CCDR: Volume 47-3, March 2021: Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses


Table of contents

Vaccine against SARS-CoV-2: Challenges and considerations
R Chaube

Seasonality of coronaviruses and other respiratory viruses in Canada: Implications for COVID-19
P Lagacé-Wiens, J Bullard, R Cole, P Van Caeseele


Canadian national COVID-19 genomics surveillance priorities for existing and emerging variants of concern
on behalf of the Genome Canada Canadian COVID-19 Genomics Network (CanCOGeN) and the Canadian Public Health Laboratory Network CanCOGeN Working Group

Impact of nonpharmaceutical interventions on laboratory detections of influenza A and B in Canada
P Lagacé-Wiens, C Sevenhuysen, L Lee, A Nwosu, T Smith

Measles surveillance in Canada, 2019
C Coulby, F Reyes Domingo, J Hiebert, SG Squires


Knowledge brokering on infectious diseases for public health
M Haworth-Brockman, Y Keynan

Designing tailored interventions to address barriers to vaccination
K Habersaat, NE MacDonald, È Dubé

ID News

How COVID-19 vaccines will be regulated for safety and effectiveness

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