Innovation for Defence Excellence and Security
What is IDEaS?
Innovation for Defence Excellence and Security is more than just a funding program. We are accelerating concepts and propelling solutions forward, building a defence innovation ecosystem.
Learn more about how IDEaS works
Get informed
Be the first to know about new challenges and program-specific news.
Featured opportunities
Help solve a challenge faced by the Canadian Armed Forces and get funding to advance your research. Get feedback on your technology from military experts and build your network.
Opportunity | Element | Description | Homepage priority |
Innovator journeys
See where IDEaS funded technologies are headed next.

Innovator journeys: 2024 CUAS Sandbox – Innovators (Transcript)
Innovator journeys: Robotics (Transcript)
Innovator journeys: Advanced materials (Transcript)

Upcoming events
IDEaS participates in and hosts events to promote defence innovation.