Death of a survivor - Pension

As the survivor of a public service pension plan member, upon your death, some benefits continue while others cease.

You may want to know…

  • What happens to your survivor benefit upon your death?

    The survivor benefit is payable until the end of the month of the death of the survivor.

  • What happens to the child allowance upon your death?

    Upon your death, the children continue to receive a child allowance for as long as they are entitled to it. Following your death, the child allowance is doubled.

  • Is there a minimum amount guaranteed to be paid out under the public service pension plan?

    Yes. The public service pension plan guarantees that a minimum benefit equal to five times the plan member's unreduced pension will be paid out. If the total payments made to the plan member and to the survivor and children are less than the minimum guaranteed amount, the balance, if any, will be paid to the beneficiary designated under the Supplementary Death Benefit Plan. For more information, refer to minimum benefit.

Visit Public service group insurance benefit plans for information on benefits.

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