Step 2 – Make an access to information or personal information request

Process for representatives requesting income statements (tax returns) from the last 10 years, notices of assessment, and benefits information

Effective September 10, 2024, the Access to Information and Privacy Directorate (ATIPD) at the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) will not process your requests for:

  • proof of income statements (tax returns) from the last 10 years
  • notices of assessment
  • benefits information

Your clients can get this information through My Account or other CRA services or by calling 1-800-267-6999. For more information, go to Changes to access to information and privacy requests at the Canada Revenue Agency.

CRA does not have:

  • Information about administering social insurance numbers (applications, replacements for lost or stolen cards, or forgotten numbers) or employment insurance. Go to Service Canada.
  • Information about your travel history outside Canada. Go to Canada Border Services Agency.

If you cannot get the information you are looking for through the CRA’s services, make a request through the Access to Information Act or Privacy Act. There is a $5 fee for requests under the Access to Information Act. There is no fee for requests for personal information under the Privacy Act.

Are you eligible?

To make a request, you must be one of the following:

What you need to provide to make an ATIP request

What you need to provide to make a request depends on the type of request you want to submit and whether you are asking for the information for yourself. Using the drop-down menus below, select your request type and the description that best reflects your situation to learn what you need to provide so that CRA can process your request.

Requests under the Privacy Act (request for personal information)
I am an individual requesting my tax information or a representative requesting personal tax information for someone else

You don't need to make an access to information (ATIP) request for tax documents. Go to My Account to get the following documents in 5 days or less:

  • personal income tax returns
  • information slips (for example, T4, T4A, T5, RRSP receipts)
  • notices of assessment or reassessment
  • COVID-19 support statements including the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB)
  • statements of income and deductions for previous tax years
    Or call 1-800-959-8281 to request tax and benefit documents.

If you still choose to make an ATIP request, it will take up to 30 days to get your response.

I am an individual requesting personal information about myself

You will need:

  • two (2) pieces of valid government-issued identification; at least one of these must include a photo (for example, driver’s license, passport).
  • your social insurance number (SIN), if the request concerns your taxes.
  • a description of the information you want; give enough detail so that a CRA employee can identify the information.
  • a date range, if applicable (for example, "I would like copies of my audit report for the 2012 to 2014 tax years.”).
  • if applicable, cross consent. You may obtain written cross consent from any individual or entity that you believe may appear in the file. This cross consent would allow the release of the other individual’s or entity’s information to you if it is held in the file, so you receive more complete records. It must be signed by the person giving consent and dated within the last 30 days.
    • A cross consent given by an individual must be accompanied by two (2) pieces of valid government-issued identification of that individual; at least one of these must include a photo (for example, driver’s license, passport).
    • A cross consent given by a corporation should include a current (within the last 30 days) corporate summary profile from the provincial/federal corporate registry and two (2) pieces of valid government-issued identification belonging to the authorized officer/director who is giving consent; at least one of these must include a photo (for example, driver’s license, passport).
I am a current or previous Canada Revenue Agency employee requesting information about my employment

You will need:

  • two (2) pieces of valid government-issued identification; at least one of these must include a photo (for example, driver’s license, passport).
  • your personal record identifier (PRI)
  • a description of the information you want; give enough detail so that a CRA employee can identify the information
  • date range, if applicable (for example, "I would like a copy of my grievance file from January 1, 2022, to present.")
I am a representative requesting personal information on behalf of someone else

You will need:

  • two (2) pieces of valid government-issued identification belonging to the person who you are representing; at least one of these must include a photo (for example, driver’s license, passport).
  • proof of authorization to receive the information about the individual for whom you are making the request. The authorization must be signed by the individual for whom you are making the request and dated within the last 30 days.
  • information about the individual about whom you are making the request, including name and date of birth.
  • their social insurance number (SIN), if the request concerns their taxes.
  • their personal record identifier (PRI), if you’re requesting employment-specific information about an individual currently or previously employed by the CRA.
  • a description of the information you want; give enough detail so that a CRA employee can identify the information.
  • a date range, if applicable (for example, "I would like copies of the person’s audit reports for the 2012 to 2014 tax years.”).
  • if applicable, cross consent. You may obtain written cross consent from any individual or entity that you believe may appear in the file. This cross consent would allow the release of the other individual’s or entity’s information to you if it is held in the file, so you receive more complete records. It must be signed by the person giving consent and dated within the last 30 days.
    •  A cross consent given by an individual must be accompanied by two (2) pieces of valid government-issued identification  of that individual; at least one of these must include a photo (for example, driver’s license, passport).
    • A cross consent given by a corporation should include a current (within the last 30 days) corporate summary profile from the provincial/federal corporate registry and two (2) pieces of valid government-issued identification belonging to the authorized officer/director who is giving consent; at least one of these must include a photo (for example, driver’s license, passport).
I am a representative requesting personal information on behalf of someone who is deceased 

You will need:

  • the social insurance number (SIN) of the deceased person.
  • proof that you are entitled to receive the information (for example, a copy of the complete will or a document that shows you are the court-appointed administrator of the deceased individual’s estate).
  • a copy of the death certificate.
  • two (2) pieces of valid government-issued identification for the executor; at least one of these must include a photo (for example, driver’s license, passport).
  • if there is more than one executor with joint legal responsibility, all executors have to sign and consent to the release of the information and there must be two (2) pieces of valid government-issued identification for all; at least one of the identification for each executor must include a photo (for example, driver’s license, passport).
  • in Quebec, will search certificates issued by the Barreau du Québec and the Chambre des notaires du Québec. For information on how to do a will search, go to Search for a will or mandate and Search for a will | Chambre des notaires du Québec (
  • a description of the information you want; give enough detail so that a CRA employee can identify the information.
  • a date range, if applicable (for example, "I would like copies of their audit report for the 2012 to 2014 tax years.”).
  • if applicable, cross consent. You may obtain written cross consent from any individual or entity that you believe may appear in the file. This cross consent would allow the release of the other individual’s or entity’s information to you if it is held in the file, so you receive more complete records. It must be signed by the person giving consent and dated within the last 30 days.
    • A cross consent given by an individual must be accompanied by two (2) pieces of valid government-issued identification  of that individual; at least one of these must include a photo (for example, driver’s license, passport).
    • A cross consent given by a corporation should include a current (within the last 30 days) corporate summary profile from the provincial/federal corporate registry and two (2) pieces of valid government-issued identification belonging to the authorized officer/director who is giving consent; at least one of these must include a photo (for example, driver’s license, passport).
Requests under the Access to Information Act
Request for a previously completed access to information request 

Search the summaries of completed access to information (ATI) requests to find information about ATI requests previously made to the Government of Canada. If you find a summary of interest, you can request a copy of the records at no cost.

Request for a registered charity’s or other qualified donee’s information that is available to the public

You don’t need to make a formal ATI request for publicly available information about a registered charity or other qualified donee. This information can be accessed online through the list of charities or by making an informal request for a charity’s or other qualified donee’s information. These methods are at no cost, and you will be able to access the information you are looking for much faster than by making a formal ATI request.

If you decide to make an ATI request for publicly available information, please include the following:

  • the $5 application fee for access to information requests:
    • by cheque or money order, payable to the “Receiver General for Canada,” when you submit your request by mail.
    • by Visa, MasterCard or American Express credit card when you send your request online.
  • a description of the information you want; give enough detail so that a CRA officer can identify the information.
  • a date range, if applicable (for example, “I would like a copy of the charity’s financial statements for the 2012–2014 tax years.”)
I am requesting information that is not personal and does not concern an individual taxpayer

You will need:

  • the $5 application fee for access to information requests:
    • by cheque or money order, payable to the “Receiver General for Canada,” when you submit your request by mail.
    • by Visa, MasterCard or American Express credit card when you send your request online.
  • a description of the information you want; give enough detail so that a CRA officer can identify the information.
  • a date range, if applicable (for example, “I would like the most up-to-date record that shows the number of late-filed 2017 income tax and benefit returns in Ontario from January 1, 2019, to December 31, 2021.”).
I am an individual requesting personal information about myself

You will need:

  • the $5 application fee for access to information requests:
    • by cheque or money order, payable to the “Receiver General for Canada,” when you submit your request by mail.
    • by Visa, MasterCard or American Express credit card when you send your request online.
  • two (2) pieces of valid government-issued identification; at least one of these must include a photo (for example, driver’s license, passport).
  • if the request concerns your taxes, your social insurance number (SIN).
  • a description of the information you want; give enough detail so that a CRA employee can identify the information.
  • a date range, if applicable (for example, "I would like copies of my audit report for the 2012 to 2014 tax years.”).
  • if applicable, cross consent. You may obtain written cross consent from any individual or entity that you believe may appear in the file. This cross consent would allow the release of the other individual’s or entity’s information to you if it is held in the file, so you receive more complete records. It must be signed by the person giving consent and dated within the last 30 days.
    • A cross consent given by an individual must be accompanied by two (2) pieces of valid government-issued identification  of that individual; at least one of these must include a photo (for example, driver’s license, passport).
    • A cross consent given by a corporation should include a current (within the last 30 days) corporate summary profile from the provincial/federal corporate registry and two (2) pieces of valid government-issued identification belonging to the authorized officer/director who is giving consent; at least one of these must include a photo (for example, driver’s license, passport).
I am a current or previous CRA employee requesting information about my employment

You will need:

  • the $5 application fee for access to information requests:
    • by cheque or money order, payable to the “Receiver General for Canada,” when you submit your request by mail.
    • by Visa, MasterCard or American Express credit card when you send your request online.
  • two (2) pieces of valid government-issued identification; at least one of these must include a photo (for example, driver’s license, passport).
  • your personal record identifier (PRI).
  • a description of the information you want; give enough detail so that a CRA employee can identify the information.
  • a date range, if applicable (for example, "I would like a copy of my grievance file from January 1, 2022, to present.”).
I am requesting information about a corporation

You will need:

  • the $5 application fee for access to information requests:
    • by cheque or money order, payable to the “Receiver General for Canada,” when you submit your request by mail.
    • by Visa, MasterCard or American Express credit card when you send your request online.
  • an authorization that is signed and dated within the last 30 days by a corporate officer/director who appears on the corporate registry and accompanied by two (2) pieces of valid government-issued identification belonging to that officer/director; at least one of these must include a photo (for example, driver’s license, passport).
  • a current (generated within the last 30 days) corporate summary profile from the provincial/federal corporate registry, which confirms that the individual who is signing the authorization is authorized to do so.
  • the business name.
  • the business number.
  • the name of the account(s) for which you are seeking information, for example, corporate [RC], GST [RT], payroll [RP], RT0001, RP0003, RC0004.
  • a date range, if applicable (for example, "I would like copies of my audit report for the 2012 to 2014 tax years.”).
  • a description of the information you want; give enough detail so that a CRA employee can identify the information.
  • if applicable, cross consent. You may obtain written cross consent from any individual or entity that you believe may appear in the file. This cross consent would allow the release of the other individual’s or entity’s information to you if it is held in the file, so you receive more complete records. It must be signed by the person giving consent and dated within the last 30 days.
    • A cross consent given by an individual must be accompanied by a two (2) pieces of valid government-issued identification  of that individual; at least one of these must include a photo (for example, driver’s license, passport).
    • A cross consent given by a corporation should include a current (within the last 30 days) corporate summary profile from the provincial/federal corporate registry and two (2) pieces of valid government-issued identification belonging to the authorized officer/director who is giving consent; at least one of these must include a photo (for example, driver’s license, passport).
I am requesting information about a partnership

You will need:

  • the $5 application fee for access to information requests:
    • by cheque or money order, payable to the “Receiver General for Canada,” when you submit your request by mail.
    • by Visa, MasterCard or American Express credit card when you send your request online.
  • if you are in a partnership with two or more individuals, two (2) pieces of valid government-issued identification from at least one authorized partner; at least one of these must include a photo (for example, driver’s license, passport).
  • if you are in a limited partnership, limited liability partnership, etc., the complete partnership agreement and two (2) pieces of valid government-issued identification of the signing authority; at least one of these must include a photo (for example, driver’s license, passport). If the signing authority is a corporation, please provide a current (within the last 30 days) corporate summary profile from the provincial/federal corporate registry and two (2) pieces of valid government issued  identification of the officer/director; at least one of these must include a photo (for example, driver’s license, passport).
  • the business number.
  • the name of the specific account(s) for which you are seeking information, for example, corporate [RC], GST [RT], payroll [RP], RT0001, RP0003.
  • a description of the information you want; give enough detail so that a CRA employee can identify the information.
  • if applicable, cross consent. You may obtain written cross consent from any individual or entity that you believe may appear in the file. This cross consent would allow the release of the other individual’s or entity’s information to you if it is held in the file, so you receive more complete records. It must be signed by the person giving consent and dated within the last 30 days.
    • A cross consent given by an individual must be accompanied by a two (2) pieces of valid government-issued identification of that individual; at least one of these must include a photo (for example, driver’s license, passport).
    • A cross consent given by a corporation should include a current (within the last 30 days) corporate summary profile from the provincial/federal corporate registry and two (2) pieces of valid government-issued identification belonging to the authorized officer/director who is giving consent; at least one of these must include a photo (for example, driver’s license, passport).
I am requesting a registered charity or other qualified donee’s information that is not publicly available

You will need:

  • the $5 application fee for access to information requests:
    • by cheque or money order, payable to the “Receiver General for Canada,” when you submit your request by mail.
    • by Visa, MasterCard or American Express credit card when you send your request online.
  • an authorization that is signed and dated by an officer/director who appears on the corporate registry, Charity Directors’ Worksheet or the Industry Canada corporation list, and is accompanied by two (2) pieces of  valid  government-issued  identification  belonging to that corporate officer/director; at least one of these must include a photo (for example, driver’s license, passport).
  • if the officer/director signing the authorization is not listed on the up-to-date Charity Directors’ Worksheet or the Industry Canada corporation list, a current (generated within the last 30 days) corporate summary profile from the provincial/federal corporate registry is required, which confirms that the individual who is signing the authorization is authorized to do so.
  • the business number and program identifier (for example, RR0001, RT0001).
  • a description of the information you want; give enough detail so that a CRA employee can identify the information.
  • a date range, if applicable (for example, "I would like copies of the charity audit records for the RR account for the 2012 to 2014 tax years.”).
  • if applicable, cross consent. You may obtain written cross consent from any individual or entity that you believe may appear in the file. This cross consent would allow the release of the other individual’s or entity’s information to you if it is held in the file, so you receive more complete records. It must be signed by the person giving consent and dated within the last 30 days.
    • A cross consent given by an individual must be accompanied by two (2) pieces of valid government-issued identification  of that individual; at least one of these must include a photo (for example, driver’s license, passport).
    • A cross consent given by a corporation should include a current (within the last 30 days) corporate summary profile from the provincial/federal corporate registry and two (2) pieces of valid government-issued identification belonging to the authorized officer/director who is giving consent; at least one of these must include a photo (for example, driver’s license, passport).
I am requesting information about a trust account

You will need:

  • the $5 application fee for access to information requests:
    • by cheque or money order, payable to the “Receiver General for Canada,” when you submit your request by mail.
    • by Visa, MasterCard or American Express credit card when you send your request online.
  • Two (2) pieces of  valid  government-issued  identification  of the trustee or trustees; at least one of the identification for each trustee must include a photo (for example, driver’s license, passport).
  • a complete trust agreement or deed.
  • the trust account number.
  • a description of the information you want; give enough detail so that a CRA employee can identify the information.
  • if applicable, cross consent. You may obtain written cross consent from any individual or entity that you believe may appear in the file. This cross consent would allow the release of the other individual’s or entity’s information to you if it is held in the file, so you receive more complete records. It must be signed by the person giving consent and dated within the last 30 days. 
    • A cross consent given by an individual must be accompanied by two (2) pieces of valid government-issued identification  of that individual; at least one of these must include a photo (for example, driver’s license, passport).
    • A cross consent given by a corporation should include a current (within the last 30 days) corporate summary profile from the provincial/federal corporate registry and two (2) pieces of valid government-issued identification belonging to the authorized officer/director who is giving consent; at least one of these must include a photo (for example, driver’s license, passport).


  • You don't have to give a reason for making information requests, although an explanation might help our staff find the material you want.
  • When you request information, your identity is protected under the Privacy Act.
  • If the records you want are likely to include the personal information of other individuals, you must provide their consent, signed and dated within the last 30 days, to authorize the CRA to release their personal information to you.

Ways to make a request


You must send access to information and privacy (ATIP) requests to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) through the new ATIP Online Request Service (AORS).

The easiest and most secure way to receive your records is by creating an AORS account. This will give you access to free features, including the ability to:

By mail

Send everything listed under What you need to provide to make a request in your letter or completed Form RC378, Access to Information and Personal Information Request Form to the following address:

Director General, ATIP Directorate
Canada Revenue Agency
555 MacKenzie Avenue, 5th Floor
Ottawa ON  K1A 0L5 

Ways to receive requested records


To receive your response package electronically:

  1. Create an ATIP Online Request Service (AORS) account when you fill out your request, and
  2. Select “Electronic – to your ATIP online account” as your preferred method to get your records.

If you choose to continue as an AORS guest, you will have to create a Connect account to receive records for your ATIP request. The CRA uses Canada Post's secure online platform, Connect, to send records that you cannot receive through the AORS. This service is safe and free.

By paper

The requested records will be mailed using Xpresspost™ to the mailing address provided. Xpresspost™ tracks packages and has a two day delivery guarantee. If delivery of the records is unsuccessful, an ATIP analyst may contact you to verify your address.

In person

An ATIP analyst will contact you using the contact information provided. The analyst will arrange a scheduled time for you to view the records at your nearest tax services office or tax centre.

Page details

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