Section III: Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy - DPR - 2014-15
Overview of the Federal Government's Approach to Sustainable Development
The Federal Sustainable Development Strategy (FSDS) 2013-16 guides the Government of Canada’s sustainable development activities, as required by the Federal Sustainable Development Act (FSDA). In keeping with the objectives of the FSDA, to make environmental decision-making more transparent and accountable to Parliament, the Department of National Defence supports the implementation of the FSDS through the activities found in supplementary information table.
This Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy (DSDS) presents the contributions and performance status for Theme III – Protecting Nature and Canadians and Theme IV - Shrinking the Environmental Footprint – Beginning with Government.
Sustainable Development Management System
Serving as the strategic direction for the Environmental Program, the Defence Environmental Strategy (DES) will continue to support the Defence Team in developing sustainable defence activities. The DES considers current Defence Team activities that have environmental aspects that need to be managed as well as emerging environmental issues that could potentially impact National Defence. The DES also includes activities that support the advancement of the Government of Canada’s Environmental Agenda such as Defence’s contribution to the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy (FSDS).
Strategic Environmental Assessment
The Department of National Defence (DND) will continue to ensure that its decision-making process includes consideration of the FSDS goals and targets through the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) process. A SEA for policy, plan or program proposals includes an analysis of the impacts of the given proposal on the environment, including on the FSDS goals and targets. The results of the DND’s detailed assessments are made public when an initiative is announced. The purpose of the public statement is to demonstrate that the environmental effects, including the impacts on achieving the FSDS goals and targets, of the approved policy, plan or program have been appropriately considered during proposal development and decision making.
Target 4.1: Species at Risk
Context: Defence commits through program implementation to continue to consult and collaborate with Species and Risk Act (SARA) competent Departments in order to comply with SARA and contribute departmentally to the protection of species at risk.
Expected Result: By 2020, populations of species at risk listed under federal law exhibit trends that are consistent with recovery strategies and management plans.
FSDS Performance Status: National Defence continues to consult and collaborate with Environment Canada, Fisheries and Oceans Canada and Parks Canada Agency on species at risk issues and recovery planning documents.
Link to Department's Program Alignment Architecture: 4.3.5 Real Property – Environment and Remediation
Performance Measure | FSDS Target |
Species at risk protection | 4.1.1. Commit to collaborating and consulting with Species at Risk Act competent departments for the development of recovery strategies, action plans and management plans for species at risk on DND lands. |
Target 4.8: Chemicals Management - Contaminated Sites
Scope and Context: The Department of National Defence, as a custodian of federal contaminated sites receiving Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan (FCSAP) funding for site assessment or remediation, manages its contaminated sites in a manner that is consistent with Treasury Board Policy, prioritizes the sites based on human health and environmental risks using approved criteria, develops and implements management strategies for proposed projects and reports on results.
Expected Result: Reduce the number of federally identified active Contaminated Sites from the Defence facilities.
FSDS Performance Result: The Department continues to reduce its contaminated Sites liabilities and optimizes its funding allocation.
Link to Department's Program Alignment Architecture: 4.3.5 Real Property – Environment and Remediation
Goal 6: Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions and Energy
Target 6.1: GHG Emissions Reduction - The Government of Canada will reduce greenhouse gas emissions from its buildings and fleets by 17% below 2005 levels by 2020.
Expected Result: Reduce the carbon footprint and energy consumption of federal operations.
FSDS Performance Status: National Defence continues to take action now to reduce levels of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from its buildings and commercial vehicle fleets to support the national target of 17% below 2005 by 2020.
Departmental Target: 10% below 2005 by 2020
Scope and Context: Only fuel and energy consumed in infrastructure and commercial vehicle fleets are included within the scope of this target.
National Safety and Security (NSS) Fleets and Residential Housing Units (RHUs) are excluded from the GHG emissions reduction exercise.
Link to Department's Program Alignment Architecture: 4.3 Real Property Lifecycle
Performance Indicators | Performance Target (RPP) | Result (DPR) |
Target Status | Opportunity for Improvement | |
Updated GHG reduction implementation plan in place by March 31, 2015. |
* Yes | |
GHG emissions (kt CO2 equivalent) in fiscal year 2005–06. | 786.0 kt | 785.7 kt |
GHG emissions (kt CO2 equivalent) in fiscal year 2015−16. | 747.0 kt | 783.0 kt |
Percentage change in GHG emissions from fiscal year 2005–06 to the current fiscal year, inclusive of renewable power emission credits, if applicable. | 5% decrease | -0.3% (0.3% decrease) |
* The Defence Infrastructure Plan, within the Defence Environmental Strategy, supersedes the Defence Real Property Sustainability Framework.
Goal 7: Waste and Asset Management
Target 7.1: Real Property Environmental Performance - As of April 1, 2014, and pursuant to departmental Real Property Sustainability Frameworks, an industry-recognized level of high environmental performance will be achieved in Government of Canada real property projects and operations.
Expected Result: An industry-recognized level of high-environmental performance will be achieved in Government of Canada real property projects and operations.
FSDS Performance Status: National Defence continues to complete new construction, build-to-lease, and major renovation projects to achieve an industry-recognized level of high environmental performance in the given fiscal year, according to the departmental strategic framework.
Scope and Context: New construction, build to lease and major renovation projects where the construction contract is valued at over $1 million must achieve a high level of environmental performance.
Link to Department's Program Alignment Architecture: 4.3 Real Property Lifecycle
Performance Indicators | Performance Target (RPP) | Result (DPR) |
Target Status | On Track | |
A Real Property Sustainability Framework in place to improve the management of energy, waste and water in departmental real property assets by March 31, 2015. | * Yes | |
Total number of existing Crown-owned buildings (over 1000 m2) and new lease or lease renewal projects (over 1000 m2) where the Crown is the major lessee, assessed for environmental performance using an industry-recognized assessment tool, and associated floor space (m2). |
141 Crown-owned buildings 616,368 m2 of 6,163,380 m2 |
Data will be available by March 31, 2017 |
2 new lease or lease renewal projects 4,660 m2 |
Planned assessment tool to be used: Green Globes DND Light Industrial | ||
Total number of existing Crown-owned buildings, new construction, build-to-lease and major renovation projects achieving an industry-recognized level of high-environmental performance, and associated floor space (m2). | 7 new construction buildings | 10 new construction buildings |
Environmental performance level achieved: LEED 2009 Silver or 3 Green Globes | ||
Number of fit-up and refit projects achieving an industry-recognized level of high-environmental performance. | See new construction above |
Implementation strategy elements or best practices |
Performance Target (RPP) | Result (DPR) |
---|---|---| Achieve a level of performance that meets or exceeds the custodian's current commitment(s) to sustainable buildings using industry-recognized assessment and verification tool(s). | Seeking to reach “Achieved” status | Reached “Achieved” status | Conduct cost assessments for major construction and renovation projects using an industry-recognized tool. | Seeking to reach “Achieved” status | Reached “Achieved” status | Develop plans to address environmental performance assessment recommendations for existing Crown-owned buildings. | Seeking to reach “Achieved” status | Reached “Achieved” status | Manage construction, renovation and demolition waste in Crown-owned buildings in an environmentally responsible manner. | Seeking to reach “Achieved” status | Reached “Achieved” status | Develop an approach to training for building operators in Crown-owned buildings. | Seeking to reach “Achieved” status | Reached “Achieved” status | Integrate the use of sustainable real property performance management indicators into the investment decision-making process for Crown-owned assets in the building portfolio (e.g., density, energy intensity and facility condition). | Seeking to reach “Achieved” status | Reached “Achieved” status |
* The Defence Infrastructure Plan, within the Defence Environmental Strategy, supersedes the Defence Real Property Sustainability Framework.
Target 7.2: Green Procurement - As of April 1, 2014, the Government of Canada will continue to take action to embed environmental considerations into public procurement, in accordance with the federal Policy on Green Procurement.
Expected result: Environmentally responsible acquisition, use and disposal of goods and services.
FSDS Performance Status: National Defence continues to apply environmentally responsible principles in all aspects of the life-cycle of goods and services.
Scope and Context: Defence will build on FSDS 2010-13 performance from fiscal year 2013-14.
Link to Department's Program Alignment Architecture: 4.2 Materiel Lifecycle
Performance Indicators | Performance Target (RPP) | Result (DPR) |
Target Status | On Track | |
Departmental approach to further the implementation of the Policy on Green Procurement in place as of April 1, 2014. |
* Yes – March 31, 2015 | |
Number and percentage of procurement and/or materiel management specialists who have completed the Canada School of Public Service Green Procurement course (C215) or equivalent, in the given fiscal year (FY). |
75% of FY 2013-14 baseline | 80% (878 civilian and military personnel) |
Number and percentage of managers and functional heads of procurement and materiel whose performance evaluation includes support and contribution toward green procurement, in the given fiscal year. |
25% of FY 2013-14 baseline |
875 civilian members trained. (Military numbers are not available) | Leverage common use procurement instruments where available and feasible. |
Seeking to reach “Achieved” status | Reached “Achieved” status |
* The Defence Equipment and Internal Services Plans, within the Defence Environmental Strategy, supersedes the Defence Green Procurement Sustainability Framework.
Target 1: Real Property Services Procurement
Scope and Context: Integrate green procurement clauses in 25% of Real Property Services procurement instruments by March 31 2017.
Performance Indicator | Performance Target (RPP) | Result (DPR) |
Number of procurement instruments with greening clauses to total number of procurement instruments. |
25% | Reached “Achieved” status |
Target 2: Vehicle Purchases
Scope and Context: By March 31, 2017, 75% of vehicles purchased annually will meet operational needs and are the most fuel efficient vehicles in its class in the Government Motor Vehicle Ordering Guide and/or are an alternative fuel vehicle, hybrid or electric vehicle.
Performance Indicator | Performance Target (RPP) | Result (DPR) |
Number of vehicle purchases that meet the target relative to total number of all vehicle purchases in the given year. |
75% | * 48% |
* Due to budgetary restrictions in FY 2014-15 resulted in vehicle purchases that were based primarily on cost rather than fuel efficiency or alternative fuel, hybrid or electric capacities.
Target 3: Food and Beverage Equipment
Scope and Context: By March 31, 2017, 50% of food and beverage equipment purchases will include criteria to reduce food waste.
Performance Indicators | Performance Target (RPP) | Result (DPR) |
Number of food and beverage equipment contracts including criteria for equipment to be recyclable meeting the target relative to the total number for food and beverage equipment contracts in the given year. |
50% | Reached “Achieved” status |
Target 7.3: Sustainable Workplace Operations - As of April 1, 2015, the Government of Canada will update and adopt policies and practices to improve the sustainability of its workplace operations.
Expected result: Departmental workplace operations have a reduced environmental impact.
FSDS Performance Status: National Defence continues to apply an environmentally responsible approach to its workplace operations in order to reduce its environmental impacts.
Scope and Context: Defence-wide
Links to Department's Program Alignment Architecture:
Performance Indicators | Performance Target (RPP) | Result (DPR) |
Target Status | On Track | |
An approach to maintain or improve the sustainability of the departmental workplace in place by March 31, 2015. |
*Yes |
Implementation strategy |
Performance Target (RPP) | Result (DPR) |
---|---|---| Engage employees in greening government operations practices. |
Seeking to reach “Achieved” status | Reached “Achieved” status | Integrate environmental considerations into corporate policies, processes and practices in accordance with departmental refresh cycles. |
Seeking to reach “Achieved” status | Reached “Achieved” status | Maintain or improve existing approaches to sustainable workplace practices (i.e., printer ratios, paper usage and green meetings). |
Seeking to reach “Achieved” status | Reached “Achieved” status | Minimize the ratio of information technology (IT) assets per employee. |
Seeking to reach “Achieved” status | Reached “Achieved” status | Dispose of e-waste in an environmentally sound and secure manner. |
Seeking to reach “Achieved” status | Reached “Achieved” status | Increase the population density in office buildings and space utilization in special purpose buildings. |
Seeking to reach “Achieved” status | Reached “Achieved” status | Maintain or improve sustainable fleet management. |
Seeking to reach “Achieved” status | Reached “Achieved” status |
* The Defence Internal Servces Plan, within the Defence Environmental Strategy, supersedes the Defence Sustainable Workplace Operational Framework.
Goal 8: Water Management
Target 8.1: Water Management - As of April 1, 2014, the Government of Canada will take further action to improve water management within its real property portfolio.
Expected result: Water is managed sustainably in Government of Canada real property operations.
FSDS Performance Status: National Defence continues to apply an environmentally responsible approach to its Water Management in order to reduce its environmental impacts.
Scope and Context: The water conservation performance of real property represents 10% of eligible heated buildings over 1000m2 by area including FSDS 2010-2013.
Link to Department's Program Alignment Architecture: 4.3 Real Property Lifecycle
Performance Indicators | Performance Target (RPP) | Result (DPR) |
Target Status | On Track | |
Approach to improving water management included in Real Property Sustainability Framework by March 31, 2015. |
* Yes – March 31, 2015 | |
Amount and percentage of floor space in buildings over 1000 m2 that includes water metering, in the given fiscal year (where feasible). |
616,368 m2 of 6,163,380 m2 existing Crown-owned 10% |
Data will be available by March 31, 2017 |
7 new construction projects |
10 new construction projects |
Implementation strategy |
Performance Target (RPP) | Result (DPR) |
---|---|---| Conserve potable water. | Seeking to reach “Achieved” status | Reached “Achieved” status | Manage storm water run-off. | Seeking to reach “Achieved” status | Reached “Achieved” status | Meter the water usage in new projects. | Seeking to reach “Achieved” status | Reached “Achieved” status |
* The Defence Infrasturecture Plan, within the Defence Environmental Strategy, supersedes the Defence Real Property Sustainability Framework.
Additional Departmental Sustainable Development Activities and Initiatives: Canadian Forces Housing Agency
Expected result: The Canadian Forces Housing Agency (CFHA) integrates environmental considerations in maintenance, renovation, and new construction with the aim of reducing the negative environmental impacts of housing management and in order to demonstrate the Agency’s commitment to comfortable and energy efficient housing for military families.
FSDS Performance Status: CFHA continues to proactively explore additional opportunities to manage the environmental impact associated with housing management, provide green services to clients, and support the department’s environmental objectives. Evaluations gathered to date suggest the energy performance of DND residential housing exceed national standards.
Scope and Context:
CFHA’s integration of environmental stewardship and green building principles is demonstrated by:
- CFHA’s Environmental Management System (EMS) considers the environmental impact of all the activities CFHA undertakes to fulfill the housing management mandate. The EMS then drives supporting environmental programs, direction and tools that enable top-to-bottom understanding and consideration for environmental stewardship throughout the Agency;
- Environmental Assessments are conducted of relevant projects to assess and mitigate environmental impacts of projects, and disposal projects optimize 3Rs demolition;
- Housing-related Green Globes and LEED principles are integrated into CFHA’s technical standards, which operationalize the use of green materials and methodologies for improved energy efficiency into maintenance, lifecycle replacement and recapitalization projects, corporate programs and related direction to staff; and
- CFHA conducts energy efficiency evaluations of Residential Housing Units (RHU) by means of Natural Resources Canada’s ecoENERGY Retrofit – Homes program in order to obtain an EnerGuide for Houses rating for each major renovation or new construction project.
Link to Department's Program Alignment Architecture: 4.3 Real Property Lifecycle
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