Centre for Biosecurity

Learn more about the Centre for Biosecurity (CB) and our work.

CB protects the health, safety and security of the Canadian public from the risks of human and animal pathogens and microbial toxins by administering the:

CB has five offices:

Office of Biosafety and Biocontainment Operations (OBBO)

OBBO is responsible for conducting compliance activities related to the handling of regulated pathogens and toxins. To monitor and verify compliance, OBBO:

Office of Biosafety Programs and Planning (OBPP)

OBPP develops risk mitigation biosafety and biosecurity programs for handling pathogens and toxins.

To fulfill its mandate, OBPP develops and maintains:

OBPP is also Canada's focal point for some international forums that address biological threats. These include the:

Office of Horizontal Policy and Strategic Initiatives (OHPSI)

OHPSI manages corporate functions, planning and reporting and oversight of horizontal policy and initiatives with centre-wide impact by:

Office of Pathogen Security (OPS)

OPS is responsible for improving biosecurity in Canadian facilities as well as supporting global health security through maintaining key biosafety and biosecurity partnerships in Canada and abroad. To fulfill its mandate, OPS:

OPS is also Canada's focal point for some international forums that address biological threats. These include:

Office of Stakeholder Engagement and Regulatory Affairs (OSERA)

OSERA's mandate is to maintain appropriate legislative and regulatory oversight for work with pathogens and toxins, as well as to develop strong relationships with biosafety and biosecurity program stakeholders by communicating regulatory information to promote compliance with the HPTA/R. It does this through:

OSERA also oversees Acts and Regulations administered by CB.

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