This Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) Program news releases archives page is organized by date.
Pre-Claim Review Launch
SR&ED Program policies – July 2016 update
The Pre-Claim Consultation Launch
SR&ED Self-Assessment and Learning Tool – May 2016 Update
SALT can help you figure out if you can claim R&D tax incentives
Claiming SR&ED tax incentives? There is free information and help
SR&ED Program website redesign
SR&ED financial policy documents – December 2014 update
Canada Revenue Agency supports business innovation with new SR&ED tools and services
Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) program (CRA 2013 Budget News)
CRA delivers enhanced administration and predictability for SR&ED claimants
SR&ED Policy Review Project – December 2012 Update
Notices of Objection for SR&ED eligibility claims – Improved review process
Harper government launches consultations on contingency fees for the SR&ED tax incentive program
Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) program (CRA 2012 Budget News)
The Government of Canada provides financial support to Aldershot Greenhouses Limited in the production of potted mini-roses
Scientific Research and Experimental Development: "Changes will be made to improve the program," declares Minister Blackburn
The Government of Canada provides financial support to Tekna Plasma Systems Inc. for the creation of new technologies
The Government of Canada provides financial support to Les Enductions Repulpables RETEC Inc. for the development of new technologies
The Government of Canada provides financial support for the development of new technologies by Tecnar Automation Ltd.
The Government of Canada provides financial support to Imprimerie Lebonfon Inc. in the development of high-quality printing technologies
Minister Blackburn delivers $928,000 in research and development investment tax credits to Novartis Animal Health Canada
Minister Blackburn delivers more than $1 million in research and development investment tax credits to Atlantic Hydrogen Inc.
Minister Blackburn delivers $121,000 in research and development investment tax credits to Dominion Biologicals Limited
Minister Blackburn delivers $306,000 in research and development investment tax credits to Esporta Wash Systems Inc.
Minister Blackburn delivers $931,000 in research and development investment tax credits to Motion Metrics International Corp
Minister Blackburn delivers $229,000 in research and development investment tax credits to Bluewater Business Solutions
Minister Blackburn delivers $630,000 in research and development investment tax credits to Professional Components Ltd.
Minister Blackburn delivers over $200,000 in research and development investment tax credits to BioChambers Incorporated
Minister Blackburn delivers over $1.5 million in research and development investment tax credits to Solido Design Automation Inc.
Minister Blackburn delivers over $300,000 in research and development investment tax credits to Ground Effects Environmental Services Inc.
Minister Blackburn delivers over $1 million in research and development investment tax credits to Dycor Technologies Ltd.
Minister Blackburn delivers $1.9 million in research and development investment tax credits to Stern Laboratories
Minister Blackburn delivers over $300,000 in research and development investment tax credits to Activplant
Minister Blackburn emphasizes the importance of the $1.1 million received by IPEX Inc. in research and development investment tax credits
Minister Blackburn emphasizes the importance of the $2.2 million received by Optosecurity Inc. in research and development tax credits
Minister of National Revenue addresses Tax Executives Institute at their annual conference
News Release – Claiming Scientific Research and Experimental Development Tax Credit Made Easier for Small Businesses