Detail by Organization for Supplementary estimates (C), 2016-17

Detail by Organization

Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada

Table 1. Organization Summary (dollars) - Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada
  Authorities To Date These Supplementary Estimates - Transfers These Supplementary Estimates - Adjustments Proposed Authorities To Date

Note: Additional details by organization are available on the Treasury Board Secretariat website –


1c Program expenditures

55,304,845 602,186 1 55,907,032
Total Voted 55,304,845 602,186 1 55,907,032
Total Statutory 9,413,110 0 0 9,413,110
Total Budgetary Expenditures 64,717,955 602,186 1 65,320,142
Table 2. Explanation of Requirements (dollars)
  Vote No. Amount ($)
Voted Appropriations

Funding to authorize the transfer of funds between votes

Vote 1c 1
Total Voted Appropriations 1
Transfers from Other Organizations

From the Department of Employment and Social Development to Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada for the Social Security Tribunal

Vote 1c 602,186
Total Transfers 602,186
Total Budgetary 602,187

Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency

Table 3. Organization Summary (dollars) - Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
  Authorities To Date These Supplementary Estimates - Transfers These Supplementary Estimates - Adjustments Proposed Authorities To Date

Note: Additional details by organization are available on the Treasury Board Secretariat website –


1 Operating expenditures

67,442,115 0 0 67,442,115

5c Grants and contributions

245,138,494 0 17,340,746 262,479,240
Total Voted 312,580,609 0 17,340,746 329,921,355
Total Statutory 8,814,591 0 0 8,814,591
Total Budgetary Expenditures 321,395,200 0 17,340,746 338,735,946
Table 4. Explanation of Requirements (dollars)
  Vote No. Amount ($)
Voted Appropriations

Reinvestment of receipts from repayable contributions to support activities related to fostering the development of institutions and enterprises, with emphasis on those of small and medium size

Vote 5c 17,340,746
Total Voted Appropriations 17,340,746
Total Budgetary 17,340,746
Table 5. Listing of Transfer Payments (dollars)
  Estimates to Date These Supplementary Estimates Revised Estimates

Contributions under the Business Development Program

132,854,389 17,340,746 150,195,135

Canada Border Services Agency

Table 6. Organization Summary (dollars) - Canada Border Services Agency
  Authorities To Date These Supplementary Estimates - Transfers These Supplementary Estimates - Adjustments Proposed Authorities To Date

Note: Additional details by organization are available on the Treasury Board Secretariat website –


1c Operating expenditures

1,417,575,187 645,626 132,425,086 1,550,645,899

5c Capital expenditures

195,726,458 (1,210,300) 241,260 194,757,418
Total Voted 1,613,301,645 (564,674) 132,666,346 1,745,403,317
Total Statutory 185,731,596 0 19,086,897 204,818,493
Total Budgetary Expenditures 1,799,033,241 (564,674) 151,753,243 1,950,221,810
Table 7. Explanation of Requirements (dollars)
  Vote No. Amount ($)
Voted Appropriations

Funding to help the CBSA maintain the integrity of Canada’s border operations

Vote 1c 85,489,333

Funding for integrity of Canada’s border operations

Vote 1c 32,404,299
Vote 5c 36,375
Total 32,440,674

Funding to address irregular migration pressures as a result of the lifting of the visa requirement for citizens of Mexico (horizontal item)

Vote 1c 6,148,645
Vote 5c 148,435
Total 6,297,080

Funding to support the targeted admission of 300,000 immigrants specified in the 2017 Immigration Levels Plan (horizontal item)

Vote 1c 5,731,126

Funding for the Canadian port of entry at the Gordie Howe International Bridge

Vote 1c 2,651,683
Vote 5c 56,450
Total 2,708,133
Total Voted Appropriations 132,666,346
Total Statutory Appropriations 19,086,897
Transfers from Other Organizations

From the Department of Citizenship and Immigration to Canada Border Services Agency to share the cost for the interactive advance passenger information call centre

Vote 1c 1,309,553
Transfers to Other Organizations

From the Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food, Canada Border Services Agency, Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Correctional Service of Canada, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development, Department of National Defence, Department of Public Works and Government Services, Statistics Canada and the Department of Transport to Shared Services Canada for the cost of providing core information technology services

Vote 1c (26,763)

From the Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food, Canada Border Services Agency, Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Department of Citizen and Immigration, Department of National Defence and the Department of Public Works and Government Services to the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development to provide support to departmental staff located at missions abroad

Vote 1c (637,164)

From Canada Border Services Agency to The Federal Bridge Corporation Limited for the Lansdowne Customs Facility Rehabilitation Project

Vote 5c (1,210,300)
Total Transfers (564,674)
Total Budgetary 151,188,569

Canada Council for the Arts

Table 8. Organization Summary (dollars) - Canada Council for the Arts
  Authorities To Date These Supplementary Estimates - Transfers These Supplementary Estimates - Adjustments Proposed Authorities To Date

Note: Additional details by organization are available on the Treasury Board Secretariat website –


1c Payments to the Council

222,474,388 100,000 1 222,574,389
Total Budgetary Expenditures 222,474,388 100,000 1 222,574,389
Table 9. Explanation of Requirements (dollars)
  Vote No. Amount ($)
Voted Appropriations

Funding to authorize the transfer of funds between votes

Vote 1c 1
Total Voted Appropriations 1
Transfers from Other Organizations

From the Department of Canadian Heritage to Canada Council for the Arts for a contribution to UNESCO for the International Fund for Cultural Diversity

Vote 1c 100,000
Total Transfers 100,000
Total Budgetary 100,001

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation

Table 10. Organization Summary (dollars) - Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
  Authorities To Date These Supplementary Estimates - Transfers These Supplementary Estimates - Adjustments Proposed Authorities To Date

Note: Additional details by organization are available on the Treasury Board Secretariat website –


1c Reimbursement under the provisions of the National Housing Act and the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Act

3,175,801,048 300,000 1 3,176,101,049
Total Budgetary Expenditures 3,175,801,048 300,000 1 3,176,101,049
Total Statutory (644,314,000) 0 0 (644,314,000)
Total Non-Budgetary Expenditures (644,314,000) 0 0 (644,314,000)
Table 11. Explanation of Requirements (dollars)
  Vote No. Amount ($)
Voted Appropriations

Funding to authorize the transfer of funds between votes

Vote 1c 1
Total Voted Appropriations 1
Transfers from Other Organizations

From the Department of Employment and Social Development to Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation for in-year reallocation of Youth Employment Strategy resources related to Skills Link

Vote 1c 300,000
Total Transfers 300,000
Total Budgetary 300,001

Canada Revenue Agency

Table 12. Organization Summary (dollars) - Canada Revenue Agency
  Authorities To Date These Supplementary Estimates - Transfers These Supplementary Estimates - Adjustments Proposed Authorities To Date

Note: Additional details by organization are available on the Treasury Board Secretariat website –


1c Operating expenditures, contributions and recoverable expenditures in relation to the application of the Canada Pension Plan and the Employment Insurance Act

3,429,251,072 10,200,000 15,741,118 3,455,192,190

5c Capital expenditures and recoverable expenditures in relation to the application of the Canada Pension Plan and the Employment Insurance Act

93,432,954 0 2,877,612 96,310,566
Total Voted 3,522,684,026 10,200,000 18,618,730 3,551,502,756
Total Statutory 912,181,774 0 2,185,037 914,366,811
Total Budgetary Expenditures 4,434,865,800 10,200,000 20,803,767 4,465,869,567
Table 13. Explanation of Requirements (dollars)
  Vote No. Amount ($)
Voted Appropriations

Funding for the implementation and administration of various tax measures (Budget 2016)

Vote 1c 13,941,118
Vote 5c 2,877,612
Total 16,818,730

Funding related to government advertising programs (horizontal item)

Vote 1c 1,800,000
Total Voted Appropriations 18,618,730
Total Statutory Appropriations 2,185,037
Transfers from Other Organizations

From the Department of Public Works and Government Services to Canada Revenue Agency and Communications Security Establishment for reimbursement as a result of a reduction in accommodation requirements

Vote 1c 10,200,000
Total Transfers 10,200,000
Total Budgetary 31,003,767

Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency

Table 14. Organization Summary (dollars) - Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
  Authorities To Date These Supplementary Estimates - Transfers These Supplementary Estimates - Adjustments Proposed Authorities To Date

Note: Additional details by organization are available on the Treasury Board Secretariat website –


1c Program expenditures

37,348,292 1,000,000 1 38,348,293
Total Voted 37,348,292 1,000,000 1 38,348,293
Total Statutory 4,161,496 0 0 4,161,496
Total Budgetary Expenditures 41,509,788 1,000,000 1 42,509,789
Table 15. Explanation of Requirements (dollars)
  Vote No. Amount ($)
Voted Appropriations

Funding to authorize the transfer of funds between votes

Vote 1c 1
Total Voted Appropriations 1
Transfers from Other Organizations

From the Department of the Environment to Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency for the Participant Funding Program

Vote 1c 1,000,000
Total Transfers 1,000,000
Total Budgetary 1,000,001
Table 16. Listing of Transfer Payments (dollars)
  Estimates to Date These Supplementary Estimates Revised Estimates

Contributions to support the participation of the public and Indigenous groups in the environmental assessment and associated review processes – Participant Funding Program

5,469,000 1,000,001 6,469,001

Canadian Institutes of Health Research

Table 17. Organization Summary (dollars) - Canadian Institutes of Health Research
  Authorities To Date These Supplementary Estimates - Transfers These Supplementary Estimates - Adjustments Proposed Authorities To Date

Note: Additional details by organization are available on the Treasury Board Secretariat website –


1b Operating expenditures

52,730,990 0 0 52,730,990

5c Grants

1,023,933,576 853,566 1 1,024,787,143
Total Voted 1,076,664,566 853,566 1 1,077,518,133
Total Statutory 6,325,424 0 0 6,325,424
Total Budgetary Expenditures 1,082,989,990 853,566 1 1,083,843,557
Table 18. Explanation of Requirements (dollars)
  Vote No. Amount ($)
Voted Appropriations

Funding to authorize the transfer of funds between votes

Vote 5c 1
Total Voted Appropriations 1
Transfers from Other Organizations

From Public Health Agency of Canada to Canadian Institutes of Health Research to support surveillance of severe outcomes associated with influenza and to estimate seasonal influenza vaccine effectiveness

Vote 5c 500,000

From Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council to Canadian Institutes of Health Research and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council to support the Canada First Research Excellence Fund

Vote 5c 228,566

From Public Health Agency of Canada to Canadian Institutes of Health Research to support research to identify under and un-immunized populations

Vote 5c 100,000

From Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council to Canadian Institutes of Health Research to support partnerships between Canadian colleges, universities and local companies in order to increase innovation

Vote 5c 25,000
Total Transfers 853,566
Total Budgetary 853,567
Table 19. Listing of Transfer Payments (dollars)
  Estimates to Date These Supplementary Estimates Revised Estimates

Grants for research projects and personnel support

910,495,461 600,000 911,095,461

Canada First Research Excellence Fund

25,260,822 228,566 25,489,388

College and Community Innovation Program

50,000 25,000 75,000

Canadian Security Intelligence Service

Table 20. Organization Summary (dollars) - Canadian Security Intelligence Service
  Authorities To Date These Supplementary Estimates - Transfers These Supplementary Estimates - Adjustments Proposed Authorities To Date

Note: Additional details by organization are available on the Treasury Board Secretariat website –


1c Program expenditures

540,309,876 140,000 21,108,931 561,558,807
Total Voted 540,309,876 140,000 21,108,931 561,558,807
Total Statutory 53,585,459 0 408,334 53,993,793
Total Budgetary Expenditures 593,895,335 140,000 21,517,265 615,552,600
Table 21. Explanation of Requirements (dollars)
  Vote No. Amount ($)
Voted Appropriations

Recovery of proceeds from the sale of homes purchased under the home sale plan

Vote 1c 12,823,400

Funding to address the crises in Iraq and Syria and the impacts on the region (horizontal item)

Vote 1c 5,479,145

Recovery of proceeds from parking fees collected

Vote 1c 1,668,412

Recovery of costs related to security screening of employees at nuclear power plants and provincial government facilities

Vote 1c 885,485

Funding to support enhanced national security review of foreign investment under the Investment Canada Act

Vote 1c 252,489
Total Voted Appropriations 21,108,931
Total Statutory Appropriations 408,334
Transfers from Other Organizations

From the Department of National Defence to Canadian Security Intelligence Service to support the Canadian Safety and Security Program, which provides science and technology solutions, support and advice for responding to the Government of Canadaʼs public safety and security policy imperatives

Vote 1c 140,000
Total Transfers 140,000
Total Budgetary 21,657,265

Canadian Space Agency

Table 22. Organization Summary (dollars) - Canadian Space Agency
  Authorities To Date These Supplementary Estimates - Transfers These Supplementary Estimates - Adjustments Proposed Authorities To Date

Note: Additional details by organization are available on the Treasury Board Secretariat website –


1 Operating expenditures

184,497,707 0 0 184,497,707

5 Capital expenditures

210,228,106 0 0 210,228,106

10c Grants and contributions

55,941,500 0 1 55,941,501
Total Voted 450,667,313 0 1 450,667,314
Total Statutory 10,036,658 0 0 10,036,658
Total Budgetary Expenditures 460,703,971 0 1 460,703,972
Table 23. Explanation of Requirements (dollars)
  Vote No. Amount ($)
Voted Appropriations

Funding to authorize the listing and adjustment of grants

Vote 10c 1
Total Voted Appropriations 1
Internal Transfers

Internal reallocation of resources from contributions to the grant entitled Class Grant Program to Support Research, Awareness and Learning in Space Science and Technology ($94,000) to support the Geospace Observatory Canada

Vote 10c 0
Total Transfers 0
Total Budgetary 1
Table 24. Listing of Transfer Payments (dollars)
  Estimates to Date These Supplementary Estimates Revised Estimates

Class Grant Program to Support Research, Awareness and Learning in Space Science and Technology

9,053,500 94,001 9,147,501

Communications Security Establishment

Table 25. Organization Summary (dollars) - Communications Security Establishment
  Authorities To Date These Supplementary Estimates - Transfers These Supplementary Estimates - Adjustments Proposed Authorities To Date

Note: Additional details by organization are available on the Treasury Board Secretariat website –


1c Program expenditures

568,123,534 6,346,271 2,592,801 577,062,606
Total Voted 568,123,534 6,346,271 2,592,801 577,062,606
Total Statutory 37,515,359 0 262,467 37,777,826
Total Budgetary Expenditures 605,638,893 6,346,271 2,855,268 614,840,432
Table 26. Explanation of Requirements (dollars)
  Vote No. Amount ($)
Voted Appropriations

Funding to address the crises in Iraq and Syria and the impacts on the region (horizontal item)

Vote 1c 2,592,801
Total Voted Appropriations 2,592,801
Total Statutory Appropriations 262,467
Transfers from Other Organizations

From the Department of Public Works and Government Services to Canada Revenue Agency and Communications Security Establishment for reimbursement as a result of a reduction in accommodation requirements

Vote 1c 6,346,271
Total Transfers 6,346,271
Total Budgetary 9,201,539

Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food

Table 27. Organization Summary (dollars) - Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food
  Authorities To Date These Supplementary Estimates - Transfers These Supplementary Estimates - Adjustments Proposed Authorities To Date

Note: Additional details by organization are available on the Treasury Board Secretariat website –


1c Operating expenditures

569,134,353 (6,078,276) 350,185,946 913,242,023

5c Capital expenditures

89,474,577 6,000,000 2,004,489 97,479,066

10b Grants and contributions

373,326,850 0 0 373,326,850
Total Voted 1,031,935,780 (78,276) 352,190,435 1,384,047,939
Total Statutory 1,311,005,263 0 0 1,311,005,263
Total Budgetary Expenditures 2,342,941,043 (78,276) 352,190,435 2,695,053,202
Table 28. Explanation of Requirements (dollars)
  Vote No. Amount ($)
Voted Appropriations

Funding for the transfer of federal water infrastructure to the Government of Saskatchewan (Budget 2016)

Vote 1c 350,000,000

Funding to support genomics, digitization and data mobilization of AAFC biological collections (Budget 2016)

Vote 1c 185,946
Vote 5c 1,563,642
Total 1,749,588

Reinvestment of revenues from the sale or transfer of real property

Vote 5c 440,847
Total Voted Appropriations 352,190,435
Internal Transfers

Internal reallocation of resources for the implementation of a common definition for the capital expenditures vote

Vote 1c (6,000,000)
Vote 5c 6,000,000
Total 0

Internal reallocation of resources from contributions to provide grants to foreign recipients for participation in international organizations supporting agriculture ($1,200,000)

Vote 10b 0
Transfers to Other Organizations

From the Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food, Canada Border Services Agency, Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Correctional Service of Canada, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development, Department of National Defence, Department of Public Works and Government Services, Statistics Canada and the Department of Transport to Shared Services Canada for the cost of providing core information technology services

Vote 1c (4,926)

From the Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food, Canada Border Services Agency, Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Department of Citizen and Immigration, Department of National Defence and the Department of Public Works and Government Services to the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development to provide support to departmental staff located at missions abroad

Vote 1c (73,350)
Total Transfers (78,276)
Total Budgetary 352,112,159
Table 29. Listing of Transfer Payments (dollars)
  Estimates to Date These Supplementary Estimates Revised Estimates

Grants to foreign recipients for participation in international organizations supporting agriculture

1,883,000 1,200,000 3,083,000

Department of Canadian Heritage

Table 30. Organization Summary (dollars) - Department of Canadian Heritage
  Authorities To Date These Supplementary Estimates - Transfers These Supplementary Estimates - Adjustments Proposed Authorities To Date

Note: Additional details by organization are available on the Treasury Board Secretariat website –


1c Operating expenditures

195,617,849 (100,000) 15,962,376 211,480,225

5c Grants and contributions

1,182,053,695 0 22,916,476 1,204,970,171
Total Voted 1,377,671,544 (100,000) 38,878,852 1,416,450,396
Total Statutory 25,843,558 0 1,029,487 26,873,045
Total Budgetary Expenditures 1,403,515,102 (100,000) 39,908,339 1,443,323,441
Table 31. Explanation of Requirements (dollars)
  Vote No. Amount ($)
Voted Appropriations

Funding to support the provision of services in the Territories in French and Indigenous languages (horizontal item)

Vote 5c 14,000,000

Funding for the Grants and Contributions Modernization Initiative in order to implement an online funding application and for the repair of the roof at the Canadian Conservation Institute

Vote 1c 8,109,151

Funding to support the promotion of Canadian artists and cultural industries abroad (Budget 2016) (horizontal item)

Vote 1c 3,127,352
Vote 5c 2,575,000
Total 5,702,352

Funding related to government advertising programs (horizontal item)

Vote 1c 4,000,000

Funding to support celebrations of the 375th anniversary of Montréal

Vote 5c 3,620,895

Funding for the True Patriot Love Foundation to support the organization of the 2017 Invictus Games for ill and injured veterans

Vote 5c 2,500,000

Funding to support a new Court Challenges Program (Budget 2016)

Vote 1c 725,873

Funding for a grant payment to the Michaëlle Jean Foundation to promote arts, creativity and civic participation

Vote 5c 220,581
Total Voted Appropriations 38,878,852
Total Statutory Appropriations 1,029,487
Transfers to Other Organizations

From the Department of Canadian Heritage to Canada Council for the Arts for a contribution to UNESCO for the International Fund for Cultural Diversity

Vote 1c (100,000)
Total Transfers (100,000)
Total Budgetary 39,808,339
Table 32. Listing of Transfer Payments (dollars)
  Estimates to Date These Supplementary Estimates Revised Estimates

Grant to the Michaëlle Jean Foundation

0 220,581 220,581

Contributions in support of the Development of Official-Language Communities Program

192,349,017 8,000,000 200,349,017

Contributions in support of the Celebration and Commemoration Program

52,503,767 6,120,895 58,624,662

Contributions to support the Aboriginal Peoplesʼ Program

16,209,757 6,000,000 22,209,757

Contributions to the Canada Music Fund

21,939,231 2,075,000 24,014,231

Contributions to the Canada Book Fund

28,366,301 500,000 28,866,301

Department of Citizenship and Immigration

Table 33. Organization Summary (dollars) - Department of Citizenship and Immigration
  Authorities To Date These Supplementary Estimates - Transfers These Supplementary Estimates - Adjustments Proposed Authorities To Date

Note: Additional details by organization are available on the Treasury Board Secretariat website –


1c Operating expenditures

691,699,830 (6,570,430) 19,506,707 704,636,107

5c Capital expenditures

19,046,366 4,505,857 1,323,190 24,875,413

7c Debt write-off – immigration loans

0 0 1,991,528 1,991,528

10c Grants and contributions

1,270,478,271 (2,500,000) 33,154,000 1,301,132,271
Total Voted 1,981,224,467 (4,564,573) 55,975,425 2,032,635,319
Total Statutory (114,713,228) 0 737,302 (113,975,926)
Total Budgetary Expenditures 1,866,511,239 (4,564,573) 56,712,727 1,918,659,393
Table 34. Explanation of Requirements (dollars)
  Vote No. Amount ($)
Voted Appropriations

Funding for the Canada-Quebec Accord on Immigration

Vote 10c 33,154,000

Funding for the Interim Federal Health Program

Vote 1c 10,000,000

Funding to support the targeted admission of 300,000 immigrants specified in the 2017 Immigration Levels Plan (horizontal item)

Vote 1c 6,930,969
Vote 5c 1,323,190
Total 8,254,159

Funding to write off outstanding immigration loans

Vote 7c 1,991,528

Funding related to government advertising programs (horizontal item)

Vote 1c 1,400,000

Funding to address irregular migration pressures as a result of the lifting of the visa requirement for citizens of Mexico (horizontal item)

Vote 1c 1,175,738
Total Voted Appropriations 55,975,425
Total Statutory Appropriations 737,302
Internal Transfers

Internal reallocation of resources to support investments in various capital projects

Vote 1c (4,505,857)
Vote 5c 4,505,857
Total 0
Transfers to Other Organizations

From the Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food, Canada Border Services Agency, Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Department of Citizen and Immigration, Department of National Defence and the Department of Public Works and Government Services to the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development to provide support to departmental staff located at missions abroad

Vote 1c (755,020)

From the Department of Citizenship and Immigration to Canada Border Services Agency to share the cost for the interactive advance passenger information call centre

Vote 1c (1,309,553)

From the Department of Citizenship and Immigration to the Department of Justice to provide immigration and refugee legal aid funding to the Province of Ontario

Vote 10c (2,500,000)
Total Transfers (4,564,573)
Total Budgetary 52,148,154
Table 35. Listing of Transfer Payments (dollars)
  Estimates to Date These Supplementary Estimates Revised Estimates

Grant for the Canada-Quebec Accord on Immigration

345,059,000 33,154,000 378,213,000

Department of Employment and Social Development

Table 36. Organization Summary (dollars) - Department of Employment and Social Development
  Authorities To Date These Supplementary Estimates - Transfers These Supplementary Estimates - Adjustments Proposed Authorities To Date

Note: Additional details by organization are available on the Treasury Board Secretariat website –


1c Operating expenditures

654,620,373 (602,186) 5,247,031 659,265,218

5c Grants and contributions

2,012,883,415 422,000 10,263,341 2,023,568,756

7c Debt write-off – Canada Student Loans

0 0 178,370,098 178,370,098
Total Voted 2,667,503,788 (180,186) 193,880,470 2,861,204,072
Total Statutory 53,594,918,125 0 249,063,304 53,843,981,429
Total Budgetary Expenditures 56,262,421,913 (180,186) 442,943,774 56,705,185,501
Total Statutory 979,969,792 0 (430,819,470) 549,150,322
Total Non-Budgetary Expenditures 979,969,792 0 (430,819,470) 549,150,322
Table 37. Explanation of Requirements (dollars)
  Vote No. Amount ($)
Voted Appropriations

Funding to write off debts owed to the Crown for unrecoverable Canada Student Loans

Vote 7c 178,370,098

Funding for the Aboriginal Skills and Employment Training Strategy pilots to enhance training that aligns with community needs, and piloting an on-reserve labour market information survey (Budget 2015 and Budget 2016)

Vote 1c 298,640
Vote 5c 5,500,000
Total 5,798,640

Funding for the Student Work-Integrated Learning Program (Budget 2015 and Budget 2016)

Vote 1c 1,033,189
Vote 5c 4,763,341
Total 5,796,530

Funding related to government advertising programs (horizontal item)

Vote 1c 2,500,000

Funding for the Old Age Security Service Improvement Strategy

Vote 1c 1,415,202
Total Voted Appropriations 193,880,470
Total Statutory Appropriations 249,063,304
Transfers from Other Organizations

From the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development to the Department of Employment and Social Development to support the Kativik Regional Government to streamline delivery of youth programming

Vote 5c 735,000
Transfers to Other Organizations

From the Department of Employment and Social Development to the Department of Natural Resources for in-year reallocation of Youth Employment Strategy resources related to Career Focus

Vote 5c (13,000)

From the Department of Employment and Social Development to Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation for in-year reallocation of Youth Employment Strategy resources related to Skills Link

Vote 5c (300,000)

From the Department of Employment and Social Development to Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada for the Social Security Tribunal

Vote 1c (602,186)
Total Transfers (180,186)
Total Budgetary 442,763,588
Total Statutory Appropriations (430,819,470)
Total Non-Budgetary (430,819,470)
Table 38. Listing of Transfer Payments (dollars)
  Estimates to Date These Supplementary Estimates Revised Estimates

Payments to provinces, territories, municipalities, other public bodies, organizations, groups, communities, employers and individuals for the provision of training and/or work experience, the mobilization of community resources, and human resource planning and adjustment measures necessary for the efficient functioning of the Canadian labour market

776,677,566 5,922,000 782,599,566

Contributions to provincial/territorial governments, band councils,
tribal councils, Aboriginal Skills and Employment Training Strategy agreement holders, municipal governments, not-for-profit organizations, professional associations, business and private sector organizations, consortia, industry groups, unions, regulatory bodies, ad-hoc associations, public health institutions, school boards, universities, colleges, CEGEPs, sector councils, and cross-sectoral councils to support enhanced productivity and competitiveness of Canadian workplaces by supporting investment in and recognition and utilization of skills

27,144,123 4,763,341 31,907,464

Department of Finance

Table 39. Organization Summary (dollars) - Department of Finance
  Authorities To Date These Supplementary Estimates - Transfers These Supplementary Estimates - Adjustments Proposed Authorities To Date

Note: Additional details by organization are available on the Treasury Board Secretariat website –


1c Program expenditures

101,189,951 0 1,500,000 102,689,951

5 Authority for amount by way of direct payments to the International Development Association pursuant to Bretton Woods and Related Agreements Act

1 0 0 1

7b Authority to increase the limit of insured loans under the Protection of Residential Mortgage or Hypothecary Insurance Act

1 0 0 1
Total Voted 101,189,953 0 1,500,000 102,689,953
Total Statutory 89,915,590,782 0 (1,242,873,970) 88,672,716,812
Total Budgetary Expenditures 90,016,780,735 0 (1,241,373,970) 88,775,406,765
Table 40. Explanation of Requirements (dollars)
  Vote No. Amount ($)
Voted Appropriations

Funding related to government advertising programs (horizontal item)

Vote 1c 1,500,000
Total Voted Appropriations 1,500,000
Total Statutory Appropriations (1,242,873,970)
Total Budgetary (1,241,373,970)

Department of Fisheries and Oceans

Table 41. Organization Summary (dollars) - Department of Fisheries and Oceans
  Authorities To Date These Supplementary Estimates - Transfers These Supplementary Estimates - Adjustments Proposed Authorities To Date

Note: Additional details by organization are available on the Treasury Board Secretariat website –


1c Operating expenditures

1,450,685,167 (5,948,262) 13,170,350 1,457,907,255

5c Capital expenditures

1,056,977,944 400,005 7,540,606 1,064,918,555

10b Grants and contributions

99,440,894 2,557,557 0 101,998,451
Total Voted 2,607,104,005 (2,990,700) 20,710,956 2,624,824,261
Total Statutory 133,088,667 0 230,063 133,318,730
Total Budgetary Expenditures 2,740,192,672 (2,990,700) 20,941,019 2,758,142,991
Table 42. Explanation of Requirements (dollars)
  Vote No. Amount ($)
Voted Appropriations

Funding to address the threat of pollutants from the M/V Kathryn Spirit

Vote 1c 10,688,453

Funding for the Canadian Coast Guard to proceed with vessel life extension and refit work on CCGS Hudson and related interim chartering vessels to maintain Canadaʼs science programs (Budget 2016)

Vote 5c 7,290,606

Reinvestment of revenue received from polluters for clean-up costs associated with oil spills

Vote 1c 2,481,897

Access to the proceeds of sale of a bait depot in Newfoundland

Vote 5c 250,000
Total Voted Appropriations 20,710,956
Total Statutory Appropriations 230,063
Internal Transfers

Internal reallocation of resources to support projects under the Small Craft Harbours Grant program

Vote 1c (1,457,557)
Vote 10b 1,457,557
Total 0

Internal reallocation of resources to support the contribution program under the review of changes to the Fisheries Act initiative

Vote 1c (1,250,000)
Vote 10b 1,250,000
Total 0

Internal reallocation of resources for the implementation of a common definition for the capital expenditures vote

Vote 1c (1,680,005)
Vote 5c 1,680,005
Total 0
Transfers to Other Organizations

From the Department of Fisheries and Oceans to the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development to support fisheries management in the Labrador Inuit Settlement Area, specifically for the Conservation Officer Program

Vote 10b (150,000)

From the Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food, Canada Border Services Agency, Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Correctional Service of Canada, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development, Department of National Defence, Department of Public Works and Government Services, Statistics Canada and the Department of Transport to Shared Services Canada for the cost of providing core information technology services

Vote 1c (1,560,700)
Vote 5c (1,280,000)
Total (2,840,700)
Total Transfers (2,990,700)
Total Budgetary 17,950,319
Table 43. Listing of Transfer Payments (dollars)
  Estimates to Date These Supplementary Estimates Revised Estimates

Grant Program for the disposal of small craft harbours

1,940,600 1,457,557 3,398,157

Participant Funding Program for Reviews Related to Fish, Fish Habitat and Navigation

750,000 1,250,000 2,000,000

Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development

Table 44. Organization Summary (dollars) - Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development
  Authorities To Date These Supplementary Estimates - Transfers These Supplementary Estimates - Adjustments Proposed Authorities To Date

Note: Additional details by organization are available on the Treasury Board Secretariat website –


1c Operating expenditures

1,626,698,005 9,376,727 24,083,171 1,660,157,903

5b Capital expenditures

241,958,232 (28,541,013) 0 213,417,219

10c Grants and contributions

3,932,660,047 12,674,227 306,631,547 4,251,965,821

15b Payments, in respect of pension, insurance and social security programs or other arrangements for employees locally engaged outside of Canada, or in respect of the administration of such programs or arrangements

64,706,000 0 0 64,706,000

17c Debt forgiveness – Loans to the government of the Republic of Cuba

0 0 18,009,733 18,009,733

20 Pursuant to subsection 12(2) of the International Development (Financial Institutions) Assistance Act, payments to international financial institutions – Direct payments

1 0 0 1
Total Voted 5,866,022,285 (6,490,059) 348,724,451 6,208,256,677
Total Statutory 356,741,753 0 3,187,372 359,929,125
Total Budgetary Expenditures 6,222,764,038 (6,490,059) 351,911,823 6,568,185,802

L25 Pursuant to subsection 12(2) of the International Development (Financial Institutions) Assistance Act, payments to international financial institutions – Capital subscriptions

1 0 0 1
Total Voted 1 0 0 1
Total Statutory 3,098,450 0 0 3,098,450
Total Non-Budgetary Expenditures 3,098,451 0 0 3,098,451
Table 45. Explanation of Requirements (dollars)
  Vote No. Amount ($)
Voted Appropriations

Funding to address humanitarian assistance requirements and antimicrobial resistance

Vote 10c 174,000,000

Funding to help developing countries address the impact of climate change (horizontal item)

Vote 10c 130,000,000

Funding to forgive debts relating to a loan made to the government of the Republic of Cuba

Vote 17c 18,009,733

Funding for increased costs, including currency fluctuations, for payments of assessed contributions, for locally engaged staff salaries and related benefits incurred at missions abroad and for allowances provided to Canadians working at missions abroad

Vote 1c 15,294,120
Vote 10c 1,881,547
Total 17,175,667

Reinvestment of revenues from the sale or transfer of real property

Vote 1c 5,000,000

Funding to support the promotion of Canadian artists and cultural industries abroad (Budget 2016) (horizontal item)

Vote 1c 3,789,051

Funding to establish a remittance price comparison website to improve Canadians access to reliable and lower-cost services (Budget 2015)

Vote 10c 750,000
Total Voted Appropriations 348,724,451
Total Statutory Appropriations 3,187,372
Transfers from Other Organizations

From Public Health Agency of Canada to the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development for Pan American Health Organization and the International Agency for Research on Cancer

Vote 10c 14,000,000

From the Department of National Defence to the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development to assist and enhance capacity in Guatemala to target illicit trafficking and criminal activities

Vote 10c 1,900,000

From the Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food, Canada Border Services Agency, Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Department of Citizen and Immigration, Department of National Defence and the Department of Public Works and Government Services to the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development to provide support to departmental staff located at missions abroad

Vote 1c 1,755,530
Internal Transfers

Internal reallocation of resources to address costs for allowances provided to Canadians working at missions abroad

Vote 1c 1,302,997
Vote 10c (1,302,997)
Total 0

Internal reallocation of resources to support the costs associated with development staff located at missions abroad and to cover operating costs related to security at missions abroad

Vote 1c 6,922,776
Vote 5b (5,000,000)
Vote 10c (1,922,776)
Total 0
Transfers to Other Organizations

From the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development to the Department of National Defence and Royal Canadian Mounted Police to provide support to departmental staff located at missions abroad

Vote 1c (5,611)
Vote 5b (91,013)
Total (96,624)

From the Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food, Canada Border Services Agency, Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Correctional Service of Canada, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development, Department of National Defence, Department of Public Works and Government Services, Statistics Canada and the Department of Transport to Shared Services Canada for the cost of providing core information technology services

Vote 1c (598,965)

From the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development to the Department of Public Works and Government Services for the acquisition of the International Civil Aviation Organization Headquartersʼ building in Montreal, Quebec

Vote 5b (23,450,000)
Total Transfers (6,490,059)
Total Budgetary 345,421,764
Table 46. Listing of Transfer Payments (dollars)
  Estimates to Date These Supplementary Estimates Revised Estimates

Grants for Multilateral Programming: Grants in support of development assistance, humanitarian assistance or disaster preparedness, for global operations, programs, projects, activities and appeals for the benefit of developing countries or territories or countries in transition

2,141,445,854 174,000,000 2,315,445,854

Contributions for Multilateral Programming: Contributions in support of development assistance, humanitarian assistance or disaster preparedness, for global operations, programs, projects, activities and appeals for the benefit of developing countries or territories or countries in transition

9,051,550 73,500,000 82,551,550

Contributions for Bilateral Programming: Contributions in support of development assistance, contributions for cooperation with countries in transition and contributions in support of regional or country specific development assistance programs, projects and activities for the benefit of developing countries or territories or countries in transition

440,728,986 54,024,227 494,753,213

Payments of Assessed Contributions to International Organizations:

Pan-American Health Organization (US$10,198,573)

0 13,677,306 13,677,306

International Agency for Research on Cancer (879,836 Euro)

0 1,292,655 1,292,655

United Nations peacekeeping operations (US$246,388,370)

313,561,622 911,586 314,473,208

Contributions for the Anti-Crime Capacity Building Program

7,092,625 1,900,000 8,992,625

Department of Health

Table 47. Organization Summary (dollars) - Department of Health
  Authorities To Date These Supplementary Estimates - Transfers These Supplementary Estimates - Adjustments Proposed Authorities To Date

Note: Additional details by organization are available on the Treasury Board Secretariat website –


1c Operating expenditures

1,974,783,720 778,124 4,559,205 1,980,121,049

5a Capital expenditures

36,586,833 0 0 36,586,833

10c Grants and contributions

2,003,664,761 (245,224) 35,949,177 2,039,368,714
Total Voted 4,015,035,314 532,900 40,508,382 4,056,076,596
Total Statutory 181,655,541 0 104,072 181,759,613
Total Budgetary Expenditures 4,196,690,855 532,900 40,612,454 4,237,836,209
Table 48. Explanation of Requirements (dollars)
  Vote No. Amount ($)
Voted Appropriations

Funding for Canada Health Infoway to support digital health activities in e-prescribing and telehomecare (Budget 2016)

Vote 10c 21,000,000

Funding to provide immediate and targeted mental wellness support to First Nations and Inuit

Vote 1c 3,359,205
Vote 10c 10,949,177
Total 14,308,382

Funding for the Canada Brain Research Fund to advance knowledge on the brain, brain diseases and disorders (Budget 2016)

Vote 10c 4,000,000

Funding related to government advertising programs (horizontal item)

Vote 1c 1,200,000
Total Voted Appropriations 40,508,382
Total Statutory Appropriations 104,072
Transfers from Other Organizations

From the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development to the Department of Health to support the funding of education services in First Nations youth treatment centres

Vote 10c 1,500,000

From Canadian Food Inspection Agency to the Department of Health to develop risk profiles for current and emerging foodborne pathogens and other food hazards

Vote 1c 638,300
Internal Transfers

Internal reallocation of resources to support the Non-Insured Health Benefit Program for First Nations and Inuit

Vote 1c 1,446,162
Vote 10c (1,446,162)
Total 0

Internal reallocation of resources to continue supporting the implementation of the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement

Vote 1c (1,306,338)
Vote 10c 1,306,338
Total 0
Transfers to Other Organizations

From the Department of Health to the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development to support regional workshops on Climate Change

Vote 10c (605,400)

From the Department of Health to the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development for expenditures related to Jordanʼs Principle to support social and health services for First Nations children

Vote 10c (1,000,000)
Total Transfers 532,900
Total Budgetary 41,145,354
Table 49. Listing of Transfer Payments (dollars)
  Estimates to Date These Supplementary Estimates Revised Estimates

Contribution to Canada Health Infoway

0 21,000,000 21,000,000

Contributions for First Nations and Inuit Primary Health Care

731,499,084 12,150,115 743,649,199

Canada Brain Research Fund to Advance Knowledge for the Treatment of Brain Disorders

17,337,305 4,000,000 21,337,305

Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development

Table 50. Organization Summary (dollars) - Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development
  Authorities To Date These Supplementary Estimates - Transfers These Supplementary Estimates - Adjustments Proposed Authorities To Date

Note: Additional details by organization are available on the Treasury Board Secretariat website –


1c Operating expenditures

1,009,733,834 (17,215,000) 4,030,475 996,549,309

5b Capital expenditures

55,425,958 0 0 55,425,958

10c Grants and contributions

8,155,197,031 13,493,871 91,583,861 8,260,274,763
Total Voted 9,220,356,823 (3,721,129) 95,614,336 9,312,250,030
Total Statutory 165,461,645 0 118,982 165,580,627
Total Budgetary Expenditures 9,385,818,468 (3,721,129) 95,733,318 9,477,830,657

L15 Loans to native claimants

25,903,000 0 0 25,903,000

L20a Loans to First Nations in British Columbia

30,400,000 0 0 30,400,000
Total Non-Budgetary Expenditures 56,303,000 0 0 56,303,000
Table 51. Explanation of Requirements (dollars)
  Vote No. Amount ($)
Voted Appropriations

Funding to reimburse First Nations and emergency management service providers for on-reserve response and recovery activities

Vote 10c 56,417,715

Funding for Operation Return Home: Manitoba Interlake Flood Remediation and Settlement

Vote 10c 22,744,717

Funding for the Williams Treaties settlement negotiations

Vote 10c 10,000,000

Funding for Indigenous Childhood Claims Litigation

Vote 1c 3,127,813

Funding to support the Arctic Regional Environmental Studies (Budget 2016)

Vote 1c 902,662
Vote 10c 850,000
Total 1,752,662

Funding to support the provision of services in the Territories in French and Indigenous languages (horizontal item)

Vote 10c 1,571,429
Total Voted Appropriations 95,614,336
Total Statutory Appropriations 118,982
Transfers from Other Organizations

From the Department of Health to the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development for expenditures related to Jordanʼs Principle to support social and health services for First Nations children

Vote 10c 1,000,000

From the Department of Health to the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development to support regional workshops on Climate Change

Vote 10c 605,400

From the Department of Fisheries and Oceans to the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development to support fisheries management in the Labrador Inuit Settlement Area, specifically for the Conservation Officer Program

Vote 10c 150,000

From the Department of National Defence to the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development to pay the costs associated with Unexploded Explosive Ordnance services for the Tsuu Tʼina Nation

Vote 10c 54,796
Internal Transfers

Internal reallocation of resources from operating to contributions for additional infrastructure investments

Vote 1c (14,000,000)
Vote 10c 14,000,000
Total 0

Internal reallocation of resources from contributions to grants ($6,000,000) for the Government of Nunavut to implement Article 23 of the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement

Vote 10c 0
Transfers to Other Organizations

From the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development to Public Health Agency of Canada to support the First Nations component of the Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect

Vote 1c (75,000)

From Public Health Agency of Canada and the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development to the Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness for preventing and addressing family violence in the Okanagan Nation Alliance community

Vote 10c (81,325)

From the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development to Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council to synthesize existing research on the Department’s priority areas

Vote 1c (230,000)

From the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development to Library and Archives of Canada for the creation of a travelling exhibition and supporting online content based on the exhibition – Hiding in Plain Sight: The Métis Nation

Vote 1c (250,000)

From the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development to the Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness to support activities related to the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction Fifth Regional Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction in the Americas

Vote 1c (660,000)

From the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development to the Department of Employment and Social Development to support the Kativik Regional Government to streamline delivery of youth programming

Vote 10c (735,000)

From the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development to the Department of Health to support the funding of education services in First Nations youth treatment centres

Vote 10c (1,500,000)

From the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development to the Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness to support activities related to Indigenous policing infrastructure

Vote 1c (2,000,000)
Total Transfers (3,721,129)
Total Budgetary 92,012,189
Table 52. Listing of Transfer Payments (dollars)
  Estimates to Date These Supplementary Estimates Revised Estimates

Grants to First Nations to settle specific and special claims negotiated by Canada and/or awarded by the Specific Claims Tribunal

581,287,804 10,000,000 591,287,804

Grants to implement comprehensive land claims and self-government agreements

477,333,130 7,721,429 485,054,559

Contributions for emergency management assistance for activities on reserves

64,977,822 56,417,715 121,395,537

Contributions to support the construction and maintenance of community infrastructure

1,793,728,543 36,895,117 1,830,623,660

Contributions for promoting the safe use, development, conservation and protection of the North’s natural resources, and promoting scientific development

21,022,816 1,305,000 22,327,816

Contributions to provide women, children and families with Protection and Prevention Services

779,744,372 918,675 780,663,047

Contributions to support Land Management and Economic Development

201,696,159 54,796 201,750,955

Department of Industry

Table 53. Organization Summary (dollars) - Department of Industry
  Authorities To Date These Supplementary Estimates - Transfers These Supplementary Estimates - Adjustments Proposed Authorities To Date

Note: Additional details by organization are available on the Treasury Board Secretariat website –


1c Operating expenditures

372,837,597 0 1,752,258 374,589,855

5a Capital expenditures

20,611,002 0 0 20,611,002

10b Grants and contributions

1,582,925,423 0 0 1,582,925,423
Total Voted 1,976,374,022 0 1,752,258 1,978,126,280
Total Statutory 223,128,413 0 218,839 223,347,252
Total Budgetary Expenditures 2,199,502,435 0 1,971,097 2,201,473,532

L15 Payments pursuant to subsection 14(2) of the Department of Industry Act

300,000 0 0 300,000

L20 Loans pursuant to paragraph 14(1)(a) of the Department of Industry Act

500,000 0 0 500,000
Total Non-Budgetary Expenditures 800,000 0 0 800,000
Table 54. Explanation of Requirements (dollars)
  Vote No. Amount ($)
Voted Appropriations

Funding to establish the Connect to Innovate Program to extend and enhance digital infrastructure to underserved communities (Budget 2016)

Vote 1c 1,752,258
Total Voted Appropriations 1,752,258
Total Statutory Appropriations 218,839
Total Budgetary 1,971,097

Department of Justice

Table 55. Organization Summary (dollars) - Department of Justice
  Authorities To Date These Supplementary Estimates - Transfers These Supplementary Estimates - Adjustments Proposed Authorities To Date

Note: Additional details by organization are available on the Treasury Board Secretariat website –


1b Operating expenditures

270,507,779 0 0 270,507,779

5c Grants and contributions

381,316,277 2,500,000 1 383,816,278
Total Voted 651,824,056 2,500,000 1 654,324,057
Total Statutory 79,256,537 0 0 79,256,537
Total Budgetary Expenditures 731,080,593 2,500,000 1 733,580,594
Table 56. Explanation of Requirements (dollars)
  Vote No. Amount ($)
Voted Appropriations

Funding to authorize the transfer of funds between votes

Vote 5c 1
Total Voted Appropriations 1
Transfers from Other Organizations

From the Department of Citizenship and Immigration to the Department of Justice to provide immigration and refugee legal aid funding to the Province of Ontario

Vote 5c 2,500,000
Total Transfers 2,500,000
Total Budgetary 2,500,001
Table 57. Listing of Transfer Payments (dollars)
  Estimates to Date These Supplementary Estimates Revised Estimates

Contributions to the provinces to assist in the operation of legal aid systems

128,377,507 2,500,001 130,877,508

Department of National Defence

Table 58. Organization Summary (dollars) - Department of National Defence
  Authorities To Date These Supplementary Estimates - Transfers These Supplementary Estimates - Adjustments Proposed Authorities To Date

Note: Additional details by organization are available on the Treasury Board Secretariat website –


1c Operating expenditures

14,226,207,043 48,438,835 29,530,000 14,304,175,878

5c Capital expenditures

3,542,137,545 (37,918,547) 18,775 3,504,237,773

10b Grants and contributions

174,092,820 (11,100,000) 0 162,992,820
Total Voted 17,942,437,408 (579,712) 29,548,775 17,971,406,471
Total Statutory 1,321,061,260 0 0 1,321,061,260
Total Budgetary Expenditures 19,263,498,668 (579,712) 29,548,775 19,292,467,731
Table 59. Explanation of Requirements (dollars)
  Vote No. Amount ($)
Voted Appropriations

Funding related to Operation REASSURANCE - Canadaʼs contribution to NATO assurance measures and deterrence posture in Central and Eastern Europe (Budget 2016)

Vote 1c 28,530,000

Funding related to government advertising programs (horizontal item)

Vote 1c 1,000,000

Reinvestment of revenues from the sale or transfer of real property

Vote 5c 18,775
Total Voted Appropriations 29,548,775
Transfers from Other Organizations

From the Department of Public Works and Government Services to the Department of National Defence to adjust amounts previously provided for the Military Personnel Management Capability Transformation project

Vote 5c 1,972,232

From the Department of Public Works and Government Services to the Department of National Defence for contracting and procurement of defence supplies

Vote 1c 712,652

From the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development to the Department of National Defence and Royal Canadian Mounted Police to provide support to departmental staff located at missions abroad

Vote 5c 91,013
Internal Transfers

Internal reallocation of resources to support departmental operations

Vote 1c 48,200,000
Vote 5c (39,000,000)
Vote 10b (9,200,000)
Total 0
Transfers to Other Organizations

From the Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food, Canada Border Services Agency, Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Department of Citizen and Immigration, Department of National Defence and the Department of Public Works and Government Services to the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development to provide support to departmental staff located at missions abroad

Vote 1c (3,084)

From the Department of National Defence to the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development to pay the costs associated with Unexploded Explosive Ordnance services for the Tsuu Tʼina Nation

Vote 1c (54,796)

From the Department of National Defence to Canadian Security Intelligence Service to support the Canadian Safety and Security Program, which provides science and technology solutions, support and advice for responding to the Government of Canadaʼs public safety and security policy imperatives

Vote 5c (140,000)

From the Department of National Defence to Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council to support joint research grant projects

Vote 1c (403,333)

From the Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food, Canada Border Services Agency, Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Correctional Service of Canada, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development, Department of National Defence, Department of Public Works and Government Services, Statistics Canada and the Department of Transport to Shared Services Canada for the cost of providing core information technology services

Vote 1c (12,604)
Vote 5c (841,792)
Total (854,396)

From the Department of National Defence to the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development to assist and enhance capacity in Guatemala to target illicit trafficking and criminal activities

Vote 10b (1,900,000)
Total Transfers (579,712)
Total Budgetary 28,969,063

Department of Natural Resources

Table 60. Organization Summary (dollars) - Department of Natural Resources
  Authorities To Date These Supplementary Estimates - Transfers These Supplementary Estimates - Adjustments Proposed Authorities To Date

Note: Additional details by organization are available on the Treasury Board Secretariat website –


1c Operating expenditures

564,744,763 0 500,000 565,244,763

5a Capital expenditures

87,737,904 0 0 87,737,904

10c Grants and contributions

287,564,468 13,000 0 287,577,468
Total Voted 940,047,135 13,000 500,000 940,560,135
Total Statutory 803,245,391 0 0 803,245,391
Total Budgetary Expenditures 1,743,292,526 13,000 500,000 1,743,805,526
Table 61. Explanation of Requirements (dollars)
  Vote No. Amount ($)
Voted Appropriations

Funding related to government advertising programs (horizontal item)

Vote 1c 500,000
Total Voted Appropriations 500,000
Transfers from Other Organizations

From the Department of Employment and Social Development to the Department of Natural Resources for in-year reallocation of Youth Employment Strategy resources related to Career Focus

Vote 10c 13,000
Total Transfers 13,000
Total Budgetary 513,000
Table 62. Listing of Transfer Payments (dollars)
  Estimates to Date These Supplementary Estimates Revised Estimates

Youth Employment Strategy

1,638,000 13,000 1,651,000

Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness

Table 63. Organization Summary (dollars) - Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
  Authorities To Date These Supplementary Estimates - Transfers These Supplementary Estimates - Adjustments Proposed Authorities To Date

Note: Additional details by organization are available on the Treasury Board Secretariat website –


1c Operating expenditures

136,721,731 288,016 1 137,009,748

5c Grants and contributions

1,018,667,084 1,282,073 1 1,019,949,158
Total Voted 1,155,388,815 1,570,089 2 1,156,958,906
Total Statutory 16,223,409 0 0 16,223,409
Total Budgetary Expenditures 1,171,612,224 1,570,089 2 1,173,182,315
Table 64. Explanation of Requirements (dollars)
  Vote No. Amount ($)
Voted Appropriations

Funding to authorize the transfer of funds between votes

Vote 1c 1
Vote 5c 1
Total 2
Total Voted Appropriations 2
Transfers from Other Organizations

From the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development to the Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness to support activities related to Indigenous policing infrastructure

Vote 5c 2,000,000

From the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development to the Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness to support activities related to the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction Fifth Regional Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction in the Americas

Vote 1c 660,000

From Public Health Agency of Canada and the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development to the Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness for preventing and addressing family violence in the Okanagan Nation Alliance community

Vote 5c 131,325
Transfers to Other Organizations

From the Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness to Shared Services Canada for data centre space

Vote 1c (371,984)

From the Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness to Royal Canadian Mounted Police for the First Nations Community Policing Service

Vote 5c (849,252)
Total Transfers 1,570,089
Total Budgetary 1,570,091
Table 65. Listing of Transfer Payments (dollars)
  Estimates to Date These Supplementary Estimates Revised Estimates

Payments to the provinces, territories, municipalities, Indian band councils and recognized authorities representing Indians on reserve, Indian communities on Crown land and Inuit communities, for the First Nations Policing Program

81,478,989 1,150,749 82,629,738

Aboriginal Community Safety Development Contribution Program

700,000 131,325 831,325

Department of Public Works and Government Services

Table 66. Organization Summary (dollars) - Department of Public Works and Government Services
  Authorities To Date These Supplementary Estimates - Transfers These Supplementary Estimates - Adjustments Proposed Authorities To Date

Note: Additional details by organization are available on the Treasury Board Secretariat website –


1c Operating expenditures

1,964,586,616 (24,628,361) 65,262,683 2,005,220,938

5c Capital expenditures

1,340,215,927 18,938,342 40,339,183 1,399,493,452
Total Voted 3,304,802,543 (5,690,019) 105,601,866 3,404,714,390
Total Statutory 126,993,478 0 0 126,993,478
Total Budgetary Expenditures 3,431,796,021 (5,690,019) 105,601,866 3,531,707,868
Table 67. Explanation of Requirements (dollars)
  Vote No. Amount ($)
Voted Appropriations

Funding related to the assessment, management and remediation of federal contaminated sites (Budget 2015) (horizontal item)

Vote 1c 27,896,686

Funding to support the rehabilitation and sustainable stewardship of engineering assets

Vote 1c 4,700,000
Vote 5c 14,600,000
Total 19,300,000

Funding for increases in non-discretionary expenses associated with Crown-owned buildings and leased space

Vote 1c 18,748,861

Funding for the modernization of the district energy system servicing federal buildings in the National Capital Region

Vote 1c 4,619,919
Vote 5c 13,541,740
Total 18,161,659

Reinvestment of revenues from the sale or transfer of real property

Vote 5c 11,526,694

Funding for accommodation costs related to pension administration

Vote 1c 7,497,217

Funding related to government advertising programs (horizontal item)

Vote 1c 1,800,000

Funding to replace the exterior brick façade of the Les Terrasses de la Chaudière federal complex

Vote 5c 670,749
Total Voted Appropriations 105,601,866
Transfers from Other Organizations

From the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development to the Department of Public Works and Government Services for the acquisition of the International Civil Aviation Organization Headquartersʼ building in Montreal, Quebec

Vote 5c 23,450,000
Internal Transfers

Internal reallocation of resources for the implementation of a common definition for the capital expenditures vote

Vote 1c (2,560,574)
Vote 5c 2,560,574
Total 0
Transfers to Other Organizations

From the Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food, Canada Border Services Agency, Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Department of Citizen and Immigration, Department of National Defence and the Department of Public Works and Government Services to the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development to provide support to departmental staff located at missions abroad

Vote 1c (38,232)

From the Department of Public Works and Government Services to Library and Archives of Canada to explore a potential partnership with Ottawa Public Library for the construction of a new Central Library

Vote 1c (206,000)

From the Department of Public Works and Government Services to Treasury Board Secretariat to establish the new Centre for Greening Government

Vote 1c (421,341)

From the Department of Public Works and Government Services to the Department of National Defence for contracting and procurement of defence supplies

Vote 1c (712,652)

From the Department of Public Works and Government Services to the Department of National Defence to adjust amounts previously provided for the Military Personnel Management Capability Transformation project

Vote 5c (1,972,232)

From the Department of Public Works and Government Services to Shared Services Canada related to data centre closures

Vote 1c (2,202,590)

From the Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food, Canada Border Services Agency, Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Correctional Service of Canada, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development, Department of National Defence, Department of Public Works and Government Services, Statistics Canada and the Department of Transport to Shared Services Canada for the cost of providing core information technology services

Vote 1c (1,940,701)
Vote 5c (5,100,000)
Total (7,040,701)

From the Department of Public Works and Government Services to Canada Revenue Agency and Communications Security Establishment for reimbursement as a result of a reduction in accommodation requirements

Vote 1c (16,546,271)
Total Transfers (5,690,019)
Total Budgetary 99,911,847

Department of the Environment

Table 68. Organization Summary (dollars) - Department of the Environment
  Authorities To Date These Supplementary Estimates - Transfers These Supplementary Estimates - Adjustments Proposed Authorities To Date

Note: Additional details by organization are available on the Treasury Board Secretariat website –


1b Operating expenditures

751,844,255 (1,000,000) 0 750,844,255

5b Capital expenditures

73,872,049 0 0 73,872,049

10c Grants and contributions

146,433,359 0 3,000,000 149,433,359
Total Voted 972,149,663 (1,000,000) 3,000,000 974,149,663
Total Statutory 94,326,087 0 0 94,326,087
Total Budgetary Expenditures 1,066,475,750 (1,000,000) 3,000,000 1,068,475,750
Table 69. Explanation of Requirements (dollars)
  Vote No. Amount ($)
Voted Appropriations

Funding to help developing countries address the impact of climate change (horizontal item)

Vote 10c 3,000,000
Total Voted Appropriations 3,000,000
Transfers to Other Organizations

From the Department of the Environment to Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency for the Participant Funding Program

Vote 1b (1,000,000)
Total Transfers (1,000,000)
Total Budgetary 2,000,000
Table 70. Listing of Transfer Payments (dollars)
  Estimates to Date These Supplementary Estimates Revised Estimates

Contributions in support of Climate Change and Clean Air

15,304,228 3,000,000 18,304,228

Department of Veterans Affairs

Table 71. Organization Summary (dollars) - Department of Veterans Affairs
  Authorities To Date These Supplementary Estimates - Transfers These Supplementary Estimates - Adjustments Proposed Authorities To Date

Note: Additional details by organization are available on the Treasury Board Secretariat website –


1c Operating expenditures

942,010,756 0 65,448,828 1,007,459,584

5c Grants and contributions

2,792,062,000 0 69,400,000 2,861,462,000
Total Voted 3,734,072,756 0 134,848,828 3,868,921,584
Total Statutory 33,651,554 0 0 33,651,554
Total Budgetary Expenditures 3,767,724,310 0 134,848,828 3,902,573,138
Table 72. Explanation of Requirements (dollars)
  Vote No. Amount ($)
Voted Appropriations

Funding for demand-driven programs and services which provide support to eligible Veterans and their families

Vote 1c 62,948,828
Vote 5c 69,400,000
Total 132,348,828

Funding related to government advertising programs (horizontal item)

Vote 1c 2,500,000
Total Voted Appropriations 134,848,828
Total Budgetary 134,848,828
Table 73. Listing of Transfer Payments (dollars)
  Estimates to Date These Supplementary Estimates Revised Estimates

Earnings Loss and Supplementary Retirement Benefit

320,364,000 69,771,000 390,135,000

Disability Awards and Allowances

695,968,000 36,497,000 732,465,000

Family Caregiver Relief Benefit

2,000,000 1,929,000 3,929,000

Canadian Forces Income Support Allowance

1,229,000 47,000 1,276,000

War Veterans Allowances and Civilian War Allowances

6,697,000 18,000 6,715,000

Contributions to Veterans, under the Veterans Independence Program, to assist in defraying costs of extended health care not covered by provincial health programs

78,226,000 1,557,000 79,783,000

Department of Western Economic Diversification

Table 74. Organization Summary (dollars) - Department of Western Economic Diversification
  Authorities To Date These Supplementary Estimates - Transfers These Supplementary Estimates - Adjustments Proposed Authorities To Date

Note: Additional details by organization are available on the Treasury Board Secretariat website –


1 Operating expenditures

36,720,314 0 0 36,720,314

5c Grants and contributions

158,959,924 0 4,600,000 163,559,924
Total Voted 195,680,238 0 4,600,000 200,280,238
Total Statutory 4,088,068 0 0 4,088,068
Total Budgetary Expenditures 199,768,306 0 4,600,000 204,368,306
Table 75. Explanation of Requirements (dollars)
  Vote No. Amount ($)
Voted Appropriations

Funding for the Churchill and Region Economic Development Fund as a response to the economic instability facing the town of Churchill, Manitoba and surrounding region

Vote 5c 4,600,000
Total Voted Appropriations 4,600,000
Total Budgetary 4,600,000
Table 76. Listing of Transfer Payments (dollars)
  Estimates to Date These Supplementary Estimates Revised Estimates

Contributions under the Western Diversification Program

75,673,602 4,600,000 80,273,602

Immigration and Refugee Board

Table 77. Organization Summary (dollars) - Immigration and Refugee Board
  Authorities To Date These Supplementary Estimates - Transfers These Supplementary Estimates - Adjustments Proposed Authorities To Date

Note: Additional details by organization are available on the Treasury Board Secretariat website –


1c Program expenditures

105,479,069 0 4,942,848 110,421,917
Total Voted 105,479,069 0 4,942,848 110,421,917
Total Statutory 13,668,619 0 827,587 14,496,206
Total Budgetary Expenditures 119,147,688 0 5,770,435 124,918,123
Table 78. Explanation of Requirements (dollars)
  Vote No. Amount ($)
Voted Appropriations

Funding to address irregular migration pressures as a result of the lifting of the visa requirement for citizens of Mexico (horizontal item)

Vote 1c 4,573,465

Funding to support the targeted admission of 300,000 immigrants specified in the 2017 Immigration Levels Plan (horizontal item)

Vote 1c 369,383
Total Voted Appropriations 4,942,848
Total Statutory Appropriations 827,587
Total Budgetary 5,770,435

Library and Archives of Canada

Table 79. Organization Summary (dollars) - Library and Archives of Canada
  Authorities To Date These Supplementary Estimates - Transfers These Supplementary Estimates - Adjustments Proposed Authorities To Date

Note: Additional details by organization are available on the Treasury Board Secretariat website –


1c Operating expenditures

99,711,830 1,756,000 1 101,467,831

5b Capital expenditures

12,541,607 (1,300,000) 0 11,241,607
Total Voted 112,253,437 456,000 1 112,709,438
Total Statutory 10,015,218 0 0 10,015,218
Total Budgetary Expenditures 122,268,655 456,000 1 122,724,656
Table 80. Explanation of Requirements (dollars)
  Vote No. Amount ($)
Voted Appropriations

Funding to authorize the transfer of funds between votes

Vote 1c 1
Total Voted Appropriations 1
Transfers from Other Organizations

From the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development to Library and Archives of Canada for the creation of a travelling exhibition and supporting online content based on the exhibition – Hiding in Plain Sight: The Métis Nation

Vote 1c 250,000

From the Department of Public Works and Government Services to Library and Archives of Canada to explore a potential partnership with Ottawa Public Library for the construction of a new Central Library

Vote 1c 206,000
Internal Transfers

Internal reallocation of resources to support operations

Vote 1c 1,300,000
Vote 5b (1,300,000)
Total 0
Total Transfers 456,000
Total Budgetary 456,001

National Capital Commission

Table 81. Organization Summary (dollars) - National Capital Commission
  Authorities To Date These Supplementary Estimates - Transfers These Supplementary Estimates - Adjustments Proposed Authorities To Date

Note: Additional details by organization are available on the Treasury Board Secretariat website –


1b Payments to the Commission for operating expenditures

67,338,180 0 0 67,338,180

5c Payments to the Commission for capital expenditures

22,399,114 0 390,000 22,789,114
Total Budgetary Expenditures 89,737,294 0 390,000 90,127,294
Table 82. Explanation of Requirements (dollars)
  Vote No. Amount ($)
Voted Appropriations

Funding for security infrastructure of the Rideau Cottage official residence (horizontal item)

Vote 5c 390,000
Total Voted Appropriations 390,000
Total Budgetary 390,000

National Research Council of Canada

Table 83. Organization Summary (dollars) - National Research Council of Canada
  Authorities To Date These Supplementary Estimates - Transfers These Supplementary Estimates - Adjustments Proposed Authorities To Date

Note: Additional details by organization are available on the Treasury Board Secretariat website –


1b Operating expenditures

420,763,187 (18,321,369) 0 402,441,818

5a Capital expenditures

123,185,614 0 0 123,185,614

10c Grants and contributions

379,874,894 18,321,369 1 398,196,264
Total Voted 923,823,695 0 1 923,823,696
Total Statutory 224,497,451 0 0 224,497,451
Total Budgetary Expenditures 1,148,321,146 0 1 1,148,321,147
Table 84. Explanation of Requirements (dollars)
  Vote No. Amount ($)
Voted Appropriations

Funding to authorize the transfer of funds between votes

Vote 10c 1
Total Voted Appropriations 1
Internal Transfers

Internal reallocation of resources to support the Industrial Research Assistance Program – Contributions to Firms

Vote 1b (10,000,000)
Vote 10c 10,000,000
Total 0

Internal reallocation of resources to support Contributions to the International Astronomical Observatories Program

Vote 1b (8,321,369)
Vote 10c 8,321,369
Total 0
Total Transfers 0
Total Budgetary 1
Table 85. Listing of Transfer Payments (dollars)
  Estimates to Date These Supplementary Estimates Revised Estimates

Industrial Research Assistance Program – Contributions to Firms

208,214,000 10,000,000 218,214,000

Contributions to the International Astronomical Observatories Program

63,523,209 8,321,370 71,844,579

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council

Table 86. Organization Summary (dollars) - Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
  Authorities To Date These Supplementary Estimates - Transfers These Supplementary Estimates - Adjustments Proposed Authorities To Date

Note: Additional details by organization are available on the Treasury Board Secretariat website –


1b Operating expenditures

47,698,198 0 0 47,698,198

5c Grants

1,142,572,438 (445,623) 1 1,142,126,816
Total Voted 1,190,270,636 (445,623) 1 1,189,825,014
Total Statutory 5,693,093 0 0 5,693,093
Total Budgetary Expenditures 1,195,963,729 (445,623) 1 1,195,518,107
Table 87. Explanation of Requirements (dollars)
  Vote No. Amount ($)
Voted Appropriations

Funding to authorize the transfer of funds between votes

Vote 5c 1
Total Voted Appropriations 1
Transfers from Other Organizations

From the Department of National Defence to Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council to support joint research grant projects

Vote 5c 403,333
Transfers to Other Organizations

From Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council to Canadian Institutes of Health Research to support partnerships between Canadian colleges, universities and local companies in order to increase innovation

Vote 5c (25,000)

From Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council to Canadian Institutes of Health Research and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council to support the Canada First Research Excellence Fund

Vote 5c (823,956)
Total Transfers (445,623)
Total Budgetary (445,622)
Table 88. Listing of Transfer Payments (dollars)
  Estimates to Date These Supplementary Estimates Revised Estimates

Grants and Scholarships

894,163,296 403,334 894,566,630

Office of Infrastructure of Canada

Table 89. Organization Summary (dollars) - Office of Infrastructure of Canada
  Authorities To Date These Supplementary Estimates - Transfers These Supplementary Estimates - Adjustments Proposed Authorities To Date

Note: Additional details by organization are available on the Treasury Board Secretariat website –


1c Operating expenditures

131,016,485 0 600,000 131,616,485

5b Capital expenditures

125,426,141 (2,607,000) 0 122,819,141

10b Contributions

3,017,422,437 0 0 3,017,422,437
Total Voted 3,273,865,063 (2,607,000) 600,000 3,271,858,063
Total Statutory 2,078,797,646 0 0 2,078,797,646
Total Budgetary Expenditures 5,352,662,709 (2,607,000) 600,000 5,350,655,709
Table 90. Explanation of Requirements (dollars)
  Vote No. Amount ($)
Voted Appropriations

Funding to support the Gordie Howe International Bridge project team

Vote 1c 600,000
Total Voted Appropriations 600,000
Transfers to Other Organizations

From Office of Infrastructure of Canada to Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority for land remediation related to the Gordie Howe International Bridge project

Vote 5b (2,607,000)
Total Transfers (2,607,000)
Total Budgetary (2,007,000)

Parks Canada Agency

Table 91. Organization Summary (dollars) - Parks Canada Agency
  Authorities To Date These Supplementary Estimates - Transfers These Supplementary Estimates - Adjustments Proposed Authorities To Date

Note: Additional details by organization are available on the Treasury Board Secretariat website –


1c Program expenditures

1,244,972,620 0 3,000,000 1,247,972,620

5 Payments to the New Parks and Historic Sites Account

500,000 0 0 500,000
Total Voted 1,245,472,620 0 3,000,000 1,248,472,620
Total Statutory 192,236,013 0 0 192,236,013
Total Budgetary Expenditures 1,437,708,633 0 3,000,000 1,440,708,633
Table 92. Explanation of Requirements (dollars)
  Vote No. Amount ($)
Voted Appropriations

Funding related to government advertising programs (horizontal item)

Vote 1c 3,000,000
Total Voted Appropriations 3,000,000
Total Budgetary 3,000,000

Parliamentary Protective Service

Table 93. Organization Summary (dollars) - Parliamentary Protective Service
  Authorities To Date These Supplementary Estimates - Transfers These Supplementary Estimates - Adjustments Proposed Authorities To Date

Note: Additional details by organization are available on the Treasury Board Secretariat website –


1c Program expenditures

63,004,797 (154,305) 2,300,000 65,150,492
Total Voted 63,004,797 (154,305) 2,300,000 65,150,492
Total Statutory 6,168,070 0 90,000 6,258,070
Total Budgetary Expenditures 69,172,867 (154,305) 2,390,000 71,408,562
Table 94. Explanation of Requirements (dollars)
  Vote No. Amount ($)
Voted Appropriations

Funding for security enhancements

Vote 1c 2,300,000
Total Voted Appropriations 2,300,000
Total Statutory Appropriations 90,000
Transfers to Other Organizations

From Parliamentary Protective Service to Royal Canadian Mounted Police for vehicle purchases

Vote 1c (154,305)
Total Transfers (154,305)
Total Budgetary 2,235,695

Privy Council Office

Table 95. Organization Summary (dollars) - Privy Council Office
  Authorities To Date These Supplementary Estimates - Transfers These Supplementary Estimates - Adjustments Proposed Authorities To Date

Note: Additional details by organization are available on the Treasury Board Secretariat website –


1c Program expenditures

143,023,841 0 3,960,442 146,984,283
Total Voted 143,023,841 0 3,960,442 146,984,283
Total Statutory 16,884,402 0 82,495 16,966,897
Total Budgetary Expenditures 159,908,243 0 4,042,937 163,951,180
Table 96. Explanation of Requirements (dollars)
  Vote No. Amount ($)
Voted Appropriations

Funding to support communication and engagement on electoral reform (Budget 2016)

Vote 1c 3,310,398

Funding related to government advertising programs (horizontal item)

Vote 1c 500,000

Funding for the Access Control and Physical Security Project to strengthen the Privy Council Officeʼs security infrastructure (Budget 2016)

Vote 1c 150,044
Total Voted Appropriations 3,960,442
Total Statutory Appropriations 82,495
Total Budgetary 4,042,937

Public Health Agency of Canada

Table 97. Organization Summary (dollars) - Public Health Agency of Canada
  Authorities To Date These Supplementary Estimates - Transfers These Supplementary Estimates - Adjustments Proposed Authorities To Date

Note: Additional details by organization are available on the Treasury Board Secretariat website –


1c Operating expenditures

352,603,253 75,000 450,000 353,128,253

5b Capital expenditures

6,503,695 0 0 6,503,695

10b Grants and contributions

209,848,623 (14,650,000) 0 195,198,623
Total Voted 568,955,571 (14,575,000) 450,000 554,830,571
Total Statutory 44,361,977 0 0 44,361,977
Total Budgetary Expenditures 613,317,548 (14,575,000) 450,000 599,192,548
Table 98. Explanation of Requirements (dollars)
  Vote No. Amount ($)
Voted Appropriations

Funding related to government advertising programs (horizontal item)

Vote 1c 450,000
Total Voted Appropriations 450,000
Transfers from Other Organizations

From the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development to Public Health Agency of Canada to support the First Nations component of the Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect

Vote 1c 75,000
Internal Transfers

Internal reallocation of resources to support the work of the Pan-American Health Organization Commission on Equity and Health inequalities in the Americas

Vote 10b 0

Internal reallocation of resources to support the International Food Safety Authorities Network through International Health Grants Program

Vote 10b 0
Transfers to Other Organizations

From Public Health Agency of Canada and the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development to the Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness for preventing and addressing family violence in the Okanagan Nation Alliance community

Vote 10b (50,000)

From Public Health Agency of Canada to Canadian Institutes of Health Research to support research to identify under and un-immunized populations

Vote 10b (100,000)

From Public Health Agency of Canada to Canadian Institutes of Health Research to support surveillance of severe outcomes associated with influenza and to estimate seasonal influenza vaccine effectiveness

Vote 10b (500,000)

From Public Health Agency of Canada to the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development for Pan American Health Organization and the International Agency for Research on Cancer

Vote 10b (14,000,000)
Total Transfers (14,575,000)
Total Budgetary (14,125,000)

Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Table 99. Organization Summary (dollars) - Royal Canadian Mounted Police
  Authorities To Date These Supplementary Estimates - Transfers These Supplementary Estimates - Adjustments Proposed Authorities To Date

Note: Additional details by organization are available on the Treasury Board Secretariat website –


1c Operating expenditures

2,026,302,100 (5,223,699) 77,992,710 2,099,071,111

5c Capital expenditures

297,737,865 6,238,445 8,758,926 312,735,236

10c Grants and contributions

208,073,483 0 5,000,000 213,073,483
Total Voted 2,532,113,448 1,014,746 91,751,636 2,624,879,830
Total Statutory 482,806,800 0 608,134 483,414,934
Total Budgetary Expenditures 3,014,920,248 1,014,746 92,359,770 3,108,294,764
Table 100. Explanation of Requirements (dollars)
  Vote No. Amount ($)
Voted Appropriations

Funding to maintain RCMP operations pending a comprehensive resourcing review (Budget 2016)

Vote 1c 70,000,000

Funding to replace the Royal Canadian Mounted Police National Forensic Laboratory Services facility (Budget 2016)

Vote 5c 6,401,700

Funding for incremental security costs associated with the North American Leaders’ Summit 2016

Vote 1c 5,730,865

Funding to compensate members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for injuries received in the performance of duty

Vote 10c 5,000,000

Funding for the implementation of the 2014 Legislative Amendments to the DNA Identification Act

Vote 1c 1,461,845
Vote 5c 717,226
Total 2,179,071

Funding for security infrastructure of the Rideau Cottage official residence (horizontal item)

Vote 5c 1,640,000

Funding related to government advertising programs (horizontal item)

Vote 1c 800,000
Total Voted Appropriations 91,751,636
Total Statutory Appropriations 608,134
Transfers from Other Organizations

From the Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness to Royal Canadian Mounted Police for the First Nations Community Policing Service

Vote 1c 849,252

From Parliamentary Protective Service to Royal Canadian Mounted Police for vehicle purchases

Vote 5c 154,305

From the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development to the Department of National Defence and Royal Canadian Mounted Police to provide support to departmental staff located at missions abroad

Vote 1c 5,611

From Shared Services Canada to Royal Canadian Mounted Police to adjust amounts previously provided for core information technology services

Vote 1c 5,578
Internal Transfers

Internal reallocation of resources for the implementation of a common definition for the capital expenditures vote

Vote 1c (6,084,140)
Vote 5c 6,084,140
Total 0
Total Transfers 1,014,746
Total Budgetary 93,374,516
Table 101. Listing of Transfer Payments (dollars)
  Estimates to Date These Supplementary Estimates Revised Estimates

To compensate members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for injuries received in the performance of duty (R.S.C., 1985, c. R-11)

190,000,000 5,000,000 195,000,000

Shared Services Canada

Table 102. Organization Summary (dollars) - Shared Services Canada
  Authorities To Date These Supplementary Estimates - Transfers These Supplementary Estimates - Adjustments Proposed Authorities To Date

Note: Additional details by organization are available on the Treasury Board Secretariat website –


1c Operating expenditures

1,341,422,337 35,052,684 1,425,616 1,377,900,637

5c Capital expenditures

445,492,570 (4,026,127) 1,749,998 443,216,441
Total Voted 1,786,914,907 31,026,557 3,175,614 1,821,117,078
Total Statutory 90,014,560 0 15,101 90,029,661
Total Budgetary Expenditures 1,876,929,467 31,026,557 3,190,715 1,911,146,739
Table 103. Explanation of Requirements (dollars)
  Vote No. Amount ($)
Voted Appropriations

Funding for the incremental cost of providing core information technology services

Vote 1c 1,425,616
Vote 5c 1,749,998
Total 3,175,614
Total Voted Appropriations 3,175,614
Total Statutory Appropriations 15,101
Transfers from Other Organizations

From the Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food, Canada Border Services Agency, Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Correctional Service of Canada, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development, Department of National Defence, Department of Public Works and Government Services, Statistics Canada and the Department of Transport to Shared Services Canada for the cost of providing core information technology services

Vote 1c 10,239,520
Vote 5c 18,218,041
Total 28,457,561

From the Department of Public Works and Government Services to Shared Services Canada related to data centre closures

Vote 1c 2,202,590

From the Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness to Shared Services Canada for data centre space

Vote 1c 371,984
Internal Transfers

Internal reallocation of resources for the implementation of a common definition for the capital expenditures vote

Vote 1c 22,244,168
Vote 5c (22,244,168)
Total 0
Transfers to Other Organizations

From Shared Services Canada to Royal Canadian Mounted Police to adjust amounts previously provided for core information technology services

Vote 1c (5,578)
Total Transfers 31,026,557
Total Budgetary 34,217,272

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council

Table 104. Organization Summary (dollars) - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
  Authorities To Date These Supplementary Estimates - Transfers These Supplementary Estimates - Adjustments Proposed Authorities To Date

Note: Additional details by organization are available on the Treasury Board Secretariat website –


1b Operating expenditures

26,479,122 0 0 26,479,122

5c Grants

748,646,039 825,390 1 749,471,430
Total Voted 775,125,161 825,390 1 775,950,552
Total Statutory 2,963,542 0 0 2,963,542
Total Budgetary Expenditures 778,088,703 825,390 1 778,914,094
Table 105. Explanation of Requirements (dollars)
  Vote No. Amount ($)
Voted Appropriations

Funding to authorize the transfer of funds between votes

Vote 5c 1
Total Voted Appropriations 1
Transfers from Other Organizations

From Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council to Canadian Institutes of Health Research and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council to support the Canada First Research Excellence Fund

Vote 5c 595,390

From the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development to Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council to synthesize existing research on the Department’s priority areas

Vote 5c 230,000
Internal Transfers

Internal reallocation of resources from College and Community Innovation Program ($300,000) to Grants and Scholarships

Vote 5c 0
Total Transfers 825,390
Total Budgetary 825,391
Table 106. Listing of Transfer Payments (dollars)
  Estimates to Date These Supplementary Estimates Revised Estimates

Canada First Research Excellence Fund

6,803,427 595,390 7,398,817

Grants and Scholarships

278,294,566 530,001 278,824,567

Statistics Canada

Table 107. Organization Summary (dollars) - Statistics Canada
  Authorities To Date These Supplementary Estimates - Transfers These Supplementary Estimates - Adjustments Proposed Authorities To Date

Note: Additional details by organization are available on the Treasury Board Secretariat website –


1c Program expenditures

696,588,359 (14,358,950) 10,059,522 692,288,931
Total Voted 696,588,359 (14,358,950) 10,059,522 692,288,931
Total Statutory 78,837,028 0 639,799 79,476,827
Total Budgetary Expenditures 775,425,387 (14,358,950) 10,699,321 771,765,758
Table 108. Explanation of Requirements (dollars)
  Vote No. Amount ($)
Voted Appropriations

Funding for out-of-court settlement (Statistical Survey Operations pay equity)

Vote 1c 7,754,013

Funding to enhance Canadaʼs financial and wealth statistics (Budget 2016)

Vote 1c 1,943,737

Funding to study foreign investment in Canadian housing (Budget 2016)

Vote 1c 361,772
Total Voted Appropriations 10,059,522
Total Statutory Appropriations 639,799
Transfers to Other Organizations

From the Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food, Canada Border Services Agency, Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Correctional Service of Canada, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development, Department of National Defence, Department of Public Works and Government Services, Statistics Canada and the Department of Transport to Shared Services Canada for the cost of providing core information technology services

Vote 1c (14,358,950)
Total Transfers (14,358,950)
Total Budgetary (3,659,629)

Telefilm Canada

Table 109. Organization Summary (dollars) - Telefilm Canada
  Authorities To Date These Supplementary Estimates - Transfers These Supplementary Estimates - Adjustments Proposed Authorities To Date

Note: Additional details by organization are available on the Treasury Board Secretariat website –


1c Payments to the corporation to be used for the purposes set out in the Telefilm Canada Act

95,453,551 0 2,000,000 97,453,551
Total Budgetary Expenditures 95,453,551 0 2,000,000 97,453,551
Table 110. Explanation of Requirements (dollars)
  Vote No. Amount ($)
Voted Appropriations

Funding to support more audiovisual treaty coproductions and increase national and international promotion of Canadian films (Budget 2016)

Vote 1c 2,000,000
Total Voted Appropriations 2,000,000
Total Budgetary 2,000,000

The Federal Bridge Corporation Limited

Table 111. Organization Summary (dollars) - The Federal Bridge Corporation Limited
  Authorities To Date These Supplementary Estimates - Transfers These Supplementary Estimates - Adjustments Proposed Authorities To Date

Note: Additional details by organization are available on the Treasury Board Secretariat website –


1c Payments to the Corporation

33,425,447 1,210,300 7,146,117 41,781,864
Total Budgetary Expenditures 33,425,447 1,210,300 7,146,117 41,781,864
Table 112. Explanation of Requirements (dollars)
  Vote No. Amount ($)
Voted Appropriations

Funding for the Lansdowne Customs Facility Rehabilitation Project

Vote 1c 5,198,222

Funding for the construction of new low-level bridge to replace the North Channel Span of the Seaway International Bridge Crossing at Cornwall

Vote 1c 1,947,895
Total Voted Appropriations 7,146,117
Transfers from Other Organizations

From Canada Border Services Agency to The Federal Bridge Corporation Limited for the Lansdowne Customs Facility Rehabilitation Project

Vote 1c 1,210,300
Total Transfers 1,210,300
Total Budgetary 8,356,417

Treasury Board Secretariat

Table 113. Organization Summary (dollars) - Treasury Board Secretariat
  Authorities To Date These Supplementary Estimates - Transfers These Supplementary Estimates - Adjustments Proposed Authorities To Date

Note: Additional details by organization are available on the Treasury Board Secretariat website –


1c Program expenditures

359,547,317 421,341 5,451,367 365,420,025

5 Government Contingencies

750,000,000 0 0 750,000,000

10 Government-Wide Initiatives

3,193,000 0 0 3,193,000

15c Compensation Adjustments

0 0 95,448,569 95,448,569

20c Public Service Insurance

2,383,670,604 0 76,400,000 2,460,070,604

25 Operating Budget Carry Forward

504,827,064 0 0 504,827,064

30c Paylist Requirements

497,359,746 0 545,000,000 1,042,359,746

33 Capital Budget Carry Forward

73,858,716 0 0 73,858,716
Total Voted 4,572,456,447 421,341 722,299,936 5,295,177,724
Total Statutory 370,365,660 0 367,677 370,733,337
Total Budgetary Expenditures 4,942,822,107 421,341 722,667,613 5,665,911,061
Table 114. Explanation of Requirements (dollars)
  Vote No. Amount ($)
Voted Appropriations

Paylist requirements – Funding for adjustments made to terms and conditions of service or employment of the federal public administration

Vote 30c 545,000,000

Compensation adjustments – Transfers to departments and agencies for salary adjustments

Vote 15c 95,448,569

Funding to address shortfalls under the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Disability Insurance Plan

Vote 20c 76,400,000

Funding for enhancing Access to Information (Budget 2016)

Vote 1c 2,557,381

Funding for the Back Office Transformation initiative (from other organizations)

Vote 1c 2,044,154

Funding to advance the governmentʼs service agenda and support implementation of the Government of Canada Clients First Service Strategy (Budget 2016)

Vote 1c 849,832
Total Voted Appropriations 722,299,936
Total Statutory Appropriations 367,677
Transfers from Other Organizations

From the Department of Public Works and Government Services to Treasury Board Secretariat to establish the new Centre for Greening Government

Vote 1c 421,341
Total Transfers 421,341
Total Budgetary 723,088,954

Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority

Table 115. Organization Summary (dollars) - Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority
  Authorities To Date These Supplementary Estimates - Transfers These Supplementary Estimates - Adjustments Proposed Authorities To Date

Note: Additional details by organization are available on the Treasury Board Secretariat website –


1c Payments to the Authority

566,574,752 2,607,000 1 569,181,753
Total Budgetary Expenditures 566,574,752 2,607,000 1 569,181,753
Table 116. Explanation of Requirements (dollars)
  Vote No. Amount ($)
Voted Appropriations

Funding to authorize the transfer of funds between votes

Vote 1c 1
Total Voted Appropriations 1
Transfers from Other Organizations

From Office of Infrastructure of Canada to Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority for land remediation related to the Gordie Howe International Bridge project

Vote 1c 2,607,000
Total Transfers 2,607,000
Total Budgetary 2,607,001

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