DAOD 5023-2, Common Military Tasks Fitness Evaluation

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Abbreviations
  3. Overview
  4. Evaluations
  5. Medical Employment Limitations
  6. Exceptional Circumstances
  7. Adminstrative Requirements and Procedures
  8. Failure to Achieve Evaluation Standards
  9. Compliance and Consequences
  10. Responsibilities
  11. References

1. Introduction

Date of Issue: 2006-05-19

Effective Date: 2006-05-08

Date of Modification: 2022-06-24

Application: This DAOD is an order that applies to:

In this DAOD, the term “CAF members” is used to identify the above-mentioned members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF).

This DAOD is also a directive that applies to employees of the Department of National Defence (DND employees) who supervise these CAF members.


Approval Authority: Chief of Military Personnel (CMP)

Policy Office of Primary Interest: Director Military Careers Policy and Grievances (DMCPG)

Enquiries: Administrative Response Centre (ARC)

2. Abbreviations

Abbreviation Complete Word or Phrase


administrative review

BMOQ (QMBO) basic military officer qualification


basic military qualification
CFHIS (SISFC) Canadian Forces Health Information System
CFTDTI (DFCVST) Canadian Forces Temporary Duty Travel Instructions

CO (cmdt d'unité)

commanding officer

CoC (C de C) chain of command
Comd (Cmdt) commander
C&P (MG et S) counselling and probation
CFMWS (SDMFC) Canadian Forces Morale and Welfare Services


Common Military Tasks Fitness Evaluation


exemption from duty and training


Fitness for Operational Requirements of Canadian Armed Forces Employment


Government Employees Compensation Act


initial counselling


leave without pay


medical employment limitation


National Defence Headquarters


Personnel Support Programs


physical training

Res F (F rés)

Reserve Force

RW (AE) recorded warning
SPTP (PEPS) supplementary physical training program
VAC (ACC) Veterans Affairs Canada

3. Overview


3.1 CAF members are required to meet the minimum operational standards, including the CMTFE, as set out in DAOD 5023-1, Minimum Operational Standards Related to Universality of Service. The purpose of this DAOD is to issue direction for the CMTFE and the FORCE Evaluation. These evaluations demonstrate if CAF members meet the standards of the six common military tasks listed in paragraph 4.1, which are bona fide occupational requirements. The FORCE Evaluation is derived from the CMTFE and is designed to simulate the physical demands and movement patterns of the six common military tasks.

3.2 The CAF is committed to maintaining operational effectiveness and readiness. CAF members and DND employees who supervise CAF members must support this commitment. Unless restricted by one or more MELs, or precluded by exceptional circumstances described in this DAOD, CAF members must train for and meet the established standards. COs, the CoC and DND employees who supervise CAF members are all responsible for enabling and promoting physical fitness activities, including those linked to the six common military tasks. Training plans specifically designed to prepare for these tasks are available to CAF members through PSP. COs, the CoC and DND employees who supervise CAF members are also responsible to provide diligent support and administrative follow-up action in accordance with this DAOD.

4. Evaluations

Common Military Tasks Fitness Evaluation

4.1 The CMTFE consists of the following six common military tasks:

FORCE Evaluation

4.2 The FORCE Evaluation is the approved predictor of one’s ability to successfully complete the CMTFE. The FORCE Evaluation components are as follows:

4.3 Procedures for the FORCE Evaluation and the CMTFE are explained in detail in the FORCE Operations Manual, the CMTFE Operations Manual and demonstration videos, available on the CFMWS website.

4.4 CAF members must successfully complete the FORCE Evaluation or the CMTFE every 365 days unless restricted by one or more MELs, or an exceptional circumstance applies as set out in section 6. Failure to successfully complete the FORCE Evaluation or the CMTFE will result in the following:

  1. in the case of a member of the Reg F or P Res, administrative action up to and including release; or
  2. in the case of a member of the Supp Res, COATS or CR on attachment or secondment to the Reg F or P Res, administrative action up to and including cessation of their attachment or secondment.

Note – A CAF member may be required to successfully complete the FORCE Evaluation or the CMTFE more frequently than every 365 days if ordered by a CO or a Comd.

5. Medical Employment Limitations

Restricted for an Evaluation by One or More MELs

5.1 A CAF member is not required to complete an annual FORCE Evaluation or the CMTFE if restricted for the evaluation by the assignment of one or more MELs that:

  1. are temporary, cover the remainder of an annual evaluation period and prevent an evaluation; or
  2. are permanent and prevent an evaluation.

5.2 The MEL “PT at own pace, time, intensity, duration” or a MEL with similar restrictions on PT does not medically restrict a CAF member from attempting an evaluation. Only a MEL that specifically precludes a CAF member from completing any or all of the CMTFE tasks or the FORCE Evaluation components restricts the CAF member from attempting an evaluation. However, as part of a reconditioning program, a CAF member may practise any portion of the FORCE Evaluation or the CMTFE within the limits of their MELs. For example, a CAF member with a MEL “unable to lift more than 5 kilograms repetitively” would still be able to practise the sandbag lift technique with less weight.

5.3 The PSP Reconditioning Program is available to CAF members who are unable to complete the FORCE Evaluation or the CMTFE due to injury, illness or deconditioning. This can be incorporated as part of a return to duty plan approved under DAOD 5018-4, Return to Duty Program for Canadian Armed Forces Members.

A Temporary MEL or MELS

5.4 Any temporary MEL or MELs that prevent the evaluation of a CAF member must be set out by a health care provider using one of the following:

5.5 Following the removal of a MEL, the CO must approve a period of 12 weeks for the CAF member to complete the FORCE Evaluation or the CMTFE if the evaluation result of the CAF member is expired.

A Permanent MEL or MELs

5.6 If a CAF member has been assessed as restricted by one or more permanent MELs to complete the FORCE Evaluation, the CAF member must successfully complete the CMTFE to demonstrate the ability to meet the minimum standards of the common military tasks listed in paragraph

5.7 If the CAF member has been assessed as restricted by one or more permanent MELs to complete both the FORCE Evaluation and the CMTFE, the CAF member must be subject to an AR(MEL) by the appropriate authority, in accordance with DAOD 5019-2, Administrative Review.

6. Exceptional Circumstances


6.1 An annual FORCE Evaluation or CMTFE is not required if a CAF member has submitted a written request for release or a release has been directed by the CAF in accordance with QR&O Chapter 15, Release.


6.2 When a CAF member on LWOP or ED&T returns to duty, the CO must approve a period of 12 weeks for the CAF member to complete the FORCE Evaluation or the CMTFE if the evaluation result of the CAF member is expired.


6.3 A CAF member must have a current successful annual FORCE Evaluation or CMTFE on the day that they commence a deployment. A CAF member whose evaluation result subsequently expires is not required to complete a new evaluation while deployed. If the evaluation of a CAF member expires during a deployment or post-deployment leave, the CO must approve a period of 12 weeks, starting after post-deployment leave, for the CAF member to complete a new evaluation.

7. Administrative Requirements and Procedures

Results of an Evaluation

7.1 The date and result of every FORCE Evaluation and CMTFE are recorded in the appropriate evaluation form and uploaded to the official administrative system of record.


7.2 Travel to complete the FORCE Evaluation or the CMTFE when not available locally must be administered in accordance with CBI Chapter 209, Transportation and Travelling Expenses and the CFTDTI.

Reporting of Injury, Illness or Death

7.3 The reporting of an injury, illness or death arising from training for, undertaking or completing the FORCE Evaluation or the CMTFE must be made in accordance with:

  1. QR&O article 24.01, Reporting of Casualties;
  2. DAOD 2007-1, General Safety Program;
  3. DAOD 5018-2, Report of Injuries and Exposure to Toxic Substances;
  4. CFAO 24-1, Casualties – Reporting and Administration; and
  5. Employers’ Guide to the Government Employees Compensation Act, if applicable.

7.4 A CAF member must report to their CO as soon as practicable any injury or illness arising from training for, undertaking or completing the FORCE Evaluation or the CMTFE. Form CF 98, Report of Injury, Disease or Illness and form DND 663, DND / CAF Hazardous Occurrence Report must be completed in accordance with DAOD 5018-2 and DAOD 2007-1 respectively.

Claim for Benefit

7.5 An injury resulting from training for, undertaking or completing the FORCE Evaluation or the CMTFE may result in a claim for a VAC benefit or benefit under CBI 211, Service Benefits for Ill and Injured Members.

Note – The determination of entitlement to a VAC benefit is made by VAC or the Veterans Review and Appeal Board, not by the DND or the CAF.

7.6 A Res F member on Class “A”, “B” or “C” Reserve Service, who suffers an injury, disease or illness that is attributable to their military service, may also be eligible to apply for benefits under CBI 210.72, Reserve Force – Compensation During a Period of Injury, Disease or Illness.

7.7 A Res F member may also be eligible to claim for benefits under GECA. Benefits in respect of the same injury can only be provided under CBI 210.72 or GECA, not both.

7.8 Evaluation forms, PSP exercise programs and training logs may be used to assist a CAF member with a claim for a disability or other benefit resulting from a physical fitness training injury as they establish links between fitness training and operational readiness.

8. Failure to Achieve Evaluation Standards

Supportive Actions

8.1 If a CAF member fails the FORCE Evaluation or the CMTFE, or fails to attempt either evaluation due to avoidance, the CAF member’s CO must determine, in accordance with DAOD 5019-2 and DAOD 5019-4, Remedial Measures, if administrative action is warranted.

8.2 When remedial measures are applied for a CAF member who fails the FORCE Evaluation or the CMTFE, a step-by-step process from IC to C&P is applied and usually continues even in the event that a CAF member is later successful. For example, if a CAF member fails an evaluation and is placed on IC, subsequently passes the evaluation and fails again during the subsequent evaluation cycle, the remedial measure to be applied should be an RW. The process in the table to paragraph 8.4 does not usually begin again as it is applied for the same performance deficiency. However, if the reason for the failure is different or the time between failures is significant, starting the process anew may be warranted. A CO may address special circumstances on a case-by-case basis through an AR.

8.3 A CAF member who fails the FORCE Evaluation or the CMTFE must be placed on an SPTP and be re-evaluated. A CAF member who is placed on an SPTP is normally in this program for a 12-week period and re-evaluated upon completion. Details regarding the SPTP can be obtained through local PSP fitness representatives.

8.4 The following table sets out the progressive steps to be taken by the CoC for a CAF member who fails to meet the CMTFE standards:

Step Current Result Consequence Subsequent Action New Result
1 Did not meet the CMTFE standards by failing the FORCE Evaluation on the 1st attempt.
  • Place the CAF member on an SPTP for 12 weeks, normally; and
  • administer an IC, if warranted.
Re-evaluate using the FORCE Evaluation. Pass – Record the result and return within 365 days for the annual evaluation.

Fail – go to Step 2.

2 Did not meet the CMTFE standards by failing the FORCE Evaluation on the 2nd attempt.
  • Place the CAF member on an SPTP for 12 weeks, normally;
  • schedule the CAF member for the CMTFE; and
  • administer an RW, if warranted. 
Re-evaluate using the CMTFE. Pass – Record the result and return within 365 days for the annual evaluation.

Fail – go to Step 3.

3 Did not meet the CMTFE standards by failing the CMTFE on the 1st attempt.
  • Place the CAF member on an SPTP for 12 weeks, normally;
  • schedule the CAF member for the CMTFE; and
  • place the CAF member on C&P, if warranted.
Re-evaluate using the CMTFE. Pass – Record the result and return within 365 days for the annual evaluation.

Fail – go to Step 4.

4 Did not meet the CMTFE standards by failing the CMTFE on the 2nd attempt.

Reg F or P Res member:

  • CO recommends an AR for performance deficiency.

An appropriate authority conducts an AR and renders a decision.

Note The failure at this step to meet the CMTFE standards normally results in release.

Not applicable

Supp Res, COATS or CR member:

  • CO recommends an AR for performance deficiency.

An appropriate authority conducts an AR and renders a decision.

Note The failure at this step to meet the CMTFE standards normally results in cessation of the attachment or secondment.

8.5 A CAF member undergoing BMQ or BMOQ training who fails to achieve the CMTFE standards will be managed in accordance with CF Mil Pers Instr 06/09, Physical Fitness Program for Untrained CF Personnel.

9. Compliance and Consequences


9.1 DND employees and CAF members must comply with this DAOD. Should clarification of the policies or instructions set out in this DAOD be required, DND employees and CAF members may seek direction through their channel of communication or CoC, as appropriate. Managers and military supervisors have the primary responsibility for and means of ensuring the compliance of their DND employees and CAF members with this DAOD.

Consequences of Non-Compliance

9.2 DND employees and CAF members are accountable to their respective managers and military supervisors for any failure to comply with the direction set out in this DAOD. Non-compliance with this DAOD may have consequences for both the DND and the CAF as institutions, and for DND employees and CAF members as individuals. Suspected non-compliance may be investigated. Managers and military supervisors must take or direct appropriate corrective measures if non-compliance with this DAOD is detected.

9.3 The nature and severity of the consequences resulting from non-compliance should be commensurate with the circumstances of the non-compliance and other relevant circumstances. Consequences of non-compliance may include one or more of the following:

  1. the ordering of the completion of appropriate learning, training or professional development;
  2. the entering of observations in individual performance evaluations;
  3. increased reporting and performance monitoring;
  4. the withdrawal of any authority provided under this DAOD to a DND employee or CAF member;
  5. the reporting of suspected offences to responsible law enforcement agencies;
  6. the application of specific consequences as set out in applicable laws, codes of conduct, and DND and CAF policies and instructions;
  7. other administrative action, including the imposition of disciplinary measures, for a DND employee;
  8. other administrative or disciplinary action, or both, for a CAF member; and
  9. the imposition of liability on the part of Her Majesty in right of Canada, DND employees and CAF members.

Note In respect to the compliance of DND employees, see the Treasury Board Framework for the Management of Compliance for additional information.

10. Responsibilities

Responsibility Table

10.1 The following table identifies the responsibilities associated with this DAOD:

The, a or an... is or are responsible for...
Comds of commands and formations and officers holding the senior military appointments in each group at NDHQ
  • ensuring CAF members in their organizations complete the FORCE Evaluation or the CMTFE.
Comds of commands and formations and officers holding the senior military appointments in each group at NDHQ responsible for recruiting, training and career management of Res F members
  • informing applicants for enrolment in the CAF of the minimum operational standards set out in DAOD 5023-1 and of the demands of BMQ and BMOQ training;
  • evaluating Res F recruits undergoing enrolment or BMQ training against the applicable standard;
  • evaluating Res F officer candidates undergoing enrolment or BMOQ training against the applicable standard;
  • ensuring P Res and other Res F members in their organizations, to whom this DAOD applies, complete the FORCE Evaluation or the CMTFE; and
  • conducting ARs, if warranted, for P Res and other Res F members to whom this DAOD applies.
Comd Canadian Defence Academy
  • evaluating Reg F recruits undergoing BMQ training against the applicable standard; and
  • evaluating Reg F officer candidates undergoing BMOQ training against the applicable standard.
Comd Canadian Forces Recruiting Group
  • informing applicants for enrolment in the CAF of the minimum operational standards set out in DAOD 5023-1 and of the demands of BMQ and BMOQ training.
Director General Military Careers
  • conducting ARs, if warranted, for Reg F members.
  • developing CAF, environmental, operational, occupational and managed specialty physical employment standards;
  • qualifying CAF and PSP fitness evaluators;
  • maintaining all national-level CAF physical employment evaluation and training programs;
  • developing and delivering national-level physical fitness training, awareness and education programs;
  • conducting the assessment of CAF members required to complete the FORCE Evaluation or the CMTFE;
  • entering results of the evaluation on the appropriate form, i.e. FORMeFIT, form DND 279, FORCE Program, or form DND 2486, Common Military Task Fitness Evaluation, and signing off;
  • informing the CoC immediately of any evaluation failure;
  • maintaining a register of all injuries and incidents incurred by CAF members during evaluations for the purpose of completing the applicable reports, in accordance with DAOD 5018-2 and DAOD 2007-1;
  • advising COs and CAF members on protocols as set out in the CMTFE Operations Manual and the FORCE Operations Manual;
  • providing the PSP Reconditioning Program and SPTP;
  • monitoring and reporting on physical fitness programs for the CAF; and
  • reporting on CAF Operational and Health-Related Fitness on an annual basis using the FORMeFIT Report System.
  • applying this DAOD, including initiating remedial measures, and recommending ARs if warranted;
  • promoting physical fitness activities, including those that are linked to the six common military tasks;
  • signing off on evaluation failures as soon as practicable;
  • ensuring the evaluation results of CAF members are entered into the fitness panel of the official administrative system of record as soon as practicable, with the exception of FORMeFIT, which automatically uploads results into the system of record;
  • referring a CAF member to a CAF medical care provider for a health assessment based on the CAF member’s inability to meet the applicable standard;
  • respecting MELs assigned by civilian health care providers to any CAF member who is not entitled to care under QR&O article 34.07;
  • informing CAF members of the administrative consequences of failing to meet and maintain the standard;
  • directing an SPTP as required; and
  • submitting forms CF 98 and DND 663, when applicable.
DND employees who supervise CAF members
  • ensuring that the CAF members they supervise complete the FORCE Evaluation or the CMTFE;
  • promoting physical fitness activities, including those that are linked to the six common military tasks;
  • ensuring the evaluation results of CAF members are entered into the fitness panel of the official administrative system of record as soon as practicable, with the exception of FORMeFIT, which automatically uploads results into the system of record;
  • reporting immediately to a military supervisor when a CAF member is assigned one or more MELs; and
  • reporting immediately to a military supervisor when a CAF member fails the FORCE Evaluation or the CMTFE.
CAF medical care providers
  • assessing the medical fitness of a CAF member to participate in a physical fitness program and evaluation;
  • assessing a permanently injured CAF member;
  • recommending medical treatment;
  • informing the CAF member’s CO that the CAF member has been medically assessed; and
  • advising the CO of the MELs of a CAF member and, in the case of a permanent medical category recommendation, informing D Med Pol.
CAF members
  • participating in physical fitness activities, including those that are linked to the six common military tasks;
  • informing the CoC of MELs;
  • completing the FORCE Evaluation or the CMTFE, as required; and
  • completing forms CF 98 and DND 663, when applicable.

11. References

Acts, Regulations, Central Agency Policies and Policy DAOD

Other References

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