Re-evaluation Decision RVD2023-07, Piperonyl Butoxide and Its Associated End-use Products
Pest Management Regulatory Agency
2 March 2023
ISSN: 1925-1025 (PDF version)
Catalogue number: H113-28/2023-7E-PDF (PDF version)
To obtain a full copy of Re-evaluation Decision RVD2023-07, Piperonyl Butoxide and Its Associated End-use Products please contact our publications office.
Should you require further information please contact the Pest Management Information Service.
Table of contents
- Re-evaluation decision for piperonyl butoxide and associated end-use products
- Re-evaluation decision for piperonyl butoxide
- Risk mitigation measures
- Implementation of the re-evaluation decision
- Health considerations
- Environmental considerations
- Next steps
- Other information
- Appendix I Registered products containing piperonyl butoxide in Canada
Re-evaluation decision for piperonyl butoxide and associated end-use products
Under the authority of the Pest Control Products Act, all registered pesticides must be re-evaluated by Health Canada's Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA), on behalf of the Minister of Health, to ensure that they continue to have acceptable risk to human health and the environment and have acceptable value. The re-evaluation considers available data and informationFootnote 1 from pesticide registrants, published scientific reports, existing assessments, other governments, and international regulatory authorities, as well as comments received during public consultations. Health Canada applies internationally accepted current risk assessment methods as well as risk management approaches and policies. More details, on the legislative framework, risk assessment and risk management approach, are provided under Evaluation Approach of the full version of Re-evaluation Decision RVD2023-07, Piperonyl Butoxide and Its Associated End-use Products.
Piperonyl butoxide is a synergist that is always co-formulated with a pesticide (mainly pyrethrins and synthetic pyrethroids) to enhance the effectiveness of the co-formulated active ingredients. Products containing piperonyl butoxide are used to control a broad spectrum of insect pests on a wide variety of sites, including commercial and domestic agricultural and structural uses, and fish in bodies of water. Piperonyl butoxide is a component of the integrated pest management of common household pests, such as bed bugs, cockroaches, fleas, and indoor ants. Products containing piperonyl butoxide are available in various formulations including dusts, pressurized products, pastes, solutions, and emulsifiable concentrates. Currently registered products containing piperonyl butoxide can be found in the Pesticide Product Information Database and in Appendix I.
The Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2020-09, Piperonyl Butoxide and Its Associated end-use ProductsFootnote 2 containing the evaluation of piperonyl butoxide and proposed decision was published 17 September 2020 for a 90-day consultation period. An additional 75 days for consultation was provided in response to requests from stakeholders to accommodate time constraints imposed by pandemic measures; the consultation period ended on 1 March 2021.
A request for data under section 19 of the Pest Control Products Act to confirm that application rates and use directions on product labels were consistent with the rates used in the health risk assessments was also issued on the day of publication of PRVD2020-09. The deadline for the required data was also extended to 1 March 2021 due to requests from registrants and stakeholders. The data were used to inform a revised use pattern analysis, which confirmed use sites, crops, formulations, application equipment, rates, container sizes, active ingredient concentration, number of applications and application intervals. The revised use pattern is considered for the updated science evaluations for human health and the environment.
PRVD2020-09 proposed continued registration for most uses provided the additional risk mitigation measures are in place. The proposed risk mitigation measures included increased personal protective equipment (PPE); limit on the amount of active ingredient handled per day for commercial-class products; 2-hour re-entry interval after indoor residential applications; precautionary statements to protect pollinators and the environment; and spray buffer zones. The proposed uses for cancellation for commercial products included uses on pastures, direct application to stored grain and seeds, direct application to ponds, lakes, reservoirs, and streams; spot-on application to poultry; space spray application while livestock, other than poultry, are present; and broadcast application for bed bug control on commercial-class dust and pressurized product labels. The proposed uses for cancellation for domestic products included all garden and greenhouse food uses; all pressurized products used as total release foggers; indoor uses on domestic-class product labels; indoor space spray uses (not including metered release) on pressurized product labels; and all claims related to killing lice on non-host sites.
Health Canada received comments and information relating to the health and value assessments during the public consultation period conducted in accordance with section 28 of the Pest Control Products Act. Commenters are listed in Appendix II of RVD2023-07. These comments are summarized in Appendix III of RVD2023-07 along with the responses by Health Canada. These comments and new data/information resulted in revisions to the occupational and non-occupational exposure assessments, aggregate exposure risk assessment, and environmental risk assessment (see Science Evaluation Update of RVD2023-07) and resulted in changes to the proposed re-evaluation decision as described in PRVD2020-09.
A reference list of information used as the basis for the proposed re-evaluation decision is included in PRVD2020-09, and further information used in the re-evaluation decision is listed in Appendix VII of RVD2023-07. Therefore, the complete reference list of all information used in this final re-evaluation decision includes both the information set out in PRVD2020-09 and the information set out in Appendix VII of RVD2023-07.
This summary presents the final re-evaluation decisionFootnote 3 for the re-evaluation of piperonyl butoxide, including the required amendments (risk mitigation measures) to protect human health and the environment, as well as label amendments required to bring labels to current standards. All products containing piperonyl butoxide that are registered in Canada are subject to this re-evaluation decision.
Re-evaluation decision for piperonyl butoxide
Health Canada has completed the re-evaluation of piperonyl butoxide. Under the authority of the Pest Control Products Act, Health Canada has determined that continued registration of many uses of piperonyl butoxide is acceptable. An evaluation of available scientific information found that some uses of piperonyl butoxide products meet current standards for protection of human health and the environment and have acceptable value when used according to revised conditions of registration, which includes new mitigation measures.
The following uses of piperonyl butoxide are cancelled since health risks or value were not shown to be acceptable when used according to the current conditions of registration, or when additional mitigation is considered:
- Domestic-class pressurized products used as total release foggers (including lock-valve mechanisms)
- Domestic-class pressurized products used in metered-release devices
- Space spray uses on domestic-class liquid product labels
- Domestic handler applications using handheld or stationary fogging/misting equipment on liquid domestic-class products
- Uses on pastures; direct application to bulk or bagged stored grain; direct application to ponds, lakes, reservoirs, and streams; space spray application while livestock, other than poultry, are present; and garden and greenhouse food uses on domestic-class labels
- Claims related to killing lice on mattresses, bedding, furniture, and garments.
Label amendments, as summarized below and listed in Appendix IV of RVD2023-07, are required.
Risk mitigation measures
Registered pesticide product labels include specific directions for use. Directions include risk mitigation measures to protect human health and the environment and must be followed by law. The required amendments, including any revised/updated label statements and/or mitigation measures, as a result of the re-evaluation of piperonyl butoxide, are summarized below. Refer to Appendix IV of RVD2023-07 for details.
Human health - Risk mitigation:
To protect consumers, bystanders or workers the following uses are cancelled:
- All domestic-class pressurized products used as total release foggers (including lock-valve mechanisms).
- All domestic-class pressurized products used in metered-release devices.
- Space spray uses on domestic-class liquid product labels.
- Domestic handler applications using handheld or stationary fogging/misting equipment on liquid domestic-class products
Data were not available to support certain uses that could result in dietary exposure; therefore, the following risk-reduction measures are required:
- Cancellation of: uses on pastures; direct application to bulk or bagged stored grain; direct application to ponds, lakes, reservoirs, and streams; space spray application while livestock, other than poultry, are present; and garden and greenhouse food uses on domestic-class product labels.
- Limit the application rate of space spray applications while poultry are present.
- Dust application is to be limited to areas that do not affect food, feed, or livestock used to produce food commodities (for example, voids, non-food areas).
To minimize dietary risk to Canadians, the following risk reduction measures are required:
- Revocation of the maximum residue limit (MRL) of 20 ppm on raw cereals, to reduce dietary exposure from residues in cereal grains.
- The number of applications for all outdoor uses (for example: campgrounds, roadsides, and grassy areas) are to be reduced such that the yearly cumulative rate is less than 1100 g a.i./ha, to reduce dietary exposure from residues in drinking water.
- Structural labels are to be updated as per the 2020 PMRA Guidance Document, Structural Pest Control Products: Label Update, to reduce dietary exposure from residues in food or feed after a location is treated with a structural product.
To protect consumers, and bystanders (including children) who may be using the product or entering treated sites, the following risk reduction measures are required:
- For surface spray applications, label directions must be added or revised to specify the pests controlled, the application rate and application type (for example, perimeter/spot, crack and crevice) that were shown to have acceptable risk in the human health risk assessment (Appendix IV, Tables 1 and 3). This includes label statements that clearly define and establish the conditions of use for residential areas where children may be present versus non-residential areas where children are not expected to be present.
- Limit the application rate for commercial-class products used as a broadcast surface spray and mosquito abatement, and in metered release devices.
- A 2-hour re-entry interval for commercial-class products applied as an indoor space spray (liquid and pressurized products, excluding metered release products). The commercial applicator is responsible for notifying the occupants and others of the re-entry period requirement.
- Limit the application rate for domestic-class pressurized products used as an indoor space spray.
- A label statement prohibiting use of handheld and stationary fogging/misting equipment on liquid domestic-class labels.
- A label statement prohibiting use of domestic-class greenhouse end-use products in commercial greenhouses.
- Additional label statements for domestic and commercial-class products used as structural pest control products as per the 2020 PMRA Guidance Document, Structural Pest Control Products: Label Updates.
To protect workers using commercial-class products or entering treated sites following application of commercial-class products, the following risk reduction measures are required:
- Increased personal protective equipment (PPE).
- Limit the amount of product handled per day.
- Restricted-entry intervals (REIs) for outdoor ornamentals.
- Re-entry intervals for all other sites.
To protect pets treated with sprays or shampoos containing piperonyl butoxide, the following risk reduction measures are required:
- Label statements to inform consumers of the possible side effects that may be expected in their pets following use.
- Label statements to prohibit the use of other companion animal products with the same active ingredient(s).
Environment - Risk mitigation:
To protect the environment, the following risk-reduction measures are required:
- Standard environmental hazard statements to inform uses of the potential toxic effects on bees, beneficial arthropods, and aquatic organisms.
- Precautionary statements and additional application instructions on product labels with foliar applications (commercial and domestic) to prevent terrestrial plant damage/death.
- Cancellation of label claims related to killing lice on mattresses, bedding, furniture, and garments.
Health - Label improvements to meet current standards:
- Label statements for domestic- and commercial-class products used as structural pest control products are required to be updated as per the 2020 PMRA Guidance Document, Structural Pest Control Products: Label Updates.
- Label statements for domestic-class products used on companion animals are required to be updated as per DIR2002-01, Canadian Label Improvements for Pesticides used on Companion Animals.
Implementation of the re-evaluation decision
Regulatory Directive DIR2018-01, Policy on Cancellations and Amendments Following Re-evaluation and Special Review provides general timelines for implementation of post-market decisions.
When a re-evaluation or special review decision requires cancellation of pest control products, consistent with Health Canada's Information Note: update on implementation of post-market decisions (2021),Health Canada will immediately cancel pest control product registrations on the date of a decision made under paragraph 21(2)(b) of the Pest Control Products Act.
If there are no serious and imminent risks to human health or the environment, Health Canada will allow for a phase-out period consistent with the Cancellation Policy and will impose any conditions necessary for carrying out the purposes of the Pest Control Products Act under the authority of paragraph 21(5)(a) of the Pest Control Products Act.
Health considerations
Risks to human health from exposure to a pesticide are estimated by comparing potential exposures with the most relevant endpoint from toxicology studies, with standard protection factors incorporated to further protect human health, including the most sensitive population. These factors provide an inherent level of protection from exposures that could result in adverse effects to human health. Furthermore, Health Canada applies additional protection factors if warranted by the hazard profile of the pesticide or by the quality and completeness of the underlying data. When risks of concern are identified in the human health exposure scenarios, it does not necessarily mean that exposure will result in adverse effects, but mitigation measures to reduce potential risks would be required.
For piperonyl butoxide products co-formulated with pyrethrins/synthetic pyrethroids, 234 human incident reports involving 48 products were received between 2007 and 2022 and were considered to be possibly related to the reported product when used according to the label. For the majority of human health incidents, reported symptoms included respiratory effects (such as cough, nasal congestion, and respiratory irritation), skin or eye irritation, tingling mouth or skin, nausea, dizziness, or headache. These effects were associated mostly with domestic-class products used in indoor sites, and were mainly minor in severity, were of short duration and resolved quickly without medical treatment. For these domestic-class indoor products associated with human incidents, as well as registered domestic products with similar formulations and use pattern, the required label amendments must be implemented no later than 18 months after the publication date of this re-evaluation decision (Appendix I, Table 1). For domestic-class indoor products that have been cancelled (Appendix I, Table 2), product cancellations are in effect as of the date of this decision document with an 18-month phase-out period. During this 18-month phase-out period, continued possession, handling, storage, and use of existing stock in Canada at the time of cancellation of these products (Appendix I, Table 2) will be authorized under paragraph 21(5)(a) of the Pest Control Products Act.
For the products requiring amendments listed in Appendix I, Table 3, label amendments must be implemented no later than 24 months after the publication date of this re-evaluation decision.Footnote 4 Products listed in Appendix I, Table 4 are cancelled as of the date of this decision with a 3-year phase- out period authorized under paragraph 21(5)(a) of the Pest Control Products Act. During this 3-year phase-out period, continued possession, handling, storage, and use of existing stock in Canada at the time of cancellation of these products (Appendix I, Table 4) will be authorized under paragraph 21(5)(a) of the Pest Control Products Act.
In addition, for the products subject to cancellation in Appendix I, Table 4 there are no serious and imminent risks identified or expected during the phase-out period.
This approach prioritizes the implementation of mitigation measures for products associated with human incident reports as well as the cancellation of products that are similar in use. This will facilitate the practical and orderly implementation of mitigation measures through label amendments and cancellations.
Potential and relative health risks for products containing piperonyl butoxide are acceptable during these implementation periods for label amendments.
Environmental considerations
To comply with this decision, the required amendments (mitigation measures and label updates) to protect the environment must be implemented on product labels no later than 24 months after the publication date of this re-evaluation decision. The risks identified are considered acceptable because they are not expected to cause irreversible harm over the label implementation period. Potential effects of piperonyl butoxide include a localized reduction in aquatic organism and pollinator abundance. Affected populations have the potential to recover following implementation of the additional restrictions, which will reduce overall exposure. Recovery is expected because risks to these non-target organisms are geographically limited to areas where these piperonyl butoxide products are applied and areas adjacent to application sites. The presence of unaffected non-target organisms in areas where piperonyl butoxide products are not being used will further facilitate recovery since unaffected organisms can move back into areas where effects may have occurred. Overall, the risk to these organisms is acceptable over the period required to implement the mitigation measures.
For the restricted class product subject to cancellation there are no serious and imminent risks identified or expected. The product label indicates the product is toxic to aquatic organisms and can only be used following consultation and permitting from Provincial and Federal Fish and Wildlife Agencies. As such, use is monitored, and environmental impacts are considered during the permit application process. Therefore a 3-year phase out period for this cancelled product is acceptable.
Next steps
To comply with this decision, the required pest control product amendments and cancellations must be made within the timelines described in this section. This decision is applicable to all products containing piperonyl butoxide, see Appendix I for details.
Amendments to product registrations
- For pest control products listed in Appendix I, Table 1: The required amendments (risk mitigation measures and label updates) to domestic-class products with indoor uses identified in Appendix I, Table 1 must be implemented no later than 18-months after the final decision publication. Accordingly, both registrants and retailers will have up to 18-months from the date of this decision document to transition to selling the product with the newly amended labels. Similarly, users will also have the same 18-month period from the date of this decision document to transition to using the newly amended labels, which will be available on the Public Registry.
- For pest control products listed in Appendix I, Table 3: Any remaining products, not described above, requiring label amendments (risk mitigation measures and label updates) (Appendix I, Table 3) must be implemented no later than 24 months after the publication date of this decision document. Accordingly, both registrants and retailers will have up to 24 months from the date of this decision document to transition to selling the product with the newly amended labels. Similarly, users will also have the same 24-month period from the date of this decision document to transition to using the newly amended labels, which will be available on the Public Registry.
Cancellation of product registrations
- For pest control products listed in Appendix I, Table 2: As of the date of this decision document, some domestic-class products with indoor uses are cancelled pursuant to paragraph 20(1)(b) of the Pest Control Products Act (Appendix I, Table 2). An 18-month phase-out period is established to deplete existing stocks in Canada.
During this phase-out period, continued possession, handling, storage, and use of existing stock in Canada of these products will be authorized under paragraph 21(5)(a) of the Pest Control Products Act as per the schedule below:
- Authorized for sale (of existing stocks in Canada) by registrant six (6) months from the date of decision, followed by;
- Authorized for sale by retailer/distributor (if applicable) six (6) months from the last date of sale by registrant, followed by; and
- Authorized for use six (6) months from the last date of sale by retailer/distributor.
- For pest control products listed in Appendix I, Table 4: As of the date of this decision document, some products, not described above, are cancelled pursuant to paragraph 20(1)(b) of the Pest Control Products Act (Appendix I, Table 4) with a 3-year phase-out period to deplete existing stocks in Canada.
During this period, continued possession, handling, storage, and use of existing stock in Canada of these products will be authorized under paragraph 21(5)(a) of the Pest Control Products Act as per the schedule below:
- Authorized for sale (of existing stocks in Canada) by registrant one (1) year from the date of decision, followed by;
- Authorized for sale by retailer/distributor (if applicable) one (1) year from the last date of sale by registrant, followed by; and
- Authorized for use one (1) year from the last date of sale by retailer/distributor.
Products that have a phase-out period will be listed as "Phase-out" in the Public Registry for the duration of their authorization. During the phase-out period, importing or manufacturing of cancelled pest control products containing piperonyl butoxide in Canada is prohibited (Appendix I, Tables 2 and 4).
In addition, registrants are required to continue to comply with sales and incident reporting obligations (relating to all pest control products containing piperonyl butoxide) during the phase-out period for the pest control products in Appendix I, Tables 2 and 4.
Other information
Any person may file a notice of objectionFootnote 5 regarding this decision on piperonyl butoxide and its associated end-use products within 60 days from the date of publication of RVD2023-07. For more information regarding the basis for objecting (which must be based on scientific grounds), please refer to the Pesticides section of the website (Request a Reconsideration of Decision) or contact PMRA's Pest Management Information Service.
The relevant confidential test data on which the decision is based (as referenced in PRVD2020-09 and in Appendix VII of RVD2023-07) are available for public inspection, upon application, in the PMRA's Reading Room. For more information, please contact PMRA's Pest Management Information Service.
Appendix I Registered products containing piperonyl butoxide in Canada
Registration number | Marketing class | Registrant | Product name | Formulation type | Active ingredient (%, g/L) |
9021 | Domestic | Rolf C. Hagen Inc. | Living World Bird Bath for Caged Birds | Pressurized Product | PBUTable 1 Footnote 2 (0.18%) PYRTable 1 Footnote 3 (0.09%) MGKTable 1 Footnote 4 (0.30%) |
9749 | Domestic | S.C. Johnson and Son, Limited | Raid House & Garden Bug Killer | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.21%) PYR (0.25%) |
13074 | Domestic | Premier Tech Brighton Ltd | Pro Professional Ant and Roach Pyrodust | Dust | PBU (1.0%) PYR (0.2%) |
14633 | Domestic | McLaughlin Gormley King Company | Pyrocide Ready-to-Use Liquid Insecticide | Solution | PBU (1.0%) PYR (0.1%) |
15180 | Domestic | McLaughlin Gormley King Company | Pyrocide Aqueous Garden Spray | Solution | PBU (0.2%) PYR (0.02%) |
15181 | Domestic | McLaughlin Gormley King Company | Pyrocide Aqueous Plant Spray Insecticide | Solution | PBU (0.2%) PYR (0.02%) |
15488 | Domestic | Puroguard Insecticides Ltee | Puroguard House & Garden Insecticide Dust | Dust | PBU (1.0%) PYR (0.2%) |
16282 | Domestic | Premier Tech Brighton Ltd | Pro Professional Aerosol Insecticide | Pressurized Product | PBU (4.0%) PYR (0.5%) |
17953 | Domestic | PLZ Corp. | K-G House & Garden Insect Killer I | Pressurized Product | PBU (0.8%) PYR (0.2%) |
18074 | Domestic | Puroguard Insecticides Ltee | Puroguard Insecticide | Solution | PBU (1.0%) PYR (0.1%) |
18504 | Domestic | PLZ Corp. | K-G House Plant Insecticide I | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.0%) PYR (0.2%) |
19004 | Domestic | Maheu & Maheu Inc. | Maheu & Maheu Insecticide Dust | Dust | PBU (1.0%) PYR (0.2%) |
19460 | Domestic | Woodstream Canada Corporation | Safer's Flea & Tick Spray/R.T.U. | Solution | PBU (0.60%) PYR (0.06%) |
19485 | Domestic | PLZ Corp. | K-G Flying Insect Killer I | Pressurized Product | PBU (3.2%) PYR (0.4%) |
19748 | Domestic | McLaughlin Gormley King Company | Flying Insect Killer IB | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.93%) PYR (0.4%) |
20720 | Domestic | Woodstream Canada Corporation | Safer's Flea & Tick Spray (R.T.U.) | Solution | PBU (0.60%) PYR (0.06%) |
20848 | Domestic | Woodstream Canada Corporation | Safer's Attack Roach & Crawling Insect Killer | Dust | PBU (1.0%) PYR (0.4%) SIFTable 1 Footnote 4 (74.9%) |
21088 | Domestic | S.C. Johnson and Son, Limited | Raid House & Garden Bug Killer Pressurized Spray | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.93%) PYR (0.4%) |
21455 | Domestic | PLZ Corp. | K-G Flea & Tick Spray for Dogs & Cats VII | Pressurized Product | PBU (0.1%) PYR (0.106%) PFLTable 1 Footnote 5 (0.050%) MGK (0.168%) |
22169 | Domestic | S.C. Johnson and Son, Limited | Raid House & Garden Bug Killer Trigger Spray | Emulsifiable Concentrate | PBU (0.97%) PYR (0.2%) |
23053 | Domestic | Premier Tech Ltd. | Wilson Flower, Vegetable and Ornamental RTU BUG-X | Solution | PBU (0.2%) PYR (0.02%) |
23061 | Domestic | S.C. Johnson and Son, Limited | Raid Max House & Garden Bug Killer 2 | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.01%) PYR (0.25%) |
23185 | Domestic | Premier Tech Ltd. | Green Earth Bio-Mist Garden Insect Killer | Solution | PBU (0.2%) PYR (0.02%) |
23300 | Domestic | Premier Tech Ltd. | Green Earth Bio-Mist Insect Killer | Solution | PBU (9.22%) PYR (0.96%) |
23352 | Domestic | Puroguard Insecticides Ltee | The Exterminator Insecticide Dust | Dust | PBU (1.0%) PYR (0.2%) |
23356 | Domestic | Puroguard Insecticides Ltee | The Exterminator PY-42 | Solution | PBU (1.0%) PYR (0.1%) |
23502 | Domestic | PLZ Corp. | K-G Insecticide Pressurized Spray | Pressurized Product | PBU (5.0%) PYR (0.5%) |
24201 | Domestic | S.C. Johnson and Son, Limited | Raid Yard Guard 1 Bug Killer | Pressurized Product | PBU (0.97%) PYR (0.176%) NEOTable 1 Footnote 6 (0.081%) |
24211 | Domestic | Woodstream Canada Corporation | Safer's Attack Houseplant & Garden Insecticide | Solution | PBU (0.2%) PYR (0.02%) |
24330 | Domestic | Vétoquinol N.-A. Inc. | Veto-Mist II Fly Killer Insecticide | Pressurized Product | PBU (10.0%) PYR (1.75%) |
24428 | Domestic | W.F. Young Inc. | Absorbine FLYS-X Ready to Use Insecticide | Solution | PBU (1.0%) PYR (0.1%) |
24784 | Domestic | Farnam Companies, Inc. | Bronco Water-base Equine Fly Spray | Solution | PBU (0.5%) PYR (0.05%) PFL (0.10%) |
24864 | Domestic | PLZ Corp. | K-G Multi Purpose Insecticide Spray II | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.0%) PYR (0.25%) |
24892 | Domestic | Acuity Holdings, Inc. | Konk 493 Insect Blaster Pressurized Spray | Pressurized Product | PBU (5.0%) PYR (0.5%) |
24979 | Domestic | Chasse-Moustique Buzz-Up | Buzz-Up! House & Garden Insect Killer | Pressurized Product | PBU (0.8%) PYR (0.2%) |
25181 | Domestic | S.C. Johnson and Son, Limited | OFF! Area Bug Spray (Yard & Deck) | Pressurized Product | PBU (0.97%) PYR (0.176%) NEO (0.081%) |
25495 | Domestic | Maheu & Maheu Inc. | Maheu & Maheu Flying Insect Killer | Pressurized Product | PBU (3.2%) PYR (0.4%) |
26669 | Domestic | Acuity Holdings, Inc. | Konk House & Garden Bug Killer | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.0%) PYR (0.25%) |
26720 | Domestic | Premier Tech Ltd. | Green Earth Homecare Flying and Crawling Insect Killer | Pressurized Product | PBU (0.8%) PYR (0.2%) |
26909 | Domestic | S.C. Johnson and Son, Limited | Raid EarthBlends Multi-Bug Killer | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.01%) PYR (0.25%) |
27175 | Domestic | 753146 Alberta Ltd. O/A Ultrasol Industries | Go Green Doktor Doom Indoor/Outdoor Insecticide Spray | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.25%) PYR (0.25%) |
27177 | Domestic | 753146 Alberta Ltd. O/A Ultrasol Industries | Doktor Doom Crawling Insect Killer | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.25%) PYR (0.25%) |
27547 | Domestic | Empack SprayTech Inc. | Blaze Flying Insect Killer | Pressurized Product | PBU (2.0%) PYR (0.4%) |
27945 | Domestic | S.C. Johnson and Son, Limited | Raid EarthBlends Ant & Spider Bug Killer | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.01%) PYR (0.25%) |
28465 | Domestic | Kuus Inc. | Knock Down X-Max Flying & Crawling Insect Killer (0.5 Pyrethrin from Chrysanthemum Flower Pyrethrum) | Pressurized Product | PBU (5.0%) PYR (0.5%) |
28466 | Domestic | Kuus Inc. | Knock Down Indoor and Plant Max Flying & Crawling Insect Killer (0.25 Pyrethrin from Chrysanthemum Flower Pyrethrum) | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.25%) PYR (0.25%) |
28970 | Domestic | Les Produits de Controle Superieur Inc / Superior Control Products Inc | Pro-Maxx The Garden & House Protector | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.0%) PYR (0.25%) |
29045 | Domestic | 753146 Alberta Ltd. O/A Ultrasol Industries | Doktor Doom Multi-Purpose Insecticide Spray | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.25%) PYR (0.25%) |
29046 | Domestic | 753146 Alberta Ltd. O/A Ultrasol Industries | Go Green Doktor Doom Spider Mite Knockout I | Pressurized Product | PBU (0.8%) PYR (0.2%) |
29047 | Domestic | 753146 Alberta Ltd. O/A Ultrasol Industries | Doktor Doom Professional Aerosol Insect Killer | Pressurized Product | PBU (4.0%) PYR (0.5%) |
29322 | Domestic | S.C. Johnson and Son, Limited | Raid Max Home Insect Killer | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.01%) PYR (0.25%) |
29323 | Domestic | S.C. Johnson and Son, Limited | Raid Spider Blaster Bug Killer 5 | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.01%) PYR (0.25%) |
29324 | Domestic | S.C. Johnson and Son, Limited | Raid Max Flying Insect Killer 3 | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.01%) PYR (0.25%) |
29339 | Domestic | 753146 Alberta Ltd. O/A Ultrasol Industries | Doktor Doom Sleep Tight Bed Bug Killer II | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.25%) PYR (0.25%) |
29485 | Domestic | Premier Tech Ltd. | Schultz Houseplant & Indoor Garden Insect Spray | Solution | PBU (0.2%) PYR (0.02%) |
29521 | Domestic | Can-Vet Animal Health Supplies Ltd. | Bugwacker 600 | Pressurized Product | PBU (5.0%) PYR (0.5%) |
29633 | Domestic | Kuus Inc. | Knock Down Bed Bug Killer 0.25% Pyrethrins from Chrysanthemum Flower Pyrethrum | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.25%) PYR (0.25%) |
29691 | Domestic | Kuus Inc. | Knock Down Max House Plant Insect Killer (0.25% Pyrethrins from Chrysanthemum Flower Pyrethrum) | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.25%) PYR (0.25%) |
29692 | Domestic | Kuus Inc. | Knock Down Total Home & Indoor Garden Insect Killer | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.25%) PYR (0.25%) |
29693 | Domestic | Kuus Inc. | Knock Down Total Spider Mites Killer 0.25% Pyrethrins from Chrysanthemum Flower Pyrethrum | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.25%) PYR (0.25%) |
29759 | Domestic | 753146 Alberta Ltd. O/A Ultrasol Industries | Doktor Doom "Go Green" Premium Quality Pyrethrin Insecticide Powder | Dust | PBU (1.0%) PYR (0.2%) |
29800 | Domestic | Gardex Chemicals Ltd. | Gardex Py Dust-Bug Kill Maxx | Dust | PBU (1.0%) PYR (0.2%) |
29950 | Domestic | 753146 Alberta Ltd. O/A Ultrasol Industries | Doktor Doom Premium Quality #1 "No Flies on Us" Insect Destroyer | Pressurized Product | PBU (5.0%) PYR (0.5%) |
29955 | Domestic | Kuus Inc. | Protex Bed Bug Killer.25% Pyrethrin form Chrysanthemum Flower Pyrethrum | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.25%) PYR (0.25%) |
29983 | Domestic | Can-Vet Animal Health Supplies Ltd. | Tick-End | Solution | PBU (0.60%) PYR (0.06%) |
30032 | Domestic | Kuus Inc. | Knock Down Professional KD120P Flying & Crawling Insect Killer | Pressurized Product | PBU (5.0%) PYR (0.5%) |
30355 | Domestic | S.C. Johnson and Son, Limited | Raid®Ant Roach & Earwig Bug Killer 19 | Pressurized Product | PBU (0.48%) PYR (0.2%) CXFTable 1 Footnote 7 (0.05%) |
30356 | Domestic | S.C. Johnson and Son, Limited | Raid®Spider Blaster Bug Killer 4 | Pressurized Product | PBU (0.48%) PYR (0.2%) CXF (0.05%) |
30357 | Domestic | S.C. Johnson and Son, Limited | Raid Max®Crawling Insect Bug Killer 3 | Pressurized Product | PBU (0.48%) PYR (0.2%) CXF (0.05%) |
30368 | Domestic | 753146 Alberta Ltd. O/A Ultrasol Industries | Doktor Doom Go-Green Multipurpose Indoor Insect Control II | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.25%) PYR (0.25%) |
30418 | Domestic | UR-Can Inc. | Onguard PD5 | Pressurized Product | PBU (5.0%) PYR (0.5%) |
30439 | Domestic | Kuus Inc. | Professional Knock Down Bedbug, Ant, Cockroach, Flea & Tick Insect Killer 0.25% Pyrethrins from Chrysanthemum Flower Pyrethrum | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.25%) PYR (0.25%) |
30640 | Domestic | S.C. Johnson and Son, Limited | Raid®Spider Blaster Bug Killer | Pressurized Product | PBU (0.48%) PYR (0.2%) CXF (0.05%) |
30641 | Domestic | S.C. Johnson and Son, Limited | Raid Mosquito and Fly Killer 1 | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.01%) PYR (0.25%) |
30980 | Domestic | Camco | Super Kill Flying and Crawling Insect Killer | Pressurized Product | PBU (3.2%) PYR (0.4%) |
31110 | Domestic | Acuity Holdings, Inc. | Kong Bed Bug Killer | Pressurized Product | PBU (5.0%) PYR (0.5%) |
31119 | Domestic | Hartz Canada Inc. | Hartz Ultraguard Plus Flea & Tick Home Spray | Solution | PBU (1.0%) PRXTable 1 Footnote 8 (0.015%) PHGTable 1 Footnote 9 (0.40%) |
31143 | Domestic | Kuus Inc. | Knock Down Dust Devil Crawling & Flying Insect Control & Killer Dust | Dust | PBU (1.0 %) PYR (0.2%) SIFTable 1 Footnote 10 (74.0%) |
31295 | Domestic | Kuus Inc. | Knock Down Eco Flying and Crawling Liquid Insect Killer (0.1% Pyrethrins from Chrysanthemum Flower Pyrethrum) | Solution | PBU (1.0%) PYR (0.1%) |
31397 | Domestic | Business Helpers' Depot Inc. | Gotcha Indoor/Outdoor Surface & Space Insecticide Spray | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.0%) PYR (0.1%) |
31402 | Domestic | Business Helpers' Depot Inc. | Fight Back Blood Sucking Parasite Killer | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.5%) PYR (0.3%) |
31413 | Domestic | Kuus Inc. | Knock Down Greenhouse Plant & Flower Insect Killer (0.02% Pyrethrins from Chrysanthemum flower Pyrethrum) | Solution | PBU (0.2%) PYR (0.02%) |
31606 | Domestic | Business Helpers' Depot Inc. | Gotcha™ Outdoor Yard Spray | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.0%) PYR (0.1%) |
31635 | Domestic | Business Helpers' Depot Inc. | Gotcha Bed Bug Killer | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.0%) PYR (0.1%) |
31638 | Domestic | UR-Can Inc. | Eco-Guard Complete Insect Treatment | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.0%) PYR (0.1%) |
31841 | Domestic | Premier Tech Ltd. | Wilson One Shot Mosquito & Flying Insect Spray | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.0%) PYR (0.1%) |
31851 | Domestic | 753146 Alberta Ltd. O/A Ultrasol Industries | Doktor Doom Indoor Lice Killer | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.5%) PYR (0.3%) |
31897 | Domestic | S.C. Johnson and Son, Limited | Raid Bed Bug Killer | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.01%) PYR (0.25%) |
31938 | Domestic | Neogen Corporation | Prozap Shu-Fly | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.93%) PYR (0.4%) |
31975 | Domestic | Neogen Corporation | Prozap Defender RTU | Solution | PBU (1.0%) PYR (0.1%) |
32095 | Domestic | 753146 Alberta Ltd. O/A Ultrasol Industries | Doktor Doom Insect Killer for Use on Fruit, Vegetables, Flowers and Ornamental Plants | Solution | PBU (0.2%) PYR (0.02%) |
32379 | Domestic | Business Helpers' Depot Inc. | Gotcha Flying Insect Killer for Horse & Stable | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.0%) PYR (0.1%) |
32434 | Domestic | S.C. Johnson and Son, Limited | Raid Ant Roach & Earwig Inset Killer 2 | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.01%) PYR (0.25%) |
32435 | Domestic | S.C. Johnson and Son, Limited | Raid Max Crawling Insect Bug Killer 4 | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.01%) PYR (0.25%) |
32436 | Domestic | S.C. Johnson and Son, Limited | Raid Home Insect Killer 2 | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.01%) PYR (0.25%) |
32437 | Domestic | S.C. Johnson and Son, Limited | Raid Spider Blaster Bug Killer 6 | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.01%) PYR (0.25%) |
32438 | Domestic | S.C. Johnson and Son, Limited | Raid Max Flying Insect Killer 3 | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.01%) PYR (0.25%) |
32439 | Domestic | Business Helpers' Depot Inc. | Gotcha Biting Tick Destroyer | Pressurized Product | PBU (0.84%) PYR (0.087%) |
32482 | Domestic | Business Helpers' Depot Inc. | Fight Back Original Bed Bug Killer | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.0%) PYR (0.2%) |
32507 | Domestic | Kuus Inc. | Knock Down Total Home & Indoor Garden Insect Killer | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.25%) PYR (0.25%) |
32701 | Domestic | 753146 Alberta Ltd. O/A Ultrasol Industries | Doktor Doom Deer Tick Killer | Pressurized Product | PBU (0.84%) PYR (0.087%) |
32793 | Domestic | Empack Spraytech Inc. | EmZone Pyrocide House and Garden Insect Killer | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.0%) PYR (0.2%) |
32899 | Domestic | PLZ Corp. | K-G Multi-Purpose Insect Killer RTU Spray | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.0%) PYR (0.1%) |
32966 | Domestic | S.C. Johnson and Son, Limited | Raid Max Bed Bug Killer | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.01%) PYR (0.25%) |
33123 | Domestic | Empack Spraytech Inc. | Emzone Fly Killer Insecticide | Pressurized Product | PBU (5.0%) PYR (0.5%) |
33324 | Domestic | 753146 Alberta Ltd. O/A Ultrasol Industries | Doktor Doom Go Green Indoor Plant Insect Killer | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.25%) PYR (0.25%) |
33393 | Domestic | PLZ Corp. | K-G Lice and Bed Bug Killer | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.5%) PYR (0.3%) |
33823 | Domestic | Kuus Inc. | Knock Down®Equine Fly Spray | Solution | PBU (0.5%) PYR (0.05%) |
34000 | Domestic | Vétoquinol N.-A. Inc. | Enough! | Pressurized Product | PBU (5.0%) PYR (0.5%) |
34069 | Domestic | S.C. Johnson and Son, Limited | Raid Essentials Ant & Spider Killer | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.01%) PYR (0.25%) |
34070 | Domestic | S.C. Johnson and Son, Limited | Raid Essentials Flying Bug Killer | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.01%) PYR (0.25%) |
34071 | Domestic | S.C. Johnson and Son, Limited | Raid Essentials Multi-Bug Killer | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.01%) PYR (0.25%) |
34291 | Domestic | Premier Tech Ltd. | Wilson Fly Out House & Indoor Garden Insect Killer | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.0%) PYR (0.25%) |
34536 | Domestic | S.C. Johnson and Son, Limited | Raid®Max Spider Blaster Bug Killer 2 | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.01%) PYR (0.25%) |
g/L – grams per litre |
Registration number | Marketing class | Registrant | Product name | Formulation type | Active ingredient (%, g/L) |
14969 | Domestic | Medtech Products Inc. | R&C II Spray Insecticide | Pressurized Product | PBUTable 2 Footnote 2 (1.5%) PYRTable 2 Footnote 3 (0.3%) |
24196 | Domestic | Acuity Holdings, Inc. | Konk 418D Flying Insect Killer | Pressurized Product | PBU (10%) PYR (1.8%) |
24495 | Domestic | Acuity Holdings, Inc. | Kong 416D Flying Insect Killer | Pressurized Product | PBU (10%) PYR (1.8%) |
28372 | Domestic | Kuus Inc. | Knock Down X-Max Flying Insect Killer (D) (1.8 Pyrethrin from Chrysanthemum flower pyrethrum) | Pressurized Product | PBU (10%) PYR (1.8%) |
28612 | Domestic | PLZ Corp. | K-G Flying Insect Killer Metered III (1.8% PYR-Domestic) | Pressurized Product | PBU (10%) PYR (1.8%) |
28858 | Domestic | 753146 Alberta Ltd. O/A Ultrasol Industries | Doktor Doom Metered Release Flying Insect Spray | Pressurized Product | PBU (10%) PYR (1.8%) |
28912 | Domestic | 753146 Alberta Ltd. O/A Ultrasol Industries | Go Green Doktor Doom Total Release Fogger | Pressurized Product | PBU (2.0%) PYR (0.4%) |
28972 | Domestic | Les Produits de Controle Superieur Inc/Superior Control Products Inc. | Super Mist for Control of Flies and Mosquitoes | Pressurized Product | PBU (10%) PYR (1.8%) |
29150 | Domestic | 753146 Alberta Ltd. O/A Ultrasol Industries | Doktor Doom Metered Release BVT/CSA Flying Insect Spray | Pressurized Product | PBU (10%) PYR (1.8%) |
29454 | Domestic | PLZ Corp. | K-G Total Release Fumigator | Pressurized Product | PBU (2.0%) PYR (0.4%) |
29923 | Domestic | Les Produits de Controle Superieur Inc /Superior Control Products Inc. | The Fumigator II | Pressurized Product | PBU (2.0%) PYR (0.4%) |
29977 | Domestic | Kuus Inc. | Knockdown Total Release Fogger (or Fumigator)(0.4% Pyrethrin from Chrysanthemum Flower Pyrethrum) | Pressurized Product | PBU (2.0%) PYR (0.4%) |
30604 | Domestic | Auro Pro Solutions, Inc | Zone Guard, Pro Flying Insect Killer-D 1.80% | Pressurized Product | PBU (10%) PYR (1.8%) |
30753 | Domestic | Kuus Inc. | Knock Down Professional Total Release Fumigator (Fogger) | Pressurized Product | PBU (2.0%) PYR (0.4%) |
30774 | Domestic | Auro Pro Solutions, Inc. | Zone Guard, Domestic Pro Flying Insect Killer 1.8% | Pressurized Product | PBU (10%) PYR (1.8%) |
31161 | Domestic | Kuus Inc. | Knock Down Pot-It Plant & Garden Total Release Fumigator (or Fogger) (0.4% Pyrethrins from Chrysanthemum Flower) | Pressurized Product | PBU (2.0%) PYR (0.4%) |
31412 | Domestic | Kuus Inc. | Knock Down Greenhouse Vegetable Insect Killer (0.02% Pyrethrin from Chrysanthemum Flower Pyrethrum) | Solution | PBU (0.20%) PYR (0.02%) |
31599 | Domestic | Novella Brands Inc. | Kombat Lice Killer for the Home | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.5%) PYR (0.3%) |
32676 | Domestic | Acuity Holdings Inc. | Konk Complete Release Fogger | Pressurized Product | PBU (2.0%) PYR (0.4%) |
33698 | Domestic | PLZ Corp. | K-G Total Release Fogger-WB | Pressurized Product | PBU (2.0%) PYR (0.4%) |
33707 | Domestic | Can-Vet Animal Health Supplies Ltd. | Bugwacker III Insect Killer | Pressurized Product | PBU (10%) PYR (1.8%) |
33939 | Domestic | 753146 Alberta Ltd. O/A Ultrasol Industries | Doktor Doom Total Release Fogger II | Pressurized Product | PBU (2.0%) PYR (0.4%) |
34212 | Domestic | 753146 Alberta Ltd. O/A Ultrasol Industries | Doktor Doom Formula 420 Hydroponic Fogger | Pressurized Product | PBU (2.0%) PYR (0.4%) |
34692 | Domestic | Kuss Inc. | Knockdown Total Release Fumigator-Water Based | Pressurized Product | PBU (2.0%) PYR (0.4%) |
g/L – grams per litre |
Registration number | Marketing class | Registrant | Product name | Formulation type | Active ingredient (%, g/L) |
17400 | Domestic | Wellmark International | Vet-Kem Flea & Tick Shampoo for Dogs and Cats | Solution | PBUTable 3 Footnote 2 (0.50%) PYRTable 3 Footnote 3 (0.05%) |
19209 | Domestic | Wellmark International | Zodiac Flea & Tick Shampoo | Solution | PBU (0.50%) PYR (0.05%) |
19981 | Domestic | PLZ Corp. | K-G Flea & Tick Shampoo for Dogs and Cats II | Pressurized Product | PBU (0.085%) PYR (0.042%) MGKTable 3 Footnote 6 (0.42%) |
20034 | Domestic | McLaughlin Gormley King Company | Pump Insecticide Spray IV | Solution | PBU (0.194%) PYR (0.100%) MGK (0.322%) |
20418 | Domestic | McLaughlin Gormley King Company | Flea & Tick Pet Shampoo for Dogs and Cats | Solution | PBU (0.086%) PYR (0.045%) MGK (0.140%) |
21078 | Domestic | PLZ Corp. | K-G Flea & Tick Quick Breaking Insecticide Foam for Dogs & Cats V | Pressurized Product | PBU (0.2%) PYR (0.1%) MGK (0.36%) |
21206 | Domestic | Wellmark International | Vet-Kem Ovitrol Plus for Dogs & Cats (with Precor) | Solution | PBU (0.37%) PYR (0.20%) MPRTable 3 Footnote 7 (0.27%) MGK (0.62%) |
21744 | Domestic | Wellmark International | Zodiac Flea & Tick Spray for Dogs & Cats | Solution | PBU (0.37%) PYR (0.20%) MPR (0.27%) MGK (0.62%) |
21889 | Domestic | PLZ Corp. | K-G Flea & Tick Spray for Dogs & Cats IX | Pressurized Product | PBU (0.2%) PYR (0.1%) MGK (0.336%) |
22678 | Domestic | Wellmark International | Vet-Kem Ovitrol Mousse | Pressurized Product | PBU (5.0%) PYR (0.4%) MPR (0.5%) |
22808 | Domestic | PLZ Corp. | Spray-Pak Garden & Patio Fogger | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.0%) PYR (0.2%) |
22808.01 | Domestic | Kuus Inc. | Mosquito Shield backyard Bug Control Outdoor Fogger | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.0%) PYR (0.2%) |
22808.03 | Domestic | Canadian Tire Corp. Ltd. | Muskol Patio & Deck Fogger | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.0%) PYR (0.2%) |
22916 | Domestic | Wellmark International | Zodiac Mousse | Pressurized Product | PBU (5.0%) PYR (0.4%) MPR (0.5%) |
23013 | Domestic | Rolf C. Hagen Inc. | Sentry Flea Killer & Mosquito Repellent Spray for Dogs | Solution | PBU (0.150%) PYR (0.075%) PFLTable 3 Footnote 8 (0.052%) MGK (0.250%) |
23067 | Domestic | PLZ Corp. | K-G Flea & Tick Shampoo for Dogs & Cats III | Pressurized Product | PBU (2.4%) PYR (0.3%) |
23073 | Domestic | PLZ Corp. | K-G Flea & Tick Quick Breaking Insecticide Foam for Dogs & Cats VIII | Pressurized Product | PBU (2.4%) PYR (0.3%) |
23316 | Domestic | Bio-Derm Laboratories Inc. | Bio-Groom Ear Mite Treatment | Solution | PBU (1.20%) PYR (0.15%) |
23593 | Domestic | Neogen Corporation | Ecto-Soothe Plus Emollient Oatmeal Pesticidal Shampoo | Emulsifiable Concentrate | PBU (1.50%) PYR (0.15%) MGK (0.5%) |
23692 | Domestic | Wellmark International | Ovex Pump Spray for Dogs and Cats | Solution | PBU (0.37%) PYR (0.20%) MPR (0.10%) MGK (0.61%) |
24375 | Domestic | Vétoquinol N.-A. Inc. | Veto Equin Water Base Insecticide for Horses | Emulsifiable Concentrate | PBU (1.10%) PYR (0.11%) |
24427 | Domestic | W.F. Young Inc. | Absorbine Ultrashield EX Insecticide & Repellent | Solution | PBU (1.00%) PYR (0.10%) PFL (0.5%) |
25902 | Domestic | Rolf C. Hagen Inc. | Sergeant's Skip-Flea & Tick Shampoo for Dogs | Solution | PBU (0.50%) PYR (0.05%) |
25903 | Domestic | Rolf C. Hagen Inc. | Sergeant's Skip-Flea & Tick Shampoo for Cats | Solution | PBU (0.50%) PYR (0.05%) |
26133 | Domestic | Hartz Canada Inc. | Hartz Ultraguard Rid Flea & Tick Shampoo for Dogs | Solution | PBU (0.086%) PYR (0.045%) MGK (0.142%) |
26413 | Domestic | Wellmark International | Zodiac Double Action Flea & Tick Shampoo for Dogs and Cats | Solution | PBU (1.50%) PYR (0.15%) MPR (0.10%) |
26608 | Domestic | Wellmark International | Vet-Kem Ovitrol Plus Flea & Tick Shampoo | Solution | PBU (1.50%) PYR (0.15%) MPR (0.10%) |
27187 | Domestic | 753146 Alberta Ltd. O/A Ultrasol Industries | Doktor Doom Wasp & Hornet Insecticide | Pressurized Product | PBU (2.4%) PYR (0.3%) |
28382 | Domestic | Wellmark International | Zodiac Dual Action Flea & Tick Spray for Cats & Kittens | Solution | PBU (0.37%) PYR (0.20%) MPR (0.27%) MGK (0.62%) |
28415 | Domestic | Can-Vet Animal Health Supplies Ltd. | Can-Vet Mustang Fly Shield | Solution | PBU (0.50%) PYR (0.05%) PFL (0.1%) |
28493 | Domestic | Can-Vet Animal Health Supplies Ltd. | Can-Vet Kentucky Fly Shield II for Horses | Solution | PBU (1.0%) PYR (0.1%) |
28529 | Domestic | Can-Vet Animal Health Supplies Ltd. | Extenda Shield | Solution | PBU (1.00%) PYR (0.10%) PFL (0.5%) |
28702 | Domestic | Can-Vet Animal Health Supplies Ltd. | Can-Vet Power Shield | Solution | PBU (1.00%) PYR (0.10%) PFL (0.5%) |
29184 | Domestic | Farnam Companies Inc. | Repel-XP | Solution | PBU (0.966%) PYR (0.410%) |
29935 | Domestic | W.F. Young Inc. | Absorbine Ultrashield Ex Insecticide & Repellent Continuous Spray | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.00%) PYR (0.10%) PFL (0.5%) |
29957 | Domestic | Pyranha Inc. | Pony XP | Solution | PBU (0.50%) PYR (0.05%) PFL (0.104%) |
29988 | Domestic | W.F. Young Inc. | Absorbine®Ultrashield®Ex Easy Swipe | Solution | PBU (1.0%) PYR (0.1%) PFL (0.5%) |
30637 | Domestic | Kuus Inc. | Knock Down Flea & Tick Killer for Dogs & Cat | Solution | PBU (0.194%) PYR (0.100%) MGK (0.336%) |
30724 | Domestic | Kuus Inc. | Knock Down Hornet & Wasp Killer II (0.05% Pyrethrin from Chrysanthemum Flower Pyrethrum) | Pressurized Product | PBU (0.1%) PYR (0.05%) MGK (0.167%) BAYTable 3 Footnote 9 (0.5%) |
30837 | Domestic | Kuus Inc. | Knock Down Crawling Insect Killer II (0.05% Pyrethrin from Chrysanthemum Flower Pyrethrum) | Pressurized Product | PBU (0.1%) PYR (0.05%) MGK (0.167%) BAY (0.5%) |
31144 | Domestic | Espree Animal Products, Inc. | Flea and Tick Dog and Cat Shampoo | Solution | PBU (0.086%) PYR (0.045%) MGK (0.150%) |
31149 | Domestic | Espree Animal Products, Inc. | Flea and Tick Pet Shampoo for Dogs and Cats | Solution | PBU (0.086%) PYR (0.045%) MGK (0.150%) |
31466 | Domestic | Business Helpers' Depot Inc. | Klenze | Pressurized Product | PBU (0.081%) PYR (0.042%) MGK (0.141%) |
31476 | Domestic | 753146 Alberta Ltd. O/A Ultrasol Industries | Doktor Doom Maximum Strength, Premium Quality #1, "No Ticks & Fleas on Us" Dog & cat Tick and Flea Killer Shampoo with Coconut Oil | Pressurized Product | PBU (2.4%) PYR (0.3%) |
31477 | Domestic | 753146 Alberta Ltd. O/A Ultrasol Industries | Doktor Doom Maximum Strength Premium Quality #1 "No Ticks & Fleas on U" | Pressurized Product | PBU (2.485%) PYR (0.3%) |
31605 | Domestic | Business Helpers' Depot Inc. | Sure Spray Flea & Tick Spray for Dogs & Cats | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.0%) PYR (0.1%) |
31616 | Domestic | Rolf C. Hagen Inc. | Sentry Flea & Tick Shampoo for Dogs | Solution | PBU (0.086%) PYR (0.045%) MGK (0.150%) |
31617 | Domestic | Rolf C. Hagen Inc. | Sentry Flea & Tick Shampoo for Cats | Solution | PBU (0.086%) PYR (0.045%) MGK (0.140%) |
31630 | Domestic | Business Helpers' Depot Inc. | Gotcha Hornet & Wasp Killer | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.0%) PYR (0.1%) |
31939 | Domestic | Neogen Corporation | Prozap Pet Guard | Solution | PBU (0.194%) PYR (0.100%) MGK (0.336%) |
31940 | Domestic | Neogen Corporation | Prozap Pet Guard Flea & Tick Shampoo | Solution | PBU (0.086%) PYR (0.045%) MGK (0.150%) |
32480 | Domestic | Business Helpers' Depot Inc. | Fight Back Hornet & Wasp Killer double Shot Jet & Fogger Sprays | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.0%) PYR (0.2%) |
32481 | Domestic | Business Helpers' Depot Inc. | Fight Back Patio & Yard Fogger | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.0%) PYR (0.2%) |
32697 | Domestic | 753146 Alberta Ltd. O/A Ultrasol Industries | Doktor Doom Tick & Flea Killer Spray for Cats & Dogs | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.0%) PYR (0.1%) |
32705 | Domestic | 753146 Alberta Ltd. O/A Ultrasol Industries | Doktor Doom Yard & Patio Fogging Insect Killer | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.0%) PYR (0.2%) |
33034 | Domestic | Scotts Canada Ltd. | Ortho®Mosquito B Gon Max Flying Insect Killer Area Spray | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.0%) PYR (0.2%) |
33674 | Domestic | Can-Vet Animal Health Supplies Ltd | Tick End for Horses | Solution | PBU (0.77%) PYR (0.335%) |
33682 | Domestic | Can-Vet Animal Health Supplies Ltd. | Power Shield Fly and Tick Spray for Horses | Solution | PBU (0.77%) PYR (0.33%) PFL (0.5%) |
33683 | Domestic | Can-Vet Animal Health Supplies Ltd. | Extenda Shield Fly and Tick Spray for Horses | Solution | PBU (0.77%) PYR (0.33%) PFL (0.5%) |
33749 | Domestic | Scotts Canada Ltd. | Ortho®Mosquito B Gon Max Flying Insect Killer Area Spray I | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.0%) PYR (0.2%) |
33992 | Domestic | Eco-Cop Inc. | Klenze 15 Insecticide for Horses | Solution | PBU (1.00%) PYR (0.10%) PFL (0.5%) |
34523 | Domestic | 753146 Alberta Ltd. O/A Ultrasol Industries | Doktor Doom Premium Insect Killer for Use on Horses | Solution | PBU (1.00%) PYR (0.10%) PFL (0.5%) |
6109 | Commercial | Gardex Chemicals Ltd. | Gardex Industrial Insecticide 50-7 | Solution | PBU (1.27%) PYR (0.13%) |
9371 | Commercial | Gardex Chemicals Ltd. | Gardex Pyrethrin Spray 5-25 | Emulsifiable Concentrate | PBU (2.0%) PYR (0.5%) |
11540 | Commercial | Premier Tech Brighton Ltd. | Pro Professional 3610 Ultra-Low Volume Insecticide | Solution | PBU (4.8%) PYR (3.0%) MGK (10.0%) |
11684 | Commercial | Gardex Chemicals Ltd. | Gardex Pyrethrin Emulsifiable Concentrate 1% | Emulsifiable Concentrate | PBU (8.0%) PYR (1.0%) |
11855 | Commercial | Gardex Chemicals Ltd. | Gardex Industrial Micro Spray Concentrate | Emulsifiable Concentrate | PBU (6.0%) PYR (3.0%) MGK (10.0%) |
13378 | Commercial | McLaughlin Gormley King Company | Pyrocide Fogging Formula 7067 for ULV Mosquito Adulticiding | Solution | PBU (24.0%) PYR (5.0%) |
13779 | Commercial | McLaughlin Gormley King Company | Pyrocide 300 | Solution | PBU (5.76%) PYR (3.0%) MGK (9.57%) |
14399 | Commercial | Poulin's Pest Control | Poulin's C Plus C Insecticide | Solution | PBU (1.53%) PYR (0.16%) |
15162 | Commercial | McLaughlin Gormley King Company | Multi-Purpose Pyrocide Commercial Insecticide | Emulsifiable Concentrate | PBU (10.0%) PYR (1.0%) |
15255 | Commercial | Bayer CropScience Inc. | Drione Insecticide Dust | Dust | PBU (9.7%) PYR (1.0%) SIL1Table 3 Footnote 5 (40.0%) |
15330 | Commercial | Premier Tech Brighton Ltd. | Pro Professional 110 Ultra Low Volume Insecticide | Solution | PBU (8.0%) PYR (1.0%) |
18201 | Commercial | Gardex Chemicals Ltd. | Gardex Bugkill Pressurized Spray | Pressurized Product | PBU (4.0%) PYR (0.5%) |
18840 | Commercial | PLZ Corp. | K-G Hi-Pressure Fumigator | Pressurized Product | PBU (2.0%) PYR (0.4%) |
20094 | Commercial | PLZ Corp. | K-G Milk Room & Cattle Spray II | Pressurized Product | PBU (5.0%) PYR (0.5%) |
20098 | Commercial | PLZ Corp. | K-G Milk Room & Cattle Spray I | Pressurized Product | PBU (4.8%) PYR (0.5%) |
20384 | Commercial | McLaughlin Gormley King Company | Flying & Crawling Insect Killer I | Pressurized Product | PBU (3.84%) PYR (0.5%) |
20385 | Commercial | McLaughlin Gormley King Company | Flying & Crawling Insect Killer II | Pressurized Product | PBU (4.0%) PYR (0.5%) |
20424 | Commercial | Vétoquinol N.-A. Inc. | Disvap IV Insecticide Solution | Solution | PBU (1.0%) PYR (0.10%) |
20463 | Commercial | Acuity Holdings, Inc. | Konk 409 Flying Insect Killer | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.95%) PYR (0.975%) MGK (3.21%) |
20499 | Commercial | Acuity Holdings, Inc. | Konk 408 Flying Insect Killer | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.95%) PYR (0.975%) MGK (3.21%) |
21004 | Commercial | McLaughlin Gormley King Company | Pyrocide Concentrate 7369 | Solution | PBU (28.8%) PYR (3.0%) |
22563 | Commercial | Can-Vet Animal Health Supplies Ltd. | Bugwacker fogging Solution Insecticide | Solution | PBU (1.5%) PYR (0.15%) |
22661 | Commercial | PLZ Corp. | Terand Wasp & Hornet Killer | Pressurized Product | PBU (0.1%) PYR (0.05%) MGK (0.166%) BAY (0.5%) |
22846 | Commercial | PLZ Corp. | K-G Flying Insect Killer X | Pressurized Product | PBU (5.0%) PYR (0.5%) |
23433 | Commercial | Can-Vet Animal Health Supplies Ltd. | Bugwacker Tall Insecticide | Pressurized Product | PBU (4.0%) PYR (0.5%) |
23884 | Commercial | PLZ Corp. | Spray-Pak Industrial & Dairy Insecticide Pressurized Spray | Pressurized Product | PBU (3.84%) PYR (0.5%) |
24082 | Commercial | PLZ Corp. | K-G Insecticide III | Pressurized Product | PBU (8.0%) BAY (2.0%) |
24159 | Commercial | Can-Vet Animal Health Supplies Ltd. | Can Vet Barn & Dairy Fly Shield | Solution | PBU (1.0%) PYR (0.10%) |
24244 | Commercial | PLZ Corp. | K-G Milk Room & Cattle Spray III | Pressurized Product | PBU (2.4%) PYR (0.3%) |
24249 | Commercial | PLZ Corp. | K-G Flying Insect Killer XII | Pressurized Product | PBU (2.4%) PYR (0.3%) |
24251 | Commercial | PLZ Corp. | K-G Flying Insect Killer XI | Pressurized Product | PBU (5.0%) PYR (0.5%) |
24254 | Commercial | PLZ Corp. | K-G Flying Insect Killer XIII | Pressurized Product | PBU (2.4%) PYR (0.3%) |
24435 | Commercial | Acuity Holdings Inc. | Konker Commercial & Farm Insect Killer | Pressurized Product | PBU (2.4%) PYR (0.3%) |
24436 | Commercial | Acuity Holdings Inc. | Konk Too Farm & Livestock Insect Killer | Pressurized Product | PBU (4.0%) PYR (0.5%) |
24437 | Commercial | Acuity Holdings Inc. | Konk Pro Commercial & Farm Insect Killer | Pressurized Product | PBU (5.0%) PYR (0.5%) |
24711 | Commercial | PLZ Corp. | K-G Insecticide II | Pressurized Product | PBU (2.0%) PYR (1.0%) MGK (3.33%) |
24729 | Commercial | McLaughlin Gormley King Company | Pyrocide Pressurized Multi-Purpose Spray 7416 | Pressurized Product | PBU (4.8%) PYR (0.5%) |
24875 | Commercial | Acuity Holdings, Inc. | Konk 407 Insecticide Spray with Pyrethrin | Pressurized Product | PBU (2.0%) PYR (1.0%) MGK (3.33%) |
24927 | Commercial | McLaughlin Gormley King Company | Evergreen Emulsifiable 60-6 |
Emulsifiable Concentrate | PBU (60.0%) PYR (6.0%) |
25364 | Commercial | Poulin's Pest Control | Poulin's Liquid Insecticide | Solution | PBU (4.10%) PYR (0.43%) |
25936 | Commercial | 753146 Alberta Ltd. O/A Ultrasol Industries | Doktor Doom "Mini" Fumigator Total Release | Pressurized Product | PBU (2.0%) PYR (0.4%) |
26261 | Commercial | 753146 Alberta Ltd. O/A Ultrasol Industries | Doktor Doom Hi-Pressure Fumigator | Pressurized Product | PBU (2.0%) PYR (0.4%) |
26460 | Commercial | Neogen Corporation | Turbocide Gold with Pyrocide | Solution | PBU (30.97%) PYR (4.03%) |
27220 | Commercial | BASF Canada Inc. | Prescription Treatment Brand P.I. Contact Insecticide | Pressurized Product | PBU (4.0%) PYR (0.5%) |
27678 | Commercial | Acuity Holdings Inc. | Konk 403 Total Release Fumigator | Pressurized Product | PBU (2.0%) PYR (0.4%) |
28244 | Commercial | 753146 Alberta Ltd. O/A Ultrasol Industries | Doktor Doom Professional 3% Pyrethrin Knockdown Farm Buildings Insect Killer | Emulsifiable Concentrate | PBU (28.8%) PYR (3.0%) |
28248 | Commercial | 753146 Alberta Ltd. O/A Ultrasol Industries | Doktor Doom "Commercial Grade Knockdown Concentrate" Mosquito Adulticiding for ULV Fogging Systems | Solution | PBU (24.0%) PYR (5.0%) |
28371 | Commercial | Kuus Inc. | Knock Down X-Max Farm and Livestock Insect Killer (0.6 Pyrethrin from Chrysanthemum flower) | Pressurized Product | PBU (4.0%) PYR (0.6%) |
28402 | Commercial | 753146 Alberta Ltd. O/A Ultrasol Industries | Doktor Doom 6% Pyrethrin Knockdown Insect Killer | Emulsifiable Concentrate | PBU (60.0%) PYR (6.0%) |
28462 | Commercial | Kuus Inc. | Knock Down Max Farm and Livestock Insect Killer (0.3 Pyrethrin from Chrysanthemum flower) | Pressurized Product | PBU (2.4%) PYR (0.3%) |
28584 | Commercial | Kuus Inc. | Knock Down Max Flying Insect Killer (1.0 Pyrethrin from Chrysanthemum) | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.95%) PYR (0.975%) MGK (3.21%) |
28792 | Commercial | PLZ Corp. | K-G Flying Insect Killer Metered II (0.975% PYR-Commercial) | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.95%) PYR (0.975%) MGK (3.21%) |
29042 | Commercial | 753146 Alberta Ltd. O/A Ultrasol Industries | Doktor Doom Maximum Strength Livestock & Buildings Insect Eliminator | Pressurized Product | PBU (5.0%) PYR (0.5%) |
29044 | Commercial | 753146 Alberta Ltd. O/A Ultrasol Industries | Doktor Doom Extra Strength Farm & Livestock Insect Eliminator | Pressurized Product | PBU (4.0%) PYR (0.6%) |
29687 | Commercial | Kuus Inc. | Knock Down Max Bed Bug & Flea Killer | Pressurized Product | PBU (4.0%) PYR (0.6%) |
29728 | Commercial | Kuus Inc. | Knockdown Total Release Fumigator-C | Pressurized Product | PBU (2.0%) PYR (0.4%) |
30031 | Commercial | Kuus Inc. | Knock Down Professional KD241P Food Processing Plants & Institutional Insect Killer (0.6 Pyrethrin from Chrysanthemum flower) | Pressurized Product | PBU (4.0%) PYR (0.6%) |
30421 | Commercial | UR-Can Inc. | Onguard PC5 | Pressurized Product | PBU (5.0%) PYR (0.5%) |
30749 | Commercial | 753146 Alberta Ltd. O/A Ultrasol Industries | Doktor Doom 4 Zero Nine C |
Pressurized Product | PBU (1.95%) PYR (0.975%) MGK (3.21%) |
30752 | Commercial | Kuus Inc. | Knock Down Farm and Livestock Insect Killer (0.5% pyrethrins from chrysanthemum flower pyrethrum) | Pressurized Product | PBU (4.8%) PYR (0.5%) |
30766 | Commercial | Aura Pro Solutions, Inc. | Zone Guard, Commercial Flying Insect Killer 1-C | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.95%) PYR (0.975%) MGK (3.21%) |
30805 | Commercial | 753146 Alberta Ltd. O/A Ultrasol Industries | Doktor Doom Professional Quality Insecticide 1% Pyrethrin Spray | Pressurized Product | PBU (2.0%) PYR (1.0%) MGK (3.33%) |
30806 | Commercial | 753146 Alberta Ltd. O/A Ultrasol Industries | Doktor Doom Protech Premier 3610 Insect Killer | Solution | PBU (5.76%) PYR (3.0%) MGK (10.0%) |
31036 | Commercial | UR-Can Inc. | On Guard PC-5/2 | Solution | PBU (2.0%) PYR (0.5%) |
31059 | Commercial | Kuus Inc. | Knock Down Pro-154 RTU Farm & Barn Flying Insect Killer | Solution | PBU (1.0%) PYR (0.10%) |
31060 | Commercial | Business Helpers' Depot Inc. | Surespray Pyrethrum Multi-Purpose Insect Spray | Emulsifiable Concentrate | PBU (60.0%) PYR (6.0%) |
31111 | Commercial | Acuity Holdings Inc. | Konk Commercial Bed Bug Killer | Pressurized Product | PBU (5.0%) PYR (0.5%) |
31121 | Commercial | Business Helpers' Depot Inc. | Surespray Pyrethrin Insect Spray | Pressurized Product | PBU (5.0%) PYR (0.5%) |
31338 | Commercial | 753146 Alberta Ltd. O/A Ultrasol Industries | Doktor Doom Premium Quality #1 No Flies on Us Beef & Dairy Cattle-Farm, Industrial & Commercial Building Insect Killer | Pressurized Product | PBU (5.0%) PYR (0.5%) |
31943 | Commercial | Neogen Corporation | Prozap Annihilator-XP | Emulsifiable Concentrate | PBU (60.0%) PYR (6.0%) |
31960 | Commercial | Neogen Corporation | Prozap LD 44Z Dairy Bomb Aerosol Insecticide | Pressurized Product | PBU (4.8%) PYR (0.5%) |
32339 | Commercial | Kuus Inc. | Knock Down Pro 155 Farm, Barn & Livestock Insect Killer | Solution | PBU (1.0%) PYR (0.10%) |
32865 | Commercial | 753146 Alberta Ltd. O/A Ultrasol Industries | Doktor Doom Lice Killer for Poultry Plus+ | Pressurized Product | PBU (4.8%) PYR (0.5%) |
33946 | Commercial | Eco-Cop Inc. | Klenze 7 Insecticide | Solution | PBU (5.0%) PYR (0.5%) |
34005 | Commercial | Vétoquinol N.-A. Inc. | Disvap Gold | Pressurized Product | PBU (5.0%) PYR (0.5%) |
34029 | Commercial | Eco-Cop Inc. | Klenze 5 Insecticide | Solution | PBU (2.0%) PYR (0.5%) |
34144 | Commercial | 753146 Alberta Ltd. O/A Ultrasol Industries | Doktor Doom Protech Commercial Insect Killer | Solution | PBU (2.0%) PYR (0.5%) |
34524 | Commercial | 753146 Alberta Ltd. O/A Ultrasol Industries | Doktor Doom Lice Killer for Livestock Plus (+) | Solution | PBU (0.5%) PYR (5.0%) |
g/L – grams per litre |
Registration number | Marketing class | Registrant | Product name | Formulation type | Active ingredient (%, g/L) |
19829 | Domestic | Woodstream Canada Corporation | Safer's Tomato & Vegetable Insecticide RTU | Solution | PBUTable 4 Footnote 2 (0.20%) PYRTable 4 Footnote 3 (0.02%) |
17591 | Commercial | Acuity Holdings, Inc. | KO 14 Flying Insect Killer | Pressurized Product | PBU (10%) PYR (1.8%) |
17592 | Commercial | Acuity Holdings, Inc. | Konk 418 Flying Insect Killer |
Pressurized Product | PBU (10%) PYR (1.8%) |
18348 | Commercial | Gardex Chemicals Ltd. | Guard Mist Insecticide | Pressurized Product | PBU 10% PYR 1.8% |
19685 | Commercial | Gardex Chemicals Ltd. | Guard Mist 1 Pyrethrins Insecticide | Pressurized Product | PBU 10% PYR 1.8% |
20390 | Commercial | McLaughlin Gormley King Company | Flying Insect Killer II (Metered Pressurized Spray) | Pressurized Product | PBU (9.6%) PYR (1.8%) |
23029 | Commercial | Vétoquinol N.-A. Inc. | Disvap V Barn Insecticide | Emulsifiable Concentrate | PBU (1.0%) PYR (0.1%) PFLTable 4 Footnote 4 (0.1%) |
24151 | Commercial | Acuity Holdings, Inc. | Konk 416 Flying Insect Killer | Pressurized Product | PBU (10%) PYR (1.8%) |
28373 | Commercial | Kuus Inc. | Knock Down X-Max Flying Insect Killer (1.8 Pyrethrin from Chrysanthemum flower Pyrethrum) | Pressurized Product | PBU (10%) PYR (1.8%) |
28691 | Commercial | PLZ Corp. | Flying Insect Killer Metered I (1.8% PYR-commercial) | Pressurized Product | PBU (10%) PYR (1.8%) |
30605 | Commercial | Aura Pro Solutions, Inc. | Zone Guard, Pro Flying Insect Killer 1.80% | Pressurized Product | PBU (10%) PYR (1.8%) |
30616 | Commercial | FMC Corporation | Purge III Insecticide | Pressurized Product | PBU (1.95%) PYR (0.975%) MGKTable 4 Footnote 5 (3.050%) |
30772 | Commercial | Aura Pro Solutions, Inc. | Zone Guard, Commercial Pro Flying Insect Killer 1.80% | Pressurized Product | PBU (10%) PYR (1.8%) |
31056 | Commercial | 753146 Alberta Ltd. O/A Ultrasol Industries | Doktor Doom BVT 4 Eighteen Flying Insect Killer – Commercial | Pressurized Product | PBU (10%) PYR (1.8%) |
19985 | Restricted | Wellmark International | Prentox Nusyn-Noxfish Fish Toxicant | Emulsifiable Concentrate | PBU (2.5%) ROTTable 4 Footnote 6 (2.5%) |
g/L – grams per litre |
Registration number | Marketing class | Registrant | Product name | Formulation type | Active ingredient (%, g/L) |
27451 | Technical Grade Active Ingredient | Endura S.P.A. | Endura Piperonyl Butoxide Technical Grade | Liquid | PBUTable 5 Footnote 2 (96.57%) |
30351 | Technical Grade Active Ingredient | McLaughlin Gormley King Company | MGK Technical Piperonyl Butoxide | Liquid | PBU (96.57%) |
31822 | Technical Grade Active Ingredient | Wellmark International D.B.A. |
Wellmark Piperonyl Butoxide Technical | Liquid | PBU (96.57%) |
18528 | Manufacturing Concentrate |
McLaughlin Gormley King Company | Pyrocide 30-3 S.E. Insecticide Concentrate | Emulsifiable Concentrate | PBU (30.0%) PYRTable 5 Footnote 3 (3.0%) |
19615 | Manufacturing Concentrate | McLaughlin Gormley King Company | Pyrocide Intermediate 5192 | Solution | PBU (17.28%) PYR (9.00%) MGKTable 5 Footnote 4 (28.72%) |
19616 | Manufacturing Concentrate | McLaughlin Gormley King Company | Pyrocide Intermediate 75-OF | Solution | PBU (72.43%) PYR (7.50%) |
19632 | Manufacturing Concentrate | McLaughlin Gormley King Company | Pyrocide Intermediate 54 | Solution | PBU (38.63%) PYR (5.00%) |
19641 | Manufacturing Concentrate | McLaughlin Gormley King Company | Pyrocide Intermediate 57 | Solution | PBU (48.29%) PYR (10.00%) |
19833 | Manufacturing Concentrate | McLaughlin Gormley King Company | Pyrocide Concentrate 7352 | Emulsifiable Concentrate | PBU (28.8%) PYR (3.00%) |
19889 | Manufacturing Concentrate | McLaughlin Gormley King Company | Pyrocide Booster Concentrate K | Solution | PBU (48.00%) PYR (5.00%) |
21314 | Manufacturing Concentrate | McLaughlin Gormley King Company | Pyrocide (5.0-0.5) E.C. Insecticide | Emulsifiable Concentrate | PBU (5.00%) PYR (0.50%) |
22165 | Manufacturing Concentrate | McLaughlin Gormley King Company | Pyrocide W-B 20-4 Insecticide | Solution | PBU (20.00%) PYR (4.00%) |
22419 | Manufacturing Concentrate | McLaughlin Gormley King Company | Pyrocide & Dri-Die Dust Base Insecticide | Dust | PBU (20.00%) PYR (2.00%) SILTable 5 Footnote 5 (40.0%) |
23906 | Manufacturing Concentrate | Wellmark International D.B.A. | Pyrocide Intermediate 7045 | Solution | PBU (1.18%) PYR (0.58%) MGK (1.97%) BAYTable 5 Footnote 6 (5.89%) |
24382 | Manufacturing Concentrate | Wellmark International D.B.A. | Pyrocide Intermediate 7415 | Emulsifiable Concentrate | PBU (48.00%) PYR (5.00%) |
30020 | Manufacturing Concentrate | Wellmark International D.B.A. | Pyrocide Concentrate 7440 | Emulsifiable Concentrate | PBU (28.80%) PYR (3.00%) |
g/L – grams per litre |
- Footnote 1
Information Note – Determining Study Acceptability for use in Pesticide Risk Assessments
- Footnote 2
"Consultation statement" as required by subsection 28(2) of the Pest Control Products Act.
- Footnote 3
"Decision statement" as required by subsection 28(5) of the Pest Control Products Act.
- Footnote 4
The 24-month timeline is consistent with guidance for label amendments on other companion animal product types (in other words, spot-on type products – see 2019 PMRA Guidance Document, Label Improvements for Spot-on Pesticides Used on Companion Animals).
- Footnote 5
As per subsection 35(1) of the Pest Control Products Act.
Page details
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