Section IV - Cost of CF International Operations - DPR - 2011-12

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Cost of CF International Operations
($ thousands) FY 2011-12
Forecast (RPP 2012-13)1
FY 2011-12
Actuals (DPR 2011-12)1
Operations Full DND Cost2 Incremental
DND Cost3
Full DND Cost2 Incremental
DND Cost3
IMATT – Op SCULPTURE (Sierra Leone) 1,829 1,407 2,579 1,728
MONUC – Op CROCODILE (DRC) 2,891 2,070 2,419 1,828
UNAMIS – Op SAFARI/Op SOPRANO (Khartoum, Sudan) 4,106 2,970 3,951 3,210
UNAMID - Op SATURN (Darfur) 446 249 446 307
Sub-Total 9,272 6,696 9,395 7,073
Arabian Gulf Region and South West Asia
Op ATHENA – ISAF NATO (Afghanistan) 598,186 366,830 576,398 385,350
Op TRANSITION (Afghanistan)*4 647,130 394,365 547,348 341,225
Op ATTENTION - NATO Training Mission (Afghanistan)*5 124,621 86,962 104,256 76,028
Op SAIPH (South-west Asia) 200 200 697 263
Sub-Total 1,370,137 848,357 1,228,699 802,866
Americas and the Caribbean
Op FOUNDATION - US CENTCOM (Tampa/Qatar) 1,618 1,074 1,713 1,287
Op HAMLET - MINUSTAH (Haiti) 1,524 814 1,720 1,160
Op JAGUAR (Jamaica)*6 5,548 3,086 29,087 3,086
Sub-Total 8,690 4,974 32,520 5,533
Op KOBOLD - NATO (Kosovo) 785 484 917 818
Op IGNITION - NATO (Iceland) 9,097 617 7,876 640
Sub-Total 9,882 1,101 8,793 1,458
Middle East
MFO (Multinational Force & Observers) – OP CALUMET (Sinai) non-UN 4,040 1,798 5,085 2,981
UNTSO – Op JADE (Middle East) 994 425 1,244 842
Op PROTEUS (Jerusalem) 6,774 4,833 7,124 5,408
UNFICYP – Op SNOWGOOSE (Cyprus) 138 48 186 100
Op GLADIUS (Syria) 375 99 513 251
Sub-Total*7 12,321 7,203 14,152 9,582
MENA (Mediterranean North Africa)
Op MOBILE (Libya)8 347,577 99,808 575,882 100,169
Op LOBE (Libya)*9 1,907 1,578 15,581 6,087
Op METRIC (Naval Ops Mediterranean)/OP ARTEMIS (Naval Ops Arabian Gulf) 167,321 14,287 91,717 13,014
Sub-Total 516,805 115,673 683,180 119,270
Other (Various Missions)*10 26,288 5,335
Total*: International Operations 1,927,107 984,004 2,003,027 951,117
Est UN/MFO revenue to DND Est UN/MFO revenue to DND
Revenues/Recoveries 10,000 3,889

*Due to rounding, totals may not add up to totals as shown.


  1. The 2012-13 Report on Plans and Priorities (RPP) provides the forecasted full and incremental costs for fiscal year (FY) 2011-12. The 2011-12 Departmental Performance Report (DPR) provides final actual full and incremental costs for FY 2011-12.
  2. "Full DND Cost" is the sum of incremental cost plus the salaries of Regular Force personnel, equipment depreciation, command and support cost, as well as the operating cost of some major equipment, such as aircraft, that are within normal planned activity rates and, therefore, had not been included in incremental cost.
  3. "Incremental DND Cost" is the additional costs for personnel and equipment that are directly attributable to the Canadian Forces operation. More specifically, incremental costs include the additional cost to deploy troops and equipment and to provide ongoing maintenance and support during the applicable operation, in addition to any specialized training required for the operation. DND does not include the full capital acquisition cost of major equipment in incremental cost, unless procured specifically for the mission with no life expectancy post operation, as this equipment will not be used in other CF operations. However, the full cost includes depreciation of major equipment.
  4. The Actual Incremental Costs for Op TRANSITION are $53.1M lower than the Forecast Incremental Costs due to delays in the return of material from Afghanistan.
  5. The Actual Incremental costs for Op ATTENTION decreased $10.9M from the Forecast Incremental Costs due to overall cost reductions in real life support, strategic air lift, third location decompression, relief in place and pre-training costs.
  6. The Actual Full Costs for Op JAGUAR are $23.5M higher when compared to the Forecast Full Costs as the yearly flying hours had not been included in the forecast amounts.
  7. Overall, the 2011-12 Actual Incremental Costs were $2.4M higher than the Forecast Incremental Costs for operations in the Middle East region. This was due to an increase in personnel on operations.
  8. The Actual Full Costs for Op MOBILE are $228.3M higher than the Forecast Full Costs as the yearly flying hours had not been included in the forecast amounts. Additionally, the actual amounts increased due to an increase in personnel on operations and because of changes made by Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) which impacted the Navy sea days calculation and amortization of the ships.
  9. The 2011-12 Actual Incremental costs for Op LOBE is $4.5M higher than the Forecast Actual Incremental Costs as a result of the reassessment of support to the Canadian embassy in Libya.
  10. Other Various Missions include costs for Liaison Officers for Africa missions, the Command Post Team in Lebanon, satellite leases and communications expenditures and other costs for various missions.

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