Renewing or Discontinuing Pest Control Products
Table of Contents
- Renewal/Discontinuation Notice and Deadline
- Preparing and Submitting a Renewal or Discontinuation Application
- PMRA Review of Renewal or Discontinuation Applications
- Other Points for Consideration
1. Renewal/Discontinuation Notice and Deadline
A Renewal/Discontinuation Notice email with a list of fully registered pest control products that will expire on 31 December 2024 was sent on June 2024 to each registrant and their official regulatory email address.
The deadline for submission of a renewal or discontinuation is 30 September 2024. Failure to renew or discontinue a product will result in its expiry. Please note that it is an offence under the Pest Control Products Act to manufacture, import, sell or use an expired product.
2. Preparing and Submitting the Renewal or Discontinuation Applications
- Verify the list of products contained in the Renewal/Discontinuation Notice email sent June 2024 and report any discrepancies immediately to the PMRA Renewal Team.
- For each product, complete and submit an Application for Renewal or Discontinuation Form (Form 6000). Please note that the form has been updated to no longer accept payment. The fee estimate is listed on the form but it is not an invoice for payment. Health Canada will send you an invoice for payment when it receives your Renewal application. Fees and submission number(s) will be specified on the invoice issued by Health Canada. Please wait for the official invoice to be sent to you prior to making your payment. Do not send your payment with your Renewal application.
There are three options for submitting renewal applications to the PMRA. In order to prevent the creation of duplicate submissions, please use only one of the following delivery methods:
Secure Web Portal
With an activated account, submit the electronic Application for Renewal or Discontinuation form using the Secure Web Portal, 'Submit an Application' section, 'Renewal' option.
Please note that email is not a secure method of delivery. Submit the electronic Application for Renewal or Discontinuation Form to the PMRA's central email. The subject line of the email must include the keywords "[Product No.] Renewal 2024", or "[Product No.] Discontinuation".
3. PMRA Review of Renewal or Discontinuation Applications
If the PMRA determines that the product is eligible for renewal of registration, a Renewal Certificate will be issued with a validity period of five (5) years.
A 'Full Registration' with reduced expiry date extension, may also be given to certain products based on PMRA's review.
If the Registrant has indicated in the Application for Renewal or Discontinuation Form that the product is being discontinued, they will be informed in writing once the process is complete.
4. Other Points for Consideration
- If a Registrant has initiated but not completed a transfer of ownership of a product, the onus to renew or discontinue the registration remains with the Registrant who received the June 2024 Renewal/Discontinuation Notice email.
- Initial Product Registrants are responsible for submitting separate applications to renew the registration of the Initial Product and any associated Private Label products.
- No changes may be made to a product under a Renewal application.
- Ensure that your products' annual charges are paid before submitting your Renewal applications.
- Renewal applications are separate from the payment of annual charges or the submission of Sales Reports.
- Any changes to your company's contact information should be made prior to submitting your Renewal applications. Use the Change in, or Request for, Registrant Information Form (Form 6026) to make these changes.
- As per recent changes to the Pest Control Product Fees and Regulations, the fee for Renewal is $94.
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