Revocation notices

These are the notices you may receive during the revocation process.

Notice of Intention to Revoke a Charity's Registration (T2051A)

Failure to file

If we have not received a complete T3010 return within six months of the end of your fiscal year, we will send a T2051A notice by registered mail. You have 90 days from the date on the notice to send us your T3010 return.

If you believe your registration should not be revoked for failure to file, you can file a written objection within 90 days from the date of this notice.

We're here to help

Please contact the Charities Directorate if you require assistance completing your charity’s information return. Our representatives are available to help Monday through Friday, 8 am to 5 pm, Eastern time.

Voluntary revocation

If you asked to have your registered status voluntarily revoked, we will send a T2051A notice by registered mail about two weeks before the date of revocation. The notice will show the date your registered status will be revoked. You must file a complete T2046 return no later than one year after the date shown in the upper-right corner of the T2051A notice.

Revocation notices as a result of an audit

If we audit your charity and find that you do not comply with the requirements of registration, we may revoke your charitable status. We will send you a letter by registered mail explaining the reasons why we intend to revoke your registration. 

For more information, go to Revocation as a result of an audit.

Notice of Revocation of Charity's Registration (T2051B)

We will send you a T2051B notice by registered mail if we decide to revoke your charity’s registration for the following reasons:

The notice will show the date the registered status was revoked. 

The charity must file a complete T2046 return no later than one year after the date shown in the upper corner of the T2051A or the notice as a result of an audit.

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