Change a business operating name

Your operating name is the name you use in your day-to-day activities and to advertise your business. You only need to provide your operating name if it is different from your legal name.


Change, add or delete an existing operating or trade name using your CRA account.

To access My Business Account, sign in to your CRA account and select your Business or Representative account from the Welcome page.

By phone:
Change your business name by phone
Before you call

To verify your identity, you'll need:

  • your business number
  • your business name
  • your complete business address
  • your business account open or an assessed return, notice of assessment, reassessment, or other tax document

If you are calling the CRA on behalf of someone else, you must be an authorized representative.

Telephone number


Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut:

Outside Canada and U.S.:

Table 1 – Business hours
Day Hours
Mon to Fri 8 am to 8 pm
Sat 9 am to 5 pm
Sun Closed

Closed on public holidays

By mail or fax:
Change your business name by mail or fax

Write a letter to include:

Send your letter by mail or by fax to your tax centre. To find the information of your tax centre, go to Find a CRA address.

Related links

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