Seminar notes: How the government buys what you sell

On this page

Opportunities for smaller and diverse businesses

Contracting with the Government of Canada

Becoming a government supplier

Registering as a supplier

Register on the procurement platform(s) that apply to your goods/services:

Registering to provide professional services

Buyers use a variety of purchasing methods, tools, categories and streams to issue service contracts:

Finding a suitable opportunity

Search online for tenders or approach buyers directly for low dollar value procurements.

Low dollar value procurement

Competitive procurement

Standing Offers

Supply Arrangements

Government Electronic Tendering Service

Submitting your bid

Review the key steps involved in preparing and submitting a bid.

Security requirements

Submission requirements

Where to start

Familiarize yourself with the key resources to get you started.

CanadaBuys: The official source for federal procurement

Open procurement data

Finding key government contacts

Procurement Assistance Canada

Next steps

Get assistance

If you need help understanding the federal procurement process or registering for a procurement business number:

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