Discover Canada - Applying for Citizenship

Note: Recent changes to the Citizenship Act affect information in the Message to Our Readers section of Discover Canada. Specifically, the age range has been amended for applicants who must meet the knowledge requirement. Effective October 11, 2017 applicants who are 18-54 years of age when they apply, including applicants who already have an application in process, are required to demonstrate an adequate knowledge of Canada and of the responsibilities and privileges of citizenship through a citizenship knowledge test in either English or French, and to demonstrate adequate knowledge of either English or French. The citizenship test is not used to assess an applicant’s knowledge of English or French. Learn how language abilities are assessed.
Applying for Citizenship
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Discover Canada: The Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship - Applying for Citizenship
Duration: 3 minutes, 09 seconds. Read by Robert-Douglas Watt.
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When you apply for citizenship, officials will check your status, verify that you are not prohibited from applying, and ensure that you meet the requirements.
Your application may take several months. Please ensure that the Call Centre always has your correct address while your application is being processed.

Citizens take the oath
How to Use this Booklet to Prepare for the Citizenship Test
This booklet will help you prepare for the citizenship test. You should:
- Study this guide;
- Ask a friend or family member to help you practise answering questions about Canada;
- Call a local school or school board, a college, a community centre or a local organization that provides services to immigrants and ask for information on citizenship classes;
- Take English or French language classes, which the Government of Canada offers free of charge.
About the Citizenship Test
The citizenship test is usually a written test, but it could be an interview. You will be tested on two basic requirements for citizenship: 1) knowledge of Canada and of the rights and responsibilities of citizenship, and 2) adequate knowledge of English or French. Adult applicants 55 years of age and over do not need to write the citizenship test. The Citizenship Regulations provide information on how your ability to meet the knowledge of Canada requirement is determined.
All the citizenship test questions are based on the subject areas noted in the Citizenship Regulations, and all required information is provided in this study guide.
After the Test
If you pass the test and meet all the other requirements, you will receive a Notice to Appear to Take the Oath of Citizenship. This document tells you the date, time and place of your citizenship ceremony.
At the ceremony, you will:
- Take the Oath of Citizenship;
- Sign the oath form; and
- Receive your Canadian Citizenship Certificate.
If you do not pass the test, you will receive a notification indicating the next steps.
You are encouraged to bring your family and friends to celebrate this occasion.

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