DAOD 5070-1, Military Employment Structure Framework

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Overview
  3. Framework Elements and Management
  4. Framework Change Management Process
  5. Consequences
  6. Responsibilities
  7. References

1. Introduction

Date of Issue: 2015-02-10

Application: This DAOD is an order that applies to officers and non-commissioned members (NCMs) of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF members).


Approval Authority: Chief of Military Personnel (CMP)

Enquiries: Director Personnel Generation Requirements (DPGR)

2. Overview


2.1 CAF members are required to perform a wide variety of duties. Some duties are common and performed by all CAF members, whereas other duties related to a military occupation are performed only by the CAF members assigned to that military occupation. All such duties represent CAF work requirements and must be specified, controlled and changed in response to Government of Canada defence policy and objectives, CAF strategic capability requirements and operational imperatives.

2.2 The military employment structure (MES):

  1. identifies and classifies CAF work requirements into a number of key elements, including military occupations and sub-occupations; and
  2. provides the framework and specifications for personnel management activities across the components of the CAF.

2.3 The MES framework is centrally controlled by the CMP. It is supported by a network of DND employees and CAF members who provide advice and information for the analysis of CAF work requirements. It is dependent on the allocation of military establishment positions controlled by the Vice Chief of the Defence Staff (VCDS).

Note – Details on organization and establishment policy are set out in A-AE-219-001/AG-001, Organization, Volume 1, Concept and Policy.

2.4 A centralized MES framework provides for:

  1. lower costs;
  2. objectivity and transparency in the performance of CAF work analysis;
  3. coherence and alignment of CAF work with strategic capabilities; and
  4. defensible military employment specifications.


2.5 The MES framework:

  1. provides the elements that define, structure and classify CAF work requirements to meet current and evolving strategic capability requirements, in accordance with the principles set out in DAOD 5070-0, Military Employment Structure;
  2. provides information to enable CAF personnel management activities (i.e. personnel requirement definition, personnel production planning, recruiting and selection, professional development, assignment, performance management and appraisal, and compensation and benefits);
  3. enhances the organizational and operational effectiveness of the CAF; and
  4. enables the allocation of military establishment positions to military occupations.

MES Principles

2.6 The MES must be established in accordance with the principles set out in DAOD 5070-0. The following table sets out amplification of these principles to be used when analyzing CAF work and developing structures for military occupations within the MES framework:

MES Principle Amplification
Operational effectiveness
  • Recognize the primacy of deployed operational requirements.
Work scope optimization
  • Ensure the scope of CAF work is neither too broad nor too narrow.
  • Facilitate employment flexibility.
  • Group the work requirements in a rational way to optimize the development of CAF members with related skill sets.
Training optimization
  • Support the effective, efficient and timely delivery of individual training and education.
Career path rationalization
  • Establish a progression of work that is to be performed to form the foundation for the management of CAF members who demonstrate potential for employment at higher ranks or with a broader scope of responsibility at the same rank.

3. Framework Elements and Management


3.1 The following table outlines the three elements of the MES framework and their purposes:

Element Purpose
Military occupation

Set out the work requirements that have been structured and grouped by similar duties, tasks and competencies.

Note – A military occupation may include one or more sub-occupations that set out complementary work requirements related to the military occupation.

Military employment specification

Set out the professional development, performance and work requirements for CAF members.

Note – Military employment specifications consist of:

  • the officer general specification and the NCM general specification;
  • military occupation specifications; and
  • specialty specifications.
Military employment qualification

Define particular competencies and recognizes the attainment of knowledge, skills and abilities that enable CAF members to perform their duties.

Note – A military employment qualification may include a qualification for:

  • rank attainment;
  • experience attainment;
  • academic attainment;
  • specialized work unique to a military occupation; and
  • specialized work common to more than one military occupation.


3.2 In accordance with DAOD 5070-0, the CMP has designated occupational authorities (OAs) for the management of specific military occupations as set out in the following table:

The … has been designated as the OA for military occupations assigned to the …
Commander, Royal Canadian Navy Royal Canadian Navy for the purpose of providing combat capable general purpose maritime forces.
Commander, Canadian Army Canadian Army for the purpose of providing combat capable land forces.
Commander, Royal Canadian Air Force Royal Canadian Air Force for the purpose of providing air forces for the conduct of air, surface and sub-surface operations.
Assistant CMP Military Personnel Command for the purpose of providing support services to other commands.

4. Framework Change Management Process


4.1 The MES change management process guides the activities required to create, amend or delete a structure for a military occupation.

Process Requirements

4.2 The MES change management process must:

  1. provide a structured methodology for analyzing work requirements and developing, implementing and validating appropriate structure options for military occupations;
  2. enable transparency and objectivity in analysis and decision making;
  3. produce defensible employment specifications; and
  4. satisfy the MES principles.

4.3 The MES change management process is set out in detail in A-PD-055-001/AG-001, Canadian Forces Military Employment Structure, Volume 1, General.

5. Consequences

Consequences of Non-Compliance

5.1 Non-compliance with this DAOD may have consequences for the CAF as an institution and for CAF members as individuals. Suspected non-compliance will be investigated. The nature and severity of the consequences resulting from actual non-compliance will be commensurate with the circumstances of the non-compliance.

6. Responsibilities

Responsibility Table

6.1 The following table identifies the responsibilities associated with this DAOD:

The … is or are responsible for …
  • allocating establishment positions to set out the authorized number of CAF members by rank, military occupation and environment that are required to perform CAF work.
  • determining, in consultation with the Chief of Force Development, capability and personnel requirements, and informing the CMP of the requirements that affect the MES;
  • informing the CMP, after consultation with officers commanding commands and formations, other level one (L1) advisors and Strategic Joint Staff, of any impacts on the MES that result from changes in CAF roles, missions, doctrine and equipment;
  • appointing an occupation advisor for each assigned military occupation;
  • managing assigned military occupations;
  • informing the CMP of any problems related to the structure of assigned military occupations;
  • determining, from options provided by the DPGR, the solutions to resolve problems affecting the structure of assigned military occupations;
  • ensuring any selected solution is implemented in accordance with a MES implementation plan; and
  • contributing to the development of the officer general specification and the NCM general specification.
  • providing strategic direction on the management of the MES; and
  • reviewing and submitting to the Chief of the Defence Staff, as appropriate, any substantive changes to the officer general specification or the NCM general specification.
Commander, Canadian Defence Academy
  • performing the training authority (TA) function for the officer general specification and the NCM general specification.
Director General Military Personnel (DGMP)
  • reviewing and submitting to the CMP, as appropriate, recommendations for the creation or deletion of military occupations;
  • approving changes to military occupation specifications that involve a change to the structure of a military occupation; and
  • approving MES implementation plans.
Director General Military Careers (DGMC)
  • assigning Regular Force members to the DPGR for the conduct of military occupation analysis studies.
TAs and designated training authorities (DTAs)
  • managing the individual training and education function for assigned military occupation specifications.
occupation advisors
  • advising their OA and the DPGR on the;
    • sustainability of their assigned military occupations within the MES;
    • any need for changes to their assigned military occupations; and
    • preferred military employment qualifications and specifications;
  • recommending to the DGMC the appropriate Regular Force subject-matter experts for assignment to the DPGR for the conduct of military occupation analysis studies;
  • assigning Primary Reserve subject-matter experts to the DPGR for the conduct of military occupation analysis studies; and
  • contributing to the development and maintenance of military employment specifications.
  • establishing and maintaining a process to amend, create and delete structures for military occupations;
  • developing, managing and maintaining MES policies, procedures and framework documentation;
  • assessing and assigning priorities to MES military occupation analysis studies and conducting such studies;
  • developing and recommending military occupation structure options in accordance with the MES principles to resolve problems identified by the OAs that affect their assigned military occupations;
  • developing and recommending options in accordance with the MES principles to OAs or L1 advisor representatives to satisfy emerging capability requirements;
  • developing MES implementation plans in consultation, as required, with the appropriate offices within the OA, TA or DTA, VCDS and CMP organizations;
  • facilitating, and recommending to the DGMP, changes to the officer general specification and the NCM general specification;
  • controlling MES specification development and maintenance;
  • approving changes to military occupation specifications and specialty specifications that do not involve a change to the structure of a military occupation;
  • assigning employment specifications related to rank attainment, academic attainment, specialized work unique to a military occupation and specialized work common to more than one military occupation, to a TA or DTA for individual training and education management;
  • assigning employment specifications related to experience attainment to OAs;
  • maintaining the list of active and inactive military occupations; and
  • notifying the CMP of any non-compliance with this DAOD.

7. References

Acts, Regulations, Central Agency Policies and Policy DAOD

Other References

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