Guide to validation of terminal sterilization process of drugs (GUI-0074): Process validation, sterilization by ionizing radiation
On this page
- Introduction
- Product/material definition and qualification
- Sterilizing agent specifications
- Sterilization process definition
- Sterilization dose setting/dose substantiation
- Equipment qualification
- Dose distribution studies
- Loading patterns
- Temperature control
Radiation sterilization is used mainly to sterilize heat-sensitive materials and products. However, many materials, drugs and packaging materials are also radiation-sensitive. This method is allowed only when the absence of harmful effects on the material/product has been confirmed prior to use.
Radiation processing (in the context of this guide) means exposing a material/product to ionizing radiation in a controlled way. This ensures that a pre-determined radiation dose is delivered to the material/product.
This section of this guide covers radiation processes employing:
- gamma radiation generated by the radionuclide 60Co (Cobalt-60) or 137Cs (Cesium-137)
- a beam from an electron generator
- a beam from an X-ray generator
Product/material definition and qualification
A product/material qualification program demonstrates the effects of ionizing irradiation on the product/material. The most important outcome of product qualification is to determine the product's maximum acceptable dose Dmax,acc.
Your product/material qualification must test the product/material using the DmaxT considered to be worst case for product functionality. The worst-case product/material qualification dose may not always be the highest dose (for example, complex cross-linking effects).
Note: Before you can determine the DmaxT for a product/material, you must find out if any product/material or their components have received radiation treatment before. Radiation effects are cumulative, so any prior radiation treatment will affect the interpretation of dose-effect experiments.
The absorbed radiation dose is affected by variations in density and the configuration of the products/materials and packages. It depends on the product/material loading pattern and the physical parameters of the irradiator (such as the uniformity of the ionizing radiation field produced by the source).
A third factor is the DminP. The ratio of the DmaxP to the DminP is known as the Dmax/Dmin ratio or dose uniformity ratio (DUR). This ratio determines if the required dose range can be successfully delivered to the product as configured.
Sterilizing agent specifications
There are significant differences between the 3 ionizing radiation technologies that affect process validation:
- Gamma radiation delivers a specified dose relatively slowly.
- Both electron beam generators and X-rays deliver the same dose much more quickly.
As a result, you must validate each source of radiation separately for a product/material.
Before you adopt an alternate radiation source, you must evaluate validation requirements based on the potential product/material effects (and any microbiological effects). At a minimum, you must:
- define the type of radiation to be used in sterilization
- specify the energy level of the electron beam for electron bean generators and X-rays
- assess the potential for induced radioactivity in product/material (for electrons with energy greater than 10 MeV or X-rays with energy greater than 5 MeV)
Sterilization process definition
To establish the maximum acceptable (DmaxT) dose, the:
- product/material must represent what will be routinely fabricated
- source of radiation must be able to precisely deliver the required doses
Sterilization dose setting/dose substantiation
There are 3 basic methods used to establish a minimum radiation sterilization dose:
1. Method VDmax dose substantiation:
- verifies that the radiation resistance of the product/material bioburden is less than a microbial population of maximal resistance consistent with attainment of a 10-6 SAL at a selected sterilization dose of either 15, 17.5, 20, 22.5, 25, 27.5, 30, 32.5 or 35 kGy
2. Dose-setting method 1:
- depends upon experimental verification that the radiation resistance of the product/material bioburden is less than or equal to the resistance of a microbial population having the standard distribution of resistances (SDR)
- the SDR specifies microorganism resistance in terms of D10 values and the probability of occurrence in the total population
- using computational methods, for increasing levels of average bioburden having the SDR, the doses required to achieve SAL of 10-2, 10-3, 10-4, 10-5 and 10-6 is calculated
3. Dose-setting method 2:
- uses the radiation resistance of the naturally occurring product/material bioburden
- sterility tests are conducted on samples that have been exposed to a series of incremental doses to estimate the dose at which 1 in 100 is expected to be non-sterile (SAL of 10-2)
- the microorganisms surviving exposure to such a dose should have a more homogeneous D10 value than the initial bioburden
- from the incremental dose experiment, an estimate made of this D10 value is used to extrapolate SAL values less than 10-2 to determine the sterilization dose
Note: Dose-setting methods use the bioburden on the product and the resistance of that bioburden to tailor a specific radiation treatment for a specific product.
For guidance on bioburden calculations, consult:
- ISO 11137-2: Sterilization of health care products – Radiation – Part 2: Establishing the sterilization dose
For guidance on sterilization using radiation, consult:
- ISO 11137-1: Sterilization of health care products – Radiation – Part 1: Requirements for development, validation and routine control of a sterilization process for medical devices
- ISO/TS 11137-4: Sterilization of health care products — Radiation — Part 4: Guidance on process control
- ISO/TS 13004: Sterilization of health care products — Radiation — Substantiation of selected sterilization dose: Method VDmaxSD
- ISO 11137-2: Sterilization of health care products – Radiation – Part 2: Establishing the sterilization dose
- ISO 11137-3: Sterilization of health care products — Radiation — Part 3: Guidance on dosimetric aspects
Equipment qualification
Your irradiator specification should include, at a minimum:
- a description of the irradiator, its characteristics and method of operation
- a description and validation status of software used to control/monitor the process
- location, space and environment where the irradiator is to be installed within the premises
- a description of the conveyor system including its operation, construction and range of speed
- the dimensions, materials and nature of construction of the irradiation container(s)
- for gamma irradiators, the type of radionuclide and the geometry of the gamma source
- for X-ray irradiators, the dimension, materials and nature of construction of the X-ray converter
- for electron beam and X-ray irradiators, the characteristics of the beam (electron energy, scan width and uniformity)
Instruments that need calibration for electron beam, X-ray and gamma radiation processing technologies include:
- timers
- recorders
- dosimeters
- calorimeters
- thickness gauges
- spectrophotometers
Dose distribution studies
Dose distribution studies are performed to determine the Dmax and Dmin positions in a process load in relation to the radiation source.
You should:
- perform dose studies according to written procedures, using properly placed and calibrated dosimeters
- document the location of each dosimeter
- dosimeters to be placed to capture minimum and maximum doses
- if using a reference monitoring position, place the dosimeter at the monitoring position as well
- use dosimeters that can measure the dose over the desired range
- collate the data from all runs into a dose-map profile for each type of irradiation container, product conveyor path and irradiation source
- conduct dose distribution studies for each product/material-loading configuration and size
- also place products into processing categories/density families, where the dose distribution studies would be performed for the processing category/density family, if applicable
- evaluate each test run performed and certify the completed studies
Note: The studies should prove that the dose uniformity requirements as outlined in your process specification are consistently achieved. To conclude your process is validated, operational consistency of the dose uniformity must be demonstrated.
Loading patterns
The way the product/material is presented to the radiation source is critical to achieving the specified Dmax/Dmin ratio, doses and desired SAL (sterility assurance level). How the product/material will be presented to the source, including detailed loading diagrams (if applicable), should be outlined in the processing specification.
Validation studies must confirm that the:
- product in the Dmin position will receive a dose that meets or exceeds DminP
- product in the Dmax position will receive a dose not exceeding DmaxP during routine processing
If reference monitoring is used, then the dosimeter must be placed in the monitoring position that was determined from the dose distribution studies.
Temperature control
For temperature-sensitive products/materials, the following information should form part of your process validation documentation:
- the allowed temperature range of the product when it arrives at the irradiation facility
- the time available for irradiation before the product temperature rises to the maximum tolerated level
You may need to cool the product during the irradiation process. Products can be irradiated on wet or dry ice (if the product will tolerate the temperature). You must specify how this is to be done.
Special dose distribution studies may be required, as a dosimeter response depends on the temperature. Cooling the sterilization load during dose mapping will alter the response of the dosimeters. You should also use surrogate material during the dose mapping.
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