Réviser avec doigté (SFE-124) [offered in French only]

This workshop is offered in French only and is reserved for people translating or revising English-to-French texts. For the equivalent course in English, please consult Revising with the right balance (SFE-224).


Professional training


When it comes to revision, what’s the right balance? How can you revise just enough and in just the right way to work well with others and produce a good final product? In this workshop, you will learn about the how-tos of revision: how to revise effectively, how to maintain good relations with the people you revise—and how to do it all with the right balance.

The workshop will cover the reviser’s role, the qualities of the ideal reviser, the revision process, formative versus practical revision, degrees of revision, justification of revisions (including the differences between errors, improvements and preferences), and feedback and interpersonal relations.

It will not cover the Translation Bureau’s internal procedures, error characterization, editing or self-revision.

Open to

Specialists in translation or revision who revise English-to-French translations done by other language professionals


You must already be involved in translating English-to-French texts.


The workshop is given in French; however, you are welcome to use the official language of your choice.

Learning objectives

The workshop is intended to help you:

  • understand the value of revision and your roles as a reviser
  • discover the various components of the revision process
  • learn how to use your judgment when revision
  • gain the tools you need to maintain good and productive relations with the people you revise
Dates and length

Please consult the directory and schedule of Translation Bureau courses.

Seat allocations

Maximum of 12

The Translation Bureau reserves the right to cancel this activity unless there are at least 6 registrations.

Course fee

$200 (free of charge for Translation Bureau employees)

20% discount for members of a recognized professional association. Please send proof of certification, such as a photo of your membership card, to btformation.tbtraining@tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca.


To register for this workshop, please consult the Translation Bureau’s course registration procedure and form.

Page details

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