Supplementary Estimates (C), 2021-22
These Supplementary Estimates are presented in six sections:
- Highlights of these Estimates, including their overall impact on the Government’s spending plan and appropriated authorities for the fiscal year;
- General Information about the Estimates process and how to use this document;
- Key Summaries of the authorities presented in these Estimates for Parliament’s approval or information, legislation providing COVID‑19 related expenditure authority, major items, and horizontal initiatives;
- Detail by Organization on the voted authorities sought through these Estimates, as well as updates to statutory forecasts;
- Annex – Items for inclusion in the Proposed Schedules to the Appropriation Bill; and
- Additional Information available online on statutory and voted authorities.
On this page
- Highlights of these Estimates
- Detail by Organization
In this section
- Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
- Atomic Energy of Canada Limited
- Canada Border Services Agency
- Canada Council for the Arts
- Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
- Canada Revenue Agency
- Canada School of Public Service
- Canadian Air Transport Security Authority
- Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
- Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
- Canadian Energy Regulator
- Canadian Food Inspection Agency
- Canadian Human Rights Commission
- Canadian Institutes of Health Research
- Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency
- Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
- Canadian Race Relations Foundation
- Canadian Security Intelligence Service
- Canadian Space Agency
- Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board
- Communications Security Establishment
- Correctional Service of Canada
- Courts Administration Service
- Department for Women and Gender Equality
- Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food
- Department of Canadian Heritage
- Department of Citizenship and Immigration
- Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
- Department of Employment and Social Development
- Department of Finance
- Department of Fisheries and Oceans
- Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development
- Department of Health
- Department of Indigenous Services
- Department of Industry
- Department of Justice
- Department of National Defence
- Department of Natural Resources
- Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
- Department of Public Works and Government Services
- Department of the Environment
- Department of Transport
- Department of Veterans Affairs
- Department of Western Economic Diversification
- Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec
- Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario
- Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada
- Immigration and Refugee Board
- Impact Assessment Agency of Canada
- International Development Research Centre
- International Joint Commission (Canadian Section)
- Leaders’ Debates Commission
- Library and Archives of Canada
- National Capital Commission
- National Film Board
- National Research Council of Canada
- National Security and Intelligence Review Agency Secretariat
- Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
- Office of Infrastructure of Canada
- Office of the Auditor General
- Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs
- Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions
- Offices of the Information and Privacy Commissioners of Canada
- Parks Canada Agency
- Parole Board of Canada
- Public Health Agency of Canada
- Public Service Commission
- Royal Canadian Mounted Police
- Shared Services Canada
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
- Standards Council of Canada
- Statistics Canada
- The Jacques-Cartier and Champlain Bridges Inc.
- Treasury Board Secretariat
- VIA Rail Canada Inc.
- Items for inclusion in the Proposed Schedules to the Appropriation Bill
Highlights of these Estimates
The Supplementary Estimates (C), 2021–22 present a total of $17.1 billion in incremental budgetary spending, which reflects $13.2 billion to be voted and a $3.9 billion increase in forecast statutory expenditures. Roughly $6.9 billion (53%) of the voted requirements are for the Government’s response to the COVID‑19 global pandemic.
These Estimates seek parliamentary approval of $13.2 billion in new voted spending. The majority of this new spending is to:
- combat COVID‑19, including for procurement of rapid tests, vaccines and therapeutics;
- address the impacts of climate change;
- support housing, education, water treatment, health services and emergency response activities for Indigenous Canadians and their communities;
- fund housing and infrastructure projects; and
- support military operations and personnel.
Overall, funding requirements for the top 10 organizations account for approximately 81% of the voted spending sought through these Estimates. Of those 10 organizations, these six are each seeking more than $500 million to support their priorities:
- Department of Health ($3.7 billion);
- Public Health Agency of Canada ($3.0 billion);
- Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development ($828.2 million);
- Department of Indigenous Services ($766.4 million);
- Department of National Defence ($638.3 million); and
- Office of Infrastructure of Canada ($521.8 million).
These Estimates show, for information purposes, changes in planned statutory expenditures, including $400 million in expenditures pursuant to the proposed Economic and Fiscal Update Implementation Act, 2021. Additional information on statutory authorities for COVID‑19 related expenditures is presented online.
The increase of $3.9 billion in budgetary statutory expenditures is mainly due to:
- the Canada Worker Lockdown Benefit ($2.4 billion);
- an increase in interest on unmatured debt ($1.6 billion);
- payments to provinces and territories pursuant to the proposed Economic and Fiscal Update Implementation Act, 2021 for proof-of-vaccination initiatives ($300.0 million) and ventilation improvement projects in schools ($100.0 million);
- an increase to Canada Student Grants ($209.1 million); and
- the updated forecast from the Economic and Fiscal Update 2021 for Old Age Security ($406.6 million decrease) and the Guaranteed Income Supplement ($419.6 million decrease).
The decrease of $399.8 million in non-budgetary statutory expenditures is due to:
- an increase related to the Large Employer Emergency Financing Facility ($320.0 million) which provides short-term liquidity assistance to large employers affected by the pandemic; and
- an updated forecast for student and apprenticeship loans ($719.8 million decrease).
General Information
In order to spend money, the government must receive Parliament’s approval, either through previously adopted legislation that provides ongoing authority or on an annual basis through the introduction and passage of appropriation bills in Parliament. As with other bills, appropriation bills become law after being approved by both the House of Commons and the Senate and receiving Royal Assent.
To support Parliament’s consideration and review, the President of the Treasury Board tables in Parliament, prior to the introduction of each appropriation bill, an Estimates publication (Main or Supplementary) that provides information and details on spending authorities sought.
While the Main Estimates provide an overview of spending requirements for the upcoming fiscal year, Supplementary Estimates present information on additional spending requirements which were either not sufficiently developed in time for inclusion in the Main Estimates, or have subsequently been refined to account for developments in particular programs and services.
The Supplementary Estimates (C), 2021–22 is the third and final Supplementary Estimates planned for this fiscal year.
For this exercise, the President of the Treasury Board tables a document in Parliament that includes:
- a summary of the government’s incremental financial requirements;
- an overview of major funding requests and horizontal initiatives;
- a comparison of the Economic and Fiscal Update 2021 to planned expenditures in the 2021–22 Estimates;
- highlights of new authority requirements and structural changes;
- funding details by organization; and
- a proposed schedule to the appropriation bill to be approved by Parliament.
In addition to the tabled document, the following supplemental information will also be made available online:
- a detailed listing of statutory expenditures reported through the Estimates;
- a complete breakdown of planned expenditures by standard object, such as personnel, professional services and transfer payments;
- planned expenditures by purpose in accordance with the organization’s Departmental Reporting Framework;
- planned expenditures related to COVID‑19 response;
- frozen allotments in voted authorities;
- allocations from Treasury Board Central Votes; and
- a listing of transfers between organizations.
The following terminology is used throughout this document:
- 2019–20 Expenditures refer to the actual expenditures published in the 2020 Public Accounts (Volume II);
- 2020–21 Estimates to date include the aggregate of the requirements reported in the Main Estimates, and Supplementary Estimates (A), (B) and (C) of that fiscal year;
- authorities to date are comprised of amounts reported in the prior Estimates of the current fiscal year, two-year appropriations and allocations of votes managed by Treasury Board;
- these Supplementary Estimates refer to the requirements reported through Supplementary Estimates (C);
- proposed authorities is the sum of all the amounts reported in the Estimates of the current fiscal year, two-year appropriations and allocations from votes managed by Treasury Board;
- budgetary expenditures include the cost of servicing the public debt; operating and capital expenditures; transfer payments to other levels of government, organizations or individuals; and payments to Crown corporations;
- non-budgetary expenditures – or loans, investments and advances – are outlays that represent changes in the composition of the Government’s financial assets. Negative figures indicate that recoveries exceed expenditures;
- voted describes appropriations or expenditures for which parliamentary authority is sought through an appropriation bill; and
- statutory describes appropriations or expenditures which are authorized by Parliament through legislation other than an appropriation act; forecasts are provided for Parliament’s information.
Summary of Estimates
The Supplementary Estimates (C), 2021–22 provides information in support of voted budgetary expenditures in the amount of $13.2 billion for a total of $188.8 billion in 2021–22. This is an increase of 7.5% over the authorities to date.
2019–20 Expenditures | 2020–21 Estimates to date | Authorities To Date | These Supplementary Estimates | Proposed Authorities | |
Budgetary | |||||
Voted | 119,731,894,080 | 165,382,616,805 | 175,631,344,443 | 13,209,519,773 | 188,840,864,216 |
Statutory | 183,824,346,054 | 313,305,211,229 | 222,305,811,683 | 3,856,630,442 | 226,162,442,125 |
Total Budgetary | 303,556,240,134 | 478,687,828,034 | 397,937,156,126 | 17,066,150,215 | 415,003,306,341 |
Non-Budgetary | |||||
Voted | (272,171,484) | 87,203,002 | 180,703,004 | 0 | 180,703,004 |
Statutory | 56,981,968,690 | 4,632,290,118 | 7,299,369,815 | (399,757,571) | 6,899,612,244 |
Total Non-Budgetary | 56,709,797,206 | 4,719,493,120 | 7,480,072,819 | (399,757,571) | 7,080,315,248 |
Note: Authorities To Date and Proposed Authorities include two-year appropriations of $1,055,127,924 for Canada Border Services Agency, Canada Revenue Agency and Parks Canada Agency. These three agencies have the authority to carry forward funds approved in 2020–21 to 2021–22. The following chart — Supplementary Estimates as part of total Estimates — reflects only 2021–22 Estimates, so it excludes the two-year appropriations. Differences in statutory expenditures between the two charts relate to adjustments to estimated expenditures for employee benefit plans.
Estimates to date 2021–22
The 2021–22 Main Estimates were tabled on February 25, 2021, supporting the government’s request to Parliament for authority through annual appropriations to spend $141.9 billion in voted budgetary expenditures and $180.7 million in voted non-budgetary expenditures. The 2021–22 Main Estimates also presented information on statutory amounts of $200.3 billion in budgetary expenditures and $4.3 billion in loans, investments and advances.
The Supplementary Estimates (A), 2021–22 were tabled on May 27, 2021 and presented information in support of $24.0 billion in voted budgetary expenditures. Information was also presented on increases to statutory expenditures of $17.2 billion in budgetary expenditures and $224.4 million in loans, investments and advances.
The Supplementary Estimates (B), 2021–22 were tabled on November 26, 2021 and presented information in support of $8.7 billion in voted budgetary expenditures. Information was also presented on increases to statutory expenditures of $4.7 billion in budgetary expenditures and $2.8 billion in loans, investments and advances.
The Supplementary Estimates (C), 2021–22 provide information in support of $13.2 billion in voted budgetary expenditures. Information is also presented on an increase to statutory budgetary expenditures of $3.9 billion and a decrease of $399.8 million in statutory loans, investments and advances.
Appropriation Acts in 2021–22
Royal Assent for Appropriation Act No. 1, 2021–22, granted on March 30, 2021, provided interim supply to appropriation-dependent organizations to cover requirements for the first three months of the fiscal year.
Royal Assent for Appropriation Act No. 2, 2021–22, granted on June 21, 2021, provided the remaining supply for the 2021–22 Main Estimates.
Royal Assent for Appropriation Act No. 3, 2021–22, granted on June 21, 2021, provided supply for the spending requirements presented in Supplementary Estimates (A), 2021–22.
Royal Assent for Appropriation Act No. 4, 2021–22, granted on December 17, 2021, provided supply for the spending requirements presented in Supplementary Estimates (B), 2021–22.
In March 2022, the President of the Treasury Board will introduce a bill to provide supply for the spending requirements presented in these Supplementary Estimates (C), 2021–22.
Main Estimates | Supplementary A | Supplementary B | Supplementary C | Total | |
Budgetary | |||||
Voted | 141,851,765,529 | 23,974,552,686 | 8,749,898,304 | 13,209,519,773 | 187,785,736,292 |
Statutory | 200,334,876,487 | 17,203,178,514 | 4,665,803,322 | 3,856,630,442 | 226,060,488,765 |
Total Budgetary | 342,186,642,016 | 41,177,731,200 | 13,415,701,626 | 17,066,150,215 | 413,846,225,057 |
Non-Budgetary | |||||
Voted | 180,703,001 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 180,703,004 |
Statutory | 4,265,094,037 | 224,400,000 | 2,809,875,778 | (399,757,571) | 6,899,612,244 |
Total Non-Budgetary | 4,445,797,038 | 224,400,001 | 2,809,875,780 | (399,757,571) | 7,080,315,248 |
Major Items
The following is a list of the major voted initiatives, which are included in these Supplementary Estimates to seek parliamentary approval.
Department of Health and Public Health Agency of Canada: $4.0 billion
Funding for the procurement of additional rapid test kits (COVID‑19)
This funding will be used to procure and distribute COVID‑19 rapid tests to meet increased demand from provinces and territories, from federally-administered programs, as well as for workers providing essential Government of Canada services. The tests will support outbreak management, reduce risk in vulnerable populations, and help sustain economic and social reopening in workplaces and schools.
Public Health Agency of Canada: $1.0 billion
Funding for the procurement of additional therapeutics (COVID‑19)
This funding will support the acquisition of new and emerging COVID‑19 treatments, including procurements under advanced purchase agreements, as well as costs associated with storage, distribution and deployment. The first COVID‑19 treatments required an intravenous infusion or injection at hospitals or health care clinics. The availability of new antiviral COVID‑19 therapies will make outpatient treatment much easier, and the new treatments are expected to be in high demand by healthcare practitioners and their patients.
Department of Health and Public Health Agency of Canada: $1.0 billion
Funding to support emergency measures related to the pandemic (COVID‑19)
This funding is for contracting, staffing or acquisition of assets needed to respond to the pandemic, which could include additional rapid tests, treatments and therapeutics, or biomedical assets. This funding may also be used for associated logistics and operational costs, as well as to exercise options under existing advanced purchase agreements.
Public Health Agency of Canada: $687.2 million
Funding for the procurement of vaccine and personal protective equipment (COVID‑19)
Supplies of COVID‑19 vaccines continue to be required for booster shots, as well as for those not fully vaccinated. This funding will support acquisition of additional COVID‑19 vaccines and development of second-generation vaccines against variants of concern. To ensure COVID‑19 vaccines continue to be available, the federal government has entered an advanced purchase agreement with Pfizer Canada.
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development and Department of the Environment: $653.7 million
Funding to help developing countries address the impact of climate change
This funding will scale-up support to developing countries to transition towards low-carbon, climate-resilient, nature-positive economies, in support of the goals of the Paris Agreement.
Office of Infrastructure of Canada: $349.3 million
Funding for the P3 Canada Fund
The Office of Infrastructure of Canada assumed responsibility for the P3 Canada Fund following the dissolution of PPP Canada Inc. This funding will support the delivery of approved, ongoing public-private partnership projects which the federal government has legally committed to under the P3 Canada Fund.
Treasury Board Secretariat: $206.0 million
Funding for compensation adjustments – Transfers to departments and agencies for negotiated salary adjustments
This funding will be used to compensate appropriated organizations for salary adjustments arising from recently negotiated collective bargaining agreements and other changes to the terms and conditions of employment. These adjustments include a new collective agreement signed with the Border Services group, temporary recruitment and retention incentives for compensation advisors, and payments to compensate employees for the extended implementation timeframes of collective agreements during the 2018 round of collective bargaining.
Treasury Board Secretariat: $200.0 million
Paylist requirements – Funding for adjustments made to terms and conditions of service or employment of the federal public administration
This funding will reimburse organizations for eligible paylist expenditures such as parental allowances and severance pay, as well as provide capacity to respond to compensation pressures pertaining to collective agreements which may be ratified by March 31, 2022.
Comparison of the Economic and Fiscal Update 2021 and Estimates
The following reconciliation is for the purpose of providing greater clarity on the relationship between the figures presented in the Economic and Fiscal Update 2021 and the 2021–22 Estimates and to allow for a more effective comparison and study of how the Estimates cash requirements are derived from the accrual-based budget plan.
2021–22 (billions of dollars) |
Estimates to Date 2021–22 | 413.8 |
Of which: | |
Related to Budget 2021
36.0 |
Plus: Items not included in Estimates | 99.4 |
Of which: | |
Employment Insurance benefits
39.5 |
Canada Child Benefit
26.4 |
Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy
20.3 |
Other Tax Credits and Repayments
13.2 |
Plus: Netted Revenue | 13.3 |
Less: Accrual and other | (21.8) |
Economic and Fiscal Update 2021 Total Expenses | 504.7 |
Items not included in the Estimates
The Economic and Fiscal Update forecast covers the complete scope of the Government’s fiscal framework, including revenues, program and tax expenditures, statutory expenditures such as Employment Insurance benefits, and provision for future obligations such as public service pensions. The scope of the Estimates is narrower than the Economic and Fiscal Update forecast. The main purpose of the Estimates is to support Parliament’s consideration of the appropriation bills, which are the legal instruments for authorizing certain payments.
The Estimates are therefore focused on the government’s cash needs which require parliamentary appropriations and exclude certain items reported in the Economic and Fiscal Update. Costs related to the Employment Insurance benefits, children’s benefits and the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy are the largest components of the items excluded from the Estimates.
The Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy and the Canada Child Benefit are legislated through the Income Tax Act and are considered expenditures for government financial reporting purposes. Parliament does not authorize annual spending for these items or for any other tax expenditure or refundable tax credit.
Most Employment Insurance costs are paid directly out of the Employment Insurance Operating Account, rather than a departmental appropriation, and are therefore not included in the Estimates.
Netted revenues
Certain expenditures are funded through departmental revenues. Accrual expenses in the Economic and Fiscal Update are on a ‘gross’ basis, meaning the revenues are included in the accrual-based revenue forecast, while they are netted against expenditures in the Estimates.
Accrual and other
The Economic and Fiscal Update is presented on a full accrual basis whereas the Estimates are presented on a modified cash basis. The accrual basis of accounting recognizes income when it is earned and expenses when they are incurred, whereas cash accounting recognizes them when the cash or its equivalent has been paid. As a result, certain items will be reported differently between the two publications. This category also includes costs related to consolidated Crown corporations that are funded from their own revenues, a number of other adjustments necessary to forecast expenses on a fully consolidated basis, as well as adjustments for items that have been approved and earmarked in the fiscal framework (at the time of Economic and Fiscal Update and since then).
Structural Changes and Changes to Voted Authorities
The following structural changes have been reflected since the publishing of the Supplementary Estimates (B), 2021–22:
- the LGBTQ2 Secretariat was transferred from the Department of Canadian Heritage to the Department for Women and Gender Equality (P.C. 2021-0951); and
- the Homelessness Policy Directorate was transferred from the Department of Employment and Social Development to the Office of Infrastructure of Canada (P.C. 2021-0951).
The Minister of Housing and Diversity and Inclusion was designated as the appropriate Minister for the purposes of the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Act, taking on responsibility for the Corporation (P.C. 2021-0947).
The following new or amended authorities are sought through the Appropriation Act for these Estimates:
- the Correctional Service of Canada is amending Vote 5 to reflect changes to the Corrections and Conditional Release Act authorizing payments to Indigenous governing bodies or Indigenous organizations;
- the Department of Citizenship and Immigration is adding Vote 15 for the forgiveness of a debt and Vote 20 to write off debts related to immigration loans;
- the Department of Employment and Social Development is adding Vote 10 to write off debts related to student and apprentice loans;
- the Department of Public Works and Government Services is adding Vote 10 to amend the Translation Bureau Revolving Fund to increase the amount by which the aggregate of its expenditures may exceed its revenues; and
- the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario is amending Vote 1 to add an authority to pay the salary of a minister of State.
Estimates by Organization
126 organizations are represented in the 2021–22 Estimates. Of these, 75 organizations are included in these Supplementary Estimates: 5 for information only and 70 for consideration by Parliament.
Department, Agency or Crown corporation | 2019–20 Expenditures | 2020–21 Estimates to date | Authorities To Date | These Supplementary Estimates | Proposed Authorities |
Budgetary | |||||
Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada | 65,048,723 | 72,679,604 | 78,891,502 | 0 | 78,891,502 |
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency | 351,659,641 | 592,434,716 | 430,285,533 | 28,855,225 | 459,140,758 |
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited | 868,140,000 | 1,254,166,523 | 1,188,799,417 | 39,505,000 | 1,228,304,417 |
Canada Border Services Agency | 2,064,340,007 | 2,225,141,372 | 2,437,013,327 | 187,735,783 | 2,624,749,110 |
Canada Council for the Arts | 327,771,295 | 425,571,295 | 505,562,080 | 4,827,000 | 510,389,080 |
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation | 2,215,671,739 | 6,019,698,711 | 5,102,990,370 | 41,262,088 | 5,144,252,458 |
Canada Post Corporation | 22,210,000 | 22,210,000 | 22,210,000 | 0 | 22,210,000 |
Canada Revenue Agency | 7,198,211,160 | 9,611,496,025 | 11,633,474,051 | 267,608,655 | 11,901,082,706 |
Canada School of Public Service | 81,380,256 | 79,687,920 | 82,009,780 | (8,333) | 82,001,447 |
Canadian Accessibility Standards Development Organization | 3,960,828 | 16,618,432 | 20,521,637 | 0 | 20,521,637 |
Canadian Air Transport Security Authority | 847,862,166 | 917,728,788 | 852,889,905 | 6,650,000 | 859,539,905 |
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation | 1,210,797,846 | 1,247,497,846 | 1,229,423,241 | 21,000,000 | 1,250,423,241 |
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety | 11,180,990 | 13,017,140 | 15,678,794 | 104,565 | 15,783,359 |
Canadian Dairy Commission | 3,967,223 | 3,903,550 | 4,190,309 | 0 | 4,190,309 |
Canadian Energy Regulator | 61,169,531 | 104,618,519 | 111,449,026 | 200,000 | 111,649,026 |
Canadian Food Inspection Agency | 752,266,743 | 767,238,171 | 848,315,895 | 20,556,401 | 868,872,296 |
Canadian Grain Commission | 2,705,191 | 6,593,140 | 7,288,059 | 0 | 7,288,059 |
Canadian High Arctic Research Station | 30,577,492 | 31,177,618 | 33,299,992 | 0 | 33,299,992 |
Canadian Human Rights Commission | 25,041,813 | 33,147,272 | 38,692,683 | 1,337,647 | 40,030,330 |
Canadian Institutes of Health Research | 1,202,050,854 | 1,619,967,785 | 1,392,033,121 | 946,501 | 1,392,979,622 |
Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat | 5,425,609 | 5,956,021 | 6,337,590 | 0 | 6,337,590 |
Canadian Museum for Human Rights | 26,954,953 | 27,709,539 | 29,336,716 | 0 | 29,336,716 |
Canadian Museum of History | 75,728,888 | 76,444,847 | 84,580,111 | 0 | 84,580,111 |
Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 | 7,905,183 | 9,944,758 | 9,546,694 | 0 | 9,546,694 |
Canadian Museum of Nature | 29,196,950 | 32,738,464 | 35,738,815 | 0 | 35,738,815 |
Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency | 67,162,468 | 109,595,858 | 87,502,338 | 4,636,109 | 92,138,447 |
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission | 147,965,383 | 144,195,709 | 145,963,388 | 101,806 | 146,065,194 |
Canadian Race Relations Foundation | 0 | 0 | 6,000,001 | 180,000 | 6,180,001 |
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission | 12,060,098 | 95,243,259 | 21,500,230 | 0 | 21,500,230 |
Canadian Security Intelligence Service | 611,085,093 | 652,071,418 | 675,115,998 | 5,501,591 | 680,617,589 |
Canadian Space Agency | 324,436,091 | 403,885,524 | 441,247,608 | 50,238,514 | 491,486,122 |
Canadian Tourism Commission | 100,665,913 | 95,665,913 | 121,159,703 | 0 | 121,159,703 |
Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board | 35,700,486 | 33,936,499 | 36,448,752 | 614,599 | 37,063,351 |
Canadian Transportation Agency | 35,277,786 | 43,280,050 | 45,213,871 | 0 | 45,213,871 |
Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police | 10,542,577 | 10,186,587 | 10,634,735 | 0 | 10,634,735 |
Communications Security Establishment | 761,094,623 | 764,430,925 | 843,373,787 | 16,398,112 | 859,771,899 |
Copyright Board | 4,070,030 | 4,225,668 | 4,448,359 | 0 | 4,448,359 |
Correctional Service of Canada | 2,652,821,435 | 2,951,178,987 | 3,227,849,083 | 20,101,435 | 3,247,950,518 |
Courts Administration Service | 95,326,753 | 103,473,263 | 99,644,306 | 11,889,547 | 111,533,853 |
Department for Women and Gender Equality | 114,546,509 | 219,807,698 | 231,443,012 | 6,323,294 | 237,766,306 |
Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food | 2,567,930,523 | 3,449,332,492 | 3,916,603,929 | 22,411,509 | 3,939,015,438 |
Department of Canadian Heritage | 1,550,574,951 | 2,022,420,208 | 2,028,661,520 | 210,921,300 | 2,239,582,820 |
Department of Citizenship and Immigration | 3,060,599,520 | 3,357,984,273 | 3,683,858,975 | 174,277,128 | 3,858,136,103 |
Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs | 5,470,587,833 | 6,839,473,883 | 6,756,322,769 | 317,921,540 | 7,074,244,309 |
Department of Employment and Social Development | 69,828,763,126 | 169,688,293,196 | 99,329,876,564 | 2,126,212,828 | 101,456,089,392 |
Department of Finance | 98,842,680,685 | 119,514,431,715 | 109,280,104,710 | 1,471,482,561 | 110,751,587,271 |
Department of Fisheries and Oceans | 3,136,070,484 | 4,111,329,823 | 4,851,726,602 | 243,180,291 | 5,094,906,893 |
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development | 7,176,903,197 | 9,363,238,643 | 7,628,274,097 | 827,404,382 | 8,455,678,479 |
Department of Health | 2,675,389,069 | 4,578,789,751 | 5,770,081,815 | 3,463,607,659 | 9,233,689,474 |
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development | 767,365,315 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Department of Indigenous Services | 13,274,548,937 | 17,795,805,677 | 21,059,178,792 | 749,251,953 | 21,808,430,745 |
Department of Industry | 2,386,107,584 | 3,917,985,299 | 4,759,272,839 | 118,750,462 | 4,878,023,301 |
Department of Justice | 812,721,034 | 847,512,079 | 826,439,834 | 111,414,791 | 937,854,625 |
Department of National Defence | 22,839,438,337 | 24,458,052,456 | 25,915,925,616 | 673,252,430 | 26,589,178,046 |
Department of Natural Resources | 2,454,790,927 | 1,836,850,792 | 2,694,898,126 | 151,744,816 | 2,846,642,942 |
Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness | 919,335,099 | 858,310,704 | 1,278,937,946 | (63,371,365) | 1,215,566,581 |
Department of Public Works and Government Services | 3,828,687,376 | 5,634,376,323 | 5,230,646,361 | 155,025,149 | 5,385,671,510 |
Department of the Environment | 1,545,664,621 | 2,058,935,802 | 1,987,902,335 | 48,609,782 | 2,036,512,117 |
Department of Transport | 1,705,220,748 | 2,476,193,010 | 2,548,875,568 | 194,884,980 | 2,743,760,548 |
Department of Veterans Affairs | 4,832,374,356 | 5,415,092,814 | 6,320,467,442 | 8,360,646 | 6,328,828,088 |
Department of Western Economic Diversification | 309,080,429 | 1,073,310,810 | 478,695,924 | 62,373,125 | 541,069,049 |
Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec | 324,622,726 | 611,943,620 | 493,394,458 | 57,022,962 | 550,417,420 |
Federal Economic Development Agency for Northern Ontario | 0 | 0 | 100,685,475 | 0 | 100,685,475 |
Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario | 267,504,408 | 694,529,833 | 427,726,402 | 1 | 427,726,403 |
Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada | 55,282,766 | 76,319,284 | 88,911,467 | 1,439,261 | 90,350,728 |
House of Commons | 505,749,003 | 538,955,738 | 561,408,931 | 0 | 561,408,931 |
Immigration and Refugee Board | 200,407,305 | 281,031,875 | 295,108,876 | 1,957,259 | 297,066,135 |
Impact Assessment Agency of Canada | 63,446,897 | 76,483,395 | 81,969,385 | 845,000 | 82,814,385 |
International Development Research Centre | 142,907,117 | 141,848,784 | 148,611,325 | 6,640,000 | 155,251,325 |
International Joint Commission (Canadian Section) | 8,931,679 | 12,609,140 | 10,585,140 | 2,220,934 | 12,806,074 |
Invest in Canada Hub | 26,096,450 | 34,291,556 | 35,986,134 | 0 | 35,986,134 |
Leaders’ Debates Commission | 3,732,870 | 5,402,102 | 4,835,025 | 631,452 | 5,466,477 |
Library and Archives of Canada | 134,354,195 | 139,468,296 | 163,625,941 | (27,266) | 163,598,675 |
Library of Parliament | 49,279,144 | 53,408,759 | 54,446,785 | 0 | 54,446,785 |
Marine Atlantic Inc. | 130,903,730 | 142,576,235 | 149,875,667 | 0 | 149,875,667 |
Military Grievances External Review Committee | 6,375,884 | 6,883,603 | 7,331,117 | 0 | 7,331,117 |
Military Police Complaints Commission | 4,731,232 | 4,802,446 | 5,060,395 | 0 | 5,060,395 |
National Arts Centre Corporation | 35,270,142 | 53,660,142 | 59,920,409 | 0 | 59,920,409 |
National Capital Commission | 137,479,936 | 149,261,744 | 158,431,201 | 32,000,000 | 190,431,201 |
National Energy Board | 36,827,459 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
National Film Board | 75,910,304 | 69,631,409 | 72,826,369 | (24,020) | 72,802,349 |
National Gallery of Canada | 47,170,830 | 51,482,633 | 52,002,341 | 0 | 52,002,341 |
National Museum of Science and Technology | 30,936,832 | 35,906,354 | 43,117,196 | 0 | 43,117,196 |
National Research Council of Canada | 1,214,601,865 | 1,871,190,694 | 1,627,627,853 | 39,732,844 | 1,667,360,697 |
National Security and Intelligence Review Agency Secretariat | 5,625,307 | 23,831,282 | 31,350,697 | 1,200,000 | 32,550,697 |
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council | 1,359,365,352 | 1,528,927,812 | 1,412,460,788 | 14,011,526 | 1,426,472,314 |
Northern Pipeline Agency | 238,467 | 1,083,120 | 571,820 | 0 | 571,820 |
Office of Infrastructure of Canada | 8,948,867,553 | 7,915,657,104 | 9,957,925,296 | 520,207,705 | 10,478,133,001 |
Office of the Auditor General | 87,654,487 | 102,117,774 | 120,606,352 | 1,500,000 | 122,106,352 |
Office of the Chief Electoral Officer | 570,896,337 | 133,680,430 | 176,155,806 | 0 | 176,155,806 |
Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs | 628,057,984 | 658,447,954 | 683,526,066 | 3,000,000 | 686,526,066 |
Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying | 4,829,109 | 4,556,920 | 5,407,926 | 0 | 5,407,926 |
Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages | 21,631,240 | 21,517,955 | 23,318,211 | 0 | 23,318,211 |
Office of the Communications Security Establishment Commissioner | 439,850 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Office of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner | 6,886,187 | 7,514,511 | 7,670,110 | 0 | 7,670,110 |
Office of the Correctional Investigator of Canada | 5,440,958 | 5,303,610 | 5,614,044 | 0 | 5,614,044 |
Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions | 192,931,805 | 203,268,036 | 213,899,224 | 5,560,579 | 219,459,803 |
Office of the Governor General’s Secretary | 23,181,004 | 23,197,577 | 24,629,794 | 0 | 24,629,794 |
Office of the Intelligence Commissioner | 1,667,916 | 2,797,375 | 2,633,615 | 0 | 2,633,615 |
Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer | 5,923,504 | 7,246,196 | 7,246,196 | 0 | 7,246,196 |
Office of the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner | 5,398,601 | 5,582,330 | 5,892,966 | 0 | 5,892,966 |
Office of the Senate Ethics Officer | 1,054,500 | 1,352,901 | 1,352,901 | 0 | 1,352,901 |
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions | 193,634,134 | 201,055,674 | 200,750,762 | 0 | 200,750,762 |
Offices of the Information and Privacy Commissioners of Canada | 42,923,807 | 46,157,842 | 49,852,256 | 458,624 | 50,310,880 |
Pacific Economic Development Agency of Canada | 0 | 0 | 272,309,385 | 0 | 272,309,385 |
Parks Canada Agency | 1,480,274,656 | 1,386,826,721 | 1,531,929,011 | 14,772,949 | 1,546,701,960 |
Parliamentary Protective Service | 88,674,871 | 92,605,109 | 90,753,007 | 0 | 90,753,007 |
Parole Board of Canada | 51,488,791 | 53,396,937 | 58,003,117 | 7,170,269 | 65,173,386 |
Patented Medicine Prices Review Board | 13,313,880 | 17,804,400 | 19,445,275 | 0 | 19,445,275 |
Privy Council Office | 185,349,690 | 185,880,387 | 216,370,933 | 0 | 216,370,933 |
Public Health Agency of Canada | 892,605,607 | 21,044,808,815 | 13,152,335,308 | 3,608,096,462 | 16,760,431,770 |
Public Service Commission | 93,611,830 | 89,633,675 | 96,845,590 | (10,000) | 96,835,590 |
Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada | 37,782,015 | 38,416,364 | 41,160,342 | 0 | 41,160,342 |
Royal Canadian Mounted Police | 4,732,973,923 | 3,840,443,822 | 5,014,009,493 | 351,278,944 | 5,365,288,437 |
Royal Canadian Mounted Police External Review Committee | 3,132,901 | 5,292,187 | 6,436,498 | 0 | 6,436,498 |
Secretariat of the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians | 2,693,543 | 3,549,666 | 3,818,946 | 0 | 3,818,946 |
Security Intelligence Review Committee | 1,295,749 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Senate | 97,869,871 | 115,563,738 | 115,563,738 | 0 | 115,563,738 |
Shared Services Canada | 1,973,596,487 | 2,374,730,418 | 2,336,014,838 | 90,676,362 | 2,426,691,200 |
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council | 940,757,288 | 1,479,735,887 | 1,015,079,887 | (960,694) | 1,014,119,193 |
Standards Council of Canada | 18,578,854 | 18,321,000 | 15,520,021 | 3,615,250 | 19,135,271 |
Statistics Canada | 546,949,624 | 622,948,697 | 898,780,700 | 46,098,262 | 944,878,962 |
Telefilm Canada | 109,378,949 | 181,633,949 | 295,355,601 | 0 | 295,355,601 |
The Federal Bridge Corporation Limited | 0 | 9,772,407 | 18,497,000 | 0 | 18,497,000 |
The Jacques-Cartier and Champlain Bridges Inc. | 155,646,771 | 327,620,136 | 325,009,620 | (205,766) | 324,803,854 |
The National Battlefields Commission | 10,378,351 | 10,002,843 | 15,403,681 | 0 | 15,403,681 |
Treasury Board Secretariat | 2,974,307,068 | 8,891,590,056 | 4,431,298,340 | 417,720,417 | 4,849,018,757 |
Veterans Review and Appeal Board | 10,696,418 | 10,957,720 | 11,653,798 | 0 | 11,653,798 |
VIA Rail Canada Inc. | 506,347,644 | 1,016,389,568 | 864,779,151 | 35,239,393 | 900,018,544 |
Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority | 570,550,000 | 778,634,323 | 971,574,541 | 0 | 971,574,541 |
Total Budgetary | 303,556,240,134 | 478,687,828,034 | 397,937,156,126 | 17,066,150,215 | 415,003,306,341 |
Non-budgetary | |||||
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation | 1,284,074,121 | 1,880,450,574 | 3,209,467,541 | 0 | 3,209,467,541 |
Canadian Dairy Commission | (28,640,780) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Correctional Service of Canada | (473) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Department of Citizenship and Immigration | 16,966,093 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs | 9,824,625 | 25,903,000 | 25,903,000 | 0 | 25,903,000 |
Department of Employment and Social Development | 967,487,646 | 2,245,100,994 | 957,191,043 | (719,757,571) | 237,433,472 |
Department of Finance | 53,318,029,416 | 450,200,000 | 2,985,109,002 | 320,000,000 | 3,305,109,002 |
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development | 16,849,447 | 117,038,552 | 301,602,233 | 0 | 301,602,233 |
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development | 942,654 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Department of Industry | 1,406,000,000 | 800,000 | 800,000 | 0 | 800,000 |
Department of National Defence | 1,236,835 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Department of Public Works and Government Services | 7,932,622 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Department of Transport | (290,905,000) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Total Non-budgetary | 56,709,797,206 | 4,719,493,120 | 7,480,072,819 | (399,757,571) | 7,080,315,248 |
Horizontal Items
The items listed in this table are horizontal initiatives and other jointly funded items. Both types of horizontal items generally involve two or more organizations with a formal funding agreement (e.g. Memorandum to Cabinet or Treasury Board submission). Through horizontal initiatives, the organizations work in partnership toward the achievement of shared outcomes. In jointly funded items, organizations receive incremental funding, and each independently contributes to the realization of the stated objective(s).
Organization | Amount |
Funding for the procurement of additional rapid test kits (COVID‑19) |
This funding will be used to procure and distribute COVID‑19 rapid tests to meet increased demand from provinces and territories, from federally-administered programs, as well as for workers providing essential Government of Canada services. The tests will support outbreak management, reduce risk in vulnerable populations, and help sustain economic and social reopening in workplaces and schools. |
Department of Health | 3,200,000,000 |
Public Health Agency of Canada | 750,000,000 |
Total | 3,950,000,000 |
Funding to help developing countries address the impact of climate change |
This funding will scale-up support to developing countries to transition towards low-carbon, climate-resilient, nature-positive economies, in support of the goals of the Paris Agreement. |
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development
647,188,523 |
Department of the Environment
6,528,437 |
Total Statutory | 631,585 |
Total | 654,348,545 |
Funding to conserve Canada’s land and freshwater, protect species, advance Indigenous reconciliation and increase access to nature (Budget 2021) |
This funding will support initiatives to protect and conserve 25% of Canada’s land and freshwater by 2025, protect species at risk and their habitat, advance reconciliation through Indigenous leadership of conservation efforts, and support natural infrastructure and increased access to nature. These initiatives build on existing Nature Legacy activities, first launched in 2018. |
Supplementary Estimates (B), 2021–22 | |
Department of Fisheries and Oceans | 42,238,037 |
Department of the Environment | 102,344,746 |
Parks Canada Agency | 46,799,242 |
Total Statutory | 6,541,875 |
Total | 197,923,900 |
Supplementary Estimates (C), 2021–22 | |
Office of Infrastructure of Canada
46,292,004 |
Cumulative Total for 2021–22 | 244,215,904 |
Funding for the resettlement commitment for the evacuation and immigration of Afghan nationals to Canada |
This funding will be used to resettle government-assisted refugees from Afghanistan and provide them with income and essential services under existing settlement and health programs. |
Supplementary Estimates (B), 2021–22 | |
Department of Citizenship and Immigration | 166,661,431 |
Total Statutory | 2,619,767 |
Total | 169,281,198 |
Supplementary Estimates (C), 2021–22 | |
Canada Border Services Agency
7,987,506 |
Public Health Agency of Canada
842,793 |
Total Statutory | 1,492,622 |
Total | 10,322,921 |
Cumulative Total for 2021–22 | 179,604,119 |
Funding for the 2021-2023 Immigration Levels Plan |
The Plan, tabled in Parliament in October 2020, increased annual target levels for admission of permanent residents, including to offset an admission shortfall caused by the COVID‑19 pandemic. This funding will support processing and service delivery costs related to the increase in admissions, the provision of settlement and resettlement services, as well as increased resources for international and in-Canada partners. |
Supplementary Estimates (B), 2021–22 | |
Department of Citizenship and Immigration | 139,798,015 |
Total Statutory | 9,333,887 |
Total | 149,131,902 |
Supplementary Estimates (C), 2021–22 | |
Canada Border Services Agency
4,933,972 |
Canadian Security Intelligence Service
2,024,547 |
Immigration and Refugee Board
1,608,006 |
Total Statutory | 1,648,093 |
Total | 10,214,618 |
Cumulative Total for 2021–22 | 159,346,520 |
Funding to improve mental health supports and services (COVID‑19) (Budget 2021) |
This funding will be used for mental health promotion and prevention, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) services for front-line workers, online mental health supports and services and development of mental health and substance use standards. |
Supplementary Estimates (B), 2021–22 | |
Department of Health | 80,233,809 |
Total Statutory | 316,754 |
Total | 80,550,563 |
Supplementary Estimates (C), 2021–22 | |
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
2,212,082 |
Public Health Agency of Canada
56,199,716 |
Total Statutory | 209,860 |
Total | 58,621,658 |
Cumulative Total for 2021–22 | 139,172,221 |
Funding for the Canada Community Revitalization Fund (Budget 2021) |
This funding will support municipalities, Indigenous communities, not-for-profit organizations and other community groups in the construction and improvement of community infrastructure. The program will be delivered by the regional development agencies in their respective areas. |
Supplementary Estimates (B), 2021–22 | |
Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec | 52,877,943 |
Federal Economic Development Agency for Northern Ontario | 3,003,990 |
Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario | 21,938,205 |
Pacific Economic Development Agency of Canada | 20,907,039 |
Total Statutory | 807,050 |
Total | 99,534,227 |
Supplementary Estimates (C), 2021–22 | |
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency | 13,428,867 |
Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency | 2,311,776 |
Department of Western Economic Diversification | 15,275,756 |
Total Statutory | 345,018 |
Total | 31,361,417 |
Cumulative Total for 2021–22 | 130,895,644 |
Funding to implement Canada’s new marine conservation targets (Budget 2021) |
This funding will be used to establish new marine protected areas and for other conservation measures, such as feasibility assessments, data collection and analysis, stakeholder consultation, and regulatory development. These activities support the target of protecting 25% of Canada’s oceans by 2025. |
Supplementary Estimates (B), 2021–22 | |
Department of Fisheries and Oceans | 96,305,789 |
Department of the Environment | 1,829,837 |
Parks Canada Agency | 3,229,035 |
Total Statutory | 6,474,392 |
Total | 107,839,053 |
Supplementary Estimates (C), 2021–22 | |
Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
4,130,347 |
Department of Natural Resources
3,264,057 |
Department of Transport
5,327,825 |
Total Statutory | 1,028,942 |
Total | 13,751,171 |
Cumulative Total for 2021–22 | 121,590,224 |
Funding for Canada’s Middle East Strategy (Budget 2021) |
This funding will support development assistance, security and stabilization efforts, and diplomatic engagement for Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Jordan. |
Communications Security Establishment
4,007,547 |
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development
88,155,209 |
Total Statutory | 2,374,689 |
Total | 94,537,445 |
Funding to support small and medium-sized businesses (Budget 2021) |
This funding will help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) scale up, reach new markets, improve productivity, diversify supply chains and improve the environmental footprint of their operations. Not-for-profit organizations providing supports to SMEs will also be eligible for funding. The program will be delivered by the regional development agencies in their respective areas. |
Supplementary Estimates (B), 2021–22 | |
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency | 17,255,238 |
Federal Economic Development Agency for Northern Ontario | 7,531,147 |
Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario | 8,361,956 |
Pacific Economic Development Agency of Canada | 2,000,000 |
Total Statutory | 461,246 |
Total | 35,609,587 |
Supplementary Estimates (C), 2021–22 | |
Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency | 2,272,800 |
Department of Western Economic Diversification | 15,842,524 |
Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec | 8,480,250 |
Total Statutory | 558,241 |
Total | 27,153,815 |
Cumulative Total for 2021–22 | 62,763,402 |
Funding for the Tourism Relief Fund (COVID‑19) (Budget 2021) |
This funding will support tourism businesses and non-profit organizations as they adapt their operations to meet public health requirements and create new or enhance existing tourism experiences and products. The program will be delivered by the regional development agencies in their respective areas. |
Supplementary Estimates (B), 2021–22 | |
Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency | 2,431,477 |
Federal Economic Development Agency for Northern Ontario | 5,553,914 |
Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario | 5,509,686 |
Pacific Economic Development Agency of Canada | 16,057,329 |
Total Statutory | 347,585 |
Total | 29,899,991 |
Supplementary Estimates (C), 2021–22 | |
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency | 8,416,696 |
Department of Western Economic Diversification | 8,828,311 |
Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec | 7,102,522 |
Total Statutory | 573,059 |
Total | 24,920,588 |
Cumulative Total for 2021–22 | 54,820,579 |
Funding to support major festivals and events (COVID‑19) (Budget 2021) |
This funding will allow festival and event organizations to meet liquidity needs to ensure continued operations, adapt activities to new realities and requirements related to the pandemic, and enhance product and experience offerings, positioning them for post-pandemic economic recovery and growth. The program will be delivered by the regional development agencies in their respective areas. |
Supplementary Estimates (B), 2021–22 | |
Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario | 20,000,000 |
Pacific Economic Development Agency of Canada | 5,000,000 |
Total | 25,000,000 |
Supplementary Estimates (C), 2021–22 | |
Department of Western Economic Diversification | 8,400,000 |
Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec | 5,000,000 |
Total | 13,400,000 |
Cumulative Total for 2021–22 | 38,400,000 |
Funding for the construction and operation of shelters and transition houses for Indigenous women, children and 2SLGBTQQIA+ people |
This funding will support new shelters and transition housing for First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples across the country, including on reserve, in the North and in urban areas. Shelters provide emergency living units where occupants generally stay only for a short period, while transitional housing supports those who are leaving shelters and require longer-term affordable housing with support services, generally for up to one year. |
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
19,000,000 |
Department of Indigenous Services
18,683,979 |
Total Statutory | 200,195 |
Total | 37,884,174 |
Funding for proof of vaccination credentials (COVID‑19) |
This funding will reimburse organizations for work with provinces and territories related to the issuance of proof of vaccination credentials, and for designing the ArriveCAN mobile application. |
Canada Border Services Agency
12,411,091 |
Department of Citizenship and Immigration
8,022,584 |
Public Health Agency of Canada
8,451,115 |
Total Statutory | 1,836,994 |
Total | 30,721,784 |
Funding to transition diesel-reliant Indigenous communities to clean energy |
The use of diesel fuel to provide electricity and heat in remote communities has significant social, economic and environmental costs. This funding will accelerate the adoption of clean energy technologies and energy efficiency measures in communities which currently rely on diesel generators. |
Supplementary Estimates (B), 2021–22 | |
Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs | 5,948,051 |
Department of Natural Resources | 23,632,861 |
Total Statutory | 31,878 |
Total | 29,612,790 |
Supplementary Estimates (C), 2021–22 | |
Department of Indigenous Services
260,046 |
Total Statutory | 65,716 |
Total | 325,762 |
Cumulative Total for 2021–22 | 29,938,552 |
Funding to respond to the Venezuelan migrant and refugee crisis (Budget 2021) |
This funding will help reduce human suffering, irregular migration and security threats in the region, while improving the integration of migrants and refugees into host communities. |
Department of Citizenship and Immigration
1,339,561 |
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development
27,434,859 |
Total Statutory | 48,280 |
Total | 28,822,700 |
Funding to enhance Canada’s firearm control framework |
This funding will be used to improve the capacity and services delivered by the RCMP’s Canadian Firearms Program, address illegal firearm-related activities, develop firearms policy advice and increase awareness of firearms laws and programs. |
Canada Border Services Agency
2,912,747 |
Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
1,672,618 |
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
21,288,399 |
Total Statutory | 2,242,150 |
Total | 28,115,914 |
Funding to increase protection for temporary foreign workers (Budget 2021) |
This funding will be used to protect workers’ health, safety and quality of life while working in Canada by: increasing the number of employer inspections; offering support programs and services to migrant workers; and through faster processing and improved service delivery of open work permits for vulnerable workers. |
Department of Citizenship and Immigration
2,159,194 |
Department of Employment and Social Development
21,521,071 |
Total Statutory | 4,040,990 |
Total | 27,721,255 |
Funding for wildfire and flood preparedness and response capacity (Budget 2021) |
This funding will be used to complete flood maps for higher-risk areas and to improve mapping of northern forests to support wildfire mitigation planning. This funding will also support wildfire prevention activities and improve capacity to respond to fires in national parks. |
Supplementary Estimates (B), 2021–22 | |
Department of Natural Resources | 14,196,406 |
Total Statutory | 223,307 |
Total | 14,419,713 |
Supplementary Estimates (C), 2021–22 | |
Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
331,787 |
Department of the Environment
3,224,756 |
Parks Canada Agency
7,490,879 |
Total Statutory | 1,579,053 |
Total | 12,626,475 |
Cumulative Total for 2021–22 | 27,046,188 |
Funding to establish a Canada-wide early learning and child care system |
This funding will be used to build toward a Canada-wide child care system in partnership with provinces and territories. Specific funded activities include improving accessibility at child care centres, providing before- and after-school care on reserve and supporting governance and advisory bodies. |
Department of Employment and Social Development
15,256,669 |
Department of Indigenous Services
11,743,331 |
Total | 27,000,000 |
Funding to process temporary resident visas for workers, students and visitors (Budget 2021) |
This funding will facilitate the entry of foreign workers, international students, and visitors into Canada on a temporary basis. While applications for visitor visas have declined during the pandemic, those for work and study permits, which are twice as resource-intensive to process, have increased. The pandemic and international crises have also contributed to workload pressures. |
Canada Border Services Agency
7,709,337 |
Department of Citizenship and Immigration
15,765,533 |
Total Statutory | 3,048,784 |
Total | 26,523,654 |
Funding to address anti-Indigenous racism in health care (Budget 2021) |
This funding will support short-term initiatives to address anti-Indigenous racism in Canada’s health systems and to enhance access to culturally safe services for Indigenous people. |
Department of Health
3,548,940 |
Department of Indigenous Services
18,439,683 |
Total Statutory | 121,323 |
Total | 22,109,946 |
Funding for the Pan-Canadian Artificial Intelligence Strategy (Budget 2021) |
This funding will be used for research, commercialization, standards development and adoption of artificial intelligence. |
Department of Industry
18,100,000 |
Standards Council of Canada
1,708,850 |
Total | 19,808,850 |
Funding for government advertising programs |
Government advertising programs provide information to Canadians on a variety of topics, including government services and initiatives. |
Supplementary Estimates (B), 2021–22 | |
Department of Finance | 4,650,000 |
Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness | 2,400,000 |
Total | 7,050,000 |
Supplementary Estimates (C), 2021–22 | |
Canada Revenue Agency
5,000,000 |
Department of Citizenship and Immigration
1,500,000 |
Department of Employment and Social Development
3,000,000 |
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development
1,000,000 |
Department of Public Works and Government Services
500,000 |
Parks Canada Agency
1,000,000 |
Total | 12,000,000 |
Cumulative Total for 2021–22 | 19,050,000 |
Funding to launch the National Quantum Strategy (Budget 2021) |
Quantum science is the study of systems the size of atoms. This funding will be used to increase quantum physics research, to promote commercialization of applications and to develop, attract and retain personnel. |
Department of Western Economic Diversification
680,000 |
National Research Council of Canada
5,529,400 |
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
11,657,684 |
Total Statutory | 474,198 |
Total | 18,341,282 |
Funding for the Aerospace Regional Recovery Initiative (Budget 2021) |
This funding will support businesses operating in the aerospace industry in undertaking projects to adopt environmentally sustainable practices, improve productivity and strengthen integration of supply chains. The program will be delivered by the regional development agencies in their respective areas. |
Supplementary Estimates (B), 2021–22 | |
Federal Economic Development Agency for Northern Ontario | 765,819 |
Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario | 3,368,000 |
Pacific Economic Development Agency of Canada | 6,240,000 |
Total Statutory | 101,975 |
Total | 10,475,794 |
Supplementary Estimates (C), 2021–22 | |
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency | 2,480,372 |
Department of Western Economic Diversification | 1,245,827 |
Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec | 2,347,375 |
Total Statutory | 156,252 |
Total | 6,229,826 |
Cumulative Total for 2021–22 | 16,705,620 |
Funding to implement an Act respecting First Nations, Inuit and Métis children, youth and families (Budget 2021) |
The Act provides a framework for all Indigenous peoples to exercise jurisdiction over child and family services. This funding will support engagement, negotiation of agreements, capacity-building for Indigenous groups seeking jurisdiction and interim funding for service delivery. |
Supplementary Estimates (B), 2021–22 | |
Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs | 2,960,274 |
Total Statutory | 475,796 |
Total | 3,436,070 |
Supplementary Estimates (C), 2021–22 | |
Department of Indigenous Services
10,348,375 |
Department of Justice
644,931 |
Total Statutory | 1,359,502 |
Total | 12,352,808 |
Cumulative Total for 2021–22 | 15,788,878 |
Funding to implement the digital services tax (Budget 2021) |
This funding is to develop and prepare for implementation of the proposed digital services tax applying to large businesses. |
Canada Revenue Agency
11,509,278 |
Department of Finance
938,768 |
Total Statutory | 2,651,626 |
Total | 15,099,672 |
Funding to support the implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act (Budget 2021) |
This funding will support the co-development of an Action Plan with Indigenous partners to implement this legislation and to achieve the objectives of the UN Declaration. This process will support Indigenous self-determination and enhance nation-to-nation, Inuit-Crown and government-to-government relationships. |
Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
12,455,799 |
Department of Justice
1,837,608 |
Total Statutory | 361,077 |
Total | 14,654,484 |
Funding to advance reconciliation with the Innu of Labrador – Incremental Treaty Agreements on Fisheries and Parks |
In 2011, Canada, the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, and the Innu Nation of Labrador reached an agreement-in-principle to establish rights and responsibilities of the parties in areas such as resource management, fisheries, water, parks, land use, economic development and taxation. This funding is for implementation of treaty elements agreed on in 2021, in advance of concluding a final agreement. |
Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
13,697,955 |
Department of Fisheries and Oceans
162,818 |
Parks Canada Agency
393,121 |
Total Statutory | 69,882 |
Total | 14,323,776 |
Funding to renew and advance clean technology-enabling measures (Budget 2021) |
This funding will renew programs launched as part of the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change, that are now elements of the Strengthened Climate Plan. The programs collectively provide advisory support that help clean technology producers and adopters access financing and services, as well as offering support for the procurement of clean technologies. |
Supplementary Estimates (B), 2021–22 | |
Department of Fisheries and Oceans | 4,724,899 |
Total Statutory | 168,812 |
Total | 4,893,711 |
Supplementary Estimates (C), 2021–22 | |
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development
3,670,264 |
Department of Natural Resources
3,656,240 |
Department of the Environment
688,742 |
Total Statutory | 911,803 |
Total | 8,927,049 |
Cumulative Total for 2021–22 | 13,820,760 |
Funding to advance work towards high frequency rail in the Toronto-Quebec City corridor (Budget 2021) |
This funding will support ongoing planning activities related to proposed high frequency rail service, including project governance, Indigenous consultations, regulatory and safety regime requirements. |
Department of Transport
3,110,258 |
VIA Rail Canada Inc.
8,275,000 |
Total Statutory | 446,100 |
Total | 11,831,358 |
Funding to advance the National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence (Budget 2021) |
This funding will be used to prevent gender-based violence, support survivors of violence and families in crisis, establish a dedicated federal secretariat, increase data collection and provide access to free legal advice and representation for victims of sexual assault and intimate partner violence. |
Supplementary Estimates (B), 2021–22 | |
Department for Women and Gender Equality |
1,592,064 |
Supplementary Estimates (C), 2021–22 | |
Department of Citizenship and Immigration
400,000 |
Department of Justice
8,885,317 |
Public Health Agency of Canada
146,434 |
Total Statutory | 83,899 |
Total | 9,515,650 |
Cumulative Total for 2021–22 | 11,107,714 |
Funding to improve access to justice for Indigenous people and to address systemic barriers in the criminal justice system (Budget 2021) |
This funding will expand existing programs and services to improve access to justice for Indigenous people, including access to mediation, capacity development for Indigenous organizations, increases to prosecutorial capacity as well as prevention, diversion, and reintegration programs. |
Department of Justice
4,751,512 |
Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions
4,465,517 |
Total Statutory | 507,962 |
Total | 9,724,991 |
Funding to strengthen the capacity and transparency of the pesticide review process |
This funding will strengthen the pesticide regulatory system, increase the available data supporting pesticides review decisions, accelerate research into and facilitate the adoption of alternative pest management solutions. |
Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food
314,286 |
Department of Health
8,105,411 |
Department of the Environment
98,372 |
Total Statutory | 549,952 |
Total | 9,068,021 |
Funding for the Black Entrepreneurship Program (Budget 2021) |
This funding will support Black-led business organizations across the country in their capacity to provide business support services such as mentorship, networking, financial planning, and business training for Black entrepreneurs. The program will be delivered by the regional development agencies in their respective areas. |
Supplementary Estimates (B), 2021–22 | |
Federal Economic Development Agency for Northern Ontario | 170,175 |
Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario | 3,140,706 |
Total Statutory | 31,724 |
Total | 3,342,605 |
Supplementary Estimates (C), 2021–22 | |
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency | 1,170,373 |
Department of Western Economic Diversification | 877,570 |
Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec | 3,034,679 |
Total Statutory | 36,412 |
Total | 5,119,034 |
Cumulative Total for 2021–22 | 8,461,639 |
Funding to reform the pardons process (Budget 2021) |
This funding will be used to create an online application portal, to process an increased number of applications and to explore options to automatically set aside criminal records for less serious offences. |
Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
959,612 |
Parole Board of Canada
4,879,235 |
Total Statutory | 1,044,961 |
Total | 6,883,808 |
Funding to address Canadian data receiving infrastructure for the Space-Based Earth Observation Network (Budget 2021) |
This funding will be used to modernize and expand the capacity of aging ground-based satellite data receiving infrastructure (such as antennas and associated computer systems). The data received is used by a wide array of government services and operations, academia, and industry stakeholders for various earth science applications. |
Supplementary Estimates (B), 2021–22 | |
Department of Natural Resources | 5,106,273 |
Total Statutory | 141,783 |
Total | 5,248,056 |
Supplementary Estimates (C), 2021–22 | |
Department of the Environment
864,859 |
Total Statutory | 24,327 |
Total | 889,186 |
Cumulative Total for 2021–22 | 6,137,242 |
Funding to prevent diabetes and improve treatments (Budget 2021) |
This funding will be used for diabetes research, prevention activities and surveillance capacity, as well as to develop a national diabetes framework. |
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
3,976,318 |
Public Health Agency of Canada
570,661 |
Total Statutory | 45,201 |
Total | 4,592,180 |
Funding for the Climate Lens initiative (Budget 2021) |
This funding will be used to support the creation and on-going refinement of tools to ensure that climate considerations are integrated throughout government decision-making. |
Department of Finance
487,009 |
Department of Natural Resources
278,676 |
Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
231,792 |
Department of the Environment
1,908,038 |
Department of Transport
160,214 |
Total Statutory | 564,515 |
Total | 3,630,244 |
Funding to create a census of the environment (Budget 2021) |
This funding will be used to create detailed profiles of Canada’s ecosystems to help monitor environmental trends and to better inform decision-making. |
Department of the Environment
389,290 |
Statistics Canada
2,589,872 |
Total Statutory | 556,746 |
Total | 3,535,908 |
Funding to accelerate the process for additions to reserve land (Budget 2021) |
This funding will support work with Indigenous stakeholders to redesign the federal Additions to Reserve Policy, reduce the existing backlog of requests and develop tools to improve the review process. |
Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs • Operating expenditures and contributions to lead engagement and co-development of policy options. |
910,598 |
Department of Indigenous Services
2,231,691 |
Total Statutory | 311,031 |
Total | 3,453,320 |
Funding for the co-development of First Nations policing legislation and engagement to support Indigenous policing (Budget 2021) |
This funding will support work with Indigenous groups and policing organizations to co-define federal obligations for Indigenous policing that would be formalized in legislation. The funding will also support work with territorial governments, First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities, Indigenous and police organizations to advance the development of a Territorial Policing Action Plan. |
Department of Indigenous Services
724,416 |
Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
1,761,520 |
Total Statutory | 324,930 |
Total | 2,810,866 |
Funding to increase federal procurement from Indigenous-led businesses |
The Government of Canada has made a commitment to increase procurement from Indigenous-led businesses to at least 5% of the value of all federal contracts. Full implementation is expected by 2024. This funding supports stakeholder engagement, registration of eligible businesses and reporting. |
Department of Indigenous Services
2,013,618 |
Treasury Board Secretariat
258,000 |
Total Statutory | 182,879 |
Total | 2,454,497 |
Funding to establish the Sustainable Finance Action Council |
Sustainable finance is about incorporating environmental, social and governance factors into investment decisions. This funding is for the establishment of a council which will bring together public and private sector financial expertise to support the growth of a strong, well-functioning, sustainable finance market. |
Department of Finance
1,028,964 |
Department of the Environment
678,674 |
Total Statutory | 317,888 |
Total | 2,025,526 |
Funding to address antimicrobial resistance (Budget 2021) |
This funding will expand surveillance and monitoring of antimicrobial resistance and support the appropriate use of antimicrobials in Canada. |
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
966,580 |
Department of Health
418,583 |
Total Statutory | 225,318 |
Total | 1,610,481 |
© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, represented by the President of the Treasury Board, 2022,
ISSN: 2292‑5058
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