Executive Summary - DPR - 2014-15
In fiscal year (FY) 2014-15, Defence successfully carried out its assigned missions, continued to deliver on Defence priorities, and ensured sound financial management and stewardship of public resources.
Delivering Excellence in Operations
In accordance with the core missions set out in the Canada First Defence Strategy, the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) continued to ensure the safety and security of Canadians by delivering excellence at home, being a strong and reliable partner in the defence of North America, and projecting leadership abroad by making meaningful contributions to international security.
FY 2014-15 contributions include:
- The CAF coordinated and responded to over 8,000 search and rescue incidents across the country and, as part of Operation LENTUS, supported the provinces of Ontario and Manitoba by assisting communities affected by heavy floods.
- Canada stood united with NATO in response to Russian aggression against Ukraine. The CAF supported NATO assurance measures in Central and Eastern Europe by contributing to training and exercise activities in the region as part of Operation REASSURANCE. Canada also donated non-lethal military equipment and supplies, and increased capacity building assistance to Ukrainian military personnel.
- In October 2014, the CAF undertook Operation IMPACT as Canada’s contribution to the Middle East Stabilization Force, the multinational coalition established to halt and degrade the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and Syria’s (ISIS) capabilities in the Republic of Iraq and in Syria.
- In the global fight against the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, CAF healthcare personnel deployed to Sierra Leone as part of Operation SIRONA, and provided treatment to local and international health care workers who were exposed to the deadly virus.
- The CAF continued to contribute to international maritime security through Operation ARTEMIS in the Arabian Sea, and Operation CARIBBE in the Caribbean Sea and the Eastern Pacific Ocean. Operation CARIBBE, in particular, resulted in the disruption and seizure of close to 10,000 kg of cocaine and over 500 kg of marijuana.
- The CAF continually adapted its force protection measures to meet the demands of an evolving security environment and the rise in unconventional threats. In the period leading up to the attacks on Warrant Officer Vincent in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu and Corporal Cirillo in Ottawa, the CAF maintained force protection measures commensurate with known threats at the time. Following the two attacks, the CAF increased force protection measures and heightened the alert status of high readiness units. When such national threats and events occur, the CAF are in constant communication with our federal partners and allies on issues regarding the safety and security of Canada and Canadians.
1.0 Defence Combat and Suport Operations

In FY 2014-15, Program 1.0 Defence Combat and Support Operations represented:
- 7% of departmental spending
- 8% of Full Time Equivalents
[Text version of FIgure 1.0 Defence Combat and Support Operations]
2.0 Defence Services and Contributions to Government

In FY 2014-15, Program 2.0 Defence Services and Contributions to Government represented:
- 3% of departmental spending
- 2% of Full Time Equivalents
[Text version of Figure 2.0 Defence Services and Contributions to Government]
3.0 Defence Ready Force Element Production

In FY 2014-15, Program 3.0 Defence Ready Force Element Production represented:
- 18% of departmental spending
- 31% of Full Time Equivalents
[Text version of Figure 3.0 Defence Ready Force Element Production]
As evidenced in Programs 1.0 Defence Combat and Support Operations, 2.0 Defence Services and Contributions to Government and 3.0 Defence Ready Force Element Production, the CAF successfully conducted a range of missions at home and abroad, in collaboration with whole-of-government and international partners, and demonstrated a high level of readiness to deploy at the request of the Government of Canada. To maximize future contributions to and efficiency in operations, the CAF continues to review and refine training requirements and readiness levels.
Equipping the Canadian Armed Forces
Defence demonstrated success in modernizing and upgrading equipment capabilities and advancing key projects while seeking new efficiencies including:
- As announced on 25 November 2014, the first five frigates successfully completed modernization programs as part of the Halifax-class modernization/frigate equipment life extension project. HMCS Fredericton deployed in December 2014 in the Mediterranean for Operation REASSURANCE, Canada’s support to NATO assurance measures in Eastern and Central Europe in response to Russian aggression in Ukraine.
- On 23 January 2015, the contract for six Arctic Offshore Patrol Ships was announced. A part of the National Shipbuilding Procurement Strategy, this contract is valued at $2.3 billion and marked the start of the construction phase. Full production is scheduled to commence in September 2015.
- Canada’s Victoria-class submarine fleet reached operational steady state with three (HMCS Victoria, Windsor, and Chicoutimi) out of four submarines available for operations, while the fourth (HMCS Corner Brook) undergoes a planned extended docking working period to ensure sustainment of the submarine fleet. This fleet will provide important support to CAF domestic and international operations for years to come.
- On 24 October 2014, a $137.8 million contract was announced for upgrades to the CAF’s combat net radios and vehicle interface units that will be employed in the Canadian-built Light Armoured Vehicle III, among other assets.
- The Leopard II Tank upgrade achieved final operational capability in February 2015. The fleet of 100 tanks − repaired, overhauled and upgraded − will provide the CAF with a sustainable heavy, direct-fire capability until 2035.
- On 18 June 2014, Defence completed required amendments to contracts for the acquisition and maintenance of 28 CH-148 Cyclone helicopters to ensure the delivery of fully capable maritime helicopters with operational capability in order to begin retirement of the Sea Kings in 2015.
- On 3 July 2014, the CAF welcomed the delivery at Garrison Petawawa of the final CH-147F Chinook medium-to-heavy lift helicopter. The 15 Chinook helicopters will provide the CAF with an unparalleled capability to respond rapidly to emergencies in Canada and overseas.
- On 30 March 2015, the Royal Canadian Air Force accepted delivery of its fifth CC-177 Globemaster III aircraft, increasing its flexibility to respond to both domestic and international emergencies and support a variety of missions. The current Globemaster fleet has been playing an integral role in ferrying supplies and troops to support Operation IMPACT in the Middle East and Operation REASSURANCE in Europe.
Strengthening Capabilities
The CAF remained prepared to deal with conventional and non-conventional threats with a focus on enhancing its cyber, space and security capabilities.
- In the cyber realm, Defence continued to serve an important role in managing threats to government systems and share cyber threat and mitigation information with other levels of government, security partners, and allies to help ensure that Canada’s vital systems and critical infrastructure are secure. Canada continued to work closely with allies through a variety of forums to collect and share best practices and lessons learned, particularly with 5-Eyes partners and NATO.
- In May 2014, Defence furthered Canada’s cooperation with Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States by establishing a partnership on combined space operations. This partnership will allow for more effective and coordinated use of space capabilities through cooperation on activities such as identifying and understanding what objects are in space, ensuring uninterrupted satellite operations, and avoiding satellite collisions. Such activities will make a significant contribution towards a safer and more secure space environment while also enhancing mutual security.
To protect, promote and support security in Defence activities and operations, the new Defence Security Program was established and encompasses activities to safeguard information, assets and services from compromise, along with the effective coordination and management of security incidents.
Supporting Canadian Armed Forces Members and Military Families
The Government of Canada and the Defence Team continued to ensure that the framework of care and support for CAF personnel and their families remained effective, continuously improved, and remained sustainable in the long-term. To that end, in 2014-15 Defence progressed several initiatives including:
- Established Canadian Military and Veterans Mental Health Centre of Excellence and created a Chair in Military Mental Health, which will support clinical best practices and prioritize mental health research, education and prevention;
- Established electronic collection of mental health data allowing clinicians serving CAF members to view assessments and results immediately in a secure and confidential manner, wherever they may be;
- Put in place a consolidated and integrated Military Family Services operating plan and formed eleven working groups and family panels to address programming challenges and systemic stressors inherent with military life; and
Continued to place high priority on the staffing of mental health positions. As of 31 March 2015, Defence staffed 94.2 percent of all mental health positions (both civilian and military). Vacancy rates continue to be monitored on a monthly basis and actioned.
Preventing Inappropriate Sexual Behaviour
All Defence Team members have the right to be treated fairly, respectfully and with dignity in a workplace free of harassment, and they have a responsibility to treat others in the same manner. Following an internal review of programs and policies, the Chief of the Defence Staff announced on 28 April 2014 that Madame Marie Deschamps, a former Supreme Court of Canada Justice, would conduct an external independent review of Canadian Armed Forces workplace procedures and programs related to sexual misconduct and sexual harassment. The review was started on 30 June 2014 and a report was submitted on 27 March 2015. In February 2015, the Chief of the Defence Staff directed the creation of the Canadian Armed Forces Strategic Response Team on Sexual Misconduct. The initial mandate of the Strategic Response Team was to conduct a detailed review of the final report produced by the External Review Authority, and develop an action plan to address the report’s recommendations.
Focusing on the Future
Defence continued to focus on change initiatives that are transforming the organization to lay a strong foundation for the future.
Defence Procurement Strategy
- Launched in February 2014, the key objectives of the Defence Procurement Strategy are to deliver the right equipment to the CAF and the Canadian Coast Guard in a timely manner, leverage purchases of defence equipment to create jobs and economic growth in Canada, and streamline defence procurement processes. Defence also published the Defence Acquisition Guide, a major component of the strategy that identifies future potential CAF requirements and associated procurement projects.
Defence Renewal Program
- On 7 October 2013, the Defence Renewal Team formally launched the Defence Renewal Program to find ways for Defence to become more efficient and effective, with generated savings to be reinvested into operational capabilities and readiness. For 2014-15, a few highlights of progress in Defence Renewal are:
- Reduction of overbuy expenditures;
- Consolidation of Real Property Management from nine custodians to one, which is on schedule; and
- Simplification of the Military Personnel Appraisal System, which has also been made more relevant, significantly reducing the reporting burden for Regular and Primary Reserve personnel.
A New National Defence Headquarters
- In collaboration with Public Works and Government Services Canada and Shared Services Canada, Defence continued to advance the consolidation of Defence headquarters at Nortel’s former Carling Campus. Workplace 2.0, the Government of Canada initiative to create a modern workplace through smarter processes and practices that embrace new capabilities and technologies, is being integrated into the plan for the new home of Defence headquarters.
4.0 Defence Capability Element Production

In FY 2014-15, Program 4.0 Defence Capability Element Production represented:
- 68% of departmental spending
- 54% of Full Time Equivalents
[Text version of Figure 4.0 Defence Capability Element Production]
5.0 Defence Capability Development and Research

In FY 2014-15, Program 5.0 Defence Capability Development and Research represented:
- 3% of departmental spending
- 2% of Full Time Equivalents
[Text version of Figure 5.0 Defence Capability Development and Research]
As evidenced in Programs 4.0 Defence Capability Element Production and 5.0 Defence Capability Development and Research, a continued commitment to personnel, key purchases and equipment maintenance will ensure assets, resources and capabilities remain ready to respond and deliver effect for Canadians for years to come.
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