XML technical specifications

Data records filed must match our exact specifications. This allows us to process the data efficiently and avoids having to ask you for clarification.

These specifications are subject to change.

If you need to use any of the following special characters, please use a semi-colon after the characters as shown in the chart below:

Special characters Use
< &lt;
" &quot;
> &gt;
' &apos;
& &amp;

Note: Although the above special characters are entered as 4 characters or more, they are considered to be only 1 character when entered in the content area of an XML tag.

Example: John Smith & Sons will be entered as John Smith &amp; Sons

The first line of your file should describe the character encoding that you used to create your file.

Example: If you used ISO-8859-1, then you would start with
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

Programming requirements

Things to remember

The procedures below are general guidelines to remember when filing your listings. When you submit your files using the XML standard, remember these points:

Please visit the Canada Post's website for more information on addressing guidelines.

Before submitting your listing to the Registered Plans Directorate, please make sure that it follows the XML standard and the guidelines listed on our website.

The CRA is responsible for protecting information after it has been received, and has appropriate security measures to make sure that information is protected within the CRA

Your submission must meet the CRA guidelines and specifications as stated in these pages. If your submission does not meet these requirements, it will not be reviewed. You will then have to resubmit your registration listings in the proper format.

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