Incremental Costs for Major Canadian Armed Forces International Operations - DPR - 2014-15
($ thousands) International Operations |
FY 2014-15 Forecast |
FY 2014-15 Actuals |
Incremental DND Cost1 | |||
Africa | OP CROCODILE - MONUSCO (DRC)2 | 514 | 865 |
OP SIRONA - Ebola outbreak (Sierra Leone)3 | 1,354 | 248 | |
OP SOPRANO - UNMISS (Juba, South Sudan)4 | 842 | 1,837 | |
Sub-Total | 2,710 | 2,950 | |
Arabian Gulf Region and South West Asia | OP ATTENTION - (Afghanistan Training Mission)5 | 4,427 | 3,955 |
OP TRANSITION (Afghanistan)6 | 21,288 | 17,982 | |
COMBINED TASK FORCE 1507 | 1,554 | 864 | |
Sub-Total | 27,269 | 22,801 | |
Europe | OP KOBOLD (Kosovo)8 | 395 | 396 |
OP REASSURANCE9 | 143,916 | 109,118 | |
OP SNOWGOOSE - UNFICYP (Cyprus)10 | 27 | 26 | |
Sub-Total | 144,338 | 109,540 | |
Middle East | OP CALUMET (Sinai) - MFO (non-UN)11 |
1,352 | 2,001 |
OP JADE - UNTSO (Middle East)12 |
213 | 305 | |
OP PROTEUS (Jerusalem)13 | 4,629 | 4,395 | |
OP IMPACT14 | 122,595 | 69,976 | |
OP FOUNDATION - (US CENTCOM Tampa/Bahrain /Qatar)15 |
1,599 | 1,376 | |
OP ARTEMIS (Arabian Gulf)16 | 7,387 | 9,503 | |
Sub-Total | 137,775 | 87,556 | |
Other | OP RENAISSANCE (Philippines)17 |
439 | 392 |
Other18 | 19,068 | 20,659 | |
Sub-Total | 19,507 | 21,051 | |
Total: International Operations | 331,599 | 243,898 | |
(Est UN/MFO revenue to DND) | (Est UN/MFO revenue to DND) | ||
Revenues/Recoveries19 | 559 | 541 |
- Incremental Department of National Defence (DND) Cost is the additional costs for personnel and equipment that are directly attributable to the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) operation. More specifically, incremental costs include the additional cost to deploy troops and equipment and to provide ongoing maintenance and support during the applicable operation, in addition to any specialized training required for the operation. DND does not include the full capital acquisition cost of major equipment in incremental cost, unless procured specifically for the mission with no life expectancy post operation.
- OP CROCODILE - Canada's military contribution to the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO).
- OP SIRONA - Military component of the Canadian whole-of-government contribution to fighting the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. CAF personnel augmented efforts undertaken by the UK to combat the spread of Ebola virus disease in Sierra Leone. Variance between forecast and actual primarily as a result of changes to the concept of operation.
- OP SOPRANO - CAF's participation in the United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan (UNMISS). Approval of mission extension to 2016 was not included in Report on Plans and Priorities forecast. This extension resulted in increased expenditures back to prior year levels.
- OP ATTENTION - Canada's participation in the NATO Training Mission - Afghanistan. Mission closed 31 March 2014, residual closure costs were less than expected.
- OP TRANSITION - Mission to close the CAF combat mission in Afghanistan. Expenses include contracts to repair, overhaul and reconstitute CAF equipment. Additional residual costs may be incurred next fiscal year.
- COMBINED TASK FORCE 150 (CTF-150) - Task Force operated by Combined Maritime Forces to promote security and stability in the maritime environment by countering terrorist acts and related illegal activities. Canada lead the rotation of CTF-150 from December 2014 to April 2015. Reduced expenditures are due to changes in planning assumptions for accommodations, communication and transportation.
- OP KOBOLD - Canada's contribution to the NATO-led Kosovo Force (KFOR) headquarters.
- OP REASSURANCE - CAF participation in Central and Eastern Europe as part of NATO assurance measures. Reduced expenditures are due to changes in planning assumptions for flying hours. Approval of the mission extension to end 2015 also resulted in deferral of the planned 2014-15 redeployment costs and contingency estimates.
- OP SNOWGOOSE - Canada's contribution to United Nations Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP).
- OP CALUMET - Canada's participation in the Multinational Force and Observers (MFO) in the Sinai. Increased costs are due to deployment of additional personnel.
- OP JADE - Canada's contribution to the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO).
- OP PROTEUS - Canada's contribution to the Office of the United States Security Coordinator (USSC) in Jerusalem.
- OP IMPACT - CAF contribution to the Middle East Stabilization Force (MESF) – the multinational coalition to halt and degrade the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in the Republic of Iraq and in Syria. The mission is halting and degrading ISIS, which has lost the ability to operate in 20-25 per cent of the area it previously controlled. Reduced expenditures are due to changes in planning assumptions for accommodations, communication, transportation and estimated flying hours. Approval of the mission extension also resulted in deferral of the planned 2014-15 redeployment costs and contingency estimates.
- OP FOUNDATION - CAF's contribution to multinational counter-terrorism efforts in the Middle East, North Africa and Southwest Asia.
- OP ARTEMIS - Operation ARTEMIS is the CAFs’ participation in counterterrorism and maritime security operations across the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden, the Gulf of Oman and the Indian Ocean. Operation ARTEMIS clearly demonstrates Canada’s solidarity with partners and allies that are working together for peace and security in the maritime environment of the greater Middle East region.
- OP RENAISSANCE - Canada's Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART) response to Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines from 11 November to 23 December 2013. Residual reconstitution costs in 2014-15.
- Other - Includes residual costs for OP SATURN which closed March 2014, support contracts for various small missions and Canadian Special Operations Forces Command missions.
- Revenues/Recoveries - Reimbursement for personnel support costs for OP CALUMET and OP HAMLET.
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