ARCHIVED - Income Tax – Technical News
No. 27
April 17, 2003
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In This Issue
The Income Tax Technical News is produced by the Policy and Legislation Branch. It is provided for information purposes only and does not replace the law. If you have any comments or suggestions about the matters discussed in this publication, please send them to:
Manager, Technical Publications and Projects Section
Income Tax Rulings Directorate
Policy and Legislation Branch
Canada Customs and Revenue Agency
Ottawa ON K1A 0L5
or by e-mail at:
The Income Tax Technical News can be found on the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency Internet site.
Archived Interpretation Bulletins
In our efforts to streamline our interpretative publications and to focus our efforts on updating the most frequently used Interpretation Bulletins (ITs), the CCRA will now maintain separate pages on its web site for current and for archived ITs. As there are numerous ITs, and their subject matter so varied, this collection of information has become quite cumbersome to maintain and difficult to update on a timely basis for changes in law or interpretation. The exercise of archiving old and outdated ITs will allow us to concentrate our efforts on revising those of interest to our clients.
Archived ITs will include those that are no longer relevant due to changes in the law or changes in our interpretation of the law, as well as those that are seldom used, either because the subject matter is covered in other CCRA publications or because the information presented is no longer of interest.
However as certain information within these documents has important historical value, these archived ITs will still be accessible on our web site. It should be noted that great caution should be used when referring to these documents, as the provisions or policies they discuss may no longer be in force.
It will be possible in the future for an archived IT to be reviewed and reinstated as current, if interest in the subject matter is revivedwhether as a result of new legislation, jurisprudence or for any other reason.
Although we will endeavour to keep as up to date as possible publications identified as current, caution should nevertheless be used when relying on them. The comments in an IT on a particular topic are not an exhaustive reiteration of all of the provisions related to the topic, nor are ITs written in such a way to cover every possible circumstance or scenario. Rather, ITs are meant to provide guidance with respect to widely-used provisions of the Income Tax Act that apply to the more usual transactions or situations. In addition, while the comments in a particular paragraph of an IT may relate to provisions of the law in force at the time they were made, such comments are not a substitute for the law. Taxpayers contemplating a transaction that is seemingly covered in a bulletin should ensure there have been no subsequent court decisions or changes in the law that may affect the interpretation provided in the bulletin.
For any interpretative matters relating to the current income tax legislation, please contact the Income Tax Rulings Directorate either by email at:
or through our telephone enquiries service at (613) 957-8953.
Any comments relating to specific ITs can be sent by email to
List of Archived Interpretation Bulletins
The publications listed below will now be found in the Archived Income Tax Interpretation Bulletins section of the CCRA Web site at the following address:
IT-111R2, Annuities Purchased from Charitable Organizations
IT-150R2, Acquisition From a Non-resident of Certain Property on Death or Mortgage Foreclosure or by Virtue of a Deemed Disposition
IT-156R, Feedlot Operators
IT-183, Foreign Tax Credit Member of a Partnership
IT-254R2, Fishermen Employees and seafarers Value of rations and quarters
IT-314, Income of Dealers in Oil and Gas Leases
IT-316, Awards for Employees' Suggestions and Inventions
IT-317R, Capital Cost Allowance Radio and Television Equipment
IT-319, Cost of Obligations Owned on December 31, 1971
IT-321R, Insurance Agents and Brokers Unearned Commissions
IT-323, Sale of Mortgage Included in Proceeds of Disposition of Depreciable Property
IT-338, Partnership Interests Effects on Adjusted Cost Base Resulting from the Admission or Retirement of a Partner
IT-370, Trusts Capital Property Owned on December 31, 1971
IT-374, Meaning of "Settlor"
IT-388, Income Bonds Issued by Foreign Corporations
IT-392, Meaning of the term "share"
IT-409, Winding-up of a non-profit organization
IT-446R, Legacies
IT-449R, Meaning of "Vested Indefeasibly"
IT-452, Utility Service Connections
IT-461, Forfeited Deposits
IT-483, Credit Unions
IT-488R2, Winding-up of 90% Owned Taxable Canadian Corporations
IT-493, Agency Cooperative Corporations
Income Tax Publications Subscriber List
The CCRA is introducing a new electronic mailing list to advise our subscribers of all new income tax related technical publications (ITs, TNs, ICs), as well as other matters of interest to tax professionals and taxpayers. To subscribe to this mailing list, please register at the following address:
You will be asked to provide your email address. Note that your privacy is very important to the CCRA. We will not share your information with any other organizations, and only CCRA employees working directly on a specific electronic mailing list will have access to its membership.
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