Annex C: NATO acronyms
The following table shows the acronyms used in the Guide to Navigating NATO Procurement and their definition.
Acronyms | Definition |
Authority to issue Invitation For Bids |
ACCS | Air Command and Control System |
ACO | Allied Command Operations |
ACT | Allied Command Transformation |
AGS | Alliance Ground Surveillance |
ALTBMD | Active Layered Theatre Ballistic Missile Defence |
AMN | Afghanistan Mission Network |
AOM | Alliance Operations and Missions |
ARS | Air Operations Centre, RAP Production Centre and Sensor Fusion Post |
AWACS | Airborne Warning And Control System |
Bi-SC | Bi-Strategic Command (ACO and ACT) |
BOA | Basic Ordering Agreement |
BV | Best Value |
C3 | Command, Control and Communication |
C4ISR | Command, Control, Communications, Computing, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance |
CAOC | Combined Air Operations Centre |
CAT | Capability Area Team |
CBRN | Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear |
CEPMA | Central Europe Pipeline Management Agency (Now part of NSPA) |
C-IED | Counter-Improvised Explosive Device |
CIS | Communication and Information Systems |
CMRE | NATO Centre for Maritime Research & Experimentation |
CNAD | Conference of the National Armaments Directors |
COFFA | Certificate of Final Financial Acceptance |
COTS | Commercial Off-the-Shelf |
DARS | Deployable ARS |
DAT POW | Defence Against Terrorism Programme Of Work |
DOE | Declaration of Eligibility |
FSC | Facility Security Clearance |
HN | Host Nation |
IBAN | International Board of Auditors for NATO |
IC | Investment Committee |
ICB | International Competitive Bidding |
IFB | Invitation For Bids |
IMS | International Military Staff |
IS | International Staff |
ISAF | International Security Assistance Force |
ISR | Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance |
JFAI | Joint Final Acceptance Inspection |
JEWCS | Joint Electronic Warfare Core Staff |
JFC | Joint Forces Command |
JWC | Joint Warfare Centre |
KFOR | Kosovo Force |
LCB | Lowest Compliant Bid |
LCC | Life Cycle Cost |
MBC | Military Budget Committee |
MC | Military Committee |
MMR | Minimum Military Requirement |
NAC | North Atlantic Council |
NACMA | NATO ACCS Management Agency (Now part of NCIA) |
NADREP | National Armament Directors Representative |
NAMA | NATO Airlift Management Agency |
NAMSA | NATO Maintenance and Supply Agency (Now part of NSPA) |
NATEX | National Technical Expert |
NATO | North Atlantic Treaty Organisation |
NC3A | NATO Consultation, Command and Control Agency (Now part of NCIA) |
NCB | National Competitive Bidding |
NCIA | NATO Communication and Information Agency |
NCSA | NATO CIS Services Agency (Now part of NCIA) |
NHQC3 Staff | NATO Headquarters Consultation, Command and Control Staff |
NIAG | NATO Industrial Advisory Group |
NOI | Notice Of Intent |
NOR | NATO Office of Resources |
NOS | NATO Office of Security |
NRF | NATO Response Force |
NSIP | NATO Security Investment Programme |
NSPA | NATO Support Agency |
PfP | Partnership for Peace |
PSC | Personnel and Site Clearances |
QMV | Qualified Majority Voting |
RAP | Recognized Air Picture |
RFBV | Request For Bidders' Views |
RFP | Request For Proposals |
SACEUR | Supreme Allied Commander Europe |
SACT | Supreme Allied Commander Transformation |
SC | Strategic Command |
SHAPE | Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe |
THN | Territorial Host Nation |
WGNTE | Working Group of National Technical Experts |
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