Actors - remitting non-resident tax

This page contains information for non-resident actors on amounts owing and how to remit an amount owing.

Do I have an amount owing?

Generally, you owe 23% Canadian tax if it was not deducted from income, including payments of residuals and contingent compensation, received for acting services provided in Canada in 2001 and subsequent years.

How do I remit an amount owing?

To remit tax owed on residuals or contingent compensation income, or on the base compensation for your acting services, complete Form NR603, Remittance of non-resident tax on income from film or video acting services, using the instructions provided on page 2 of the form. Send the form, with your cheque made payable to the Receiver General for Canada, to:


We will process your payment and send you a notice of assessment. You can use the notice of assessment to claim a foreign tax credit in the country where you live. We will charge interest on late payments.

The 23% withholding tax is your final tax liability to Canada. However, you may be able to reduce the amount of tax you have to pay by choosing to file a Canadian income tax return under section 216.1 of the Canadian Income Tax Act.

As a non-resident actor, you do not have to remit the 23% tax on the following income:

To find out whether filing a return would be beneficial for you or if you have an amount owing, contact the CRA's tax services office in Montréal, Toronto Centre, or Vancouver.

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