Highlights from the 2023-2024 Seasonal Influenza (Flu) Vaccination Coverage Survey

The Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Coverage Survey is conducted every year to collect information on influenza vaccine uptake in Canada. Survey data are used to estimate the percentage of adults vaccinated against flu and to describe knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs about the flu vaccine and vaccines in general. This year, we have expanded our scope by introducing a new section focusing on the recently approved Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) vaccine. This addition aims to assess public awareness about the disease and intent regarding the RSV vaccine. The COVID-19 vaccination section was retained to continue tracking COVID-19 vaccine uptake and attitudes toward flu and COVID-19 vaccines co-administration. Data collection took place between January 3 and March 5, 2024.

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Purpose of this survey

The survey results provide necessary information about how well adults are protected against flu and COVID-19 in Canada, as well as what they know and think about these vaccines. Besides measuring the vaccination coverage, the survey results are used to:


In Canada, the flu season normally runs from November to April. Anyone can get the flu, which can sometimes lead to severe complications or death. Among those eligible for flu vaccination, some people are at higher risk for complications or hospitalization due to the flu, including:

The influenza vaccine, also known as the flu shot, is the best way to prevent the disease. Every Canadian 6 months of age and older is recommended to get the flu shot every year. Getting the flu shot early before the flu season helps protect from infection before the virus begins to spread widely.

Key results

Influenza vaccine

Flu vaccination coverage

Figure 1. Seasonal flu vaccination coverage, 2020-2021 to 2023-2024 flu seasons
Figure 1. Seasonal flu vaccination coverage, 2020-2021 to 2023-2024 flu seasons
Figure 1: Text description
Seasonal flu vaccination coverage (percent vaccinated)
Flu season All adults (18 years and older) People aged 18-64 without chronic medical conditions People aged 18-64 with chronic medical conditions Seniors (65 years and older)
2020-2021 40 29 41 70
2021-2022 39 27 38 71
2022-2023 43 31 43 74
2023-2024 42 28 44 73

In all adults, influenza vaccination coverage in 2023-2024 (42%) was similar to the previous season (43%).

Canada's goal is to have 80% of those at higher risk of complications from the flu vaccinated. This includes seniors (65 years of age and older) and adults aged 18-64 years with chronic medical conditions.

In the 2023-2024 flu season:

Timing and place of vaccination

Reasons to get, or not get the flu shot

Barriers to get the flu shot

Flu and COVID-19 vaccines co-administration

Intent of getting the flu shot next flu season

COVID-19 vaccines

COVID-19 vaccination coverage

Reasons to get, or not get a COVID-19 vaccine

RSV vaccine

Awareness of RSV

RSV vaccine intent

Flu, COVID-19 and RSV vaccines co-administration intent

Knowledge, attitudes and beliefs about vaccination

Most adults (90%) reported that they considered vaccines to be important for their health and 91% knew why the flu vaccine is recommended annually. In addition, the majority of the adults (71%) agreed that the opinion of their family doctor, general practitioner, nurse practitioner or pharmacist is an important part of their decision in getting the flu shot.

While most people believed that the flu shot is safe (87%), there was still a high proportion of adults (43%) who mistakenly believed that they might get the flu from the flu vaccine, which is not true for any flu shot.

Moreover, a third of adults (34%) felt that the flu vaccine is ineffective in protecting them against getting the flu. And 40% believed that it is better to get natural immunity (protection) from getting sick with the flu rather than getting vaccinated.

Despite the majority of the adults (70%) agreeing that it is safe to get the flu vaccine and a COVID-19 vaccine at the same time; there were still 23% who thought that the flu vaccine or a COVID-19 vaccine could be less effective if getting them together.

To summarize

Overall, for the 2023-2024 flu season, flu vaccination coverage among all adults aged 18 years and older (42%) was similar to the previous season. The national flu vaccination coverage goal of 80% for those at higher risk remains unmet. Despite a higher flu vaccination coverage among seniors (73%), no significant improvement has been achieved in recent years.

The most frequent reason for getting the flu shot was to prevent infection, whereas the most common reason for not getting the flu shot was the perception that the vaccine was not needed.

An increased number of adults received their flu shot in a pharmacy compared to the pre-pandemic season, highlighting the importance of accessibility and convenience in vaccine uptake.

The co-administration of flu and COVID-19 vaccines was common, with 71% of adults receiving both at the same time, mainly to save time. However, concerns about the safety and side effects of receiving multiple vaccines remain a barrier for some.

Awareness and intent to receive the newly approved RSV vaccine were lower compared to flu and COVID-19 vaccines, indicating a need for increased public education and promotion efforts.

Most adults value vaccines and recognize their importance, yet misconceptions about vaccine safety and effectiveness persist. Ongoing efforts to promote vaccine safety and dispel myths are essential to improve vaccination coverage and protect public health.

A full report of the survey results is available.

Contact us

For more information about the Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Coverage Survey, please contact us at coverage-couvertures@phac-aspc.gc.ca.

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