11-10 – Cadet Corps – Formation, Affiliation, Designation, Sponsor, Viability, Amalgamation or Disbandment
Cadet Administrative and Training Orders (CATOs)
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1. This order establishes the policy regarding the formation, change of affiliation, change of designation, change of sponsor, viability, and amalgamation or disbandment of a cadet corps of the Canadian Cadet Organizations (CCO). It supplements Queen’s Regulations and Orders (QR (Cadets)) for the Canadian Cadet Organizations, sections 2.20, 2.21, 2.22, 2.23, 2.24, 2.25, 2.26 and 2.40 and shall be used in conjunction with League directives.
2. This order supersedes Cadet Administrative and Training Orders (CATO) 11-10, 11-11, 11-14, 11-15, 11-16, 11-20 and is effective on receipt.
3. The Chief of the Defence Staff (CDS) exercises control over the CCO through Regional Commanders except the National Defence Headquarters Cadet Staff Establishment (NCSE) which, as NDHQ staff, does not come under command of a Regional Commander.
4. The Vice Chief of the Defence Staff (VCDS) has been delegated the authority for the control and administration of the CCO. The VCDS will therefore control and administer the Cadet Program.
5. In this order, unless the context otherwise requires:
“Cadet corps”
means a Sea Cadet Corps, an Army Cadet Corps or an Air Cadet Squadron. (corps de cadets)
“Commanding Officer of a Cadet Corps”
means an officer of the Cadet Instructors Cadre (CIC) designated by the Region Commander as the Commanding Officer (CO) of a Cadet Corps. (commandant d’un corps de cadets)
“Commanding Officer, Regional Cadet Support Unit”
(CO RCSU) means the officer appointed to command the RCSU. He or she is responsible to the Region Commander for the organization and administration of cadet corps. (commandant de l’Unité régionale de soutien des cadets » (cmdt de l’URSC))
“Directorate of Cadets (D Cdts)”
means the NDHQ Directorate designated by the Chief of Defence Staff to develop policy, plans, regulations, orders and instructions to support, to the fullest extent possible, the approved objectives of the CCO. He or she is responsible for coordinating cadet training and the support offered by the CF, amongst other roles. (Direction des Cadets (D Cad))
means a group of Navy League members in a province elected by Navy League of Canada Branch Presidents who, within the limitations specified by the League, promote and assist the development of the Sea Cadet program. (division)
“local sponsor”
means, in respect of a cadet corps, the organization or person accepted by or on behalf of the Chief of the Defence Staff to undertake responsibility of the formation and financial support of the cadet corps, other than that provided by the appropriate supervisory sponsor or the Canadian Forces. (répondant local)
“Provincial Committee”
means a group of persons in a province appointed by the Army Cadet League of Canada or the Air Cadet League of Canada who, within the limitations specified by the applicable league, promote and assist the development of the Army Cadets or Air Cadets respectively. (comité provincial)
Cadet Corps and JCR Patrols in the Same Geographical Area
6. When a RCSU CO is informed of plans to open a JCR patrol in a community where a cadet corps is already present, he/she shall consult the applicable League in order to assess the community’s ability to support both corps and patrol.
Administative procedures
7. The responsibilities and administrative procedures related to cadet corps are outlined in the following annexes:
- Annex A: Formation of a Cadet Corps;
- Annex B: Change of Affiliation;
- Annex C: Change of Designation;
- Annex D: Change of Sponsor;
- Annex E: Viability of a Cadet Corps; and
- Annex F: Amalgamation or Disbandment of a Cadet Corps.
Annex A
Annex A - Appendix 1
DND 1805 - Application to Form a Cadet Corps (You can consult this form on DWAN)
Annex B
Annex C
Annex D
Annex E
Annex F
OPI: D Cdts 2
Date: Nov 11
Amendment: Ch 11/11
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