted by the Sustainable Development Office of Environment Canada to the Minister of the Environment, the 2012 Progress Report on the FSDS presents the federal government's progress toward meeting the goals and targets as laid out in the FSDS up to July 2012. As this is the first Progress Report which demonstrates substantive progress against the FSDS goals and targets, it serves as a baseline against which future progress can be measured.

The 2012 Progress Report on the FSDS:

The Canada Revenue Agency's (CRA's) input into the Progress Report reflects our contribution to the goal of Theme IV of the FSDS: Shrinking the Environmental Footprint - Beginning with Government. The path for meeting this goal is outlined in the CRA SD Strategy 2011-2014, which commits the Agency to make progress on the greening government operations targets in the areas of greenhouse gas emissions, electronic waste, printing units, paper consumption, green meetings and green procurement.

To learn more about the CRA's implementation strategies and corresponding performance information for 2011-2012, please see the Greening Government Operations Supplementary Table of the Agency's Departmental Performance Report.

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