Deduction for tools (tradespersons)

If you were a tradesperson in 2023, use the following formula to calculate your maximum tradesperson's tools deduction for the cost of eligible tools you bought in 2023.

Maximum deduction for eligible tools is the lesser of:

a) $1,000

b) the amount, if any, determined by the formula

A − $1,368 


A = the lesser of:

1. the total cost of eligible tools that you bought in 2023

2. your income from employment as a tradesperson for the year

plus the amount you received in 2023 under the Apprenticeship Incentive Grant and the Apprenticeship Completion Grant programs

minus the amount of any Apprenticeship Incentive Grant and Apprenticeship Completion Grant overpayments that you had to repay in 2023


In 2023, Karsten is employed as an electrician with ABC Company, and he needs to purchase additional tools for his job. He paid $2,500 for the tools he needed and he earned $45,000 in employment income in 2023 as an electrician.

He calculates his maximum deduction for eligible tools in 2023 as follows:

Maximum deduction for eligible tools is the lesser of:

a) $1,000

b) the amount, if any, determined by the formula

A − $1,368 


A = the lesser of:

1. $2,500

2. $45,000

Karsten's maximum deduction for 2023 is the lesser of $1,000 and $1,132 ($2,500 − $1,368). Karsten claims a deduction of $1,000 on line 22900 of his 2023 income tax and benefit return.

Completing your tax return

Enter your claim on the Tradesperson's tools expenses line (1770) of Form T777, Statement of Employment Expenses.

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