La caractérisation des fautes (SFE-409) [offered in French only]

This workshop is offered in French and is reserved for people translating or revising English-to-French texts. For the equivalent course in English, please consult Identifying and naming errors (advanced) (SFE-221).


Professional training


Do you want to learn how to better explain the errors and weaknesses that can occur in translations? Would you like to know where to find specific (technical) terms that will make your corrections even more credible? Then this is the workshop for you!

By identifying errors using the same terminology that language professionals use, you will give more weight to your changes and be better equipped to assess the quality of a translation.

Open to

Specialists in translation or revision (English to French)


Taking a revision workshop from the Translation Bureau is strongly recommended before you take this workshop.


The workshop is given in French; however, you are welcome to use the official language of your choice.

Learning objectives

At the end of the workshop, you will be able to apply the principles of error characterization, which involves:

  • recognizing the various situations in which characterizing errors is useful
  • identifying and naming the main types of errors and weaknesses that can occur in translations
  • using preliminary characterization and detailed characterization
  • feeling more confident when assessing the quality of a translation
Dates and length

Please consult the directory and schedule of Translation Bureau courses.

Seat allocation

Maximum of 12

The Translation Bureau reserves the right to cancel this activity unless there are at least 6 registrations.

Course fee

$200 (free of charge for Translation Bureau employees)

20% discount for members of a recognized professional association. Please send proof of certification, such as a photo of your membership card, to


To register for this workshop, please consult the Translation Bureau’s course registration procedure and form.

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