New members appointed to the Independent Advisory Board on Eligibility for Journalism Tax Measures

News release

September 4, 2024                                                     Ottawa, Ontario                                                        Canada Revenue Agency

The Government of Canada has announced the appointment of new members to the Independent Advisory Board on Eligibility for Journalism Tax Measures (Advisory Board).

The Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau, Minister of National Revenue, welcomes the new members of the Advisory Board.

The following members were appointed effective June 21, 2024:

  • Brenda O’Farrell – Saint-Lazare, Quebec
  • Michael Eric Cooke – Toronto, Ontario

The following members were appointed effective September 25, 2024:

  • Ravindra N. Mohabeer – Toronto, Ontario
  • Margo Marian Goodhand – Victoria, British Columbia (current member – upcoming Vice-Chairperson)

Advisory Board members are appointed by the Governor in Council – the Governor General acting on the advice of Cabinet. The Governor in Council appointment process is an open, transparent and merit-based process designed to identify highly qualified candidates who reflect Canada’s diversity. 

The Advisory Board is an independent body whose mandate is to:

  • provide an independent assessment and a non-binding recommendation to the Minister of National Revenue (Minister) as to whether an organization that applies for designation as a qualified Canadian journalism organization (QCJO) satisfies certain conditions set out in the Income Tax Act; and
  • provide advice on any other matter relating to any journalism tax measure that the Minister refers to the Advisory Board.

With these new appointments, the Advisory Board is fully constituted with seven members representing various regions across Canada—the maximum number of members allowed under the Advisory Board Order in Council.

Minister Bibeau also wishes to recognize and thank the departing Advisory Board Vice-Chairperson, Kim Kierans, of Halifax, Nova Scotia, whose term ends September 24, 2024.

For more information about the new members and the work of the Independent Advisory Board on Eligibility for Journalism Tax Measures, visit


“The Independent Advisory Board on Eligibility for Journalism Tax Measures assists the Government in delivering support for Canadian journalism organizations. I am pleased to welcome the new members, whose knowledge and expertise will be invaluable as they undertake this important work to support the Canadian journalism sector.” 

- The Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau, Minister of National Revenue

Quick facts

  • The government proposed tax measures to support journalism in Budget 2019 and the legislation received Royal Assent on June 21st, 2019.

  • In March 2020, as a result of the tax measures to support Canadian journalism organizations, the government created the Independent Advisory Board on Eligibility for Journalism Tax Measures by way of Order in Council and appointed its first members. 

  • The Advisory Board is mandated to provide an independent assessment and make written, non-binding recommendations as to whether an organization meets certain criteria to be designated as a QCJO, which is the gateway to be eligible for the tax measures that support Canadian journalism.

  • The new member bios can be found at Independent Advisory Board on Eligibility for Journalism Tax Measures.

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Justine Lesage
Director of Communications
Office of the Minister of National Revenue

Media Relations
Canada Revenue Agency

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