Self-Confidence (SCF)

Definition: Self-Confidence is believing in one's own capability to select an effective approach to accomplish a task or activity in increasingly challenging circumstances.

Core Motivation: To believe in one's own abilities.

Consider the progression of the scale when reviewing the underlying notions and related types of behaviours.

Progression of the scale: degree of challenge and personal risk to the individual
Scale Underlying Notion Types of Behaviours

Level 1

Trusting one's own ability to undertake activities

  • Undertakes routine work activities.
  • Works independently, without requiring ongoing reassurance from others.

Level 2

Maintaining confidence when challenged

  • Remains confident in own capabilities or decisions when challenged by others or by the situation.
  • Presents own opinion and discusses issues or facts of the situation.

Level 3

Providing expertise in a challenging situation

  • Presents one's self as an expert or leader when challenged by stating own position in a confident manner.
  • Politely and tactfully disagrees with others.
  • Demonstrates one's knowledge, skills, abilities, or experience in an appropriate manner.
  • Anticipates possible challenges and prepares to respond accordingly.

Level 4

Behaving constructively when difficult to do so

  • Tackles highly challenging or risky situations.
  • Addresses challenges in a constructive and convincing manner.
  • Willing to challenge others when appropriate.
  • Presents views professionally and with assurance.
  • Defends unpopular decisions or minority opinions.

Tips for understanding Self-Confidence (SCF)

Purpose: Employees that possess self-confidence trust in their own ability to complete their tasks and face challenges, which is essential to CRA meeting its business goals and objectives.

Someone demonstrating self-confidence remains poised and self-assured when challenged. Self-confidence is usually seen when someone is being challenged because of decisions or recommendations they are making or presenting.

In the progression of the scale, the degree of challenge refers to internal or external challenges. At lower levels the challenge comes from within yourself or the situation. At higher levels, the challenge comes from others who have differing opinions or who may question your expertise. The personal risk refers to your personal credibility. At lower levels there is a low risk since your credibility is not really being tested and the consequences are not as significant as at the higher levels where your credibility is being tested and this may have consequences for your career or the organization.

Self-confidence means... Self-confidence does not mean...
speaking in a confident and assured manner even when you do not immediately know how to respond sounding uncertain when you do not immediately know how to respond
seeking out new challenges and responsibilities where the outcome is uncertain playing it safe by taking on tasks that are familiar or where the outcome is certain
defending your ideas or position if challenged, including challenges by more senior employees backing down or remaining silent when someone criticizes your ideas or position
believing that your course of action is the correct one even when initial attempts may fail changing plans at the first sign of failure or dissent
taking action based on your expertise and understanding of the situation double-checking all your ideas with others, and waiting for their agreement before taking action

Links to other competencies

Self-Confidence is often required for many other behavioural competencies. The following are some examples of competencies which are supported by Self-Confidence. Initiative, Impact and Influence, and Decisiveness all require some Self-Confidence to take action, influence others and make decisions. Self-Confidence is also needed for Conflict Resolution to address conflicts and Dealing with Difficult Situations to control your emotions in difficult situations. Teamwork and Cooperation requires Self-Confidence to contribute your ideas and expertise to others on the team.

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