Drug and health products
Product licences, inspections, buying and using products safely, side effects, recalls and complaints
Services and information
Drugs and medication
Drug product database, medicine (prescription), cannabis, smoking, vaping, safe consumption, production, selling, licensing, regulations.
Licensing, authorizing and manufacturing drug and health products
Drug, medical device and natural health product licence applications, review, approvals, legal requirements.
Natural and non-prescription health products
Natural health products, associated guidelines and regulations.
Side effects, recalls and complaints
Recalls and safety alerts, submit a drug or health product complaint, report side effect or search database.
Self-care products
Regulation, cosmetics, over-the-counter (non-prescription) drugs, natural care products.
Inspecting and monitoring drug and health products
Drug and health product inspections, monitoring, safety reviews.
Marketing of drugs and medical devices
Regulations and guidance, advertising requirements, marketing drugs and medical devices, illegal marketing.
Buying and using drug and health products safely
Buying online, importing for personal use, counterfeit drugs, disposal, off-label veterinary drug use, , antibiotic resistance.
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