DAOD 5023-1, Minimum Operational Standards Related to Universality of Service

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Operating Principles
  3. Applicability of Minimum Operational Standards to Groups
  4. Applicability of Minimum Operational Standards to Individuals
  5. Compliance and Consequences
  6. Responsibilities
  7. References

1. Introduction

Date of Issue: 2006-05-19

Effective Date: 2006-05-08

Date of Last Modification: 2022-06-24

Application: This DAOD is an order that applies to officers and non-commissioned members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF members).

Supersession: ADM(HR-Mil) memorandum dated 6 Nov 00, Changes to Universality of Service Policy Application

Approval Authority: Chief of Military Personnel (CMP)

Policy Office of Primary Interest: Director Military Careers Policy and Grievances (DMCPG)

Enquiries: Administrative Response Centre (ARC)

2. Operating Principles


2.1 The application of the minimum operational standards related to universality of service is set out in the following table:

A CAF member of the … is required …

Regular Force (Reg F)

to meet the minimum operational standards.

Primary Reserve (P Res)

Supplementary Reserve (Supp Res) 

to meet the minimum operational standards if attached, seconded or transferred on consent to the Reg F or P Res.

Cadet Organizations Administration and Training Service (COATS)

Canadian Rangers

Note - In addition to any other standard for enrolment, applicants to the Reg F and P Res are required to meet, or be capable of meeting, the minimum operational standards.


2.2 The overriding purpose of the Reg F and the P Res is to conduct and support military operations. The Supp Res provides an augmentation capability for the Reg F and P Res as well as for other sub-components. The COATS primary duty is the supervision, administration and training of cadets. The Canadian Rangers provide a military presence in sparsely settled, northern, coastal and isolated areas of Canada.

2.3 All CAF members who serve in or with the Reg F and P Res are expected to be able to contribute to, and be ready for, operational duty in the service of the nation when required. The inability of CAF members to do so reduces the capability and flexibility of the CAF to mount and sustain operations.

Minimum Operational Standards

2.4 The following table sets out the minimum operational standards related to the principle of universality of service. These standards reflect the minimum standards and may be increased for operational, environmental or military occupational requirements as detailed in other DAODs, policies and operational orders.

Minimum Operational Standard A CAF member is required to … which …

Meet the Common Military Tasks Fitness Evaluation (CMTFE) standards 

successfully complete the Fitness for  Operational Requirements of Canadian Armed Forces Employment (FORCE) Evaluation, which is the approved predictor for the CMTFE, as set out in DAOD 5023-2, Common Military Tasks Fitness Evaluation and as further detailed in the FORCE Operations Manual,

  • is based upon the performance of the following six common military tasks:
    • escape to cover;
    • vehicle extrication;
    • picking and digging;
    • stretcher carry;
    • sandbag fortification; and
    • picket and wire carry.

Be employable

be able to perform the skill elements of common operational core tasks, as indicated by satisfactory routine unit and pre-deployment training evaluation and be free of medical employment limitations that would preclude performance of core tasks,

  • requires a CAF member to perform the following common operational core tasks:
    • fire and maintain a personal weapon;
    • conduct individual nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) drills;
    • perform simple NBC monitoring;
    • provide initial fire fighting response to fire fighting emergencies;
    • administer first aid;
    • perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation;
    • perform drill;
    • communicate using a radio;
    • prepare written military correspondence;
    • secure and lock up work areas; and
    • enforce hygiene and sanitation standards.

Be deployable

not have a medical or other employment limitation that would preclude deployment,

  • requires a CAF member to:
    • perform duties in the full variety of geographical locations and climatic conditions in any physical environment;
    • deploy on short notice;
    • sustain irregular or prolonged working hours;
    • sustain irregular or limited meals, and in some cases missing meals altogether;
    • travel as a passenger in any mode of transportation;
    • perform duties under physical and mental stress;
    • perform duties with minimal or no medical support; and
    • perform effectively without critical medication.

Breach of Minimum Operational Standards

2.5 If it is determined after an administrative review (AR) by the appropriate authority that a member of the Reg F or P Res is permanently unable to meet one or more of the minimum operational standards, the CAF member must be:

  1. released from the Reg F or P Res, or a recommendation made for release, as applicable; or
  2. retained subject to employment limitations on a temporary, transitional basis.

Temporary Employment Limitation

2.6 A temporary employment limitation for a CAF member which results in the inability of the CAF member to meet the minimum operational standards is not considered a breach of those standards.

Restriction of Duty

2.7 A restriction of duty imposed on a CAF member under DAOD 5516-4, Restrictions of Duty, is not a breach of the minimum operational standards.

Top of Page

3. Applicability of Minimum Operational Standards to Groups

CAF Members under the Age of 18

3.1 Section 34 of the National Defence Act (NDA) prohibits the deployment of a CAF member under the age of 18 to a theatre of hostilities. This restriction was imposed to discharge Canada's international treaty obligations and is not considered a breach of the minimum operational standards.


3.2 QR&O 33.07(3) provides that chaplains must not be required to perform any duty other than those pertaining to their calling. Accordingly, chaplains are exempt from the requirement to perform general military duties and common defence and security tasks.

3.3 Chaplains are still required to meet the CMTFE standards, and be medically fit and deployable.

Supp Res, COATS and Canadian Rangers

3.4 CAF members of the Supp Res, COATS and Canadian Rangers are not required to meet the minimum operational standards unless attached, seconded or transferred on consent to the Reg F or P Res.

3.5 CAF members of the COATS and the Canadian Rangers are liable for general service under section 33 of the NDA. They could be called out in an emergency or be placed on active service in Canada, and are required to perform general military duties in these circumstances.

4. Applicability of Minimum Operational Standards to Individuals

Retention Subject to Employment Limitations

4.1 If the recommendation of an AR is the release of a CAF member because the CAF member is in breach of the minimum operational standards, the CAF member may be retained subject to employment limitations only on a temporary, transitional basis if there is:

  1. a critical shortage in the CAF member's military occupation; or
  2. a requirement for a specific skill set.

4.2 A CAF member who is not military-occupation qualified and is in breach of the minimum operational standards is not to be retained.

Retention Subject to Employment Limitations Process

4.3 The process to determine the limits for the retention of a CAF member subject to employment limitations is set out in the following table:

For the Reg F … For the P Res …
  • by the limits set by the annual military occupation review (AMOR) process as detailed in CF Mil Pers Instr 01/08, Annual Military Occupation Review (AMOR); and
  • in consultation with career field and occupation authorities.
  • by the limits set by the Commander Royal Canadian Navy (Comd RCN), Commander Canadian Army (Comd CA), Commander Royal Canadian Air Force (Comd RCAF), CMP, Assistant Deputy Minister (Information Management) (ADM(IM)) and Judge Advocate General (JAG), or designated staff, as applicable, based on a case-by-case review of individual unit requirements.

Note - AR approving authorities must take these limits into account when determining whether or not to retain a CAF member subject to employment limitations.

Period of Retention Subject to Employment Limitations

4.4 The period of retention of a CAF member who is subject to employment limitations is set out in the following table:

For the Reg F … For the P Res …

the earliest of:

  • the period of the shortage or requirement described in paragraph 4.1;
  • the end of the current term of service; or
  • a period of three years.

the earlier of:

  • the period of the shortage or requirement described in paragraph 4.1; or
  • a period of three years.

4.5 The period of retention during which a CAF member is subject to employment limitations only applies while the CAF member is serving in his or her current component or sub-component and may not be transferred to another component or sub-component.

Career Implications

4.6 Any period of retention subject to employment limitations is a transitional period of service leading to release from the Reg F or P Res. During this period the CAF member is expected to perform all military duties except those related to the CAF member's employment limitations. During the period of retention, a CAF member:

  1. remains liable for posting for service requirements only;
  2. is not eligible for career courses (see DAOD 5031-8, Canadian Forces Professional Development); and
  3. is only eligible for promotion if he or she meets the applicable promotion criteria.

4.7 Upon completion of a period of retention subject to employment limitations, a CAF member is only eligible to be considered for a component or sub-component transfer to the Supp Res, Canadian Rangers or COATS.

5. Compliance and Consequences


5.1 CAF members must comply with this DAOD. Should clarification of the policies or instructions set out in this DAOD be required, CAF members may seek direction through their chain of command. Military supervisors have the primary responsibility for and means of ensuring the compliance of CAF members with this DAOD.

Consequences of Non-Compliance

5.2 CAF members are accountable to their military supervisors for any failure to comply with the direction set out in this DAOD. Non-compliance with this DAOD may have consequences for both the DND and the CAF as institutions, and for CAF members as individuals. Suspected non-compliance may be investigated. Military supervisors must take or direct appropriate corrective measures if non-compliance with this DAOD is detected.

5.3 The nature and severity of the consequences resulting from non-compliance should be commensurate with the circumstances of the non-compliance and other relevant circumstances. Consequences of non-compliance may include one or more of the following:

a.     the ordering of the completion of appropriate learning, training or professional development;

b.     the entering of observations in individual performance evaluations;

c.      increased reporting and performance monitoring;

d.     the withdrawal of any authority provided under this DAOD to a CAF member;

e.     the reporting of suspected offences to responsible law enforcement agencies;

f.       the application of specific consequences as set out in applicable laws, codes of conduct, and DND and CAF policies and instructions;

g.     other administrative or disciplinary action, or both, for a CAF member; and     

h.     the imposition of liability on the part of Her Majesty in right of Canada and CAF members.


6. Responsibilities

Responsibility Table

6.1 The following table identifies the responsibilities associated with this DAOD:

The … is or are responsible for …

CMP (through the AMOR process)

  • setting limits for the retention of CAF members with employment limitations in order to maximize trained effective strength for each military occupation and rank for the Reg F; and
  • communicating limits on the retention of CAF members with employment limitations to the AR approving authorities.

Comd RCN, Comd CA, Comd RCAF, CMP, ADM(IM) and JAG, or designated staff

  • setting limits for the retention of CAF members with employment limitations so as to maximize trained effective strength for the P Res;
  • communicating limits on the retention of CAF members with employment limitations to the AR approving authorities;
  • approving postings for a P Res member retained with employment limitations; and
  • maintaining a record of P Res members who have been retained with employment limitations.

Director General Military Careers (DGMC)

  • maintaining a record of Reg F members who have been retained with employment limitations.

Director Military Careers or Director Senior Appointments, as appropriate

  • approving postings for a Reg F member retained with employment limitations.

applicable approving authority as set out in the Table to paragraph 4.6 of DAOD 5019-2, Administrative Review,

  • selecting and initiating, as a result of an AR conducted in accordance with DAOD 5019-2, an administrative action, if appropriate, under QR&O or a DAOD, if a CAF member is permanently unable to meet any of the minimum operational standards..

CAF Recruiting Group Headquarters

  • developing recruiting procedures for the Reg F and P Res to ensure that all applicants are capable of meeting the minimum operational standards.

7. References

Acts, Regulations, Central Agency Policies and Policy DAOD

Other References

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