2.0 Applicant Guide

2.1 The Pop up City Contest

The Contest consists of four competitive rounds that contestants will pass through for a chance to win a grand prize of $2.0 million. Each Round is designed to progress towards the development of a functioning and testable prototype integrated solution, capable of delivering the desired outcomes of the Contest.

Prizes will be awarded in each Round of the Contest. Awards for Rounds 1, 2, and 4 will be in the form of a grant. In Round 3, finalists will receive funding in the form of a contribution agreement.

Description of image

    Round 1 Individual solutions

    • Submission of proposals for each technical domain
    • Contestant eligibility established
    • Expert evaluation
    • Up to 10 Contestants for each technical domain to receive a $10,000 grant to continue to Round 2

    Round 2 Integrated Solutions

    • Grant recipients from Round 1 continue
    • Partnering event
    • Submission of integrated solutions
    • Expert evaluation
    • Up to 10 Semi-finalist teams to receive a $50,000 grant to continue to Round 3

    Round 3 PITCH & Prototype Development

    • Grant recipients from Round 2 continue
    • Pitch event
    • Expert evaluation
    • Up to 3 finalist teams eligible for a contribution of up to $1,500,000 for the development of a prototype and to continue to Round 4

    Round 4 PROTOTYPE Testing

    • Contribution recipients from Round 3 continue
    • Testing of prototypes
    • Technical evaluation
    • Selection of grand prize winner
    • Grand prize of $2,000,000

2.2 Round 1: Proposals for Individual Solutions

The Contest will accept proposals from eligible contestants that offer independent solutions for one of the three the technical domains (energy, water or waste management). Proposals could put forward existing solutions, modifications to existing solutions, or new innovations that can address the inefficiencies in the current utilities systems for RTCs by reducing the fuel consumption or the water resupply or waste removal.

Up to 10 contestants for each technical domain will be selected to advance to Round 2.

The IDEaS Program will hold an information session following the launch of Round 1 of the Pop up City Contest. The information session will be open to all potential contestants via videoconference. Following a brief overview of the Contest (Section 1 above) and the proposed process, attendees will be given the opportunity to ask questions. Questions and answers will be published online afterwards for the benefit of all potential contestants. More information on this session will be provided by the IDEaS Program through the Contest website.

Application Requirements for Round 1

Only One Proposal per Technical Domain

Innovators may only submit one proposal for each technical domain. Should an innovator submit more than one application form for a given technical domain, the IDEaS Program office will accept the first application received and will reject any subsequent submissions.

Proposals received by the same innovator for the different technical domains will be considered individually and evaluated independently from one another. Proposals that already integrate two or more solutions for the technical domains (e.g., an integrated system for water and waste management) require separate applications for each specific technical domain.

Each contestant must submit a complete application package should they wish to enter into this Contest. A complete application package consists of an Application Form and a signed Declaration form.

Cluster, Group or Consortium

When submitting a proposal as a consortium, contestants must identify a team lead. The team lead will be responsible for submitting the form on behalf of the consortium, but all members will collectively be considered as the “contestant” for the purposes of this Guide. All members of the consortium must submit a signed Declaration Form with the Contest Application Form and information required to establish Contestant eligibility.

Application Deadline and Proposal Requirements

To be considered, contestants must submit a Contest Application Form (Round 1) and a signed Declaration form, and any supporting documentation or information to demonstrate eligibility as required, via the contestant’s Canada Post epost™ connect account no later than December 13, 2019. Instructions on how to apply can be found in Section 2.12 below.

Detailed Proposals

Information provided in the Contest Application Form (Round 1) will be used to assess the quality of the proposal and evaluate the proposal against the Contest’s evaluation criteria (see Annex B for the Round 1 Application Form proposal requirements and evaluation criteria).

Contestants are responsible for providing sufficiently detailed information, data, and analysis for the Technical Review Committee (TRC) to fully understand and assess the viability of the proposal.

Clarity, quality and thoroughness of the content provided in the online application will be a critical determinant in the success of the contestant’s application.

Evaluation Criteria

Evaluation criteria for Round 1 can be found in Annex B.

Assessment and Selection Process

Round 1 proposals will be evaluated by the TRC, which is comprised of experts from within DND/CAF and which may be supported by experts from other federal government departments.

Concurrent with the technical evaluation of Round 1 submissions, the IDEaS Program Office will contact contestants to validate that they have met the eligibility requirements to enter into a Grant Agreement with the Crown.

The TRC will review the proposals using the evaluation criteria (provided in Annex B) and will select up to 10 proposals from each of the three technical domains (up to 30 in total).

Proposals selected by the TRC will be submitted for consideration and confirmation to the IDEaS Senior Management Funding Oversight Committee (SMFOC), comprised of the Director General responsible for the IDEaS Program, and the Directors General responsible for DND/CAF organization(s) associated with the Contest

The SMFOC may take into account additional considerations related to the objectives and overall success of this Contest when confirming the winning contestants for Round 2. These may include considerations across multiple parameters, such as: due diligence; risk assessments including ensuring contestants meet all Contest eligibility requirements; similar science and technology (S&T) initiatives being funded by DNDs partners and allies; and changes to Government of Canada priorities.

The SMFOC will select up to 10 proposals from each of the technical domains (up to 30 in total) for entry into Round 2. Decisions made by the SMFOC are final. There is no appeal process however Contestants who are not selected to continue to Round 2 may request feedback on their proposals.

Terms of Funding

Up to 30 Contestants from Round 1 will receive a $10,000 prize through a grant agreement and will be invited to participate in Round 2 of the Contest.

2.3 Round 2: Proposals for Integrated Solutions

In Round 2, successful contestants from Round 1 are invited to submit an integrated energy, water and waste management solution either as part of a team or on their own. The Contest will only accept integrated solutions comprised of independent solutions that were successful in Round 1 and which are at SRLs 1 to 5 (see Annex A for SRL definitions). Integrated solutions comprised of a solution for one of the technical domain that was not selected in Round 1 will not be considered.

To facilitate contestant networking and the creation of teams, as required, IDEaS will host a partnering event. The aim of this event will be to allow each contestant to present their solution to other contestants and identify avenues for integration of solutions across the three technical domains.

Up to 10 semi-finalists (integrated solutions) will be selected to advance to Round 3.

Integration Partnering Event

Should contestants wish to participate in the partnering event they will have the opportunity to make a 5 minute presentation to other contestants from the other technical domains. In addition they will be invited to network with winning contestants from other technical domains to foster partnerships to support the development of Round 2 integrated proposals.

Contestants may provide the following information to support their presentation to the IDEaS Program Office, one week prior to the event):

  1. A one-page summary of the solution proposal for distribution to all contestants participating in the event; and or
  2. A maximum of four PowerPoint® slides to supporting the contestant’s presentation.

Contestants may also choose to prepare a poster for the networking events. Poster dimensions will be provided to participating contestants by the IDEaS program Office prior to the event.

Presentation materials should not contain any commercially sensitive materials as they will be circulated by the event organizers to support collaborative efforts, to drive visibility to the event, and to facilitate potential connections to enable the development of successful integrated projects.

Application Requirements for Round 2

Only One Application per Project Team

To be considered in Round 2, contestant’s project teams must submit only one integrated proposal composed of solutions from all three technical domain. However a contestant may be part of a project team that submits multiple integrated proposals.

Cluster, Group or Consortium

When submitting a proposal as a consortium, contestants must identify a team lead. The team lead will be responsible for submitting the form on behalf of the consortium, but all members will collectively be considered as the “contestant” for the purpose of this Guide. All members of the consortium must submit a signed Declaration Form with the Contest Application Form as well as submit information to demonstrate eligibility.

Application Deadline and Proposal Requirements

In order for an integrated proposal to be considered, one completed Contest Round 2 Application Form must be submitted by the contestants who must designate a team lead for the proposal along with the Declaration Form. The project group submitting the proposal consists of more than one team member each who have successfully been screened into Round 2 therefore each identified member must submit a signed declaration form to the IDEaS Program Office along with any other documents which support the proposal if required, via the contestants Canada post epost™ connect account, no later than May 15, 2020.

Information provided in the Contest Round 2 Application form will be used to assess the quality of the proposal and evaluate the proposal against the Contest’s technical evaluation criteria.

Contestants are responsible to provide sufficiently detailed information, data, and analysis for the TRC to fully understand and assess the technical viability of the proposal.

Clarity, quality and thoroughness of the content provided in the online application will be a critical determinant in the success of the contestant’s application.

Evaluation Criteria

Evaluation criteria for Round 2 will be communicated directly to those participants who have been screened into Round 2 of the Contest.

Assessment and Selection Process

Round 2 proposals will be evaluated by the TRC, which is comprised of experts within DND/CAF, and which may be supported by experts from other federal government departments.

Concurrent with the technical evaluation of Round 2 submissions, the IDEaS Program Office will contact all contestants to validate that they have met the eligibility requirements to enter into a Grant Agreement with the Crown.

The TRC will review and evaluate the proposals against the evaluation criteria and will select up to 10 integrated proposals. Proposals selected by the TRC will be submitted for consideration and confirmation to the IDEaS SMFOC, comprised of the Director General responsible for the IDEaS Program, and the Directors General responsible for DND/CAF organization(s) associated with the Contest Challenge.

The SMFOC may take into account additional considerations related to the objectives and overall success of this Contest when confirming the winning contestants for Round 2. These may include considerations across multiple parameters, such as: due diligence risk assessments including ensuring contestants meet all Contest eligibility requirements; similar S&T initiatives being funded by DNDs partners and allies; and changes to Government of Canada priorities.

Funding decisions made by the SMFOC are final. There is no appeal process however contestants who are not selected to continue to Round 3 may request feedback on their proposals.

Terms of Funding

Up to 10 Contestant teams from Round 2 will receive a $50,000 prize through a grant agreement and will be invited to participate in Round 3 of the Contest.

2.4 Round 3: Pitch Event and Prototype Development

To be considered in Round 3, successful contestants or project teams from Round 2 will be invited to participate in a pitch event hosted by IDEaS during which each Contestant or project team will present their integrated proposal as submitted in Round 2.

Up to 3 proposals will be offered the opportunity to receive funding to develop their integrated solution into a prototype over a 12-month period and to advance into Round 4.

The Pitch Event – Technical Presentation

During the pitch event, contestants will be invited to deliver a technical presentation and pitch their integrated solution. Such presentations will be evaluated by a panel of experts which may include TRC members, SMFOC members, and or other CAF/DND Government of Canada employees as deemed appropriate. The pitch event will be sponsored by IDEaS and will be held in July/August 2020. Each project team will be allotted a 55-minute session as follows:

  1. Introduction of the panel by the Chair (2 min)
  2. Technical presentation by project team (up to 20 min)
  3. Question period from TRC members moderated by the Chair (30 min)
  4. Concluding remarks from project team (2min)
  5. Concluding remarks by the Chair (1 min)

Further details regarding the technical presentation requirements will be provided by the IDEaS Program directly to Round 3 project teams.

Presentations must not contain any commercially sensitive materials as they may be circulated (in whole or in part) by IDEaS at the event to support collaborative efforts and to promote the event.

Evaluation Criteria

The panel will assess the technical presentation based on the following criteria: innovativeness, scientific quality, management, scientific capabilities, collaboration and benefits to Canada. Further information about these criteria will be provided directly to all Round 2 winners prior to the Round 3 pitch event.

Assessment and Selection Process

Each project team’s technical presentation will be assessed by the panel against the evaluation criteria identified above. Integrated solution proposals will be ranked and selected based on their Round 2 scores (weighted 75%) and their pitch presentation scores (weighted 25%).

These combined evaluation scores will be used to identify up to 3 winning integrated solutions to advance to the prototype development phase of Round 3. 

Following the evaluation of Round 3 presentations the IDEaS Program Office may contact all contestants to validate that they have met the eligibility requirements to enter into a Contribution Agreement with the Crown.

The IDEaS Program may take into account additional considerations related to the objective and overall success of this Contest when confirming the winning integrated solutions for prototype development.  

Terms of Funding for Prototype Development

Selected finalists will be eligible to enter into a non-repayable Contribution Agreement (CA) to receive funding up to $1,500,000 covering 100% of eligible project expenditures which will be defined by DND/CAF through the CA to facilitate the building of a testable prototype that clearly demonstrates its functionality, performance and impact.

Finalists will have 12 months to build a testable prototype.

2.5 Round 4: Testing

Round 4 developed prototypes will be tested in Canada

Testing and Technical Reports

Depending on the availability of resources, either DND, the CAF or an independent and accredited third party contractor, selected by DND/CAF, will test the prototypes and submit a technical report to the TRC. Testing will evaluate the fuel and water input, and waste output of the prototype against the desired outcomes of the Contest and the overall performance of the solution.

All prototypes will be submitted to the same testing conditions, which may include testing in a controlled environment and/or field testing. In either case, all prototypes must be transported by the project teams to a single location for testing. Project teams will be responsible for the loading, unloading and deployment of their prototypes at the test site(s).

Evaluation Criteria

The IDEaS Program will share evaluation criteria for prototype testing directly with project teams at the conclusion of Round 3.

Assessment and Selection Process

The TRC will review the technical reports against the evaluation criteria and desired outcomes of the Contest and identify the best overall performing integrated solution. Performance will be based on total projected volume of fuel and potable water input, and solid and liquid waste output required to sustain an RTC of 150 people.

The TRC will provide a list with the ranking of each prototype to the SMFOC for consideration and confirmation before the official release announcing the winning project team.

During the evaluation of Round 4 prototypes the IDEaS Program Office may contact all contestants to validate that they have met the eligibility requirements to enter into a Grant Agreement with the Crown.

The SMFOC may take into account additional considerations related to the objective and overall success of this Contest when confirming the winning solution.

In the event that the prototype testing does not clearly identify which one has demonstrated the best overall performance, the SMFOC may decide to select more than one winning solution.  In such a case, the $2,000,000 prize will be shared.

Finalists who are unable to produce a testable prototype that meets the minimum input and output requirements set in Section 1 (a 33% reduction in diesel fuel and potable water input, and in solid and liquid waste output) will be excluded from consideration in Round 4.

Terms of Funding

A prize of $2,000,000 will be awarded through a grant agreement.

The winning project team for the Pop up City Contest will be announced in Summer 2021 and will be asked to provide voluntary updates to DND on the further development of the winning integrated technology for a period of five years.

2.6 Timeline

Activity Date

Round 1 – Launch of Round 1

August 21, 2019

Round 1 – Information Session

September 11, 2019

Round 1 – Deadline for Submissions

December 13, 2019

Round 1 – Announcement of Awards

March 2, 2020

Round 2 – Launch of Round 2

April 26, 2020

Round 2 – Integration Partnering Event


Round 2 – Deadline for Submissions

Sept 30, 2020

Round 2 – Announcement Awards for Semi-Finalists

Dec 2020 - Jan 2021

Round 3 –  Pitch Event – Round 3

Winter 2021

Round 3 – Finalist Contribution Agreement Awards

Spring/Summer 2021

Round 3 – Deadline for Prototype Development

Spring/Summer 2022

Round 4 – Prototype Testing Completed

Summer/Fall 2022

Round 4 – Grand Prize Announcement

Fall 2022

* Dates may be subject to modification

2.7 General Terms and Conditions

  1. By submitting an application to the Pop up City Contest, contestants agree to be bound by the conditions of the Contest as set out in this Contest Program Guide and any other documentation or information provided by the IDEaS Program in relation to the Pop up City Contest.
  2. The contestant must comply with all laws applicable to the contestant in participating in the Pop up City Contest, including all requirements of, and conditions imposed by, regulatory bodies having jurisdiction over the subject matter of the proposal(s).
  3. Contestants must have and be able to demonstrate ownership, or necessary authorizations obtained from a third party, of any intellectual property used and disclosed in the Pop up City Contest. DND will assume no liability in respect of any claims from any third party in relation to such intellectual property rights.
  4. Contestants understand and acknowledge that the submission of an Application Form does not constitute a commitment on the part of the Minister of National Defence to award funding. The payment of monies by Canada is subject to there being an appropriation by Parliament for the Fiscal Year in which the payment of monies is to be made.
  5. Contestants understands and acknowledge that the Minister of National Defence has the sole discretion to alter or cancel this Contest at any point in time.

2.8 Eligibility

2.8.1 Who is Eligible?

To be eligible contestants must be a legal entity duly incorporated and validly existing in Canada, including:

  1. Canadian post-secondary institutions;
  2. Incorporated Canadian not-for-profit organizations or associations;
  3. Provincial/territorial, municipal government organizations;
  4. Incorporated Canadian for-profit companies, organizations or associations;
  5. Any group, cluster or consortium composed of eligible recipients.

Federal government departments/agencies and federal and provincial Crown Corporations and their employees are not eligible for participation in this Contest.

The IDEaS Program Office will request a contestant to demonstrate its eligibility. Contestants who fail to demonstrate eligibility will not be considered in the Pop up City Contest.

2.8.2 Conditions of Eligibility

Integrity/Canadian control

All contestants will be screened by DND using various tools to ensure the Government of Canada does business only with ethical Canadian institutions, associations, organizations or corporations. DND/CAF will also take into consideration whether the contestant is under sufficient Canadian control in determining whether the contestant meets the integrity requirements to participate in the Contest.

Contestants who submit an application to the Pop up City Contest agree to provide additional information and their consent for a backgRound search to substantiate their eligibility to participate in this Contest. Should any adverse information be derived from this backgRound search, DND will make an assessment to determine if the contestant is eligible to participate in the Contest.

Contestants located in Quebec

To be eligible, academic institutions located in Quebec are subject to the Act respecting the ministère du Conseil exécutif du Québec, L.R.Q., c. M-30 must have obtained prior written authorization from Quebec’s Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs. During the technical assessment of Round 1 Applications, the IDEaS Program Office will ask Quebec contestants subject to the Chapter 30 to provide a proof of authorization. See Annex C for the Supporting Documentation Form for Organizations in Quebec.

Quebec academic institutions who are unable to provide such written authorization will not eligible to participate in the Pop up City Contest.

Submitting an application to meet the provisions under Chapter 30 of the Act may require time to process, therefore it is strongly recommended that contestants start this process as early as possible.

2.9 Intellectual Property

All Intellectual property (IP) rights that arise as a result of this Contest shall vest with the contestant.

2.10 Privacy and Access to Information

The use and distribution of data collected under this program will comply with both the Privacy Act and the Access to Information Act.

Pursuant to the Privacy Act, the program will keep confidential any personal information it may collect and will not disclose or transmit said information without the applicant’s written consent.

Pursuant to the Access to Information Act, the program will protect from disclosure any information of a financial, commercial, scientific or technical nature it collects from applicants so long as the applicants treat said information as confidential in their own establishments.

2.11 Communication Activities

Contestants who submit applications for this Contest may be identified by DND through various communication activities, including through the IDEaS website. In addition, contestants whose proposal(s) have been selected to receive a monetary prize may be identified through various DND communication activities in addition to posting on the IDEaS website. Official ceremonies may be arranged by DND officials for contestants who have been selected to receive a monetary prize within each Round of the Contest which may require contestants’ participation. Failure to participate in these events may result in a contestant being removed from the Contest and or receiving their monetary prize.  

Should a contestant’s proposal be selected to advance to a subsequent Round of the Contest and the contestant wishes to announce their status to the public in any format (e.g. social media), DND requires that the contestant provide a minimum 15 business day advance notification of their proposed announcement and its content to ensure it is reviewed and approved by DND before being released to the public.

Failure to request approval from DND regarding an upcoming announcement made by a contestant may result in the cancellation of the contestant’s participation in the Contest and/or any monetary prize being awarded.

2.12 Application Submission Instructions

Complete the Application Form, the Declaration Form, and additional information to demonstrate contestant eligibility as stipulated in the Contest program guide.

Please note that applications will only be accepted through Canada Post epost™, a secure drop box used by Contest for all submissions. In order to officially submit your application, you must create a Canada Post epost account. Additional information on how to create a Canada Post epost account is available through the epost Participant Guide located at https://www.canadapost.ca/cpc/assets/cpc/uploads/files/postal-services/epost-connect-participant-guide-en.pdf

Once your epost account has been created, send us the email address associated with your account. You will then receive an email directly from epost Connect <connect@epost.ca> notifying you that a “collaborator” has sent you a secured message. Please use this forwarded link to submit your completed application form declaration form, additional supporting documentation (if applicable) and information to substantiate your eligibility to participate in this Contest.  Our email address will be included in the notification text – IDEaSContests.IDEeSConcours@drdc-rddc.gc.ca.

Given the steps involved in creating an epost account, it is strongly recommended that contestants begin this process at least 2 weeks prior to submission deadline. Failure to do so may result in the contestant being unable to submit their proposal before the closing date.

All enquiries related to this Canada Post epost account Contest must be submitted to the following email address: IDEaSContests.IDEeSConcours@drdc-rddc.gc.ca.

Should a contestant wish to withdraw or replace a submitted Application Form prior to the closing date, please send an email to IDEaSContests.IDEeSConcours@forces.gc.ca

2.13 Contact Information

For any questions or clarifications regarding the Pop up City Contest please contact: DND-IDEAS Contest team at: IDEaSContests.IDEeSConcours@forces.gc.ca

Updates will be provided for Contestants on the IDEaS Contest website in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section.

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