We want to meet with you

Every year, the Taxpayers’ Ombudsperson and team travel to conferences, tradeshows and different regions of Canada to meet with local organizations, professionals and individuals.

Our goal

To meet with anyone who could benefit from our services, get feedback on their Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) service experiences and solicit their ideas on possible service improvements.

Who would benefit from meeting with the Taxpayers' Ombudsperson

Schools, universities and colleges that have programs in:

  • Accounting
  • Tax Law
  • Business
  • Finance

Organizations that deal with:

  • Seniors
  • Indigenous Peoples
  • Those living with a disability
  • Newcomers to Canada
  • Housing insecure
  • Shelters
  • People living in low-income

Individuals who deal with taxes directly:

  • Tax professionals
  • Tax preparers
  • Authorized representatives

What we can discuss with you:

What we want to know from you:  

  • Trends in issues relating to CRA’s service (for example, accessing benefits, undue delays, employee behaviour)
  • Barriers when accessing the CRA's services
  • Reasons why individuals in your group do not file their income tax

If any of the above is of interest to you and your group, please reach out to our Office so that we can schedule a time to meet. We are able to organize virtual or in-person meetings depending on your location. 

Contact Information 

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