Understand the federal procurement process

New to procurement? Looking for information to help decide if this is an avenue you may want to pursue? The following resources and services provide a basic overview of procurement and the steps involved.

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Mythbusting government procurement

Dispel some myths about selling to government and find out what the government buys, who the government buys from, how the government buys, where to find resources and free support for small businesses.

Introduction to federal procurement

Learn about the federal procurement process to help you decide if selling to the Government of Canada is right for your business.

How the government buys what you sell

Discover how the government buys goods and services and learn about the steps to become a supplier depending on what you sell, including where to register, where to search for opportunities, and where to find additional information.

Doing business with the Government of Canada

Find out whether the government buys your goods or services, understand the contracting process, how to register in supplier databases, build networks and promote your business, search for opportunities, understand the security clearance process, learn about bidding on opportunities.

Getting started selling to the Government of Canada

Familiarize yourself with the basics of procurement, how to find opportunities, becoming a supplier, bidding on opportunities, following opportunities.

View the Getting started reference sheet

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