Determine whether you live on Indigenous government lands

If you are a resident of Newfoundland and Labrador, the Northwest Territories, or Yukon, you must identify on your return if you resided on the settlement lands of an Indigenous government.

The Residency information for tax administration agreements section on page 2 of your return includes one or more questions depending on where you live. It is important to fill out this section to make sure that the correct amount of revenue is directed to the appropriate Indigenous government.

You can find out if your residence is on Indigenous government lands with a First Nation Personal Income Tax agreement by using the following table.

Residency information for tax administration agreements
Province or territory Indigenous government Postal codeFootnote 1 What to enter on your return
Newfoundland and Labrador Nunatsiavut Government A0P 1G0
A0P 1J0
A0P 1L0
A0P 1N0
A0P 1P0

If you reside within one of the listed postal code areas, tick Yes under “Residency Information for tax administration agreements” on your return. 

If not, tick No.

Northwest Territories Délı̨nę K’aowǝdó Kǝ (Deline Got’ine) Government
Tłı̨chǫ (Tlicho) Government
X0E 0G0
X0E 0Y0
X0E 1P0
X0E 1R0
X0E 1W0

If you reside within one of the listed postal code areas, tick Yes under “Residency Information for tax administration agreements” on your return.

If not, tick No.


Carcross-Tagish First Nation

Kwanlin Dun First Nation

First Nation of Na-cho Nyak Dun

Tr’ondëk Hwech’in First Nation

Selkirk First Nation

Little Salmon/Carmacks First Nation

Champagnes and Aishihik First Nation

Teslin Tlingit Council

Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation

Ta’an Kwach’an Council

Kluane First Nation


If you reside in the Yukon, your postal code cannot be used to determine if you reside on Indigenous government lands. To confirm, click on the map link in column 2.

If you reside inside the outlined boundary, tick Yes under “Residency Information for tax administration agreements” on your return. If you reside outside the boundary, tick No.

For more information, contact your local Indigenous government.

Change your residency information

If you need to change your residency information, contact the CRA or update your information online using My Account.

If your return is completed for you by an authorized representative (for example, a tax preparer or an accountant), you must inform your representative of your residency change.

Contact the CRA


Our service operates in Eastern Standard Time and is open Monday to Friday from 6:30 am to 11 pm and Saturday from 7:30 am to 8 pm.

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