Instructions for completing schedules of bisphenol A pollution prevention planning notice: chapter F

F. Waiver of the requirement to consider a factor or factors

The information described in this section is collected in Schedule 2. Information submitted in Schedule 2 will not be made available to the public.

The Notice states factors that you are to consider while developing and deciding which actions you anticipate taking in your pollution prevention plan. If you do not think it is reasonable or practicable to consider one or more of the factors specified in the Notice, you may apply for a waiver of the requirement to consider factor(s). Such a request will only be considered if it is received on or before the deadline to prepare the plan as specified in the Notice (or before the expiry of any extended period), not the deadline to submit the Schedule 1. Persons submitting requests for waivers of the requirement to consider a factor will receive a written response informing them of the Minister's decision to grant or deny the request. Unless you submit Schedule 2 and are granted a written waiver by the Minister of the Environment, you must consider all factors identified in the Notice.

2.0 Factor(s) for which a waiver is requested

Identify exactly those factors specified in the Notice for which you are requesting a waiver to the requirement to consider.

3.0 Rationale for request

Explain the reason(s) that you are applying for a waiver (i.e., why you believe the factor(s) specified in the Notice are not reasonable or practicable to consider).

Explain how the outcome of your pollution prevention plan will be affected if the factor(s) for which you are requesting a waiver of the requirement to consider are not taken into account when preparing your pollution prevention plan.

You may also identify other factors that were not specified in the Notice that you propose to consider in your plan. This is optional.

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