Occupation-restricted open work permits (OROWPs) under the Home Child Care Provider Pilot (HCCPP) or Home Support Worker Pilot (HSWP) – Gaining experience category [R205(a) – C90]: International Mobility Program (IMP)

This section contains policy, procedures and guidance used by IRCC staff. It is posted on the department’s website as a courtesy to stakeholders.

New changes to the pilots

The ministerial instructions were amended on June 16, 2024, mainly

  • to reduce the work experience requirement from 12 months to 6 months
  • for the Gaining experience category, to
    • accept work experience gained outside of Canada
    • accept work experience gained up to 36 months before the application for permanent residence is made, as well as work experience gained between the period of application submission and the date that the applicant demonstrates having acquired the work experience
    • clarify that applicants have only one opportunity to submit their proof of work experience to IRCC for a decision on their permanent residence application

These amendments apply to pending applications.

The instructions will be updated as soon as possible to reflect the changes. 

These instructions apply to IRCC employees. Given that applicants can’t submit their applications at a port of entry, the instructions don’t apply to border services officers.

The instructions on this page should be reviewed in conjunction with the following:

The department uses specific administrative codes to identify certain situations where it considers that the work of a foreign national creates significant social, cultural or economic benefits or opportunities for Canadian citizens or permanent residents, as described in paragraph 205(a) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (IRPR). The factors provided for each code demonstrate how the situation may meet the requirements of paragraph R205(a). Officers must also always be satisfied that the situation meets all requirements of articles R200 and R201 (if they are applying to renew their work authorization).

The administrative code C90 is the code under which the work of certain foreign nationals in the specific National Occupational Classifications (NOCs) plays an important role in supporting Canadian families. As foreign nationals in transition to permanent residence, applicants under these pilots may create significant economic or social benefits.

There are 2 categories of permanent resident applicants under the pilots:

Applicants who belong to Category A must submit their work permit application with their permanent residence application online, and the requirements for permanent residence are assessed first. If applicants have less than 12 months of eligible Canadian work experience but meet all other requirements, they should be issued an occupation-restricted open work permit (OROWP) that will give them time to obtain the eligible work experience.

Applicants who belong to direct to permanent residence (Category B) may be eligible for a bridging open work permit (BWOP), as they have met all permanent resident requirements.

On this page

Applicant categories

Applicants under the pilots are divided into 2 categories, depending on whether they have the eligible Canadian work experience:

Important: In a case where a Category A applicant obtains the qualifying work experience before being issued a work permit under this administrative code, after passing eligibility on the permanent residence application, assess the work permit under the BWOP guidance.


To be eligible for an OROWP under one of the pilots, the applicant must

Officers may consult the HCCPP and HSWP instructions for guidance on permanent residence eligibility criteria, intake and processing.

Note: Due to the requirement to submit the work permit with the permanent resident application, Gaining experience (Category A) applicants can’t submit their work permit application upon entry to Canada at the port of entry.

Receipt of work permit applications

Work permit applications must be submitted online with applications for permanent residence through the Permanent Residence Portal.

For pilot application packages submitted via the Permanent Residence Portal, officers will find the work permit application listed as Other in the list of documents in the portal.

For pilot application packages submitted in an alternate format through regular mail, officers should find the correct paper version of the work permit application included with the permanent residence application and supporting documents.

Regardless of the method of receipt, after the completed permanent resident application is created and promoted, the officer will

Application forms

For applicants who are physically outside of Canada, the Application for work permit made outside Canada [IMM 1295] (PDF, 572 KB) should be received, with the appropriate fees: $155 for the work permit fee and $100 for the open work permit holder fee.

For applicants who are physically in Canada and are authorized to apply for a work permit after entry as per section R199, the Application to change conditions, extend my stay or remain in Canada as a worker [IMM 5710] (PDF, 587 KB) should be received, with the appropriate fees: $155 for the work permit fee and $100 for the open work permit holder fee.

For applicants who are physically in Canada but are not authorized to apply after entry, the Application for work permit made outside Canada [IMM 1295] (PDF, 572 KB) should be received, with the appropriate fees: $155 for the work permit fee and $100 for the open work permit holder fee. There is also a special measure process for applicants who have an existing valid work permit in Canada, but had originally applied with the outside Canada form.

Important: All applicants are required to maintain their status and authorizations if in Canada. They may need to apply for an extension of their temporary resident status separately to ensure they do not fall out of status while awaiting a decision on their application for permanent residence under the caregiver pilots.

Application assessment

Under the pilots, the permanent resident requirements are assessed before the work permit application.

Permanent resident application is eligible

If the officer is satisfied that the applicant meets the eligibility requirements under Gaining experience for permanent residence and is admissible, the officer will process the OROWP application.

Permanent residence application is refused

If the application for permanent residence is refused (a stage-1 negative decision), the processing officer must take the following steps for the work permit application created in GCMS:

Important: Applications for a work permit and extension of status in Canada should not be cancelled or rejected, as that affects the applicant’s maintained status and authority to work without a permit.

Note: For negative decisions on the work permit application, the same procedure applies to accompanying family members who submitted an application for a work permit, study permit, temporary resident visa or visitor record extension with the application for permanent residence. For example, if the principal applicant is in Canada and the accompanying family members are overseas, the officer will refuse the work permit application for the principal applicant and cancel and refund all overseas temporary residence applications.

Applicant is inadmissible or non-compliant

If it is determined that a gaining experience category applicant is in Canada and has lost their status or been determined inadmissible, the officer should follow the instructions for assessing the permanent residence application first.

If the officer passes the permanent residence admissibility based on humanitarian and compassionate considerations, they must determine if issuing a temporary resident permit (TRP) is warranted to overcome any non-compliance or inadmissibility and allow the applicant to regain their temporary resident status.

If the TRP is issued, the OROWP may be issued for the same length of time as the TRP. However, the work permit is issued under paragraph R207(d), as the applicant has applied for permanent residence and the Minister granted them an exemption on humanitarian and compassionate grounds. The permanent residence application remains in the pilot.

Since the applicant is still part of the permanent resident pilot, the work permit should be issued as occupation-restricted, but the following administrative code is used: A70.

All other coding remains the same.

Applicant has an existing valid work permit

When assessing the outside of Canada work permit application [IMM 1295] (work permit category in GCMS) for the OROWP, if the processing officer determines that the applicant has received a work permit under a different category, the officer must confirm that the applicant is still interested in being processed under the pilots.

The special measure process should be followed if, at the time of decision on the OROWP application, the applicant

This special measure applies only to unfinalized work permit applications where clients have an existing authorization to work; therefore, it does not apply to applicants who are physically in Canada and are in the following situation:

Special measure process

No final decision made

If, at the time of the decision on the work permit application, an integrated search indicates that the applicant is presently in Canada and holds a work permit, the processing officer must

  1. pass eligibility on the work permit application
  2. if applicable, uncheck the TRV option in GCMS to remove the counterfoil requirement
  3. send a request letter based on the template (PDF, 744 KB) with the Client Information paragraph to allow for the uploading of the response
  4. enter the final decision on the work permit application when the response is received or the time to submit has passed. If approved, follow the steps to print in Canada

Final decision was completed and official passport request letter has been sent

If the work permit application was finalized and a draft work permit and counterfoil exist, but the applicant entered Canada on a work permit under a different category, and the OROWP application status is “Open”, the following steps should be taken to implement the special measure:

  1. ensure that the “Position” is set to “Migration Office and Visa Officer Responsibility”
  2. cancel the existing draft control document activity under the “Finalize Application View” tab
  3. change the “Application Status” to “Re-open” in the “History View” tab
  4. delete the final decision of “Approved”
    • If applicable, uncheck “Counterfoil req” in GCMS to remove the counterfoil requirement.
  5. Send a request letter based on the template (available internally only) with the “Client Information” paragraph to allow for the uploading of the response.

Once the officer receives an email response from the client that they wish to proceed with the permanent residence and the required info is provided.

On the “Application” screen:

  1. Primary or Secondary Office: The Case Processing Centre (CPC) has to be one of these or the document will not print out.
  2. Under Clients & Parties tab – Client Details, ensure that the mailing and residential addresses have been updated and are showing up in the Address fields in the application in GCMS.
  3. Re-enter “FIN DEC” as “Approved” to generate a new work permit activity line in the Finalize Application tab. Under the Finalize Application tab, make or confirm the changes to the work permit document below.

In the sub-applet on the work permit document:

  1. Confirm that the Address fields show the correct Canadian address.
  2. Conditions should be added: Not authorized to work in any other occupation.
  3. User Remarks: May not engage in employment in the province of Quebec.

In the Document activity line:

  1. Valid to: 3 years from the date finalized or passport expiry, whichever comes first.
  2. Print Queue: Add PQ-DOC-9518-8 to the specific document line.
  3. Status: Set to “Authorized”.

Change the GCMS position from the migration office to IRCC LOI at port of entry and navigate back to the application. Change the status of the work permit document activity from “Authorized” to “Generate”.

Printing and mailing the work permit

The print queue PQ-DOC-9518-8 belongs to the Case Processing Centre in Edmonton (CPC-E).

The work permit will print with all other issued permits.

The CPC-E will change the status of the permit as required for normal processing after they have printed it, and will mail it to the applicant as per the standard mailing process.

Final decision


On the "Application screen", officers should confirm or enter the following information in the specified fields:

Field Selection or input

Case type


Special program code

Note: A workaround is required to ensure the right work permit duration.

CARE4411 (Caregivers&fam-HCCP Pilot)

CARE4412 (Caregivers&fam-HSW Pilot)

Province of destination


City of destination

Unknown 394041

Exemption code



4411 (NOC 2016) or 44100 (NOC 2021) Child Care

4412 (NOC 2016) or 44101 (NOC 2021) Home Support

Intended occupation

Home Child Care Provider

Home Support Worker




3 years or until the expiry of the passport or travel document, whichever is earlier. For any validity under 3 years, the officer should indicate why the full length was not issued.

If the initial work permit was issued for less than 3 years to align with the passport validity, an extension may be issued for the remaining eligibility period. To align with permanent residence objectives under the HCCPP and HSWP, the extension must not exceed 3 years from the date the initial work permit was issued under the pilot.


Not authorized to work in any other occupation

Officers must include the following condition in the User remarks:

  • May not engage in employment in the province of Quebec

User remarks

For work permits approved outside of Canada:

  • Port of entry: Please issue for 3 years from date of entry or until passport expiry, whichever is earlier.

GCMS workaround to ensure the right work permit duration

When IRCC or Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) officers are issuing a C90 work permit with the special program code “CARE4411” or “CARE4412”, the work permit is inadvertently issued to passport expiry when selecting “Generate” by default. Also, the “Valid to” date cannot be modified unless the special program code is removed.

IRCC officers are asked to follow these steps when processing a C90 work permit until a system change is implemented in GCMS:

  1. Remove the special program code “CARE4411” or “CARE4412” prior to entering the final decision.
  2. Enter the final decision of “Approved” on the application. The permit should populate at “Not Started” under the “Finalize Application” tab.
  3. Enter the conditions and validity date of the permit as the earliest of the following:
    • the current date plus 3 years, or
    • the expiry date of the travel document associated with the application
  4. Change the permit status from “Not Started” to “Generate.”
  5. Add the special program code back to the application.

CBSA officers are asked to follow these steps:

  1. Set the “Status of permit” to “Cancelled”.
  2. Proceed to the “History” tab and “App Status” = “Re-Issue” and “App Status Reason” = “Correction at port of entry”.
  3. Remove the special program code “CARE4411” or “CARE4412”.
  4. Proceed to the “Finalize Application” tab and click on the “New” blue button.
  5. Enter the conditions and validity date of the permit as the earliest of the following:
    • the current date plus 3 years, or
    • the expiry date of the travel document associated to the application
  6. Change the permit status from “Not Started” to “Generate.”
  7. Click the “Print” button, add the special program code and “Confirm.”


If an officer has determined that the applicant does not meet the eligibility requirements, they should record their reasons for the decision as per the instructions in: Decision-making: Standard of review and process for making a reasonable decision.

If the applicant is otherwise eligible and admissible but does not respond to requests for additional supporting documentation regarding the work permit application, the work permit application can be refused as per section A16 for non-compliance with the request.

If the permanent resident application is refused, the application for a work permit may be refused if the applicant is in Canada as per the above instructions, as there is no longer the significant benefit of allowing early entry to Canada to obtain the work experience needed to obtain permanent residence. In GCMS, officers should choose the refusal ground “Other” and enter a summary of the decision in the comments (for example, “I am not satisfied that your work will be a significant benefit to Canada, as you will not be able to transition to permanent residence”). For more instructions on making a final decision for applications made outside or in Canada, consult Home Child Care Provider and Home Support Worker Pilot: Making a final decision.

Family members of gaining experience applicants [R205(a) – C91]

Accompanying family members are eligible for an open work permit. The work permit is issued under the authority of paragraph R205(a).

To track the family members of the gaining experience category applicants, the administrative code C91 should be used.

Dependent children and working age

There is no set minimum age to be eligible for a work permit. The submission of work permit applications on behalf of minor children is at the discretion of their parent(s) or authorized guardian(s).

The “working age” varies across provincial and territorial jurisdictions and there is no minimum age for work permit issuance specified in the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) or the IRPR.

As such, unless there are reasonable grounds for an officer to be satisfied that a dependent child is unable to perform the work sought or any other reasons for refusal, minors may be issued a work permit.

IRCC and CBSA officers are not required to assess the minimum age requirements in the province of destination for dependent children. Therefore, the onus is on the Canadian employers to meet the requirements of the labour laws of the province of destination.

Please refer to the instructions on who qualifies as a dependent child to confirm if an applicant meets the definition of a dependent child in relation to the principal applicant.

The child must meet the definition of dependent child when the work permit application is received and at time of decision.

Temporary residence applications for family members

Officers must confirm that the family member is included as accompanying in the application for permanent residence before finalizing any temporary residence applications.

Dependants may submit their temporary residence application together with the principal applicant’s application for permanent residence.

Important: If the permanent residence application is submitted through the Permanent Residence Portal, once submission is complete, no additional applications or documentation can be added through the portal.

Note: In the Permanent Residence Portal, temporary residence applications for the principal applicant and for dependants are both submitted by

  • uploading all their temporary residence forms under Additional Supporting Documents
  • choosing document type Other

Dependants who did not include their temporary residence application in the same package as the caregiver application for permanent residence can only submit their application after the caregiver (principal applicant) receives an acknowledgement of receipt letter confirming that the permanent residence application has been put into processing.

Important: Real permanent resident application numbers start with an E. A confirmation of submission, which uses a temporary application number that starts with an X, or an automated email notification sent when an application is submitted in the Permanent Residence Portal are not sufficient proof of approval in principle for issuing a work permit to a dependent.

In such cases, dependants must upload proof of the principal applicant’s acknowledgement of receipt letter in the “Client Information” field when they apply online through the IRCC secure account (MyAccount).

If migration offices receive an online application from dependants overseas and the OROWP has not yet been issued for the caregiver’s application for permanent residence, the migration office should

Upon review of the temporary residence application, the CPC-E or local office will put the application on hold until eligibility and admissibility are met (and the principal applicant’s OROWP is issued).

If the dependants are eligible to apply for temporary residence after entry and they used the in-Canada form, the CPC-E or local office will process the application and make the final decision as per the regular procedure.

If migration offices receive an online application from dependants overseas and the CPC-E has already issued a positive stage 1 approval letter and an OROWP to the caregiver applicant, the appropriate migration office can make a final decision on the temporary residence application.

Study permits

The instructions on this page should be reviewed in conjunction with Temporary Residents: Students.

Minor children

Minor children already in Canada are authorized under subsection 30(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) to study without a study permit at the preschool, primary or secondary level if one of their parents (biological or adoptive) is authorized to work or study in Canada. This includes temporary residents who are

Validity period of the study permit

The study permit is valid until the expiry of the caregiver’s work permit or the passport or travel document, whichever is earlier.

Special program code

For accompanying spouses or common-law partners and dependants who are issued a study permit, officers must indicate the special program code "CARE4411" (Caregivers&fam-HCCP Pilot) or "CARE4412" (Caregivers&fam-HSW Pilot) under which the caregiver is applying.

Temporary resident visa (TRV) or electronic travel authorization (eTA)

Preschool-age dependants need to apply for either a TRV or an electronic travel authorization (eTA). At the port of entry, the preschool-age dependant should be authorized to enter for the same duration as the principal applicant’s OROWP or until the expiry of the passport or travel document, whichever is earlier.

Special program code for visitors

For accompanying spouses or common-law partners and dependants who are issued either a TRV or a visitor record, officers must indicate the special program code “CARE4411” (Caregivers&fam-HCCP Pilot) or “CARE4412” (Caregivers&fam-HSW Pilot) under which the caregiver is applying.


While it is preferred that any work permit or study permit applications for dependants be included in the principal applicant’s permanent residence application, there are cases where dependants may choose to submit their work or study permit applications together as a family group or later in the process. Below are 3 such scenarios.

Principal applicant and dependants are overseas

Principal applicant


Principal applicant is in Canada and dependants are overseas

Principal applicant


Principal applicant is in Canada as a visitor and dependants are overseas

Principal applicant


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