Transfer for Managing Research at the Royal Military College

  • National Defence works closely with federal research funding agencies to support university-based research related to defence and security.
  • In these Estimates, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council is transferring $747,321 to National Defence to support research at the Royal Military College.
  • These funds will enable the Royal Military College to conduct research on a variety of topics, including:
    • transnational criminal and terrorist movement and flows;
    • defence policy;
    • cybersecurity and electronic warfare;
    • space activities; and
    • critical infrastructure.

Key Facts

  • The Research Support Fund serves to ease the burden of indirect costs associated with research at the Royal Military College in five expenditure areas:
    • maintaining research facilities;
    • ensuring adequate research resources;
    • facilitating the management and administration of the institution’s research enterprise;
    • ensuring regulatory requirements and accreditation; and
    • protecting intellectual property.


  • The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) stands at the centre of a national strategy to make Canada one of the world’s top countries in research and development.
  • Royal Military College professors are beneficiaries of SSHRC, the National Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) funding through the Research Support Fund.
  • National Defence receives this transfer annually. Because the amount varies from year to year, the transfer is done through the Supplementary Estimates.
  • The Research Support Fund grant assists the Royal Military College with the costs associated with managing their research enterprise, including:
    • providing researchers access to knowledge resources through electronic subscriptions to the library, software licenses, and staff accreditation;
    • ensuring research meets regulatory and ethical standards; and
    • transferring research findings to the private, public, and not-for profit sectors.

Version 5; 2020-02-25 – Source: Director Budget draft tab; D Parl A Supps A 2018-19 note, “Managing Research Activities at RMC.”

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