Apply for military housing: Step 2. Who is eligible
2. Eligibility and Priority – Residential Housing Units
Priority 1 – CAF member moving at public expense
- New entrant to the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) posted off the Basic Training list (BTL) to their first place of duty or to a different place of duty, within their first five years of service;
- A CAF member posted to the BTL, but who has requested and has been approved to move at public expense;
- CAF member posted to the Subsidized University Training list (SUTL);
- CAF member on a compassionate posting;
- CAF member returning from OUTCAN;
- CAF member posted for a course or series of courses;
- New entrant to the CAF enrolled as a Skilled Military Foreign Applicant (SMFA).
Priority 2 – CAF member moving at public expense
- All other CAF members;
- A foreign military member occupying an approved exchange or liaison position.
Priority 3 – moving at own expense
Regular Force member and Reserve Force member with a minimum of three-year period of employment currently residing at the place of duty. This includes members currently living in military housing that have a change in household size and would like to move into a different-size unit. We will consider Priority 3 applicants after Priority 1 and 2 applicants have been allocated a suitable residential housing unit in accordance with their household size.
Priority 4 – moving at own expense
Any other Reserve Force member with less than three-year period of employment and Non-CAF members, who would like to move into military housing. They are considered opportunity occupants and will only be considered when surplus housing exists that exceeds our current and projected needs. Should the homes be needed for Priority 1, 2 or 3 occupants, we will give the opportunity occupants 90 days to vacate.
If a priority 2 and 3 reservist no longer meet their employment status, they will be considered as priority 4.
Change of priority status if you move before allocation of residential housing unit
If you are moving at public expense and accept your household goods and effects (HG&E) within their new place of duty, including long-term storage, before you are allocated a DND residential housing unit, you will then become a Priority 3 applicant.
If you are considering living in military housing, please ensure you are eligible and submit your application as soon as you receive your posting instructions.
Household Size
Confirmation of the number of household members contained in the application will be validated against the information contained in the CAF member's posting message. For individuals who qualify as household members but are not listed in the posting message, the CAF member must complete and submit with their application a statutory declaration (as per DAOD 7000-1, Completion of Affidavits and Statutory Declarations) that is signed by the CAF member's current commanding officer.
In accordance with Table 6 of the DND Living Accommodation Instruction, an applicant's approved household size is used to determine the range of bedrooms they are eligible for when being considered for an RHU.
If you are a Priority 4 applicant, you do not need to provide a confirmation of household size because you will be offered any unit that is surplus to Priority 1, 2 and 3 needs, and size will not be considered.
Applicants with Special Needs
There are homes that have been modified to meet the needs of occupants with disabilities at most housing locations. Existing housing and barrier-free housing needs are dealt with on a case-by-case basis. Depending on demand, other factors may be considered in the allocation of DND living accommodations by the appropriate authority. Please contact the local Housing Services Centre to talk about your requirements.
Single Members
As a single member, you may apply to live in military housing and you will be considered using the same priority system as all other applicants.
Members on Imposed Restrictions
A CAF member approved for Imposed Restriction (IR) status as defined in CF Mil Pers Instr 01/17, Imposed Restriction (IR) and who is entitled to Separation Expense (SE) benefits under CBI 208.997, Separation Expense, will follow direction contained in CBI 208.997 regarding eligibility and entitlements for SE. If furnished quarters for a residential purpose, in accordance with Section 7 of the DND Living Accommodation Instruction, are unavailable, a CAF member on IR status can apply for an RHU, as follows:
- as a household of one if the member intends to remain on IR status and not move their (D)HG&E; or
- for their entire household if the member intends to move their (D)HG&E which they confirmed in writing in their application. A CAF member retains IR status while waiting for an RHU.
Note : The CAF member's household is permitted to retain their RHU, while the member is on IR status at a new place of duty.
Short-Term Occupancy
It is possible to apply for short-term or interim occupancy (minimum of 60 days). These housing offers are possible at the discretion of the Housing Services Centre manager. These types of allocations do not involve regular preparations (e.g. painting, floor refinishing, etc.) but meet all health and safety standards.
Non-Family Members
It is possible for you to share your housing unit with approved household members. However, since we do not “approve” unofficial household members, we are not required to allocate housing that is any larger than necessary based on your official household size, as indicated on your posting instructions or as indicated by your Orderly Room if your posting instructions were issued more than a year ago.
If an allocation offer cannot be made, the CAF member is assigned to the waitlist. The waitlist is used by an HSC when the number of applicants is greater than the availability of RHUs at a given location. The waitlist will be available for reporting and reference purposes by priority and household size.
The waitlist is organized and managed according to the following factors:
- Priority of the applicant;
- Household size;
- Eligibility date, determined by :
- 60 days of COS date / approved RFD date;
- Application date if within 60-day to their COS date;
- Application date
A priority 1 or 2 CAF member on the waitlist will retain this priority status until they either:
- Accept their HG&E (including long-term storage) within their new place of duty;
- Accept an allocation offer;
- Refuse two allocation offers; or
- Occupy a waitlist for 24 months (see note) without an allocation offer.
Note: If the condition of the bullet "occupy a waitlist for 24 months" is satisfied, the CAF member will lose their current priority 1 or 2 status, and they will be removed from the priority 1 or 2 waitlist. However, upon the CAF member's written request, their application may be added to the priority 3 waitlist as of the date they were originally added to the waitlist.
Contact us for help
If a priority 1 or 2 CAF member fails to accept an allocation offer in writing within three business days or refuse an allocation offer, this will be recorded as a refusal and the CAF member will be placed at the bottom of the current priority 1 or 2 waitlist. If this CAF member is presented with a second allocation offer and they again fail to accept the allocation offer in writing within three business days or refuse the allocation offer, they will be reassigned to the bottom of the priority 3 waitlist.
A priority 3 CAF member or priority 4 applicant, including the inter-RHU move request, who fails to accept an allocation offer in writing within three business days or who refuses, will be removed from any waitlist.
Releasing from the Canadian Armed Forces
You can apply to stay in your unit past your date of release if you are eligible to move to an Intended Place of Residence, or if you are enrolled in an approved career transition or training program.
If you wish to request an occupancy extension, you must submit it in writing, including a copy of your release message confirming your Intended Place of Residence eligibility or your enrolment in an approved career or transition training program. Extensions may be authorized based on the availability of housing units and at the discretion of the Housing Services Centre manager.
If you wish to extend the existing occupancy agreement past your date of release, and you are not eligible to move to an Intended Place of Residence and you are not enrolled in an approved career transition or training program, you may be eligible for a short extension at our discretion.
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