Call for Service Proposals (CSP) for Professional Bodies Providing Educational Credential Assessments

CSP Identifier: SIP-ECA-CSP-2024

October 2, 2024

Note: There is no closing date for proposals.

The purpose of this Call for Service Proposals (CSP) is to invite professional bodies to apply for designation to provide profession-specific Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) reports for immigration purposes, in accordance with Section 75 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations.

Benefits of profession-specific ECA reports

IRCC uses ECA reports to award immigration selection points or make program eligibility decisions for clients who have obtained an educational credential outside Canada. ECA reports from a professional body can benefit clients by connecting them earlier in the immigration process with a regulatory body that oversees their occupation. This can help clients learn about foreign credential recognition processes and the steps to take to become licensed to practise. Profession-specific ECAs are also recognized as a step in the licensing process, which helps to reduce duplication between immigration and licensing processes.

How to apply – key steps for becoming a designated professional body

  1. Introduction
  2. Preparing and Submitting a Proposal
  3. Mandatory Proposal Components
  4. Reference Documents

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