Farming Income and the AgriStability and AgriInvest Programs Guide – Commodity list
Commodity | Code |
Flowers (edible) | 180 |
Hops | 383 |
Mushrooms (including spawn) | 131 |
Nuts (all) | 140 |
Weeds (edible) | 211 |
Commodity | Code |
Blackberries | 066 |
Blueberries | 067 |
Cranberries | 068 |
Currants (black, red) | 065 |
Elderberries | 074 |
Gooseberries | 069 |
Haskap | 075 |
Loganberries | 070 |
Raspberries | 071 |
Saskatoon berries | 072 |
Sea buckthorn | 076 |
Strawberries | 073 |
Commodity | Code |
Apples | 060 |
Apricots | 091 |
Cantaloupe | 168 |
Cherries (sweet, sour) | 092 |
Fruit juice | 081 |
Grapefruit | 082 |
Grapes | 083 |
Kiwi fruit | 084 |
Lemons | 085 |
Melons | 185 |
Nectarines | 093 |
Oranges | 086 |
Peaches | 094 |
Pears | 095 |
Plums | 096 |
Prunes | 097 |
Watermelon | 087 |
Wine | 088 |
Commodity | Code |
Anise | 101 |
Basil | 102 |
Caraway seed | 103 |
Chervil | 158 |
Chives | 104 |
Cilantro | 105 |
Comfrey | 106 |
Coriander | 107 |
Cumin | 144 |
Dill | 108 |
Echinacea | 142 |
Fennel | 110 |
Fenugreek | 111 |
Fireweed | 377 |
Garlic | 113 |
Gingko biloba | 380 |
Ginseng | 114 |
Lavender | 379 |
Lemon balm | 378 |
Marjoram | 115 |
Mint | 116 |
Monarda | 117 |
Oregano | 118 |
Parsley | 119 |
Pepper | 120 |
Rosemary | 121 |
Sage | 122 |
Salsify | 123 |
St. John's wort | 381 |
Summer savory | 125 |
Tarragon | 126 |
Thyme | 127 |
Watercress | 128 |
Commodity | Code |
Artichokes | 160 |
Arugula/Rocket | 195 |
Asparagus | 161 |
Beans, fresh | 025 |
Beets | 162 |
Bok choi | 163 |
Broccoflower | 164 |
Broccoli | 165 |
Brussels sprouts | 166 |
Cabbage | 167 |
Carrots | 169 |
Cauliflower | 170 |
Celery | 171 |
Chinese vegetables | 173 |
Collards | 174 |
Cucumbers | 175 |
Eggplant | 176 |
Endive | 177 |
Fiddleheads | 179 |
Gherkins | 221 |
Green peas | 223 |
Horseradish | 181 |
Kale | 214 |
Kohlrabi | 182 |
Leeks | 183 |
Lettuce | 184 |
Mustard leaves | 186 |
Okra | 227 |
Onions | 187 |
Parsnip | 190 |
Peppers | 191 |
Potatoes and by-products | 147 |
Pumpkins | 192 |
Radish | 193 |
Rhubarb | 194 |
Rutabagas | 197 |
Shallots | 198 |
Spinach | 201 |
Squash | 202 |
Stevia | 230 |
Sweet corn | 203 |
Sweet peas | 204 |
Sweet potatoes/Yams | 205 |
Swiss chard | 206 |
Tomatoes | 207 |
Turnips | 208 |
Vegetable marrow | 209 |
Witloof chicory | 212 |
Zucchini | 213 |
Commodity | Code |
Cherry tomatoes | 233 |
Cucumbers | 234 |
Lettuce | 235 |
Peppers | 236 |
Tomatoes | 237 |
Commodity | Code |
Bedding plants | 132 |
Flowers and ornamental foliage | 133 |
Fruits and vegetables (non-edible) | 134 |
Seeds and bulbs | 135 |
Shrubs | 136 |
Sod | 137 |
Trees (cultivated Christmas) | 138 |
Trees (fruit and ornamental) | 139 |
Commodity | Code |
Custom feedlot operator income (itemized invoices) – Qualifying feed and protein supplements | 243 |
Custom feedlot operator income (non-itemized invoices) – Qualifying prepared feed | 246 |
Other custom feeding income (itemized) | 576 |
Commodity | Code |
Other feed charges (itemized) | 570 |
Prepared feed and protein supplements (itemized) | 046 |
Prepared feed and purchases (non-itemized) | 571 |
Commodity | Code |
Custom feeding expenses (non-itemized) | 573 |
Livestock owners custom feeding expense (itemized) – Qualifying feed and protein supplements | 577 |
Other custom feeding expenses (itemized) | 572 |
Commodity | Code |
Prepared feed and protein supplements (itemized) | 046 |
Ranch fur operators feed purchases (non-itemized) | 574 |
Ranch fur operators other feed expenses (itemized) | 310 |
Commodity | Code |
Chickens | 366 |
Chickens (non-supply managed) | 590 |
Chickens, eggs (non-supply managed) | 589 |
Chickens, eggs for consumption | 343 |
Chickens, eggs for hatching | 344 |
Ducks | 332 |
Emus | 373 |
Geese | 333 |
Ostriches | 371 |
Partridge | 323 |
Pheasants | 338 |
Pigeons | 327 |
Quail | 324 |
Rheas | 372 |
Silkies | 326 |
Taiwanese chickens | 325 |
Turkeys | 334 |
Turkeys (non-supply managed) | 591 |
Turkey eggs | 342 |
Commodity | Code |
Deferred bison | 151 |
Deferred bovine cattle | 150 |
Deferred deer | 154 |
Deferred elk | 155 |
Deferred goat | 152 |
Deferred horse for PMU sales | 156 |
Deferred other breeding animals | 157 |
Deferred sheep | 153 |
Commodity | Code |
Alpacas | 370 |
Bees, honey | 374 |
Bees, leaf cutter | 312 |
Bison | 350 |
Cattle, calves | 719 |
Cattle, cows and bulls | 706 |
Cattle, fat/slaughter | 720 |
Cattle, feeder | 721 |
Cattle, purebred breeding | 722 |
Chinchilla | 240 |
Deer | 352 |
Dogs (kennels and pet breeding excluded) | 313 |
Donkeys/Mules | 367 |
Elk | 353 |
Fox | 241 |
Goats | 354 |
Groundhogs/Hedgehogs | 369 |
Horses | 316 |
Llamas | 355 |
Mink | 242 |
Pot bellied pigs | 239 |
Rabbits | 356 |
Reindeer | 244 |
Sheep, ewes and rams | 734 |
Sheep, lambs | 723 |
Swine | 341 |
Wild boar | 247 |
Commodity | Code |
Bee by-products | 375 |
Cannabis | 382 |
Elk velvet | 764 |
Fish meal | 263 |
Honey | 129 |
Manure | 318 |
Maple products | 130 |
Milk and cream (cattle) | 319 |
Milk and cream (non-supply managed) | 592 |
Pollination services fee | 376 |
Pregnant mare urine (PMU) | 322 |
Semen and embryos | 712 |
Wood | 259 |
Wool | 328 |
For information on any commodities not included in this listing, contact your Administration.
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