Addressing cases where a person has experienced abuse
This section contains policy, procedures and guidance used by IRCC staff. It is posted on the department’s website as a courtesy to stakeholders.
Cases where 1 or multiple persons have experienced abuse may be identified during an investigation or while processing the following types of applications:
- temporary residence
- permanent residence
- refugee claim
These instructions are intended to
- assist officers in identifying and addressing cases where a person is in a situation of abuse
- improve the protection of vulnerable persons in the immigration system
Where a situation of abuse is known, officers must be careful not to penalize the victims or put them at further risk. Being aware that a client is a victim of abuse may impact how the application is processed and its outcome.
- Types of abuse
- Interview considerations
- Assessing evidence of abuse
- Barriers experienced by victims of abuse
More information
- Assessing the legality of a marriage
- Assessing the relationship between spouses
- Assessing common-law partnerships
- Assessing conjugal partnerships
- Temporary resident permits (TRPs) for victims of family violence
- Open work permits for vulnerable workers
- Temporary resident permits: Considerations specific to victims of human trafficking
- Humanitarian and compassionate (H&C) considerations
Page details
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