School Health Grant for Youth: Previously funded projects

This funding opportunity is now closed. For information about approaches and initiatives to school health, please visit school health.


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Positive mental health and well-being

Wellness and Empowerment Day

Workshops focusing on life skills, stress management and healthy relationships. This day aimed to support the diverse needs of students and strengthen the school community.

GSA Education Project

This project was developed to improve events during Pride Week by:

This project aimed to promote positive mental health by increasing support for and acceptance of queer identities in the school environment.

Wellness Council Wellness Fair

A wellness fair was organized to provide students with information on how to live a healthy lifestyle. Booths were set up with various information that related to:

Reducing substance-related harms

Social Justice Coalition Drug Awareness Expo

This exposition was held to increase awareness about substance-related harms and mental health issues through:

Empowering Youth Through Healthy Habits

This project included 2 workshops:

Students participated in a cooking competition to apply their knowledge of healthy food choices. The goal was to increase student understanding of food groups and their nutritional benefits.

Safe Choices Project

This project aimed to provide students with knowledge about mental health and addiction to support themselves and others. Activities included workshops on naloxone, addiction and drug safety.

Healthy eating and nutrition

Cooking and Culture Club

Cooking club focused on providing students with the skills and knowledge necessary to make healthy food choices. Students learned about the link between food choices and overall health during weekly cooking club meetings.

Students also learned basic cooking skills which provided them with resources to make healthier food decisions. Meetings featured unique recipes from a culture within the school community and used authentic ingredients fostering an appreciation for diversity.

Taste from Around the World

A learning event which hosted:

Nourishing Your Body

A series of 3 workshops which aimed to:

The workshops included:

Physical activity

Youth Reconnecting Round Dance

A school day event that reconnected youth to Indigenous cultures and promoted physical activity with special guests including community Elders and drummers.

Women's Weightlifting Club

Empowered young women within the school population and created a supportive community for all gender minorities to connect and build confidence in both body image and exercise abilities by hosting:

This project created a healthier school environment by offering and creating awareness of proper physical activity practices and promoting physical activity.

School Workout Club

Offered a free, teacher-supported after-school workout club for all students. This project created a healthier school environment by offering and promoting physical activity, while encouraging positive relationships with teachers and peers.

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