About The Path to Dignity and Respect

Learn about the Canadian Armed Forces Sexual Misconduct Response Strategy


The Path to Dignity and Respect: The CAF Sexual Misconduct Response Strategy was published in October 2020. Although Operation HONOUR culminated in March 2021, the concepts presented in Part One and Part Two of The Path to Dignity and Respect, such as the CAF culture and the guiding principles, remain relevant. The Chief, Professional Conduct and Culture organization is currently developing a new strategy designed to address all forms of systemic misconduct, including sexual misconduct. The new strategy will be based on feedback received from the Defence Team Conduct and Culture Consultation, stakeholder engagements and recommendations from a number of external independent reviews.


What is The Path to Dignity and Respect?

The Path to Dignity and Respect (The Path) is a culture change strategy created to prevent and address sexual misconduct in the CAF. The Path is designed to align behaviours and attitudes in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) with the principles and values of the profession of arms in Canada. It shifts the focus of Operation HONOUR from an immediate response primarily concentrated on addressing incidents, to a long-term institutional approach aimed at preventing incidents from occurring in the first place.

What are we trying to accomplish with The Path?

We are striving for a CAF free of sexual misconduct, where everyone is treated with dignity and respect. To achieve our vision, we must ensure that sexual misconduct is never minimized, ignored or excused. This is how we will build a safer work environment and ensure trust in each other and in the chain of command. The Path provides us with a comprehensive, long-term strategy to guide and coordinate efforts across the CAF.

What elements are included in The Path?

The strategy has four elements:

How will this strategy make a difference?

Sexual misconduct is a complex issue that requires a holistic, long-term approach. The Path is an evidence-informed strategy that considers the cultural dynamics of the CAF and how they can be leveraged, or targeted for elimination, to address sexual misconduct. It incorporates and builds on efforts already undertaken through Operation HONOUR and other complementary CAF initiatives, while introducing a prevention-based approach to help us target and implement our interventions. Furthermore, it includes a performance measurement framework, which will support a cycle of continuous learning and improvement.

How is the strategy being implemented?

Every organization within the CAF will be responsible for contributing to the implementation of The Path. The Operation HONOUR Campaign Plan identifies activities and initiatives we will undertake over the course of a five-year period, many of which are already underway, and we will continually track and measure progress using the Operation HONOUR Performance Measurement Framework.

Can I submit my views and ideas on The Path?

The CAF welcomes feedback on The Path, and all feedback will be considered as part of our planned annual review and update process.  This process will enable us to incorporate feedback, as well as lessons learned, into The Path on an ongoing basis.

If you would like to contribute to the continual improvement of The Path, please use the Operation HONOUR feedback form to share your views and ideas.


The Path to Dignity and Respect: The Canadian Armed Forces Sexual Misconduct Response Strategy (HTML)

The Path to Dignity and Respect: The Canadian Armed Forces Sexual Misconduct Response Strategy (PDF, 10.73MB)

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